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Matt Young

HAHAHA... My ex-fiancee is in jail on a felony charge!

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Alright Matt, let me tell you a story.


Back when I was a senior in Highschool, I dated this girl. Nearing the end of the schoolyear, we broke up. A few months later, she not only moved on, dating another man and drinking, but she had rumors of drug use surrounding her. I talked to her, and those rumors were false. I'm suprised we still talked to each other.


What's the point of all this Matt? Well, I could have followed those rumors, and started bragging about it. But I didn't. Until I talked to her (We dated for nearly a year, so it was pretty obvious she wasn't the type to snort coke anyways), I was actually dumb enough to believe that shit. But I never gloated over it. In spite of breaking up with me, I still saw her as a human being, and not worth laughing at or taking pride in any of her downfalls. You know why Matt? Because in spite of all that, she was still human, and bragging about that kind of thing would be pathetic. I never talked about my sexual exploits with her to anybody because I valued her as a person, and thought that telling people about such things would be invasive to both our privacy.


Maybe that's one of the reasons she dumped you Matt: because you felt the need to tell the world so many things about what you two did in the bedroom. Some girls don't like that Matt. It's disrespectful not only to that girl, but it shows that you have no shame or self respect. Shame Matt, try looking into that. Try showing a little humility, and quit being such an obnoxius, attention loving, self pitying man, because nobody likes that. And when you do that, don't act so suprised when others call you out on it and make fun of you.


Why did you spend time typing all that?

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Alright Matt, let me tell you a story.


Back when I was a senior in Highschool, I dated this girl. Nearing the end of the schoolyear, we broke up. A few months later, she not only moved on, dating another man and drinking, but she had rumors of drug use surrounding her. I talked to her, and those rumors were false. I'm suprised we still talked to each other.


What's the point of all this Matt? Well, I could have followed those rumors, and started bragging about it. But I didn't. Until I talked to her (We dated for nearly a year, so it was pretty obvious she wasn't the type to snort coke anyways), I was actually dumb enough to believe that shit. But I never gloated over it. In spite of breaking up with me, I still saw her as a human being, and not worth laughing at or taking pride in any of her downfalls. You know why Matt? Because in spite of all that, she was still human, and bragging about that kind of thing would be pathetic. I never talked about my sexual exploits with her to anybody because I valued her as a person, and thought that telling people about such things would be invasive to both our privacy.


Maybe that's one of the reasons she dumped you Matt: because you felt the need to tell the world so many things about what you two did in the bedroom. Some girls don't like that Matt. It's disrespectful not only to that girl, but it shows that you have no shame or self respect. Shame Matt, try looking into that. Try showing a little humility, and quit being such an obnoxius, attention loving, self pitying man, because nobody likes that. And when you do that, don't act so suprised when others call you out on it and make fun of you.


Why did you spend time typing all that?

I have no idea, but I'm starting to think it was a mistake. I shoud have just said the last part.

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Wow. I am honored that I was responsible for your graduation to the usage of kindergarten level grammatical technique. :rolleyes:


I bet you spent about thirty minutes thinking of the perfect way to word this post. Matt you're a whole lot dumber than you think. Your posts in this thread are proof that those standardized tests don't mean shit.


gtd puts the 'God' in godthedog.

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Look, if you must know the girl had to spend about half an hour talking me into it telling me she loved me, and after I finally let her pee in my mouth I cried afterwards because I still felt used and humiliated. And afterwards when she was holding me she told me that when she was looking down on me I reminded her of Dionysus because of all the paintings she'd seen with his head back drinking wine, and she said that was how I looked. And after she explained to me who Dionysus was, I felt better.


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I'm gonna get face soon. Fucking yeah. Dear God I have been starved of pussy-eatting. God I love getting face. Something I know I'm good at. Just get away from a guy who's been unintentially celibate for forever and is getting ready to fuck. I feel her mojo rising. At least it better be. Good times. On my face. I love life.


Oh how I miss Special K.


And I thought people stopped comparing their IQ's in like, 5th grade.


That kind of sounded like me the past Saturday night, drunkenly telling everyone within earshot that I badly wanted to eat this woman's (a friend of mine) pussy. I'm a little worried she's going to find out I was talking about her like that.

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Why do people ask other people to find threads for them? Anyone who actually goes and runs internet errands on somebody else's whim is the most disgusting slutty cunt on earth.

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The worst picture ever posted on the internet.



That's her cousin, who is a stuck up cunt who has never even met me.


I'm going to ignore the rest of your comments, because unlike you, I have better things to do with my time, you sorry, no life having, virgin sons of bitches.


I hope your mothers, fathers, and children all are raped and suffer painful deaths as penance for shit like you being born onto this earth.


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Oh, it's not the worst picture ever posted on the internet. It would actually be sweet if they were normal people, and not Matt Young and Melissa Pena. Love sickens me, but it is a beautiful thing if it's not stupid, like it was in this case.


Melissa actually seems like the kind of girl I'd be into. I think a lot of the reason I'm attracted to the most disgusting slutty cunts on earth is that it gives me an outlet for that more disgusting aspect of my personality. It's like, if we're going to be crazy, let's be crazy, but I can crazy you under the table. It's fun. Matt Young is a nice guy, though, he can't handle that shit. He deserves better. Look what it did to him... I run through four or five of them bitches a week, he's still hung up on her. Not counting the time I drank a bunch of cough syrup, forgot what year it was, and called an old girlfriend's house ranting and raving about classic muscle cars, I never get hung up on chicks. That's how you've gotta be. They are cattle.

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