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Guest Tzar Lysergic

NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

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As if New York and Boston needed this matchup...


No worse fans in sports in terms of assholism




ESPN's going to be unwatchable for the next 2 weeks.


Like it wouldn't have been if the Pats were playing the Cowboys or Packers?


Honest question:


I see so much kvetching about ESPN and the incessant media hype on this board, pretty much since I've been here.....so why the fuck do you watch Sportscenter et. all? You're all on the internet, if you want to see highlights from a game it's easy enough, I just don't understand the "fucking ESPN is going to drive me insane" mantra, just don't watch it unless it's for an actual game. At all. I don't. It's easy to get your sports fix from the internet/newspapers/talk radio without relying on a shitty channel that everyone obviously hates.


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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Save the ESPN retardation for the ESPN retardation thread. This is my moment. No. This is our moment.

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As if New York and Boston needed this matchup...


No worse fans in sports in terms of assholism




ESPN's going to be unwatchable for the next 2 weeks.

I don't think there's a single media outlet that is watchable during the seemingly endless pre-Super Bowl coverage. If your favorite team isn't in it, all of it is to be avoided.


If you actually can get it, NFL Network is going to be a great oasis. Old Super Bowl games, America's Game documentaries, it's going to be great.

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ESPN should be hyping this up. They are in the championship after all. If it was Chargers/Packers, they would be talking about that 24/7. The only time I think they really go overboard (and FOX does this too) is with the Yankees & Red Sox. I remember a couple of years ago when FOX was hyping the American League Championship Series between the White Sox and Angels and literally the entire pre-show was about the fact that the Yankees & Red Sox weren't there. The two teams actually playing barely got a mention. Now that is going overboard. The teams still playing should always be talked about more than the teams that are not.

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I just want to clarify that New York Yankees fans are assholes. The rest of our teams aren't successful enough to have asshole fans.


What about Jets fans? They have one of the crummiest franchises in AFC history and are some of the most obnoxious fans in the NFL.


They're just bitter that it's been almost 40 years since they were relevant. Aside from the obnoxious J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS chant they don't really annoy me all that much and I have to hear everyone of them in the tri-state area pick the Giants to lose every game they play every year.

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Honestly, I don't know why some of you would rather hear the teenage like Brett Favre finally making it back to the Super Bowl and playing pitch and catch with Donald Driver. This is much better.

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Good thing you added that last part. I love the Packers, but I know damn well they didn't deserve to win that game. Even if they had snuck it out in OT.



I don't hate all packers fans. Just him. He's been a fucking prick since the Cowboys lost to the giants last week, it's good to see him suffer.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I don't mind the Jets so much since they realigned divisions. I still don't like them, but they're pretty irrelevant to me. I feel that way about all non-Yankee New York teams.

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I just want to clarify that New York Yankees fans are assholes. The rest of our teams aren't successful enough to have asshole fans.


What about Jets fans? They have one of the crummiest franchises in AFC history and are some of the most obnoxious fans in the NFL.


They're just bitter that it's been almost 40 years since they were relevant. Aside from the obnoxious J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS chant they don't really annoy me all that much and I have to hear everyone of them in the tri-state area pick the Giants to lose every game they play every year.


God I remember when the Jets came to town. Since the owner of the bar I bounced at was from the area the official Jets fan club made it their hangout for the weekend. I swear If I had heard that stupid J-E-T-S chant one more time I might have hurt someone. The only good point was that when a few of them got blasted I called them cabs instead of letting them drive their rentals back to the hotels. They tipped pretty well.

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I hate rooting for New York teams out of principle. But a loss might finally knock that arrogant smirk off of Belichick's face.


Decisions decisions.


I think I'll sleep between 6:00 and 10:00 and go to a bar after the game for karaoke night.

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Biggest play of the game in my opinion was the stop Pierce made on the screen in the 2nd quarter. Grant had three blockers in front of hin, Pierce was the only guy anywhere near him, and instead of taking a 14-6 lead, the Giants held it to 10-6.

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Guest Vitamin X
For some I have the feeling I'm stuck in a timewarp from 2001 and have visions of another lousy Super Bowl thrashing with the Patriots in Baltimore's role.

This feels more like the 1998 season, when an amazing Vikings team completely choked and gave a shitty team who had no business keeping the game close in the first place, to lead to a complete assraping in the Super Bowl.


At least Vikings fans have this- I'll never make fun of them for that game again.


Good game, better team won damnit!

Lies. The Giants played keepaway the whole game and both teams had a few breaks go their way, then Favre fucks it up in overtime. To be honest, Green Bay played well below their level for this game, and New York is in way over their heads next week. Three consecutive road wins against much more talented squads, and now against the best team the NFL has ever seen? Good luck with that one.


The Packers have enough blame to go around for the whole team actually. Hawk for missing the late tackle, Harris for getting torched, McCarthy for abandoning the run, the defensive coordinator for not getting someone over to HELP Harris after the fifth torching and of course Farve for just not looking and hurling the ball all over the field.

I agree completely. I mentioned it earlier that the best thing the Packers could have done would have been to crush them with their running game and have Favre look for the short, quick pass and control the ball. The worst possible thing they could have done was slow the game down to the Giants' pace and let them control the ball.


And hey Cowboynumbers, knock it off. Your team lost to the same one mine did last week, despite being the #1 seed.


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The better team DEFINITLEY won this game. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looked like to me the Giants totally dominated this game. One huge play by Favre to Driver, and basically that was it. Two missed FG's, the fumble after the INT, the called back TD from Bradshaw, the lucky TD after the penalty on Madison, the Giants owned time of possesion, owned the running game ect ...


I don't how you can say the Bucs, Cowboys and Packers were the better teams when the Giants went in and beat ALL of them on the road.

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Guest Vitamin X

Also, the Giants don't even have anything interesting going for them other than a slightly douchey quarterback and a block of muscle at running back. Not even a funny dance like the Dirty Bird or anything, nope.

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Well, I'm probably not watching the Superbowl this year. It's a lose-lose situation. It's funny though, because I was rooting so hard against the Giants tonight, but come the 3rd I'm gonna be their biggest fan.

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Three consecutive road wins against much more talented squads


I don't think Tampa is more talented than the Giants.


And the Packers and Cowboys are probably better but the gap is really not that big.

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Well, I'm probably not watching the Superbowl this year. It's a lose-lose situation. It's funny though, because I was rooting so hard against the Giants tonight, but come the 3rd I'm gonna be their biggest fan.


No, douchebag, the biggest fan is probably WATCHING THE FUCKING GAME.

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For some I have the feeling I'm stuck in a timewarp from 2001 and have visions of another lousy Super Bowl thrashing with the Patriots in Baltimore's role.

This feels more like the 1998 season, when an amazing Vikings team completely choked and gave a shitty team who had no business keeping the game close in the first place, to lead to a complete assraping in the Super Bowl.


At least Vikings fans have this- I'll never make fun of them for that game again.


Good game, better team won damnit!

Lies. The Giants played keepaway the whole game and both teams had a few breaks go their way, then Favre fucks it up in overtime. To be honest, Green Bay played well below their level for this game, and New York is in way over their heads next week. Three consecutive road wins against much more talented squads, and now against the best team the NFL has ever seen? Good luck with that one.


The Packers have enough blame to go around for the whole team actually. Hawk for missing the late tackle, Harris for getting torched, McCarthy for abandoning the run, the defensive coordinator for not getting someone over to HELP Harris after the fifth torching and of course Farve for just not looking and hurling the ball all over the field.

I agree completely. I mentioned it earlier that the best thing the Packers could have done would have been to crush them with their running game and have Favre look for the short, quick pass and control the ball. The worst possible thing they could have done was slow the game down to the Giants' pace and let them control the ball.


And hey Cowboynumbers, knock it off. Your team lost to the same one mine did last week, despite being the #1 seed.


That's pretty funny because thee Giants completely outplayed the Packers in regulation. The 90 yard TD pass was a blown coverage, Tynes missed 2 FGs, and that only kept the Packers in the game. If they were the better team they wouldn't have lost at home with Brett Favre beind outplayed by Eli Manning in subzero temperatures.

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And hey Cowboynumbers, knock it off. Your team lost to the same one mine did last week, despite being the #1 seed.



I already said I don't hate all packers fans. Just that one guy for talking shit when the Cowboys lost.


You didn't say anything, did you?

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This feels more like the 1998 season, when an amazing Vikings team completely choked and gave a shitty team who had no business keeping the game close in the first place, to lead to a complete assraping in the Super Bowl.


At least Vikings fans have this- I'll never make fun of them for that game again.


That Vikings team was much better than this Packers team. They still have to live with the fact that they were the best team never to make the Super Bowl. At least the 1968 Colts got there.

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Guest Vitamin X
The better team DEFINITLEY won this game. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looked like to me the Giants totally dominated this game. One huge play by Favre to Driver, and basically that was it. Two missed FG's, the fumble after the INT, the called back TD from Bradshaw, the lucky TD after the penalty on Madison, the Giants owned time of possesion, owned the running game ect ...


Here are the two stats the Giants won: Time of possession and rushing yards. When the weather is shit, that's what you need to do to win. How could you say the Giants totally dominated this game when there were FOUR fucking lead changes, with the game tied till the very last second? On a talent basis alone, Green Bay is the better team. So is Dallas. I don't know about Tampa Bay. And now, I could say that I didn't watch most of the Dallas game last week, but I have watched a few of the Giants' games this year and this game just seemed like it was total luck. The Giants made one more play than the Packers did, at the very end.


And where the fuck did all these Giants fans come from all of a sudden? Yikes.

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Guest NYankees
For some I have the feeling I'm stuck in a timewarp from 2001 and have visions of another lousy Super Bowl thrashing with the Patriots in Baltimore's role.

This feels more like the 1998 season, when an amazing Vikings team completely choked and gave a shitty team who had no business keeping the game close in the first place, to lead to a complete assraping in the Super Bowl.


At least Vikings fans have this- I'll never make fun of them for that game again.


Good game, better team won damnit!

Lies. The Giants played keepaway the whole game and both teams had a few breaks go their way, then Favre fucks it up in overtime. To be honest, Green Bay played well below their level for this game, and New York is in way over their heads next week. Three consecutive road wins against much more talented squads, and now against the best team the NFL has ever seen? Good luck with that one.


The Packers have enough blame to go around for the whole team actually. Hawk for missing the late tackle, Harris for getting torched, McCarthy for abandoning the run, the defensive coordinator for not getting someone over to HELP Harris after the fifth torching and of course Farve for just not looking and hurling the ball all over the field.

I agree completely. I mentioned it earlier that the best thing the Packers could have done would have been to crush them with their running game and have Favre look for the short, quick pass and control the ball. The worst possible thing they could have done was slow the game down to the Giants' pace and let them control the ball.


And hey Cowboynumbers, knock it off. Your team lost to the same one mine did last week, despite being the #1 seed.



Last time I checked, the Falcons went 14-2 in 1998 which was one fewer win than the Vikings and lost by two touchdowns to a better team in the Superbowl. I wouldn't call them a shitty team or say that they got raped in the Superbowl. There have been far worse Superbowls. So quit your fucking bitching and shut up.

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The better team DEFINITLEY won this game. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looked like to me the Giants totally dominated this game. One huge play by Favre to Driver, and basically that was it. Two missed FG's, the fumble after the INT, the called back TD from Bradshaw, the lucky TD after the penalty on Madison, the Giants owned time of possesion, owned the running game ect ...


I don't how you can say the Bucs, Cowboys and Packers were the better teams when the Giants went in and beat ALL of them on the road.



Are you forgetting the Cowboys beat them in Dallas AND NY earlier in the year? The Cowboys just had a fucking horrendous 2nd half collapse.

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The better team DEFINITLEY won this game. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looked like to me the Giants totally dominated this game. One huge play by Favre to Driver, and basically that was it. Two missed FG's, the fumble after the INT, the called back TD from Bradshaw, the lucky TD after the penalty on Madison, the Giants owned time of possesion, owned the running game ect ...


Here are the two stats the Giants won: Time of possession and rushing yards. When the weather is shit, that's what you need to do to win. How could you say the Giants totally dominated this game when there were FOUR fucking lead changes, with the game tied till the very last second? On a talent basis alone, Green Bay is the better team. So is Dallas. I don't know about Tampa Bay. And now, I could say that I didn't watch most of the Dallas game last week, but I have watched a few of the Giants' games this year and this game just seemed like it was total luck. The Giants made one more play than the Packers did, at the very end.


And where the fuck did all these Giants fans come from all of a sudden? Yikes.



I'm pretty damn sure Eli out played Favre for 99.9% of this game. This would have been an easy Giant win for not one blown coberage and one retarded fumble after and INT. You act as if TOP and run yards aren't important. The Giants moved the ball, kept the chains moving, and kept the Green Bay D on the field. The Packers were horible on 3rd down, and the Giants secondary was great, with not that much pressure from the Giants front four. I'm guessing the Giants "all joe" thing got to your head, because the Giants have a very talented team. This was less of an upset than Cowboys/Giants imo. The Giants were outplayed in that one, but for the majority of this game were definitley the better team.

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Guest Vitamin X

Not to mention the Packers beat the shit out of them 35-21 earlier this season as well.


I'll give the Giants credit for doing so well in the underdog situation all season, and for Tom Coughlin making the Super Bowl after choking in the conference title game so many times with the Jags.


And I'm just going to leave it at that rather than try to talk down to the level of the myopic morons coming from the Empire State at the moment. Good game to you all, and good luck keeping the margin of victory for the Patriots a little bit closer than it might be otherwise.

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