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Retard Girl


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^ :lol: thx man.




over on livejournal, the wrestling communities and such i'm in, are pretty much split 50/50 boys/girls. it's only the message boards where i seem to be the only girl. i dunno why. and i'm prone to the occasional fangirling over who's cute and who's tights are smaller, but for the most part, i am a serious fangirl. i swear.

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No, go ahead and tell us which dudes you think are hot. It will help with this survey I'm doing.


Even my mom thinks some of them are hot. Back in the 80s, it was Ted DiBiase, and then in the 90s she said it was Billy Gunn and Val Venis. Now it's JC Bailey and Nick Mondo, since I've exposed her to underground death match wrestling by doing it myself. I always said "C'mon, don't you think Necro Butcher looks cool?" because he pretty much looks like me, but no...

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Wow, Jingus looks really desperate to be on good terms with a girl on a wrestling messageboard.


Good luck with that. Maybe you two could meet at a bar sometime for some Cough Medicine Martinis.

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No, go ahead and tell us which dudes you think are hot. It will help with this survey I'm doing.



Jimmy Jacobs, and NOT Necro.






Wow, Jingus looks really desperate to be on good terms with a girl on a wrestling messageboard.


Good luck with that. Maybe you two could meet at a bar sometime for some Cough Medicine Martinis.



mmmm Robotussen :wub:

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Wow, someone just really dissed godthedog up there.


I just meant in terms of her lack of capitalisation. I wasn't attempting to sully the good name of GtD.

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No, go ahead and tell us which dudes you think are hot. It will help with this survey I'm doing.



Jimmy Jacobs, and NOT Necro.

You know, that answer doesn't surprise me. I know a girl who I was with at the ROH show that took place at the Cow Palace and she was going nuts for Jacobs. I think she was ready to jump the barrier and jump his bones.

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Oh, I thought it was because he's emo so that makes him "mis-understood".

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Wow, Jingus looks really desperate to be on good terms with a girl on a wrestling messageboard.


Good luck with that. Maybe you two could meet at a bar sometime for some Cough Medicine Martinis.

Hush, don't fuck up my chance to do drugs I've not done in months with a girl who lives thousands of miles away.

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Oh, I thought it was because he's emo so that makes him "mis-understood".


nah, he was pritty way before all this "emo" shit. i'm just really happy that he's gotten over to the point he has. not bad for a tiny kid from Michigan.


but enough about Jimmy. this thread is all about me!

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Oh, I thought it was because he's emo so that makes him "mis-understood".


nah, he was pritty way before all this "emo" shit. i'm just really happy that he's gotten over to the point he has. not bad for a tiny kid from Michigan.


but enough about Jimmy. this thread is all about me!

Yup your a woman alright. :P

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I bet it does. DOWN THERE. (You can make anything sound dirty just by adding a nice loud "down there!" afterwards. It's like a lazier version of the classic "...in bed naked".)


Jingus, you haven't done cough medicine in months?! Good for you! Stick with it, that will destroy you.

The last time was... um... July? August? Sometime back when it was still ungodly hot. Probably whenever the last time was that I got fucked up and babbled at you until you logged off AIM, since I had that tendency whenever I went robotrippin'. Partly quit because you went on that big jihad against it, considering you were the one who first coached me on the subject. Partly just got tired of it.

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Don't get me wrong, it was fun for a while, I was just surprised you kept doing it so long. That's what I read often happens, somebody will go through a big binge and then either get bored (like you, apparently) or go 4th plateau and get the hell scared out of them, like me.


It was great for watching movies, though. I had a near cosmic experience watching James and the Giant Peach on it. I started a thread here about it. Still one of my favorite movies, I've watched in nearly every kind of inebriation. Sober, too.

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Man, I went through a period of about four months where I was seriously trying to be gay, and even I wouldn't fuck that dude. Jeff Hardy FTW. ... And JC Bailey.


Not Necro though, I'm with the Star on that one.

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I remember that I found Necro Butcher most entertaning during the closing stages of my wrestling fandom. Whenever I try to get back into it, it'll most likely be through him.

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She can come back whenever she wants. They ban her over and over, but it's really just a formality. She came back when I came back, so I can only assume I was the draw.


She stayed long enough to accept my apology for getting those cyber transcripts we had posted, which is all I needed, so it's all good.

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We've exceeded our New Englander quota, so you have to leave.

We will just kill one of the posters already here. Should we setup a New England Poster Wheel of Death? We can were suits.

I think I found the right person for the sacrifice



Boy I didn't see THAT coming...




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