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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Questions to be answered by the next person to post in the thread

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Ever see any good fights in the stands during a sporting event?

My wife saw a Leaf fan fighting with a Sens fan last year at the ACC during a Leafs-Sens game. Leaf fan was tossed.


The pinnacle of fighting in the stands (maybe stretching the definition a bit) has to be the time a Flyers fan was abusing Tie Domi (who was in the penalty box), but leaned up against the glass so hard that the glass gave way and the Flyers fan suddenly found himself IN the penalty box with Domi. Hilarity ensued.


Next question: What was the first sporting event you attended live?

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Ever see any good fights in the stands during a sporting event?

My wife saw a Leaf fan fighting with a Sens fan last year at the ACC during a Leafs-Sens game. Leaf fan was tossed.


The pinnacle of fighting in the stands (maybe stretching the definition a bit) has to be the time a Flyers fan was abusing Tie Domi (who was in the penalty box), but leaned up against the glass so hard that the glass gave way and the Flyers fan suddenly found himself IN the penalty box with Domi. Hilarity ensued.


Next question: What was the first sporting event you attended live?


C'mon, Mike Milbury shoe incident is tops coming to the NHL, and the whole Pacers/Pistons riot. Don't forget about the hooligans in England.


My first sporting event I was about four or five, but it was New Jersey vs Buffalo at the old Auditorium. We sat in the nosebleeds and from this game I became afraid of heights. (Those seats were steep).



My last sporting event was in August seeing the Yankees getting demolished by the Blue Jays 15-4.

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First game I remember going to (Went to a couple of Red Sox games as a toddler that I don't remember) was a real barnburner. The Chicago Bulls, the year after Jordan retired for the second time (starring Toni Kukoc and Ron Harper) against The Boston Celtics (right in the midst of the Pitino era. Paul Pierce's rookie season). Even though they were both absolutely shitty at the time, the game was semi-exciting and I had a ball. I remember it was the afternoon of Oscar night for some reason. They were giving out free Paul Pierce posters that night, I still have mine hanging in my basement. Nobody can accuse me of being a Celtics bandwagon jumper after I sat through this one (Not to mention the epic late March tussel between The Cs and The Hawks I went to last year)



Last sporting event I went to was a month ago. It was also The Celtics and it was against The Trailblazers. Damn good game. Until The Celtics ran away with it a bit in the last two or three minutes.



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Andre Woodson from Kentucky. He may not be the best QB in the draft, but given the right team he can have a nice long pro career.



What is the best rivalry in sports and what is the most overrated sports rivalry?

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For overrated rivarly I'd go with Red Sox-Yankees for obvious reasons and Cowboys/Redskins since this rivarly is often very one-sided according to which team is up or down. For underrated i'll be a homer and say Raiders-Broncos. My next under-rated rivalry would have to be the Oregon-Oregon State Civil War.


The best rivalry in sports ever IMO has to be USA v the Soviet Union. For right now its Michigan vs. tOSU.


Ill let this question carry over

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My opinion on the most overrated rivalry in sports is the Montreal Canadiens/Toronto Maple Leafs rivarly. Two teams that have only met 15 times in the playoffs, five in the finals and have never played in the playoffs together since 1979. Ultimately what killed this rivalry was when Toronto went to the Eastern Conference and instead of playing two times a year which had some special interest, now went to eight times a season with overkill. I mean there was only two times in recent history that these two teams would meet each other in the Playoffs. The 1992-93 Playoffs when LA knocked off the Leafs to go into the finals which ultimatley lost to the Canadiens in five, and in 2003 when Montreal was up 2-0 against Carolina and chocked against them and went on to face Toronto in the Conference Finals (which Carolina won in seven).


Also the majority of the players really don't play with passion against each other. There are some players like Tucker, Komisarek, Koivu and Sundin who understand the rivalry, but the rest of the players just see this as another game.



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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent
The best rivalry in sports ever IMO has to be USA v the Soviet Union. For right now its Michigan vs. tOSU.

Most of the country doesn't give a flying fuck about Michigan-Ohio State, and is rooting for both schools' legions of townie dopes to be crushed by the cars they're always overturning.

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The best rivalry in sports ever IMO has to be USA v the Soviet Union. For right now its Michigan vs. tOSU.

Most of the country doesn't give a flying fuck about Michigan-Ohio State, and is rooting for both schools' legions of townie dopes to be crushed by the cars they're always overturning.


Isn't that true for most rivalries anyways? Only the people involved would care about Bears vs Packers, Chiefs vs Raiders, Red Sox vs Yankees, Ohio State vs Michigan, Cowboys vs Redskins, etc.

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I agree Walkin' Dude. I am a huge OSU fan, but I would have a tough time selling "it usually decides the Big Ten Title", to anyone outside of the Midwest.


I ALWAYS hated that Dallas-Washington was a Monday night game even when the teams were bad in the early 2000's.



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My vote for most overrated rivalry is Kurt Angle and Christian. Oh shit, wrong folder.






I really hated the Lakers/Kings rivalry. It was like every media outlet wanted the Lakers to pound the Kings, and overhyped that rivalry to the heavens.

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I dunno, Joey, the Sacramento fans didn't seem too happy when Sing Along with The Rock mentioned the Lakers beating the Kings.

Not to mention Shaq's constant references to beating the "Sacramento Queens". That was a pretty good legitimate rivalry for this day and age in the NBA.


My pick for best current rivalry is Pats/Colts. The fan bases hate each other and, unlike most rivalries, every game lives up to the hype for the most part.

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I think Pats/Colts is a damn good rivalry as well. Best in this modern age.



Kings/Lakers was the only thing really resembling a solid rivalry in the NBA for a good portion of the first half of this decade.



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Maybe I'm just biased because I hate the Western Conference in basketball. In hockey, I'm sort of indifferent. Reminds me of the Red Wings/Avalanche rivalry. I loved that shit, and still do.




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best! I think I love this the most cuz my first year of developmental baseball had me wearing the same color uniforms. And I dig the Athletics since they used to play in Philly. Even if it was a long time ago.

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Those were bad but I think The Padres alternate camo jerseys were even worse.




Can we all agree that camo should never be worn unless you're hunting or are in the military? It just looks awful.

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Straying from the topic just a bit, those New York Yankee jerseys are the most boring, bland, crappy piece of shit jerseys I've ever seen. I hate them, I don't care about their historical significance with the "pinstripes" or shit, a lot of teams have fucking pinstripes.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

Too many worst uniforms ever to pick just one, and the Flying V Canucks are already taken, so I'll go on a tangent: every NFL uniform set that isn't the Bears, Raiders, or Colts is in some way bad. The NFL is heading into a late-'90s NBA sort of fashion downturn. The league's mandate that all new jerseys use proprietary typefaces, plus the general trend toward barely having sleeves and wearing dark-on-dark, has led to a whole slew of ugly things on my television. The Patriots have had their new stuff for like seven years and it already looks like a dated relic with "futuristic" messy serifs on the letters and big side panels. The Falcons, Cardinals, Texans, Rams, Titans, Chargers, and Bills have the same general problem. The Bengals look like an arena team. The Giants' road uniforms make no sense. There's just a lot of bad. If I could change every set in the league, I'd have to change all of them except those three at the top.

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Apparently people hated this jersey. I loved it.




The best jersey ever. Who made the comment about teams shouldn't have letters or names on their jersey? Saying teams should have a logo or something.

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