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Turning Point

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Regular TV shows do a lot of things, but not all of them would fly on a wrestling show because wrestling is completely different animal.


That has been said, but honestly I'm not sure how true that it is. Guys hating each other one month and the next they're best freinds? That's happened on every daytime soap you can name. Guys turning on their freinds? Happened on Lost. The same rules of story telling apply to raw as they do to heroes or BSG. Granted, WWE and TNA often ignore things that other tv shows do (character development, continuity,) but it doesn't mean it can't work if they made only the effort.


And it's not like tv writers writing wrestling doesn't work. People tend to look at Stephanie team of Hollywood rejects as an example of how it can't, but Chris Kreski wrote for wwe in 1999 and 2000 and his work is remembered fondly. It's not bringing in tv writers that's the problem. It's brining in bad tv writers.




Even if Joe's promo was a shoot, has TNA done anything to suggest that it meant anything? Joe and Nash were teaming up on Impact like nothing happened, so if anyone thought it was a shoot, or wanted to think it was one, it's hard for them to do that anymore, and more importantly, it's hard for them to care. If the idea of this was to create an angle that comes across like something real, TNA have done their usual masterful job of failing miserably.


I'm not arguing they've failed to do anything with it (unless this is a slow burning angle, but I doubt it) but when Alvarez wrote that, shortly after it happened I assume, how could he immediately dismiss it as a failure that no one could get? Especially considering it wasn't a promo filled with insider references. If Joe had started talking about the clique or WCW then I would agree that 99% of people wouldn't get it. But for the most part, he kept it current, kept it simple and everyone walked away having an idea what he was pissed about. It didn't alienate anyone who felt they didn't have all the info.


Yes, casuals fans wouldn't understand the concept of a work/shoot but then, do they have to? It was a better shoot promo than most, because it worked on both levels: the interent fans and the casual fans both would have gotten it. Which is different to russo's work in wcw where only 1% got it and the rest where wondering what was going on.


It's dumb that they havn't done anything with it, but the promo itself I don't have a problem with.

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Wrestling doesn't adhere to the same rules as other TV shows, and it annoys me whenever they try to (for example, magic invisible cameras in the backstage areas that the wrestlers never notice, retarded bullshit like Hornswaggle painting a door on the side of a wall). Also, they tend to be under stricter guidelines in terms of what they can get away with. Imagine if they tried some of the same stuff that The Shield does every week; it would be PTC all over again. Wrestling's very worst and edgiest moments like the Kiss My Ass Club or Katie Vick is downright tame compared to, say, any episode of Oz ever.



I don't think Joe's promo was all that incomprehensible. He's a young guy and former X division champion, saying he likes the X division and the other rookies, and doesn't like former WWE superstars who coast on their name recognition. Considering that he was standing in the same ring with former WWE champion who moves like a drugged sloth and has shiny gray hair, I don't think it's too much of a stretch for any audience member to figure out what type of guy he's talking about.


Of course, the tepid crowd reaction would argue that the audience didn't care or necessarily agree with what he was saying, but that's another matter.

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Wrestling doesn't adhere to the same rules as other TV shows, and it annoys me whenever they try to (for example, magic invisible cameras in the backstage areas that the wrestlers never notice, retarded bullshit like Hornswaggle painting a door on the side of a wall). Also, they tend to be under stricter guidelines in terms of what they can get away with. Imagine if they tried some of the same stuff that The Shield does every week; it would be PTC all over again. Wrestling's very worst and edgiest moments like the Kiss My Ass Club or Katie Vick is downright tame compared to, say, any episode of Oz ever


I'm not a big fan of the invisble camera, but I don't particularly like tna's approach either. Like Crystal having to be there with her mic, to pick up all the major plot developments, we end up seeing her in like 6 segments a night because they have to explain so much of the plot and it comes off as so forced. I remember you used to get Jeff Jarrett 'accidentely' reveal his heel plans while in the middle of an interview. That's not much better.



I think all tv shows have different rules to adhere to. CSI couldn't have a midget running through a wall, kids shows can't have murders, and Lost couldn't run a Katie Vick angle either. Heck, I remember they wanted to do a necrophilliac story on the x files but fox said they couldn't even hint at it let alone explore the issue. But in terms of contiunity, story telling and character development then all tv shows, including WWE, should try and stick to the rules. They sort of did it at suvivor series when HHH pointed out all the bad things he'd done to Kane and Jeff, but that the bigger picture (defeating the other team) was more important than what happened in the past.

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Of course, the tepid crowd reaction would argue that the audience didn't care or necessarily agree with what he was saying, but that's another matter.

In this week's Observer, Meltzer credits the reaction, or lack of one, to the TNA fans seeing the old guys and/or former WWE names as the real stars.


There's also a story that Joe suggested Homicide for the spot, but was told Homicide wasn't over enough or good enough, and whether the story is true or not, Homicide thought it was and he was irate.

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I loved the ODB chants during after the match. The fans have really started to take to her. I like her character and she's a good worker. They have a damn fine Knockouts division.


Agreed... YET... I kinda feel embarrassed when I see her do her.. ahem... poses and whatnot... its just really funny and embarrissing...

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