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Lil' Bitch

Who do you want to win the WWE Championship Match at SummerSlam?

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Cena/HHH II is the biggest match that this company has left right now and should main event Wrestlemania. I'm not even really watching right now (ever since Smackdown got raped in the draft and the Benoit murders) and Cena/HHH would interest me. Orton as champ would not only be a disaster from an in-ring perspective, but out of it as well. Wasn't Orton outed a few months ago for having been on about eight different kinds of steroids for both man and horse?


Edge was named as well, and they never saw any problem making him champ. Rey's been named twice in steriod investigations and he'll be pushed as a main eventer.


I think guys like Khali/Lashley/ Batista are worse PR than Orton in regards to steriods. After all the fuss in the press about road rage you could tune in too raw, see him, and you wouldn't immediatly think "another guy on steroids" (he may be, but unlike Lashley or the rest it isn't THAT obvious).

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i'd say Orton and it needs to be a long term thing and not just to set up Triple H to take it back a couple months later, it seems Orton has straightened his act up as of now and i think it would be smart booking to make it where Cena's not completely unbeatable

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Orton/Cena could be like Batman/Superman...Batman usually gets the ace because he OUTSMARTS Superman...simple simple booking. I don't mean make Cena a blithering idiot or anything, just make Orton that much smarter so that he's always a step ahead.

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I just want the novelty of seeing a "1 year run" with the WWE title. I think a title change at Survivor Series is a good time. Maybe they'll put in Cena in the sharpshooter and.....................

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"Yo Cena... Your Time is Up

Get Over IT You Phony Chump

You Got RKOwned and lost your belt

The rest of your career will Freakin melt"



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Bow down to the king of kings!


Uh oh... will HHH be appearing as Conan the Barbarian permanetly? I hope not.. yet.... i hope so!

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Orton as champ >>>>> then Cena's lame face run. I don't really know where you go from there though. Everyone on Raw except Cena's been so buried that I can't really think of an intriguing feud for Orton when he's done with Cena. He could get maybe a month out of HBK when he comes back, but then what do they do until Wrestlemania? Orton vs. Lashley? Orton vs. Jeff Hardy? They really haven't done enough to get new guys over lately considering that they're trying to run three brands.

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Giving the run Orton is on, he could be pretty entertaining as Champ. I would much prefer to see a heel getting a heel reaction as Champ over a face getting a tweener/heel reaction as Champ.

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At this point I could tolerate the usual HHH snoozer of a title run over Cena. I almost wish they would put it on HBK when he gets back, since he was in the mix anyway.


Orton can't feasibly be a long term champ for a variety of reasons. 1. As noted he is a time bomb waiting to explode. 2. He's been jobbed out so much that nobody would buy it. 3. His matches are like watching Cactus Jack's ECW heel antics with all the headlocks, except Orton isn't in on the ironic joke.

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Orton as champ just isn't working for me, somehow. I mean, he's a good looking guy, he's alright in the ring I guess... but I just. I don't know, I can't get into his promos. And those weak-looking "career-ending" kicks he's giving everyone aren't convincing in the slightest.


Now if he started RKOing people on to a chair, that'd be sweet.


I know, I know. Cena is stale right now, but until they can honestly find someone better than Orton, I think they should just let the strap stay with him for now.

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Bow down to the king of kings!


It's the return on Conan The Barbarian-uh

Do you know the riddle of steel?



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