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What is with online players...

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Seriously. I was at my girlfriends brother's house and he was playing something.. maybe Counterstrike.. and everyone on there is probably hovering around the 14-18 age group.. and it was all "fag" "nigger" "jew" "fagniggerjew" constantly. CONSTANTLY.


Same thing on Gears of War at a friends house.


So it's it just not cool enough, anymore, to call someone a cocksucker or a motherfucker or even the once-TSM-dreaded cunt? Or are kids today just being bred into bigots at an early age?


Just curious is all.

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So it's it just not cool enough, anymore, to call someone a cocksucker or a motherfucker or even the once-TSM-dreaded cunt?


Your outrage seems a bit misplaced...

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I've got a friend who turns into a retard when playing Gears of War. It's embarressing to even be associated with him. He does it in the way just to piss people off. Like, he would just randomly go "yeah, fuck your mother. She loves cock" constantly, to noone in particular. When people tell him to shut up or that his mother does that he goes "Yeah, like that offends me!" and then turns to us and chuckles about how stupid everyone is. I guess because he knows he's being a retarded asshole, he feels that he's not one...because he's aware of his actions.

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The "I'm just trolling people, I'm not really being an asshole" reasoning is classic.


As someone who's been playing online FPS games since 1996, this is par for the course. Young kids are just morons in general, and when you add competition + anonymity, it's a recipe for disaster. Fag is a tested and true online insult. Nigger/Jew/other racial stuff is just due to retards trying to be even more controversial and annoying. Best thing to do is just mute the voice chat.

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So it's it just not cool enough, anymore, to call someone a cocksucker or a motherfucker or even the once-TSM-dreaded cunt?


Your outrage seems a bit misplaced...


Not really. Those were just examples. See also: "asshole" "fuckface" etc or anything that is a generic swear. Fag/nigger/jew falls in a whole other category, IMO.

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It just a offshoot of internet bravery.


Guts to say the most offensive stuff to people over and over again because you know they can't kick the shit of you. Its pretty pathetic.


But like WWM said, mute is your friend on live.

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True enough. I was just more or less curious if this was something that was ONLY online, or if kids are like this out in the open..

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Ergh, I remember Xbox Live and how nice it was.... Then Halo2 came out and all these Americans appeared and it was just annoying as hell to play on Live anymore.

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Theres only one person I've spoken to/heard whilst playing internet games (bar my friends) who I thought was funny. That man was a man called Lenord Beasley. He was mainly a player of Call of Duty 2 which he was really REALLY good at. But his genius came from that he never spoke, his only words would come from when he killed you, and those words in his monotone voice were "Lenord Beasley". He would strech out the last sylable to add more effect and piss more people off. And then when people would tell him to stop saying his name when he killed someone, he would utter the words, "death match champion".


He was a freaking genius and funny as hell. Too bad that he got banned from too many complaints.

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Seriously. I was at my girlfriends brother's house and he was playing something.. maybe Counterstrike.. and everyone on there is probably hovering around the 14-18 age group.. and it was all "fag" "nigger" "jew" "fagniggerjew" constantly. CONSTANTLY.


Same thing on Gears of War at a friends house.


So it's it just not cool enough, anymore, to call someone a cocksucker or a motherfucker or even the once-TSM-dreaded cunt? Or are kids today just being bred into bigots at an early age?


Just curious is all.


i guess they figure saying something like that has more of an impact then saying cocksucker, for some reason i get more of a laugh when someone goes on a swearing tirade then a racist one

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Theres only one person I've spoken to/heard whilst playing internet games (bar my friends) who I thought was funny. That man was a man called Lenord Beasley. He was mainly a player of Call of Duty 2 which he was really REALLY good at. But his genius came from that he never spoke, his only words would come from when he killed you, and those words in his monotone voice were "Lenord Beasley". He would strech out the last sylable to add more effect and piss more people off. And then when people would tell him to stop saying his name when he killed someone, he would utter the words, "death match champion".


He was a freaking genius and funny as hell. Too bad that he got banned from too many complaints.



That is fucking awesome. How can you get pissed at that?

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I think people/losers were getting wound up that they weren't winning and kept getting killed by this guy only to have him rub salt into your wounds by saying his name.


I don't know why people/losers got all pissy about it, he was the reason I bought call of duty 2 and went online to play it.

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My thing is that I never give a shit.


The only thing that slightly annoys me is that playing Gears of War, everyone knows that the team with the host have a lag advantage that has to be adjusted for yet that doesn't stop people from acting like they are the greatest player on the planet.


I hosted a game once and it was like a totally different game.


But getting my ass kicked means nothing to me. And if you were to do something cool like just say your name after kicking my ass, then all the more fun.

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I can't stand playing GoW online as they take it too seriously. I had a 12 year old shout at me because I wouldn't go over to the other team.


And i got a warning from Xbox live because, whilst playing Prey there was a player called "2 good 4 u", so when I killed him i would say, "too good for you my arse". And I got in trouble for it.

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So I played some COD 3 last night for my first foray into XBL and wow just wow. The rotting corpse of my friends retarded cat could flip better shit than those trolls.

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