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SNL Review

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Let's pretend it's still last Saturday, and I'm not ridiciously late with this.


SNL Review- Tina Fey/Carrie Underwood


Cold Opening

Cast- Fred Armisen, Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Will Forte

Thoughs- That’s really sad that the best SNL could do is for Barack Obama is Fred. It really wasn’t that good either. As someone who usually watches CNN for debate coverage, they do take delight in Hillary losing, but I think it’s more because they hate her rather than like Obama. They also at one point, seemed to enjoy telling people every five minutes that Mike Huckabee really should drop out. Meanwhile FOX News seems to be a bunch of anchors resigned to the fact that somehow McCain is getting the nomination.


This was decent, though it really could’ve been chopped off by several minutes. The questions being asked to Obama by the debate moderators were very funny, but this just didn’t need to go until 11:37. **1/2



Cast- Steve Martin, Tina Fey

Thoughts- Here’s a funny thought: If Steve Martin was available and in New York all week, why not have him host? The fact that he’s only hosted once since 1994-1995 and it was to promote the Pink Panther of all movies. The guy has a book that came out, why couldn’t he promote that?


I thought this was really funny, except for Tina’s long-winded WGA explanation. Tina and Martin played off each other well and it’s always great to see him at SNL. ***1/2



Cast- Fey, Wiig, Poehler, Bill Hader, Armisen, Casey Wilson

Thoughts- Hey everyone, Tina’s back! I thought we’d get a vagina joke in the monologue, so I was pleasantly surprised that it took until the commercial for Tina to get her references in. DUD


Rock of Love 2

Cast- Fey, Poehler, Jason Sudeikis, Wiig, Wilson

Thoughts- Really SNL? Amber? You brought back Amber? Granted, Amber has always been a guilty pleasure of mine, I just wondered why they brought back this character. I’ve seen a little bit of Rock of Love, so I was disappointed when they didn’t make a joke about Bret’s dia-beet-us. This was pretty flat, even though Amber talking about how she has one leg still gets me. **


SNL Digital Short

Cast- Hader, Andy Samberg

Thoughts- It seems like these guys saw Be Kind Rewind and became inspired. This was one of the weaker digital shorts in a while, even though the shot at Juno was pretty funny. Also, why would someone buy the tapes of Bill and Andy talking to them, since Bill and Andy are not their grandchildren? Wouldn’t that just confuse the old people even more? I did see “There Will Be Blood” with a bunch of old people, and they were pretty confused. Lonely Island was rusty here. **


What’s That Bitch Talking About

Cast- Fey, Kenan Thompson, Hader, Poehler, Wiig, Wilson

Thoughts- My favourite SNL tradition: The skit you know just isn’t going to work the second it starts. This one really had no chance, and they didn’t even bother to explain Tina’s Rain Man-esque efficiency in knowing what that bitch was talking about. *1/2


Carrie Underwood

Thoughts- Carrie Underwood has other songs besides the cheating song and the Enchanted song? Apparently she does, but that doesn’t mean she should be singing them. **


Weekend Update

Cast- Governor Mike Huckabee, Fey, Poehler, Seth Meyers

Thoughts- It was cool seeing Huckabee at the desk, and doubly cool seeing him interact with Seth. I know deep down Seth believes in Faith, Family and Freedom. I wonder if Huckabee tried to hit Seth up for $25. He’s been trying to get me to give him money all week. The jokes were pretty good, I really liked Seth’s Fidel Castro joke the most. Tina’s commentary had its moments, but then when it descended into hell, it made me remember why I was so happy when Tina left. Back in 2005. This Update was going along well, but Tina killed it. ***


Celebrity Apprentice

Cast- Fey, Armisen, Darrell Hammond, Samberg, Poehler, Forte,Sudeikis, Wiig, Hader, Thompson, Wilson

Thoughts- Celebrity Apprentice is possibly the best show on TV right now. It’s 45 minutes of unintentional hilarity, and Piers Morgan, Lennox Lewis and Stephen Baldwin own your TV screen. So it was fun seeing this spoofed. Loved Bill’s John Mark Karr, and Kenan’s Charles Barkley is always nice to see. And the new girl has a nice rack, so that’s great! ***1/4



Cast- Fey, Wiig, Sudeikis, Forte,

Thoughts- Good to see Jason get a chance to shine in a late in the show skit. I loved the Mario Brothers line and his 50 percent marriage line. Not much else to add here, but it’s fun seeing Jason be Jason. ***


Hot Air Balloon

Cast- Wiig

Thoughts- Don’t know what the heck this was, but this eerily reminiscent of that awful gold commercial Kristen did last season. Apparently this was filmed before the strike, so you think in the interim months, someone would’ve realised it was terrible. DUD


There Will Be Milkshake

Cast- Fey, Hader, Poehler, Forte, Armisen, Thompson, Wilson

Thoughts- Even though I’ve seen There Will Be Blood, I youtubed the scene so I could remember what they were talking about. Again, SNL has four months off and the best they can come up with is this? I do recommend everyone see There Will Be Blood, if only because Jim Downey is in it! Yes, I nearly screamed in the theatre. Fred’s Javier Bardem didn’t work. I get what they were going for but again, mocking the final scene in a movie not many people have seen doesn’t really work for me. And it’s not nice to make fun of Juno, when she’s hosting next week! *1/2


Carrie Underwood

Thoughts- This was better than the other song, since it had a fast pace and well, didn’t suck. I still wish she had played Ever Ever After though. **1/2


Lady Business

Cast- Fey, Samberg, Poehler, Sudeikis, Hader, Armisen, Wiig, Wilson

Thoughts- Oh Tina, go away. I will say the 5 minutes I saw of Lipstick Jungle and wanted to kill myself. At least the new girl got a lot of airtime. ¼*


The Bottom Line- The avg. skit was *.9 making this a truly terrible thumbs down show. Given that there was rust, and the host was Tina, I really wasn’t too surprised that this show sucked hard. Tina was a terrible host and a lot of the skits were dead on arrival. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come and SNL can go back to the good shows they were doing before the strike.


Thumbs Down


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Guest Shylock

The "There Will Be Blood" sketch, Weekend Update minus the Hillary circle jerk, the Celeb Apprentice and the one where Hot Air Balloon were the ONLY good sketches on this episode.

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Not even the almighty wikipedia seems to have detailed info on where she is.


"While it had been reported that Rudolph would not return to the show for the 2007-2008 season, she eventually decided to stay with the show.[2] However after the Writers Guild of America strike, Rudolph did not return."

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Yeah - this show sucked. So did last night. Although I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh my BUTT off at Rhonda Rwanda.

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Last night's TV Funhouse and Digital Short were great. The rest...not so much. Ok, I will admit, I kinda liked the Peter Pan sketch. I really don't blame Ellen Page as much as I do the writing for last night's show, which just felt lazy. Also, get Hillary Clinton the fuck off my TV screen.


God, Tina Fey's Clinton wankfest on Weekend Update was the most annoying moment on SNL in a long time. Annuale did amuse me, I'll admit.

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Aside from getting a chuckle or two out of me for the Peter Pan thing and Kenan as a ghetto fabulous black woman, last night's show was pure crap....but I'll leave that up to Bob to cover in his next review.

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Ellen Page didn't seem to be able to maintain her accents (especially in the Dakota Fanning and Kenan black woman sketches) or totally get into her characters last night.


The writing was poor but she seemed real green and inexperienced (which she is so I don't blame her)


She tried real hard though so I give her credit.


Her best performance was as the lesbian in the last sketch


And as someone on the s-n-l.com board said last night that Peter Pan sketch was tailor made to star Norm MacDonald in the Captain Hook role. Bill was great but Norm would have made that a classic.

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I'm sorry but the Rhonda Rwanda album cover was classic.


Also, Sudeikis was great in the "Boleyn Girls" sketch despite the fact that it was a terrible sketch.

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I thought Andy Samberg was really funny last night, especially during the Viginica skit.


Honestly though, I liked the Tina Fey episode.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent
I fucking hate tina fey.

I fucking hate YOU, Cowboy Numbers. Tina Fey is great. I thought everyone liked her! I sure do. She's funny. And not just funny for a girl!

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Guest frostdude1
Armisen's Obama impersonation is awful. I know there's not much to work with, but he's just bad.


Absolutely right. He needs to make his voice deeper. Basically do a Rock impression and you can do a perfect Obama impression.


And last night's writing was pure crap !! Ellen wasn't that good but she really didn't have much to work with like some have mentioned already

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I fucking hate tina fey.

I fucking hate YOU, Cowboy Numbers. Tina Fey is great. I thought everyone liked her! I sure do. She's funny. And not just funny for a girl!



She sucks. I used to like her until I've found out more about who she is outside of her on SNL. Her opinions are dumb as shit. I just hate feminists.

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