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Matt Young

HAHAHA... My ex-fiancee is in jail on a felony charge!

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After reading some of that thread, I am convinced that Matt is that creepy guy that nobody in the right mind would allow their daughter to date. So much for not having a problem with him. Maybe I'm Bipolar. Or maybe threads like that can change one's opinion.The pokey little puppy joke made me laugh uncontrolably though.


I have a cousin who looks a little like Matt. Only he's married and has kids, and doesn't tell people about his personal life online. Other than his love of jam bands, he's a cool guy.

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Guest George's Box
I am more intelligent than 95% of the people on this planet

My IQ tests at 150. How 'bout yours?

Interestingly, both instances of intellectual dick-waving involved Kingofthe909.

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You're an arrogant, overly cocky asshole who thinks that what you want and what you like is better than everyone else's tastes, and that anyone who doesn't share the same elitist, holier than thou attitude shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions here.


Take your overinflated ego, bullshit banter, and ignorant inside jokes elsewhere.





also, apparently making references to 'road house' is one of edwin's very favorite things to do. i never noticed it before.

It comes in waves. Glorious, oiled-up Swayze waves.


Looking at a few pages of that thread, we really were all on point. It was like batting practice, with tennis balls and metal bats.

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Open up your heart and let the Patrick Swayze Christmas in.


On a semi related topic, while I agree that dragon shirts are bad, shirts with wolves on them are worse.

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Damn, he really is a h4x0r.

Yeah, he's totally L337, pwning her and all.


I really am glad I stay away from Myspace, excecpt for band Mypace websites.

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Note: I fully expect everyone here to be against me, but I swear to God that everything I say here about Melissa is well deserved and 100% true. In fact, I can prove most, if not all of it. I just thought you all should know. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Finally, it's over.


Those who know me know I'm a really nice guy. I normally wouldn't divulge the following information out of respect, but after all I've been through, I no longer have respect for Melissa. I'm just glad I'm finally done with her. When I first got together with her, I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. At the time, in my eyes, there was no one more beautiful. I thought she was everything I had ever wanted. I should have been wary after everything I heard about her, about all her problems, and her issues. I received so many warnings from her friends, and even her own mother, but I didn't listen. That was mistake ..1.


Before we got into a relationship, she had had problems with methamphetamine. I'm not sure if that was the cause of her mental problems or if it just accentuated them, but she had been treated for psychiatric issues and was even put in jail for drug related problems. Shortly after our relationship began, she went right back to the drugs and then proceeded to cheat on me. Only a few people knew about that, but they warned me to stay far, far away from her. And for a short time, that's what I wanted to do.


However, we started talking again, and she assured me that she had changed. Things went smoohtly for a while. According to her, she had stayed away from drugs, and I believed her. I wanted her off them both for the sake of our relationship, but moreso for her own well being. I truly cared about her, and I didn't want to see her throw away all the potential I thought she had.


We had a few bumps in the road, but for the most part, I got along great with her and her family. Then the problems started. I discovered that her parents, Lisa and steven, are highly irresponsible, irrational, and mentally undereveloped human beings. They would blame everyone else for their problems, and every time Melissa did something wrong, I got blamed for it, even when I wasn't around. Blame turned to criticism and insults. I was blamed for Melissa getting arrested while trying to steal a bottle of liquor, when I wasn't even with her. That evening, after I left, her mom never picked her up as she was supposed to. Her parents went so far as to question my manhood, especially her father, who is such a great man that he regularly gets shitfaced drunk and threatens to (and in some cases actually does) beat his wife. Yeah, he certainly is a fine judge of character. I took the insults in stride and still attempted to treat her family with undeserved respect, just because they were her family. After a while, I had all I could take and I responded in kind. That led to even further shit talking, with Melissa's 2 sisters, Jessica and Stephanie, throwing in their 2 cents when the clueless bitches had no idea what was going on, but rather they just went by what their parents told them.


Melissa encouraged me to simply ignore them, which was difficult, but I tried. She said that we loved each other and that was all that mattered. She assured me that she had elminated all her bad habits and the people who helped encourage them. She even said she wanted to marry me, and we officially got engaged. However, the happiness didn't last long. Melissa is bipolar, among other things, and she continued to make bad decisions that causedproblems in our relationship. I had to constantly guide her along the right path, or try to, and while things were great at times, half the time I felt like I was playing babysitter to a 10 year old child. And truthfully, as far as maturity and responsibility goes, she is about on the same level as a child of that age. I guess she learned well from her parents.


I tolerated more than any other man likely ever would. I was determined not only to make our relationship work, but to make sure she lived a good and happy life. I am far from perfect, but I can say with complete confidence that I was wonderful to her in our relationship, and I sacrificed my ownwell being and happiness at times to ensure that she remained happy. Unfortunately, it was often a one way thing, as she more often than not seeked only to fulfill her own selfish desires. I found out that she relapsed into drug usage atleast once (probably more) and she did some questionable things while drunk, but I begrudgingly let them go after a while. It made me really upset, however, when her only excuses for bad behavior were, "I forgot" and "It won't happen again." I can't even tell you how manytimes she swore she'd change, but after a brief period of everything being okay, she'd just go back to the same old shit.


After month after month of this repeating cycle, I began to question why I was with her, but I still held out hope that I could carry the load for both of us and make it work. I soldiered on at the expense of my health, and sanity. I'd spend days at a time without sleep, worried sick when she'd fuck things up time after time. For a long while, I could not sleep or calm down without taking sleeping pills and/or drinking heavily. I knew it wasn't healthy, but I'm not one to easily give up on a commitment or a person whom I care about. The last couple months of the relationship, from Christmas on, featured even more arguing than usual. I won't say I was never wrong, but 99% of the time, she caused the problems, as other people who were around can attest to. It seemed as though I was the only one who still felt that I should stay with her. People kept telling me I could do better, that I deserved better. Deep down, I felt the same way, but I was afraid to give it up,afraid to face an uncertain future. But sometimes the sure thing isn't always the best thing. From that point on, I came thisclose to leaving her on probably a dozen occasions, but I could never quite do it. I think the fact that she was so damn hot kept me around, as did the sex, even if I was quite a bit more skilled in that area than she was.


About a month or so ago, I was 99% positive that I would be leaving her. I just wasn't sure when, or how I would go about it. We'd go for 3-4 days at a time without talking, by my choice. I told her I either wasn't around or I was sleeping, but in reality, I just didn't want to answer the phone and waste my time talking to her. She was so out of it and just plain stupid at times that I had to keep repeating everything to her and she couldn't comprehend simple concepts. It was frustrating beyond belief.


The last straw came on Valentine's Day. Melissa and I got into another argument over more of her stupid shit, and she made the comment, "I get whatever I want, and I do whatever I want, and nobody can stop me." So I asked her what she meant by that, and if she had done anything she wasn't supposed to. Then, with a fucking smile on her face, she said she went to a club with some of her friends, danced with some guy, and kissed him. At least she said that was all she did. I wouldn't doubt that there was more to it.


I was furious. I let out everything I had been wanting to say about her for a long time, and she has the nerve to ask, "How dare you talk to me like that!" Yeah, right. I had so much rage inside me, that if she was not a woman, I think she would have ended up in the hospital. I truly felt like seriously injuring someone... and that's not something that usually happens with me, seeing as how I'm a very peaceful person. But basically, I ripped the ring off her finger, called her several more well deserved and truthful names, and then she attacked me and scratched me up while I kept pushing her off me. I had originally thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this girl, but it turns out the girl I fell in love with was only the person she pretended to be. In reality, she was a liar, still used drugs, probably cheated on me more times than the 2 I know about, and, whether it is from the drugs or she's just naturally that way, she's a fucking moron. It's frustrating for a reasonably intelligent individual such as myself to attempt to carry on a conversation with someone so feeble-minded.


While I am hurt to a point that she cheated on me, my anger at her and relief that it's over far overshadow any pain. I'm actually happier and more confident than I have been in a while, and now I can finally do all the things that I could have been doing had I not been wasting my time with her. Good riddance. Now she can go back to the life she lived before me... Doing drugs, fucking random guys (and to note, she has herpes. Thank God for condoms, otherwise I could have ended up with an incurable illness. However, I got tested, and I am clean.), and she will go from being with a pretty good guy back to the type she used to be with. Her last 2 boyfriends were a 30 year old fat fuck deadbeat dad coke addict and some 17 year old who is in jail for shooting another guy in the back. Highly impressive.


I'm finally free, and I couldn't be happier.






Dude, it's good to see you're over her.


And, in completely related MySpace news, the first post in this thread, word for word, can be found on Matt Young's page. Because everyone must know.

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I am more intelligent than 95% of the people on this planet

My IQ tests at 150. How 'bout yours?

Interestingly, both instances of intellectual dick-waving involved Kingofthe909.

cleary im stoopid

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You're an arrogant, overly cocky asshole who thinks that what you want and what you like is better than everyone else's tastes, and that anyone who doesn't share the same elitist, holier than thou attitude shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions here.


Take your overinflated ego, bullshit banter, and ignorant inside jokes elsewhere.





also, apparently making references to 'road house' is one of edwin's very favorite things to do. i never noticed it before.


I hope that was not directed at me. It'd be pretty laughable to call me arrogant, cocky, or especially elitist with some of the people here, namely in the music folder. That, and I'm actually a very modest and humble guy, as those who have talked to me know.


I've already stated that I should have listened to what people were saying back then. I explained all that. I made a huge mistake. You're not telling me something I don't already know.

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Guest Vitamin X
I want her on my friends list. It will be good to see "The Most Disgusting Slutty Cunt On Earth' as my number one.


I'll change my title to that just for you, Milky. I even have a Lindsay Lohan tribute as my main picture.

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She doesn't look very happy in any of those MySpace pictures. Maybe that was a sign?

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You're an arrogant, overly cocky asshole who thinks that what you want and what you like is better than everyone else's tastes, and that anyone who doesn't share the same elitist, holier than thou attitude shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions here.


Take your overinflated ego, bullshit banter, and ignorant inside jokes elsewhere.





also, apparently making references to 'road house' is one of edwin's very favorite things to do. i never noticed it before.


I hope that was not directed at me. It'd be pretty laughable to call me arrogant, cocky, or especially elitist with some of the people here, namely in the music folder. That, and I'm actually a very modest and humble guy, as those who have talked to me know.


I've already stated that I should have listened to what people were saying back then. I explained all that. I made a huge mistake. You're not telling me something I don't already know.


i stand by what was said. i even felt so strongly about it that caps were used, and that's only happened once before.



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Look, that is really ignorant and laughable of you to say things about my grammatical technique, especially with the rolling-eyes emoticon. I am very smart, and I can cite my SAT's and my GPA's from high school to graduate school and can take pics of both of my degrees and post them here just to prove to you how smart I am. But I'm too modest and humble to do that, but I just don't like it when people try to insult me by telling me I'm not smart.


You don't know what I'm like in real life, so just shut the fuck up about what you think about me. People who know me in real life know how smart I am and how funny and likable I am, and I've been told by several girls that I'm like a greek god in bed. This is just me telling you what other people have said, so if you have a problem with it you can take it up with them. I can post pics of them so you know what they look like and give you links to their MySpace pages, and you can talk to them all you want. I don't put up with my many attractive real life friends being sarcastic and cocky with me, and I'm not going to put up with it from you, or your cocky elitist bullshit.

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Look, that is really ignorant and laughable of you to say things about my grammatical technique, especially with the rolling-eyes emoticon. I am very smart, and I can cite my SAT's and my GPA's from high school to graduate school and can take pics of both of my degrees and post them here just to prove to you how smart I am. But I'm too modest and humble to do that, but I just don't like it when people try to insult me by telling me I'm not smart.


You don't know what I'm like in real life, so just shut the fuck up about what you think about me. People who know me in real life know how smart I am and how funny and likable I am, and I've been told by several girls that I'm like a greek god in bed. This is just me telling you what other people have said, so if you have a problem with it you can take it up with them. I can post pics of them so you know what they look like and give you links to their MySpace pages, and you can talk to them all you want. I don't put up with my many attractive real life friends being sarcastic and cocky with me, and I'm not going to put up with it from you, or your cocky elitist bullshit.


I highly suggest you take your own advice. That statement is very hypocritical. I only said what I did about you in response to your statements in the post before mine. Prior to that, although I did know who you were, I did not have any sort of dislike toward you. In fact, I still don't. I believe that you are intelligent, and you have demonstrated the fact that you can type well when you want to do so.

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I think the only women who'd take you up on that offer would require payment to replace all the teeth they're missing. Melissa is far too high class for you. Go back to wanking to sperm swapping pictures, faggot.


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I don't know which post is worse:


Tonight was an incredibly sweaty and exhausting reminder that simultaneous orgasms while I'm not wearing a condom is the pinnacle of sex.

or this:


I think the only women who'd take you up on that offer would require payment to replace all the teeth they're missing. Melissa is far too high class for you. Go back to wanking to sperm swapping pictures, faggot.

That second one is CronoT levels of sad.

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I want her on my friends list. It will be good to see "The Most Disgusting Slutty Cunt On Earth' as my number one.


I'll change my title to that just for you, Milky. I even have a Lindsay Lohan tribute as my main picture.


Done!, although you wound up as my number two. Not even The Most Disgusting Slutty Cunt On Earth is brutal enough to unseat Murderface as my number one friend. Although I've gone ahead and converted my entire top friends to bands and celebrities. You're the only real person left, so that's still very good.

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Look, that is really ignorant and laughable of you to say things about my grammatical technique, especially with the rolling-eyes emoticon. I am very smart, and I can cite my SAT's and my GPA's from high school to graduate school and can take pics of both of my degrees and post them here just to prove to you how smart I am. But I'm too modest and humble to do that, but I just don't like it when people try to insult me by telling me I'm not smart.


You don't know what I'm like in real life, so just shut the fuck up about what you think about me. People who know me in real life know how smart I am and how funny and likable I am, and I've been told by several girls that I'm like a greek god in bed. This is just me telling you what other people have said, so if you have a problem with it you can take it up with them. I can post pics of them so you know what they look like and give you links to their MySpace pages, and you can talk to them all you want. I don't put up with my many attractive real life friends being sarcastic and cocky with me, and I'm not going to put up with it from you, or your cocky elitist bullshit.


I highly suggest you take your own advice. That statement is very hypocritical. I only said what I did about you in response to your statements in the post before mine. Prior to that, although I did know who you were, I did not have any sort of dislike toward you. In fact, I still don't. I believe that you are intelligent, and you have demonstrated the fact that you can type well when you want to do so.


hahahahaha. Matt Young is clinically oblivious.

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if my memory serves me correct the greek gods often did golden showers upon their women...is godthedog telling us here that he is into water sports?


Look, if you must know the girl had to spend about half an hour talking me into it telling me she loved me, and after I finally let her pee in my mouth I cried afterwards because I still felt used and humiliated. And afterwards when she was holding me she told me that when she was looking down on me I reminded her of Dionysus because of all the paintings she'd seen with his head back drinking wine, and she said that was how I looked. And after she explained to me who Dionysus was, I felt better. But the girl was still a bitch, and she left me soon after that. Afterwards, I found out she had herpes.


I don't appreciate you trying to call me a pervert. The truth is I'm a great guy and any girl would be glad to have me because I'm awesome in bed and will do whatever will make them happy, because I'm selfless and trusting. I don't have any problems with you FFMS, I always thought you were a good poster and an intelligent guy, so just leave this alone. I admit to my mistakes, and that makes me a bigger man than everyone else on this board. I don't have a problem with you, but I just cannot let you sit back and insult me or someone I was with like that. At some point, I have to defend myself.

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Alright Matt, let me tell you a story.


Back when I was a senior in Highschool, I dated this girl. Nearing the end of the schoolyear, we broke up. A few months later, she not only moved on, dating another man and drinking, but she had rumors of drug use surrounding her. I talked to her, and those rumors were false. I'm suprised we still talked to each other.


What's the point of all this Matt? Well, I could have followed those rumors, and started bragging about it. But I didn't. Until I talked to her (We dated for nearly a year, so it was pretty obvious she wasn't the type to snort coke anyways), I was actually dumb enough to believe that shit. But I never gloated over it. In spite of breaking up with me, I still saw her as a human being, and not worth laughing at or taking pride in any of her downfalls. You know why Matt? Because in spite of all that, she was still human, and bragging about that kind of thing would be pathetic. I never talked about my sexual exploits with her to anybody because I valued her as a person, and thought that telling people about such things would be invasive to both our privacy.


Maybe that's one of the reasons she dumped you Matt: because you felt the need to tell the world so many things about what you two did in the bedroom. Some girls don't like that Matt. It's disrespectful not only to that girl, but it shows that you have no shame or self respect. Shame Matt, try looking into that. Try showing a little humility, and quit being such an obnoxius, attention loving, self pitying man, because nobody likes that. And when you do that, don't act so suprised when others call you out on it and make fun of you.

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I'm gonna get face soon. Fucking yeah. Dear God I have been starved of pussy-eatting. God I love getting face. Something I know I'm good at. Just get away from a guy who's been unintentially celibate for forever and is getting ready to fuck. I feel her mojo rising. At least it better be. Good times. On my face. I love life.


Oh how I miss Special K.


And I thought people stopped comparing their IQ's in like, 5th grade.

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Special K will always be one of my favorite posters. He's like a character from a David Lynch movie.


You don't know what I'm like in real life, so just shut the fuck up about what you think about me. People who know me in real life know how smart I am and how funny and likable I am

You might see me in the street

But nigga you don't know me

When ya holla on the speak

Rememba you don't know me

Save all the hatin and the poppin

nigga you don't know me

Quit tellin niggas you my partna

Nigga you don't know me

Don't be a groupie keep it movin

Nigga you don't know me

Hey I ain't trippin but the truth is

Really you don't know me


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