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Spring 2008: Should I buy a 360 or PS3?

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So I have pretty much conceded that I won't be getting a next-gen console until 2008. Most of my spare money right now is being swept up on last minute stuff for the wedding, and a good portion of our savings is going bye-bye on the 15th to make the final payment on the wedding/reception. So unless I happen to get a higher paying job after August, or I just get an incredible amount of cash instead of gifts at the wedding, then my next real oppurtunity to spend a big chunk of change will be my 2007 tax return which usually I get back anywhere from the end of February to the middle of March, and once that check comes, the price of either console won't be an issue.


I kind of feel that the Xbox 360 has peaked, meaning we the consumers have seen pretty much everything it has to offer, but the PS3 is still a work in progress. Now that doesn't necessarily mean it will end up being the better console, but I am just wondering everyone's opinion here on what system they would rather have if money wasn't an issue.

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NoCalMike, you're out of your mind if you think the 360 has already peaked. While the PS3 has exclusives, many that were going to be exclusive to the PS3 are coming to the 360, and of those many reviews give the nod more towards the 360 version. In my opinion, and for most everyone else, the online community is way better on the 360. Heck, if you're into the online thing then in my opinion the 360 is the way to go just for that reason. More people have 360 systems, so more people are online. Not just that though, the entire setup is way better on the 360 as well.


One of the major exclusive PS3 games, a game that the PS3 had in all of their video packages in order to push the system, just came out and the reviews have been very, very poor for it - that game is Lair. Most reviews say that it's not a horrible game, but instead it's just...well, a huge letdown. What was supposed to be a huge game on PS3, is ending up more like mediocre title.


Both systems will have great games, and do have great games, but it's leaning way in favor of the 360 right now and that doesn't look to be changing any time soon.


The 360 has Bioshock coming out this month, a 360 exclusive (well, when it comes to home consoles that is...it's also going to PC), and it's supposed to be huge. I've only seen one review for it so far, but that one review gave it a 10 out of 10 score.


There's just not enough on the PS3 right now, and not enough of stuff coming out leading into 2008, for me to recommend that system right now. Heck, the only game so far that's tempted me to try to get a PS3 is the new Ratchet & Clank game...and let me tell ya, I really, really want that game. I was totally more in favor of the PS2 over the Xbox last gen, but that's totally changed this time around so far.


Then we have the Wii... :)

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PS3 has a better online service, mainly because it's free. Unless there's no one playing games on it, I don't see how Xbox Live is any better.


One of the major exclusive PS3 games, a game that the PS3 had in all of their video packages in order to push the system, just came out and the reviews have been very, very poor for it - that game is Lair. Most reviews say that it's not a horrible game, but instead it's just...well, a huge letdown. What was supposed to be a huge game on PS3, is ending up more like mediocre title.


Ok, it's gotten one bad review out of three so far, and that counts as "very, very poor"? Nevermind the fact that the bad review was basically some clown bitching about using the six-axis control to control the dragon (which from previews and other accounts is perfectly fine), and the fact that he had to, *gasp*, memorize which skills he programmed to which button. Lair isn't a game with a huge following, and even still people are talking about how big of a joke that review is.


The PS3 is a better long-term purchase, as the system is almost certainly going to have a significantly longer life span. By Spring 2008, the Xbox 360 will have a better list of exclusives, and you'd think that they would have straightened out the hardware debacle. By the end of the year though, there's a good chance that the PS3 will have surpassed the 360 in quality exclusives, and the ports will start becoming superior to the 360 versions once the devs have had time to figure out the developer kit.


I wouldn't put all your eggs into one basket. I'd buy the 360 in early 2008 and buy a PS3 later in the year.

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I'd say 360, pending the new hardware improvements do away with it breaking all the time. 360 currently has a great lineup of hits, while PS3's biggest releases to date have generally been considered rushed and mediocre (Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Lair).


Of course, as you said, you mean circa Spring '08.


Developers' experience working with the 360, and its highly-touted GPU have resulted in most of the current multi-platform releases to be superior on 360. That could change, of course, by 2008. But it isn't that far away.


Plus there aren't many PS3 games you'd miss out on 360 except for 1st party stuff, FFXIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 (maybe), the latter two a big "maybe" for Spring '08.


Winter 2008 PS3 will have a terrific amount of exclusive games. Spring? Not so much.


At some point I'll get one, but so many games I'm interested in have "360/PS3" listed next to their release platforms I'd say PS3 is a redundant purchase for a 360 owner.

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well... i would say 360 there are games galore, PS3 there's only maybe 2 games that are good (being Ninja Gaiden and Resistance) now i know i come off as a 360 fanboy but i had a PS2 for a long time, i think the biggest issue with PS3 is the serious lack of games and exclusives and with them lowering the price to only discontinue a model and introduce a new one and put the price back at its launch number is really retarded


i think it depends on what type of gamer you are

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It also depends on if you like Blu-Ray or HD-DVD more.


...or you don't give a damn about either, like most 360 owners it appears, and would rather save $200+ by not buying the HD-DVD attachment.

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So I have pretty much conceded that I won't be getting a next-gen console until 2008. Most of my spare money right now is being swept up on last minute stuff for the wedding, and a good portion of our savings is going bye-bye on the 15th to make the final payment on the wedding/reception. So unless I happen to get a higher paying job after August, or I just get an incredible amount of cash instead of gifts at the wedding, then my next real oppurtunity to spend a big chunk of change will be my 2007 tax return which usually I get back anywhere from the end of February to the middle of March, and once that check comes, the price of either console won't be an issue.


I kind of feel that the Xbox 360 has peaked, meaning we the consumers have seen pretty much everything it has to offer, but the PS3 is still a work in progress. Now that doesn't necessarily mean it will end up being the better console, but I am just wondering everyone's opinion here on what system they would rather have if money wasn't an issue.


I'm in the same boat. Gonna wait til 2008 to get an official next gen console, and it's going to be a PS3 after I just read that the games are region free. I seriously missed that feature if it was ever announced. I play way more imports than I do North American releases, and the 360 doesn't have as much Japanese support as PS3 does. Plus, out of the 10 people I know that own an 360 - SIX of them have had them bottom out on them.

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Gonna wait til 2008 to get an official next gen console, and it's going to be a PS3 after I just read that the games are region free. I seriously missed that feature if it was ever announced.


Yeah, see my response in the Wii thread about it. It doesn't work for PS2 and PS1 games or movies but it's still a cool feature.


I play way more imports than I do North American releases, and the 360 doesn't have as much Japanese support as PS3 does.


There are actually few Japanese publishers of note staying away from 360. They know that Japanese gamers aren't going to buy their games in huge numbers on 360, but they can do darn fine in the rest of the world. Plus, PS3 isn't exactly a huge sensation in Japan now, either.


Plus, out of the 10 people I know that own an 360 - SIX of them have had them bottom out on them.


This should in no way be the case come 2008.

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Especially since the newer production models have the new heatsink. Furthermore there are rumors that around the Halo 3 launch they will start having the 65nm processors. Possibly with the Halo edition 360 + teh elites.

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It also depends on if you like Blu-Ray or HD-DVD more.


...or you don't give a damn about either, like most 360 owners it appears, and would rather save $200+ by not buying the HD-DVD attachment.

Well the PS3 is ALL Blu-Ray, so it does matter.

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How the hell can you say the 360 has peaked after only a year of being out? Some of the best PS2 games came out years later, if not towards the end of its cycle, once the developers had learnt how to push what it had to offer to the max. Man, I almost laughed milk out of my nose, at that comment, 360 has peaked.


While the 360 has offered a look at what is to come, the PS3 hasn't really offered much in terms of hope. Most of the games have been medicore - better then I thought it would be, but they've had no break out titles yet. Though, it should be pointed out that the 360 didn't have any real decent titles until about a year - think Gears of War was the first 'holy shit' game it had.


As for the PS3 v Xboxlive, the PS3 is better cos its free debate is a bit pointless, you can bet you'll have to be a sub to play all the EA games again, like you did on the PS2, and once that starts to happen its only a matter of time until other developers set up a tarriff, if the PS3 online service becomes popular (the PS2 service bombed in Europe). So while 360 users have to pay that £40 a year fee, it'll probably work out cheaper then then smaller monthly fees PS3 games will ask of you in the future. Plus, what was all the talk of GT4 charging REAL money to download extra parts for your cars? Was that just bullshit?

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Has there been any talk at all about developers charging for non-MMO PS3 games? I certainly haven't seen it.


Plus, what was all the talk of GT4 charging REAL money to download extra parts for your cars? Was that just bullshit?


It sure was. Although I'm sure Sony will follow in Microsoft's footsteps and take that route in the future. Maybe not parts, but they'll almost certainly charge for extra cars and race tracks that should have been in the game originally.

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When I said the 360 had peaked I didn't mean game-wise, I meant in regards to seeing what it can do using it's hardware. Although I could be wrong about that too.


If the PS3 is anything like the PS2, then in another year, the look of the games will blow away what we have seen at launch. It seemed like developers were still tinkering with and figuring out how to maximize the performance of the PS2 a couple of years after it's launch, although that could be considered a bad thing at the same time I guess.


I am actually leaning towards the 360 for a bunch of reasons, (especially once the ELITE added HDMI) but I am just worried about giving up on the PS3 too early, and being burnt in the end. The fact of the matter is, I am not getting both systems. I really don't have the time or the justification to have two next-gen consoles sitting around my house. So it is going to be an either/or situation. The wii, well that is a different story because it is so cheap, but between the 360 and PS3, as the highlander said "There can be only one"

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I am actually leaning towards the 360 for a bunch of reasons, (especially once the ELITE added HDMI


The new premium 360 models have HDMI now. It had been rumoured as being added in the future, but MS stealth launched the new models just recently, so they're available now.


If you're only getting one system, the PS3 is probably the better long-term purchase. And if you're planning to do the online thing, it will also be cheaper in the long-run, although not so much if they don't drop the 80 gigabyte model price down by spring 2008.


As far as graphical peaks, that typically does not happen with video game consoles until the last couple years of their lifespan. The PS3 will probably peak higher than the 360, just due to it's (slightly) better hardware, but it's not going to be anything mind-blowing, or even significant to most people.

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(especially once the ELITE added HDMI)


Which is being added in all 360s, BTW. Mainly because it's basically Elite motherboards.


i assume thats good for someone like me who is a little apprehensive about the Red Ring of Death risk

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As far as online goes, I think Xbox live is way way better. Yeah you have to pay for it, but you get what you pay for. I think it offers a much better experience.

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Has there been any talk at all about developers charging for non-MMO PS3 games? I certainly haven't seen it.


Plus, what was all the talk of GT4 charging REAL money to download extra parts for your cars? Was that just bullshit?


It sure was. Although I'm sure Sony will follow in Microsoft's footsteps and take that route in the future. Maybe not parts, but they'll almost certainly charge for extra cars and race tracks that should have been in the game originally.


There hasn't been talk, but EA charged for EA games on the PS2, and the EA rep guy that comes around at work said something will have to happen to offset the charges of running servers for the PS3 - since EA run their own servers. I'm just saying, don't be surprised to see a few monthly fees pop up for EA titles, which don't pop up for 360 users since Microsoft subsidies the fee through the live subscription.


And if you're going to buy a console, screw all the fancy dan laser shows, spec sheets, and shit, just take a look at the up coming games and see which ones you'd want to play. End of the day the PS3 won't be THAT much better then the 360, or vice versa. I guess the only real thing the PS3 has over the 360 is Blu-Ray, but then, I'm happy to still watch my DVDs.

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When I said the 360 had peaked I didn't mean game-wise, I meant in regards to seeing what it can do using it's hardware. Although I could be wrong about that too.



Yeah, you are. Games will continue to look better and better honestly. Thats pretty much always the case. The hardware use never really peaks out on any system honestly.

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