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What are you giving for Christmas?

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So, I just finished wrapping all of my Christmas presents. This is the first year that I've been able to really spend a decent amount of money on anybody. Rough calculations come out to me spending a bit over a thousand bucks total. Here's a list of presents I'm giving:


My Mom: a portable DVD player, the first season of 'Little People, Big World' (my mom like...loves this show), and 'La Bamba' on DVD (the best movie ever starring Lou Diamond Phillips)

My Dad: one of those digital picture frames with a built-in weather station, the Simpsons Game for Nintendo DS

My Sister: a necklace with the double-helix symbol from the show 'Heroes', a country CD by some guy whose name I forgot, and 'The Village Sessions EP' by John Mayer

My Brother: A Fighter's heart by Sam Sheridan (book about MMA), an Ely snap-button Western shirt, '300' on DVD

My infant nephew Andrew (brother's kid): A DVD boxed set called 'Sesame Street: Old School Vols. 1-2' which is the first few seasons of 'Sesame Street' from the 1970s, a couple baby shirts

My significant other Elizabeth: I've been with her for over 7 years, so I asked her a couple months ago if she wanted an engagment ring for Christmas. She said that I didn't have to get her one because they're really expensive and instead I could just get her a Crock Pot. So, I got her a Crock Pot and I'm going to surprise her by getting her an engagement ring anyway and putting it in the Crock Pot. So, she'll open the Crock Pot and then I'll do the whole proposing thing and it'll be sweet and I'll get lotsa ass on Christmas. Either that, or she'll open the Crock Pot, think that all I got her was a Crock Pot and then she'll murder me, only to discover the ring after the life drains from my body and then feel guilty, throw her arms around my corpse, decide that life is no longer worth living and then commit suicide and then my family will come over and discover the grisly scene later that evening. Either way it'll be interesting how it all comes out.


So, what's everybody else getting their families/friends for Christmas?

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I wanted to get a gifts for my family and friends but I just can't afford any gifts right now. I might get gifts for them after I get a new job though and just tell everyone how badly I wanted to but couldn't afford it because I lost my job, so their getting belated christmas gifts.


I had a few ideas here and there, the only gift I got was this dragon statue for my dad. I just need to send it, I'm also sending him a dvd of me Refereeing a wrestling show as well...I get hit with a chair in it, he'll love it!

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Ok, well the best movie starring Lou Diamond Phillips is 'The First Power'. Actually Young Guns is better, but that's an ensemble cast.


And you know it says right on those Sesame St. dvds that it's not appropriate for the modern child. Fuck that, though, I was watching Friday the 13th at that age.


I'm pretty lucky this year, as nobody is expecting anything from me, because they know I'm broke, but I recently came into some money, so it will be a surprise. Keeping it simple, nothing unusual. I do plan on drawing some pictures for people, that always goes over real well. This one girl I like, she likes fairies (so do I, actually), and I've drawn her as a fairy. If she doesn't throw me to the ground and fuck me right on the spot, she's a total ice queen.

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Guest Smues

My mother, father, and sister will each be getting on of the world's largest gummy bears as well as a box of fancy peanut brittle I found in Alaska. Hey, my family likes candy.


I got my best friend a flask that says Meh, Guitar Hero 3 with wired guitar bundle, and the giant astro gummy bear from that same website.


I got my soon to be wife an ipod nano, a pair of Nike + shoes, and the chip you put in the shoes to synch them with your nano for running. Oh and another giant gummy bear. Hey, that website was awesome.


I think that about covers it this year. Last year I spent a lot of time wandering anchorage finding cool Alaskan gifts for every individual, but I didn't have time this year. Maybe next year.

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If only I would've known of the existence of that website, I, too would've gotten everyone I know a gigantic gummy bear. That's a lot of gummy for only $40, shipping included.

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My mom was all "save money on christmas" so what I did was use Appleworks to illustrate her life, and then I put all the apple works paintings in a slide show and then narrated it. It's sort of cute.


Got my dad a 10 dollar gift certificate to Burger King why the fuck not?


I got my 6 year old sister a Spongebob bingo/dominoes game. Wanted to get her guess who, but that shit's 15 bucks. How the fuck can you charge 15 bucks for slips of cardboard between plastic? Nonsense I say.


Younger brother I got "Comfort Eagle" by Cake, because I realized a couple weeks ago that Cake are a band he would really enjoy.


Older brother I got I Am America (and so can you), and I wrote something on the inside, but I forget what.

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I got Mom and Dad tickets to see James Hunter (some British dude who does 50s old R&B covers and originals that sound like 50s R&B songs) on March 7th in New Hampshire.


I got the older brother a $30 gift certificate to Bull Moose (a local music/DVD/video games store chain)


I got the younger brother Superman/Metallo Rock 'Em,Sock 'Em robots.


I got the best friend The Wire Season 1 on DVD.

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I didnt get anyone anything and have no plans to because more than likely I wont be getting anything from anyone either. As a plus Im working Christmas Eve and Christmas day just to keep away any holiday cheer that could aimlessly wander my way. I should get the people I work with something but last year, no fucking joke, my boss gave me a personal grooming kit with a comb, a nose hair and beard trimmer in it, and I got a couple tins of stale popcorn that was 50% the cheese kind that makes me sick anyway. The company I work for gave me a $20 (!!!) Giftcard to Wal Mart for christmas though and I went and bought the new Futurama DVD with it!


Oh..does gifting Super Ghouls and Ghosts for the SNES over the Nintendo VC to thoth count? +1 gift if it does.



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I didnt get anyone anything and have no plans to because more than likely I wont be getting anything from anyone either. As a plus Im working Christmas Eve and Christmas day just to keep away any holiday cheer that could aimlessly wander my way. I should get the people I work with something but last year, no fucking joke, my boss gave me a personal grooming kit with a comb, a nose hair and beard trimmer in it, and I got a couple tins of stale popcorn that was 50% the cheese kind that makes me sick anyway. The company I work for gave me a $20 (!!!) Giftcard to Wal Mart for christmas though and I went and bought the new Futurama DVD with it!


Oh..does gifting Super Ghouls and Ghosts for the SNES over the Nintendo VC to thoth count? +1 gift if it does.




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I'm getting my sister clothes (don't know what yet) and my brother "The Simpsons Movie". I'm shopping for my parents on Monday.

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I got my brother Guitar Hero III and Bully


Got my mother Shrek 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and a gift card to Walden Books for $25


Got my father a PS3 and the game Enchanted Arms.

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Guest Tact

I got my friends some mugs. I gave my mum a cookbook cause she loves cooking. Then I gave my dad a shirt. Well, the others, just wrote them xmas cards..

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For my mam: Home Southampton FC Shirt, box of belgium chocolates and the 1976 FA Cup Final on DVD

For my dad: I've been collecting vinyl for him the last two months, got some cool Mike Oldfield, Jethro Tull, Deep Purple etc, also he is a huge fan of MG sports cars, so have bought him a restoration DVD from the Discovery Channel called an MG is born and an MG Book, and the box set of all Sharpes dramas, was £100 but was on sale for £29 so couldnt pass that up.

For my sister: A signed Newcastle United shirt framed and the Take That DVD/CD album.

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-SNL seasons 1 & 2 on DVD

-Some damn book she wanted

-Cooking Mama 2 for the DS

-Hard drive for her PC

-Guess Who...yeah, the game, she wanted it...and she's not 6

-Some expensive Eddie Bauer boots


Girlfriend's mom

-Few cds: Led Zeppelin, Beatles, U2


Girlfriend's Sister (10)

-Bloo change purse (Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends)

-Mario kart for the DS



-Beatles Help on DVD


Sisters (8 and 13)

-$75 and $50 giftcards for old navy)

-Barbies and other girl crap

-body sprays and toenail stuff for the 13 year old


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Mom: Chipped in with dad and got a DVD camcorder, plus got her a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Dad: Chipped in with my brother to get him a DVD/VCR combo since the DVD player he has is shot to hell.

Brother: Jimmy Buffett's latest live CD, plus I got an old Sega Genesis from ebay to replace his old one since he still plays it.

Baby's Momma: Framed picture of my daughter. Was getting the pictures done anyway so the bitch got a three dollar frame out of the deal.

Daughter: Some toys for the tub and one of those LeapPad Baby things with a couple of games for it.


I also got one of my friends a manga she was looking for and another friend of mine Guitar Hero III.


Everybody else got cards.

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I'd do good shit like take kids from the ghetto

Show them what they could have if they never settle

Take every white kid from high class level

Show 'em what Christmas like growin' up in the ghetto



i like this, where is it from?

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My mom: books.


My dad: gift cards to restaurants and a coffee mug.


My sisters: books, DVDs.


My girlfriend: video games, books, crayons.


My friends: DVDs, computer games, action figures.


My in-laws: blank DVDs, jewel cases, DVD stands, books.

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I'd do good shit like take kids from the ghetto

Show them what they could have if they never settle

Take every white kid from high class level

Show 'em what Christmas like growin' up in the ghetto



i like this, where is it from?



Ma$e - 24 Hours To Live

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Dad - nothing. He wanted $300 headphones, so fuck that.

Mom - $20 to iTunes. She asked, and she will receive.

Sister - Apple earbuds.

Other sisters - nothing.

Girlfriend - Nothing yet. I'm planning on getting her a book (Perks Of Being A Wallflower... just because, or the vice guide to Do's and Don'ts.) plus a gift card to McDonalds with $1.84 on it. Maybe a bar of soap too.

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Mom - Project Runway Seasons One through Three on DVD.

Dad - Ceremonial brick that'll go into the fanwalk at the Mets' new stadium, Citifield.

Grandmother - Assortment of hats to cover up her chemo-induced baldness.

Other Grandmother - Assortment of books about Sicily, her place of birth.

Brother - Doesn't give gifts, doesn't get gifts.


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I didnt get anyone anything and have no plans to because more than likely I wont be getting anything from anyone either. As a plus Im working Christmas Eve and Christmas day just to keep away any holiday cheer that could aimlessly wander my way. I should get the people I work with something but last year, no fucking joke, my boss gave me a personal grooming kit with a comb, a nose hair and beard trimmer in it, and I got a couple tins of stale popcorn that was 50% the cheese kind that makes me sick anyway. The company I work for gave me a $20 (!!!) Giftcard to Wal Mart for christmas though and I went and bought the new Futurama DVD with it!


Oh..does gifting Super Ghouls and Ghosts for the SNES over the Nintendo VC to thoth count? +1 gift if it does.



I guess this means are stud's relationship with his red-haired beauty queen has hit the rocks.

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Damn Marv, you got some crappy life.


Dad: Upconverting DVD player, 12 different DVDs and House on DVD.

StepMom: Digital picture frame

Sister: BoSox WS T-Shirt and some massage thing she wanted.

Cousin: (we draw from a hat and pick one family member. I got my cousin Sue) Family Guy Volume 3 and 5 (it was BOGO)


That's all I can think of.


My sister got me the Boston Globe when the Red Sox won the WS. Best gift I got this year.

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got my dad Lost season 3 and some booze, got my mom a creepy little Precious Moments figurine (got those things are creepy lookin') and Driving Miss Daisy, and I got my sister the Simpsons Monopoly and the Kenneth Brannagh version of Hamlet on DVD that she's been wanting for 8 years.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
got my mom a creepy little Precious Moments figurine (got those things are creepy lookin')

Is your mom from rural Missouri?

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got my mom a creepy little Precious Moments figurine (got those things are creepy lookin')

Is your mom from rural Missouri?


Missouri, yes, but I dunno if it'd count as rural.

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