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Cowboy Battlenuts

Standup anyone?

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When I lived in St. Louis, I went to The Funny Bone a buncha times.


I saw 3 of Milky's favorites there, Greg... something, and about 25 other dudes/chicks that are semi-famous/famous now. Also that one dude who's poular now with the ventriliquist dummies...


The amateurs that opened would range from so terrible that I bought a guy a drink one time because he got booed off stage so bad, to being better then the headlining comedian sometimes.


And Charlie Murphy is awesome, from what I've been told, so I'd recommend seeing the show if you have a chance to.


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Fuuuuck. Bill Cosby is one of my heroes, and not only for his comedy, but Fuck. That.


I have a chance to see Charlie, so I guess it couldn't hurt. At worst, the opener might be good and I'm out $20.


Mike Epps is coming soon after, and I enjoy Mike Epps, but he wants $40. Even Mooney only charged $21.50.

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Oh, and I saw Bill Cosby in Pittsburgh at the theatre downtown when I lived there. The show was good, but not $350 a ticket good.


Cosby was once $350 a ticket?


I saw him I think last year, for... I can't even remember. Under $100 for sure, quite possibly under $50 a ticket.

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When I lived in St. Louis, I went to The Funny Bone a buncha times.


I saw 3 of Milky's favorites there, Greg... something, and about 25 other dudes/chicks that are semi-famous/famous now. Also that one dude who's poular now with the ventriliquist dummies...


The amateurs that opened would range from so terrible that I bought a guy a drink one time because he got booed off stage so bad, to being better then the headlining comedian sometimes.


And Charlie Murphy is awesome, from what I've been told, so I'd recommend seeing the show if you have a chance to.


Probably Greg Warren...


I try to make it to the Westport open-mic every Tuesday night...don't always get on stage, but it's fun to just watch the show and see some of the up-and-coming comics as well as in-town pros like Greg.

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Oh, and I saw Bill Cosby in Pittsburgh at the theatre downtown when I lived there. The show was good, but not $350 a ticket good.


Cosby was once $350 a ticket?


I saw him I think last year, for... I can't even remember. Under $100 for sure, quite possibly under $50 a ticket.



This was...03 or 04 I think, it was like 3 hrs long or something, and he did more then just his standup act. It was like, "A Night With Bill Cosby" or some shit. I dunno for sure, those were the coke years.

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I've seen that too... I think I even posted about it here, where I was like "I wanted to see Cos but he was charging three bills." and somebody else was like "Whaaa? I saw him for fifty bucks!"

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I might (might) pay that much to see him in his prime, but I wouldn't pay that much to see his current social activist set

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He does a show at City Hall in Portland every year and I think he charges around $75-80 but I think his ticket prices must vary on the venue cause he played a 10,000 seat outdoor venue normally reserved for concerts and only charged $50-60. I don't see the appeal of seeing stand-up in a huge place like that though.

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"What did Roman's use for variables in their algebra equations? Numbers?!"


That's my big stand-up joke. Or would be, if I ever did comedy for a Mathemtician convention.

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more than one person has reccomended to me about trying out for some amature night at semi-local clubs. you wouldn't know it here, but i'm a pretty funny person. i don't know how well i'd do just standing there and telling jokes. i'm at my best in just regular, day-to-day situations, when an oppertunity arises for a quick wise-cracking comment, i'm usually the first with one.

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Yeah, I wouldn't advise it. Open mics are full of people like that... "the funny guy" at work whose buddies tell him to do stand up. It's a totally different animal, being able to write material and perform it effectively.

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just the standing there in front of a rolm of people thing, makes it totally different. i'm pretty sure about my abilities to deliver a routine though... kinda. maybe. sorta?

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i prefer the term "unstraight".


and only half the jokes would be about the fats. the rest would be about how retarded people act on the internet :)

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Man, I hate female comics.




I said it earlier today, but Amy Poehler is the only woman I find consistently funny in a professional capacity.

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"stay" out? of what? i'm already out :D


Stay out of stand-up! I'm just kidding though, if you're interested, I say go out and try it. You never know if you've got it in you, but if you do, it's a great feeling when you're rolling. People talk shit about the "Well my friends say I'm funny" comics, but it's a good sign if your friends think you're funny. Go hit up an open-mic and let us know how it goes.

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Ive gone to, participated in, and even won many Freestyle Fridays in Pittsburgh. I've went to open mic nights at hiphop clubs in various states and cities and spit freestyles or pre-writtens. I've been in battles that made myhead spin, in front of 200 people, alot of them I knew, or they at least knew me. And lost. I've also murdered mofuckers on the mic, and tore the house down on stage. The whole crowd ohhhin' and ahhhin', or jumpin with me. I can handle that shit, no problem.



But, there ain't no way I could get on an stage and do stand up for 15 minutes. There's just no way. I know I'm a funny dude, evrybody I've ever known that has heard me go off on a rant about a subject that I actually care about says I could do standup. I would love to be able to. I dunno, maybe in 10 years when I start doin hard drugs again, I'll give it a try.

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Ive gone to, participated in, and even won many Freestyle Fridays in Pittsburgh. I've went to open mic nights at hiphop clubs in various states and cities and spit freestyles or pre-writtens. I've been in battles that made myhead spin, in front of 200 people, alot of them I knew, or they at least knew me. And lost. I've also murdered mofuckers on the mic, and tore the house down on stage. The whole crowd ohhhin' and ahhhin', or jumpin with me. I can handle that shit, no problem.



But, there ain't no way I could get on an stage and do stand up for 15 minutes. There's just no way. I know I'm a funny dude, evrybody I've ever known that has heard me go off on a rant about a subject that I actually care about says I could do standup. I would love to be able to. I dunno, maybe in 10 years when I start doin hard drugs again, I'll give it a try.


You know, for me, part of what made it so easy is that I always had the "Ah, fuck, I could do that" attitude about stand-up. Even when I was sort of a jock in high school.


You say you couldn't get up and do fifteen minutes, but I bet if the right things fell into place you could be up there on stage within a year. I never thought I'd get up there, but then I took an improv class in college (for the art credits) and then everything spun into place. I love stand-up, I think everyone should give it a shot, but then - I'm a stand up comedian, I might not be completely objective.

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One thing that helps for me is I'm very good at failing. I can mock the shit out of somebody, I can take turns for the crazy... like Patton Oswalt (I'm seeing him this summer, btw) was saying, one funny thing about open mics are when you get people who are fucking nuts. I can do that very well.


I can do it more like performance art, like the early Suicide shows where Alan Vega would go around smacking drinks out of people's hands and have everyone in the room crowded against the back wall before they would start. But that's more a thing to do at like a poetry slam than a comedy open mic.


I actually should probably learn to stop doing things like that, it must hinder the jokes. Unless I wanted to be like an Andy Kaufman style comic. Which would be awesome. But a harder sell.

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Guest Vitamin X
I said it earlier today, but Amy Poehler is the only woman I find consistently funny in a professional capacity.


I'd say the same thing, but Sarah Silverman instead of Amy Poehler. Poehler is only good when she's acting with Will Arnett. And I wouldn't even call Silverman consistent, either.

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Guest Vitamin X

I haven't seen UCB in a long time, so you may be right. I do recall it being pretty funny.

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Most I've ever done at one time is around ten minutes...my biggest weakness is that I have a lot of trouble remembering all of my stuff when I'm on stage. I try to figure out good segues and ways to expand on my existing material...that way, one thing flows straight into another.


As far as comediennes go...Nikki Glaser and Andi Smith were both on Last Comic Standing and they were from my neck of the woods. I've heard people say that Nikki's style is similar to Silverman's though.

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