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Gary Floyd

Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

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1 - Jumper 20th Century Fox Distribution $27,225,000 $33,850,000 1 3428


2 - Step Up 2 the Streets Buena Vista Pictures Distribution $19,666,000 $26,267,000 1 2470


3 - The Spiderwick Chronicles Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies $19,080,000 $21,389,000 1 3847


4 1 Fool's Gold Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution $13,080,000 $42,035,000 2 3125


5 - Definitely, Maybe Universal Pictures $9,685,000 $12,804,000 1 2204


6 2 Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Universal Pictures Distribution $8,880,000 $29,121,000 2 2387


7 5 Juno Fox Searchlight Pictures, 20th Century Fox International $4,625,000 $124,090,000 11 1865


8 7 The Bucket List Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution $4,105,000 $81,085,000 8 2307


9 3 Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures $3,289,000 $58,417,000 3 685


10 6 27 Dresses 20th Century Fox Distribution $3,175,000 $69,937,000 5 1936


11 4 The Eye Lionsgate $3,160,000 $26,306,000 3 2129


12 10 There Will Be Blood Paramount Vantage, Miramax International $3,036,000 $30,981,000 8 1410


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Nice con for Disney with their Montana ploy.


Looks like a bad week for movies, nothing great coming up either.


Figured Jumper would be number one based on advertisements and nothing good and new out, but didn't think 27 million

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Hmm- I'm surprised that The Spiderwick Chronicles was beaten not only by Jumper (which I sort of expected) but Step Up 2.


Agreed that this is a crappy week for movies. But this time of year gives me a great chance to catch up on arthouse and indie flicks. With the week off, I plan on seeing Atonement, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly, Billy The Kid, and In Bruges this week.



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I was expecting Step Up 2 to go the way of You Got Served. I didn't expect it to come anywhere close to #2. It's a shame Cloverfield has plummeted from the Top 12. I figured it would've hung on for longer.

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Damn, really? The way it's scored on IMDB, I figured it was a bomb. Though, to be fair, Epic & Date Movie along with Meet the Spartans are all scored low, and look at the box office they did their first week.

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Uh, You Got Served was #1 the weekend it opened. Sad but true. Why would they make 112,849 ripoffs of that movie if it didn't make money?

Step up is far from a rip off of You Got Served. Especially the first. You can make a slight comparison between it and 2, because they both have break dancing/battling, but then you might as well say that every dance movie is a ripoff of Breakin'.

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You Got Served is a guilty pleasure of mine...


Not anywhere near my favorites...


But is in that Fast and Furious 3 category of movies that


come on at 3am that you wake up and always catch somewhere at the beginning


and sit there and watch without complaint every single time...

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The eye was a bit of a flop.She might seen as a big A list star, but Alba really can't open a movie unless it has a franchise or bigger stars behind it (sin city, FF). Or, it's possible the remake backlash is in full force. I don't see shutter or funny games doing that well either.

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Glad to see Juno still doing well and am even more amazed that The Bucket List is still hanging in there. I saw that one over a month ago (not a bad movie btw) and it's still in the top 10, good for Jack I guess.

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I watched Jumper with some friends last night. There were some imaginative things done with the teleportation, but the plot failed. Standard case of all special effects and nothing else.

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How did Jessica Alba somehow get A-list status?

She's only been in two 100Mil+ movies (http://boxofficemojo.com/people/chart/?vie...jessicaalba.htm) and those were both Fantastic 4, so that clearly doesn't make her the draw. Hell, she's only BEEN in like 10 movies

Plus she's a terrible actress.



It's a lot like Nicole Kidman or Russell Crowe being able to command $20 million a movie despite being in one flop after another. Most of Scarlett Johannson's recent films have done badly (the black dahlia, scoop,The island) but she's likely top of everyone casting list.


Maybe everyone's just throwing so much money around, they don't actually think about whether the person is a good investment or not. You could have put some random unknown actress in The Eye and it probably would have done the same business. And they would have saved on the $6 or $7 million they presumably gave Alba.


I'm not surprised movie costs are spiralling out of control. They keep giving huge paychecks to actors that can't justify it from a box office standpoint.

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Crowe has 3 $100 million movies and a $90 million movie, with the exception of American Gangster those are ones that his name carried (Master and Commander, Beautiful Mind, and Gladiator).

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Crowe has 3 $100 million movies and a $90 million movie, with the exception of American Gangster those are ones that his name carried (Master and Commander, Beautiful Mind, and Gladiator).



The only thing I remember about master and commander is that Elf beat it at the box office. I'm not saying he hasn't had successful movies but 3 or 4 over 10 years isn't enough to justify $20 million a movie.

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Plus Scarlett mainly does low budget indie movies...


Russel Crowe does have two Oscars......


Im sure Hilary Swank could be making major bank w/ her two Oscars..


But she seems content w/ doing Low buget indie movies and making chump change


compared to what she could if she really wanted the money....

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