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Guest AndrewisyourHero

OAO RAW Thread 11/12

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Break The Walls...



Turns out to be The Shockmaster

Oh, you bastard.


I was too busy looking for the video.




haha...ill give you most of the credit





btw, Is there any chance of a Rock appearance for this anniversay show? I mean...Austin and Foley will show up and continue to run out their comeback pop....

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Countdown pointed to 9:30 next week. Seems weird to not have him return at either the top of the show or the 10:00 slot.


Wouldn't it be 30 minutes from when the video aired tonight?


Video said 6 days, 23 hours, and 33 minutes. Video aired at 9:57


Hence, 9:30


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I hate these bloody fucking face-to-face debates so much, especially right before a major, heated, match.


I think they should debate the issues..like Illegal immigration.


and then have Super Crazy come out and beat them both up.

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Teardrop suplex time...



Realistically....HBK will probably win with an RKO or Elbow Drop



Optimistically, HBK wins with a sharpshooter or canadian destroyer


If I were HBK, no way would I trust Orton enough to do a Canadian Destroyer. Probably end up dropping Shawn on his head or breaking his neck.

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I wonder how it would go over with the fans it Orton just totally snapped, and did the kick to the head of Vince McMahon. Maybe have Orton just beating the shit out of a major face, HBK I suppose, and Vince stops him saying that's enough, that he can't have a top player taken out for good, and Orton just goes off on Vince as well.

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Well, looks like I'm picking up SvR 08 tomorrow...




They had better have re-animated the RKO




I don't care about the roster, I just create myself anyway and whoop ass. This whole limited fighting style kind of sucks...Part of the fun was creating a 5'7" Asian who could powerbomb Kane

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Is it just me, or has this been an extremely sloppy night tonight? It hasn't necessarily been bad. First of all, with the six man being sloppy (Kennedy almost killed Matt Hardy in the ropes after he botched the crap out of the Side Effect) and Orton almost botching the timing on the weakest elbow to the knee, the action has been a little off. And then, its like they decided this would be the one week the wrestlers went out without a script. Batista was so freakin' bad on the mic, it was hilarious. I am pretty sure he was on something while trying to deliver his lines. And if HBK said "when you think about it" one more time, I was going to throw my remote at the TV.

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Kennedy screwing up isn't anything new. Since his return to the ring, it's almost as if he totally forgets how to work right in the middle of a match.

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I think Michelle Mccool is beautiful...




And I agree about Raw seeming sloppy...but whatever, we still have more Santino to look foward to.


I think Michelle McCool needs to eat something......fucking a skeleton isn't hot to me.

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