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Guest The Minor Threat

I am officially sick of hearing about Harry Potter, and here's why

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Guest The Minor Threat

A woman from the Star Bulletin came to a rehearsal on Friday to interview some of us and watch a run of the show for an article. Logic dictates that she would focus the article on why we are going to Edinburgh, and how we got involved. Instead, she spent the first half of the article not shutting up about Deathly Hallows.


Furthermore, she interviewed me, Tucker, Cate, Stephanie, Wat, and Doyle.


Then she quoted Tucker, Cate, Stephanie, Wat, and Doyle.


I guess I didn't say enough about Harry Potter (I said nothing about Harry Potter).


Decide for yourselves: http://starbulletin.com/2007/07/24/features/story01.html

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I've been sick of him for years. I'm glad this is the last book. That means after a couple more movies come out, it's over forever. That makes me happy.

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I've been sick of him for years. I'm glad this is the last book. That means after a couple more movies come out, it's over forever. That makes me happy.


It'll never be over. It'll never be over.

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I'm sick of...ah, fuck it.

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i had a knee-jerk hate for harry potter till a friend dragged me to 'goblet of fire' during a cold and lonely thanksgiving holiday. it was good. and then i saw 'order of the phoenix', and it was really good. i eagerly await the rest.

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I've been sick of him for years. I'm glad this is the last book. That means after a couple more movies come out, it's over forever. That makes me happy.


It'll never be over. It'll never be over.

Harry Potter will live on in the works of slash fiction

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I've been sick of him for years. I'm glad this is the last book. That means after a couple more movies come out, it's over forever. That makes me happy.


It'll never be over. It'll never be over.

Harry Potter will live on in the works of slash fiction


I recently discovered "slash" stories whist looking at Phoenix Wright fan fictions. (Something else I've recently discovered). What the fuck is wrong with some people?! Why would you have the urge or temptation to write a story where Edgeworth bums Phoenix untill he bleeds? And then post it on the internet only for people to say, "wow! gr8 story! it made me horni!"

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My issue with slash fiction isn't even the fact that it's guys fucking each other. It's the writers. They usually pair up one or more straight characters, which is obviously writing them out of character, and then act like anybody who doesn't see that those two characters are "OBVIOUSLY gay" are idiots. Like I'm some mouth breather who can't read into fiction because I don't think Vegeta and Frieza want to jam each others' cocks in their mouths.

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You guys should have read the second cyber I did with her, after the fuck me Lord Satan one, where we roleplayed as Matt Hardy and Rob Van Dam. As I recall, she was quite impressed with my ability to portray RVD, which I accomplished by getting high.

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Ya know, Milky, for some reason, I'm not sure whether I should laugh or just shake my head at the fact that you and Yuna cyber'd as Hardy and RVD. I'm starting to compile a mental list of possible awful innuendo's, and it's causing me to leave this thread.

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