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EVIL~! alkeiper

Monday Night Wars

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It was amusing hearing Jarrett call HHH nothing but a "tag along." There was a funny sign in the crowd saying "Helmsley: Midcarder 4 life." And some wonder why long time viewers have a problem with HHH's uber push over the years.


I remember when HHH was first getting his main event push (he was still with Chyna and using My Time as intro music) that it felt really forced. I was like "pfffft, WWF wants me to take HHH as a serious main eventer, scew that!"



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Actually, Rick Martel debuts in WCW on 1/5/98, and Marty Jannetty debuts the week after. Martel had a nice TV Title run.


EDIT: And if the Nitro recaps I am reading are correct, Martel went almost five months between Nitro appearances... He wrestled on Nitro 2/16/98, and didn't show up again until 7/13/98. I figure he wound up on Thunder a lot, though.

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IIRC, he blew out his knee at SuperBrawl. He attempted a comeback which I believe only lasted that one Nitro match.


Correct. Although I think he blew his knee out the Thunder before Superbrawl. I seem to remember him working the PPV in a big ass kneebrace. He said in his Where Are They Now interview on WWE.Com that he hurt his shoulder trying to protect his knee in his comeback match against Stevie Ray, and he knew right there it was over for him.

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Shamrock just does not have a voice that matches his tough guy mystique. It's a bit too high pitched.


I too didn't buy HHH at all as a main eventer up until about Dec. 1999/Jan. 2000. His whole main event push from roughtly Aug. 1999 until Survivor Series 99 was mostly dreck. In fact if WCW could have done anything right they could have mounted a comeback during that time period.

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Guest Smues

Watching the "Bret screwed Bret" interview shortly after reading Bret's book is interesting. And you know, whatever you think about the screwjob and if Vince was in the right or not, it baffles me that they complain about Bret's violent reaction. Right or wrong of course he was going to be fucking livid, and vince was an idiot for approaching Bret in the lockerroom.

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I figure we're due for some Marty Jannetty action on Nitro soon too. I remember it being a topic of discussion of my grade 11 gym class and that was over by January 98.



I think Marty is involved with Raven alot, who is currently involved with Benoit. So you might not see him much.

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I "cheated" and did a quick search - it looks like Marty doesn't wrestle until January 12 / 98, going up against "Black Cat". His match on the 19th was with Benoit, so that's out. Then he's not on again until March against Chris Jericho.

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Guest Smues

I like the "Shawn Michaels you have a small D_CK!" sign. You think he meant duck?


Edit: OMG Jeff Jarrett will make his in-ring debut on the next Raw. So they're just completely ignoring his prior WWF run with the IC title, much less his WCW run from that year? I also like how they're completely ignoring the match in the ring so they can have Jeff blab via phone. RAW IS EXCITEMENT!

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I did enjoy Aztec Tights Jeff Jarrett's look and his wacky music that came with it, so I look forward to reliving that extremely brief era (plus the nWa angle that came out of it). I have no recollection to why he suddenly became Double J, Country Music Star (with Tennessee Lee!) again, but I laughed. I suspect the answer is nothing more than "Russo said so, so that's what he came out as on TV one day".

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Yeah he didn't really give a reason. One week Tennessee Lee showed up and brought him out as the greatest country star or whatever and that was that.


His Aztec Warrior music was awesome...it is very similar to Beth Phoenix' I think.

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Guest Smues

And there's the famous dual appearance by Rick Rude. Although I don't think it really impacted anything, I'm guessing Vince had to be a bit mad over that. Was Rude the only wrestler to ever appear on Nitro and Raw the same night?

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I don't think its possible for him to make that comment. That Raw was taped a week before if I'm not mistaken.


Cornette did reference that. I think the broadcasting duties on the taped Raw were done after the fact.

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Yeah, the Christmas 97 Raw had a lot of live (or at least recently redone) shots of the announcers keyed into the taping. It was kind of like watching an old Superstars / Challenge!

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I always thought they did the announcing for the taped Raws actually live (or a very short delay) from the WWF studios on the Monday night, with obvious time cues as to when not to talk etc?

Sometimes they reference things that happened in the news earlier that day or something about Nitro that was airing Live (which is how Cornette can reference Rude being on the other show). Another example was when they had the Owen/Bulldog match in Germany which went head to head with the Nitro where Piper brought out a bunch of people to fight like John Tenta in a total wreck of a segment which Jim Ross made reference of on the taped Raw the same night

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I raised this a while ago, but now that we're post-Montreal, shouldn't the "WWF Attitude" commercials be airing already, if 24/7 was going to keep them in? I did a search on John Petrie's old reviews and he mentions one for Shamrock some time in Dec '97, but I think that's it. I could swear that one of the Fall '97 PPV home videos has an Attitude ad in it, which makes me think that 24/7 must be cutting them out.

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