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Moments where titles were buried

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I guess it pretty much starts with the finger poke but what other moments do you have where you clear seen, in your eyes, a burial of a title.


After watching the Owen-Bulldog Euro title match, to see it only 9 months later go to a joke match with HHH-HBK was the end for that title before it even began.


Other moments:


WCW TV in the trash

David Arquette

Vince Russo

Stone Cold throwing the IC title over the bridge


Got yours?

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-Khali squashing Rey, while he was still the champion.

-Tazz, as ECW Champion, losing to HHH on Smackdown - well, the whole situation leading up to that could be included as well

-Shane Douglas throwing down the NWA Title

-Medusa throwing the WWE Women's Title in the trash on Nitro

-"Oklahoma" and other misfits winning the Cruiserweight Title

-HHH winning and retiring the IC Title


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The WCW Tag Team Titles after like, '97, were more or less worthless. I forget the specifics, but I remember when they tried to hold a tournament for the belts, and Nash and Hall kept running in on all the matches, so they had to re-start the tournament, making the whole thing look like a joke.

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Hornswoggle winning the Cruiserweight title.


Is it any coincidence that the title is nowhere to be seen after his title reign?


-Vince McMahon winning the WWE title in 1999.

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Guest WWE247FanaticSeries

Gillberg gets booked as "undefeated" Goldberg parody after winning the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship.

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The Women's Title being on Miss Kitty and Harvey Wippleman from December 12th, 1999 through February 1st, 2000.


Granted, the Women's Title/Division has never been held in high esteem (possibly exception of 2002 - 2004) but in 1999 they could've had a decent if not so good Women's Division to build the title around: Jacqueline, Ivory, The Kat (Miss Kitty), Chyna, Luna Vachon, Sable if she stayed, and Tori.


Coming in shortly thereafter would be Lita who could've made a splash in that division immediately rather than wallowing around with Essa Rios, same for Trish Stratus and her 'managing' Test and Albert.


It still amazes me that given the opportunity to bring in the young female fans, the WWE didn't capitalize in 1998/1999. They started out good with Jacqueline and Sable but when Sable won, they never gave any regard to really pushing her as an independent, strong Women's Champion. Instead she was in the midst of the Marc Mero feud and later stuck with Nicole Bass as a heel.


The WWE could've had an early Trish Stratus from 1998 on in Sable if A] They bothered to push the Women's Title as a decent division and B] Had hired enough women workers that could wrestle rather than just look pretty and 'wrestle' on the side (Terri, Kat, etc.)

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I actually don't think Khali squashing Rey really hurt the world title as much as Rey himself. And really the Euro title wasn't buried all that much by Michaels and HHH. It was mostly that Shawn already had the WWF title, and rather than defend a lesser belt and cause friction with his best friend he just let his pal have it. HHH had a decent feud with Owen over the title in 1998 and D'Lo treated the belt like it was special. Now once Shane won it, yeah, it was mostly useless after that.

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Definitely the "Fingerpoke of Doom". That was one of the worst ideas in the history of pro wrestling.


Also, anytime in WCW or TNA when Russo booked somebody to defend/win the World Championship in a tag team match.

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WCW TV in the trash



I don't know what was worse, actually throwing the belt in the trash or a couple months later, when Janitor Jim Duggan (Who even before getting the dumb janitor gammick- had been a novelty act for the better part of a half decade) found the belt in the trash, claimed it as his own and defended it against the likes of Fidel Sierra and a heel Robert Gibson. Honestly if that's what they were going to do revive the belt, I'd have rather had them kept it in the trash.


And if you don't remember this angle, it's easy to forget. It took place exclusively on WCW Saturday Night. I don't think they even referenced the fact that the TV title was active again and was held by Duggan on Nitro or Thunder.

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And if you don't remember this angle, it's easy to forget. It took place exclusively on WCW Saturday Night. I don't think they even referenced the fact that the TV title was active again and was held by Duggan on Nitro or Thunder.


This was during the era that Jimmy Hart booked Saturday Night and it was supposed to exist in its own self-contained world. Some of the wrestlers appeared on Nitro/Thunder and vice versa, but the Saturday Night show seemed to exist outside of the normal WCW canon. The TV title was given to the show to be their de facto top belt.

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You know besides that dumb angle, I really liked WCW Saturday Night in '99/early '00 when Hart was booking. I know it's not saying much but it was probably WCW's best show at the time.

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The WCW Tag Team Titles after like, '97, were more or less worthless. I forget the specifics, but I remember when they tried to hold a tournament for the belts, and Nash and Hall kept running in on all the matches, so they had to re-start the tournament, making the whole thing look like a joke.


Speaking of WCW Tag Titles and tournaments, how about the 'lethal lottery' tournament for the belts in 2000? That was a low point in tag team wrestling history, for sure.

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well i was at the royal rumble in new york city and might i say that ECW was raped and their title lost all the credibility it had when chavo entered that ring as a participant, i remember me and all the people in my section were like ( why in the world is chavo in there) then i chimed in "when chavo wins the rumble he is gonna defend against himself at mania, got a few laughs too

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-Tazz, as ECW Champion, losing to HHH on Smackdown - well, the whole situation leading up to that could be included as well

I was a little more annoyed by him jobbing to Crash in a Hardcore Title match that week on Raw (don't think he was pinned, but still WTF?!).


Mideon finding the Euro Title in the bag and defending it was pretty bad, as was Mark Henry just getting it handed to him from Jeff Jarrett.


I haven't watched since 05, so things may have changed since, but Chyna beating Trish for the I-C Title more or less killed that belt for me. I love em both and I will defend Chyna's first reign til the death...but to me this killed all the credibility the belt had regained post-Russo and it's been pretty much a joke ever since.

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The Chavo thing is being blown completely out of proportion. I mean, it's not like the ECW title had much prestige to begin with, when your title holders include the likes of Bobby Lashley, Vince McMahon, Big Show, and the King of the Indies.


Besides, there's nothing saying you can't hold more than one title at a time..

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The Chavo thing is being blown completely out of proportion. I mean, it's not like the ECW title had much prestige to begin with, when your title holders include the likes of Bobby Lashley, Vince McMahon, Big Show, and the King of the Indies.


Besides, there's nothing saying you can't hold more than one title at a time..


Exactly. Who is say Chavo wasn't going to be like "Why stop at the ECW Title?"

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Here's a good one for debate.


The US title has been, in MY opinion booked real well since it returned in 2003.


Back in 2001, Booker T HANDED the title to Kanyon. Did you see that as: a) Kanyon "getting" a belt b) The title buried and treated as a joke c) There actually was a true meaning and some honor in that somewhere, when someone hands another wrestler a belt.

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Here's a good one for debate.


The US title has been, in MY opinion booked real well since it returned in 2003.


Back in 2001, Booker T HANDED the title to Kanyon. Did you see that as: a) Kanyon "getting" a belt b) The title buried and treated as a joke c) There actually was a true meaning and some honor in that somewhere, when someone hands another wrestler a belt.


Choice A, honestly.


Besides, I'm a huge Tajiri mark, and Kanyon jobbing the belt to him the day before 9/11 was awesome.


And aside from Big Show's "reign", I do agree that the US Title has been booked very well since returning.

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Well I was going to comment on how well the US title has been booked but The Big Show's tedious late 2003/early 2004 run was crap and of course Orlando Jordan nearly wrecked the belt entirely. I'm still trying to figure out why they jobbed Benoit out to Orlando in that initial match....I almost remember that more than Benoit squashing him a dozen times in 20 seconds.

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HHH talking shit to Booker T about the WCW Championship even though Hunter was holding the very fucking belt on his shoulder!


HHH talking shit to Ric Flair about the Nature Boy winning the IC Championship.

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I haven't watched since 05, so things may have changed since, but Chyna beating Trish for the I-C Title more or less killed that belt for me. I love em both and I will defend Chyna's first reign til the death...but to me this killed all the credibility the belt had regained post-Russo and it's been pretty much a joke ever since.



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Also, anytime in WCW or TNA when Russo booked somebody to defend/win the World Championship in a tag team match.


Y'know, it might just be me, but I really don't mind that concept.

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Chyna won the IC title at SummerSlam 2000 when she pinned Trish for the win in a tag team match with Eddie Guerrero against Trish and Val Venis with the IC title on the line. Val was champ.

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Also, anytime in WCW or TNA when Russo booked somebody to defend/win the World Championship in a tag team match.


Y'know, it might just be me, but I really don't mind that concept.



Yeah it's just you. Unless it's one of those matches where the World Champ teams up with a secondary champ against The Tag Team champs and ALL FOUR TITLES ARE ON THE LINE (!!!). I'm a bit of a mark for those type of matches.

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Bischoff handing HHH the world heavyweight title without him winning it in 2003. Oh man that pissed me off so much.

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Bischoff handing HHH the world heavyweight title without him winning it in 2003. Oh man that pissed me off so much.



I was going to say that, but it was in 2002 I think. They at least coulda had a tournament for the thing.


And who can forget, Pat Patterson's "title win" in 1979. :(

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