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That's in fact exactly what TNA told him. His basic response was for them to go fuck themselves, he wasn't spending any more money to promote their show if they were gonna be ungrateful.

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i dont think boycotting TNA will do anything... just watch it and bask in its utter crapulence... thats what ill do! I watch TNA for 2 men.. Christian Cage and AJ Styles

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The thing is, I don't get the perverse pleasure out of watching TNA fuck up the way I did with WCW. WCW's demise was so spectacular, so unreal that it was amazing to watch Rome burn week by week. WCW went from the hottest promotion on earth in Jan. 1998 and by Jan. 2000 they were in complete shambles. For a while it was maddening but after a point WCW's ineptitude wore down everyone and it was fun to sit back and watch in bewilderment.


TNA is frustrating because there IS potential for them to do better. I'm hoping they can get 2 hours and stop rushing through everything.

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I remember reading on the Observer site a week or so ago about how TNA is under pressure to cut losses. Any chance that Dixie will finally smarten up anytime soon and get rid of Jarrett under pressure from her father?

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I remember reading on the Observer site a week or so ago about how TNA is under pressure to cut losses. Any chance that Dixie will finally smarten up anytime soon and get rid of Jarrett under pressure from her father?


Thats what I dont get - they then sign Pacman Jones when they are supposedly going way over budget. Just doesnt make sense at all.


And Jarrett aint goin nowhere.


I also think its absurd to "boycott" TNA over whatever - they havent done anything overly insulting to the audience other than stupid predictible booking on the top of the card that, for all we know, is still leading to a Samoa Joe title win at BFG or something. Other than that ending (which I will comment more on in the ppv thread) that ppv wasnt in the least insulting or lame to me. And each week's Impact in the past 4 weeks have been entertaining as hell to me. Whatever, I guess.

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Mock this idea all you wont, but the Bryan & Vinny from F4W have been talking about the "TNA boycott" on their audio shows. Apparently it really started on forums actually dedicated to TNA as a whole, and it's spread from there. This isn't just something that only Nate is doing.

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And from the latest issue of F4W, regarding the 'boycott':


A number of wrestling fans, including on the Impactforums message board, are arranging a boycott of this week's Impact. The reality of the situation is that if you want to send TNA a message, you need to do it individually in a way that will affect the bottom line, and right now the only way to really do that is to not buy the PPVs if you have been doing so. Not watching TV only matters if you're a Nielsen family, which I would suspect almost nobody involved with this boycott is. The funny thing is that according to one source, at least one person in TNA is upset enough that they have agreed to participate in the boycott. I found that amusing. Another source says "several" have agreed.


As an aside, the hardcore TNA marks here should probably shy away from anything else about TNA from this weeks Figure Four that gets posted here.

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There has to be something we don't know about with Jarrett and Dixie Carter. As in why is this guy who doesn't draw any money and draws anti heat from the fans pushed on the show and in a position of power? He's gotta be nailing her or something.

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There has to be something we don't know about with Jarrett and Dixie Carter. As in why is this guy who doesn't draw any money and draws anti heat from the fans pushed on the show and in a position of power? He's gotta be nailing her or something.

If you mean Pacman, then it's probably because he's a 'celebrity' in Nashville and if you're a name in Nashville then chances are Jarrett and company will use you at some point to try and get attention.

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There has to be something we don't know about with Jarrett and Dixie Carter. As in why is this guy who doesn't draw any money and draws anti heat from the fans pushed on the show and in a position of power? He's gotta be nailing her or something.

If you mean Pacman, then it's probably because he's a 'celebrity' in Nashville and if you're a name in Nashville then chances are Jarrett and company will use you at some point to try and get attention.


Exactly. Truth be told, I'm a fareweather NFL fan, and quite honestly, Pacman Jones was a name I knew of vaguely, but not considerably. I'm sure I'm not the only one. That in itself should explain the reaction to him by the fans and the lack of response of casual viewers to see him on TNA. The Pacman Jones move was good in theory IF he could have worked matches, AND if he could have came in relatively affordable. But neither happened and you see the result. Revolt. Its an idea that intially I think was very thinking outside the box by TNA (to try to generate mainstream appeal to the product via media reporting on Jones, etc), but really turned on itself the more serious talks got with Jones, the Titans stepped in, and whatnot. TNA would have been much better served to have linked the controversy with the Titans not wanting him to work there alone, have him do some one time promo on Impact talking about it, and leaving it at that.


Not to derail this thread completely here, but TNA almost had Ray Lewis signed up for Slamiversary to oppose Frank Wycheck/Lynn with James Storm. Just a little tidbit I recently read in an Observer.

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The problem I have with football players coming in for matches is that TNA is not at the point where football players should be beating their talent, because it just makes the casual fans think worse of TNA wrestlers. And on the other hand, there's no point in having football players be involved if all they do is job to the wrestlers. It's not like a fan is going to think "Wow, this guy beat Pacman Jones. He's really good!" It worked in the WWF because Bam Bam was proven to be quite expendable in WWF plans while having some credibility beforehand. And Lawrence Taylor is Lawrence Taylor. No one will question a hall of fame linebacker who made a living pulverizing offensive players for years. And WWF built to the Taylor match better than TNA could ever do with Pacman.

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Wait a minute this "boycott" is bigger than just Nate, say it ain't so! I was guessing that the silence here in this very forum was that people were indifferent to the product but it looks like there might be actual agreement among fans that the current trend of "soap drama" is something that is unacceptable. And to take this even further notice that NBC pulled Passions off the air to have an extra hour of TODAY.


As for the football players being involved in wrestling well it worked back in the 50's-80's because it was all regional. Like for instance lets say if Championship Wresting of Florida were to do a few big shows at the armory and included the Tampa Bay Buccaneer QB to draw in a few more fans to the arena. The local celebrity would probably have a promo defending the city from the evil heel who would be from a rival city or country. It would probably get a huge crowd reaction with alot of cheering for the local heroes and booing the bad guys etc etc. But today in the year 2000 and 7 everything is different the fanbase is different its more about getting people to buy the PPV not to buy a ticket to the weekly event at the civic center! On the national level the general fan could care less about the football star or not even know who that person is and this applies to all celebrity involvement in wrestling.

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Yeah but really the whole Lawrence Taylor angle didn't draw shit for the WWF. It was probably one of the worst WMs in fact.


To elaborate on that football point, I think such an angle could still draw today at a local level for 1 show. For instance if TNA went to Green Bay and had some mid level heel badmouth the Packers they could have Favre come out and beat this dude up. It would at least pop the crowd and probably get them on Sportscenter, so it would accomplish something.

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There is no profit to be had on using celebrities and the retention rate is only limited by the fans of that specific city. Now really I seriously doubt that there is a large number of Titans fans in the city of Orlando and even if they are tourist from Graceland the number would be small. Got to think about the big picture "what kind of fan is willing to spend their gold pressed latinum on your merchandise?" It sure isn't the arena fans since they get in for free and when they are done with wrestling they would most likey go to the Back to the Future ride or watch JAWS 3D! The people that pay for TNA would be the PPV fan base now wouldn't it be logical to give them something worth paying for instead of the never ending drama that is TNA how about having a title change that means something instead of it being in hiatus for the last 9 months.

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And from the latest issue of F4W, regarding the 'boycott':


The funny thing is that according to one source, at least one person in TNA is upset enough that they have agreed to participate in the boycott.


So, what's he going to do, stand around backstage staring at a wall all show?



EDIT: Okay, that's right, the shows are taped. I'm a damn idiot.


You know, if this were WWE and they got wind of such a plan, they'd probably give one of the lowercard guys that exact gimmick just to try and stick two fingers up at everyone. Fingers firmly crossed TNA find someone to fill the role. That'd be great.

Edited by King Cucaracha

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I, for one, will continue to watch TNA until they fold or turn me off completely. I am a fan of pretty much everyone there right now. It would take a lot for me to stop watching. They would have to turn into the WWE and become boring. I can't stand what's going on on WWE TV right now. I don't find them to be entertaining at all. All the wrestlers I used to follow are off TV or dead. If I don't see another WWE program again I wouldn't shed a tear.

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I, for one, will continue to watch TNA until they fold or turn me off completely. I am a fan of pretty much everyone there right now. It would take a lot for me to stop watching. They would have to turn into the WWE and become boring. I can't stand what's going on on WWE TV right now. I don't find them to be entertaining at all. All the wrestlers I used to follow are off TV or dead. If I don't see another WWE program again I wouldn't shed a tear.


The guy in your sig is being relegated to Xplosion duty with no plans on the horizon. That makes me sad.

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So what's the rating with the boycott show?


1.05, up .5 from last week, apparently.

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I guess that means TNA: Total Nonstop Angle? When will he bring in Eric? He should change his name to Bollywood Angle not to confuse himself with Hollywood Hogan.

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He should change his name to Bollywood Angle not to confuse himself with Hollywood Hogan.

The tambourine man Sonjay = Bollywood!


When will he bring in Eric?

At the PPV to defend the tag team belts? Oh joy Angle Brothers vs Steiner Brothers vs Brother Ray & Brother D-von is on for the next 3 months.

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I actually watched Impact for the first time in months b/c I had nothing better to do. I was bored to tears and ended up reading Rolling Stone whiling it was on the background.

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Since the ratings went UP this week, can we assume the boycott was a miserable failure?


Maybe people who usually just read opinions on here and elsewhere and usually don't bother forming their own opinions took offense to being told what to think and decided to form their own opinions. I don't mind people being negative, usually it's for good reason. But when people tell me to be negative, doesn't wash. That's why I hate the news so much.



Or it could just be a co-incidence. Whatever. Just felt like venting.

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