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Matt Young

Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

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So, whats the general feeling after a few hours gameplay? I refuse to read and believe people on gamefaqs as the general populous on their Madden Board are a bunch of turds.

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The Rewind option sounds like such a dumb concept. You shouldn't be able to just completely erase what happened on the previous play -- it's unbelievably cheap and goes against the entire fabric of Madden actually being a realistic football game. The idea seems more at home with Blitz.

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Then turn it off and don't play with the rewind feature.


Its in there because if you haven't noticed (which obviously, you haven't...) Madden's been trying to cater to the more casual Madden fan over the past few years. They know they've got the hardcore Madden fan that's going to wait until midnight and partake in the Maddenoliday. The casual Madden player that plays the game because they're an NFL fan would probably love the idea of being able to un-do a fuck up and in the process, I don't know... LEARN from the mistake and become a better player.



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Anyone know if its possible to get the College draft rosters off the net somewhere and transfer them onto the xbox using a flash stick?


If you have the transfer kit, you can get them from places such as OperationSports.

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Christ, you're not one of those rabid Madden fans, are you?


Yes, I see that Madden has tried to cater to the casual fan with the last few editions. But if you don't think this ability will be abused by players, think again. Every time an untimely fumble or interception happens -- and let's face it, that's part of the game, whether in real-life football or the video-game kind -- someone can simply decide "Oh okay, that never happened." Where is the challenge in being able to delete anything that just simply does not go your way? How does that make you a better player? It's bullshit coddling. You no longer have to face the challenge of stopping a late-game rally following a blown interception. You can just rewind it back to where you had it before and try the pass over. And if you fuck up that one too, hey why not, let's do it a third time. It's a terrible concept because it's not helping anybody become a better player. It's just guaranteeing that the person will win the game, whether by hook or crook. And yes, I am aware that the function can be turned off, but I just think it was a silly function to put in the game to begin with. I'm sure there will be countless arguments between players in the future where one wants to play with the rewind feature on, and the other one does not want to because they realize how poorly conceived the idea really is.


Guess what...losing is not the worst thing in the world. It's part of the process. And surprise, surprise, people might also become better after losing a hard-fought game but knowing how to change what they did the second time around. Your attempts to be a smart-ass here were ill-based.

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I think the rewind feature is bullshit too, but, didn't I read something a while back that says it's automatically turned off on any difficulty higher than Pro?

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You can set how many Rewinds a player can have and it's turned off if you play under the "Hardcore" setting. I don't think it's that big of a deal since I think the most you can have is 5, so it isn't like someone can just rewind plays over and over and over.


Played my first game as Pats vs. Fins. I'm a bit rusty as I sucked at the Madden Test on defense (it seems like it was tougher than the one in the demo) and I can't run the ball worth a damn, but a couple of bombs to Welker and Moss made everything better. I LOVE the animation and Cris Collinsworth is the best commentator in a football video game, bar none.

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If I were being a smart-ass, I'd point out that you're the exact person that EA doesn't have to worry about selling the game to because you're going to buy it regardless so any point you make is moot.


The rewind feature while it might seem broken and a way for a player to win the game by hook or crook.. well, how many people that are casual gamer's are going to want to sit there and get upset after throwing a pick 6 that cost them the game? How many are going to want to run the ball and have it knocked loose then watch the CPU sit on the clock? None bro..that's why the feature is in there. It lets those people that aren't concerned with going online and playing ranked games.. those that could care less about how it might seem like "bullshit coddling"..the guy's that pick up Madden to play with their kids or their buddies. Those are the one's that'll use it and *GASP* have FUN with the game.


Hell, if someone's such a great Madden-player, then you can easily force the rewind's out of someone's hand by playing solid defense / offense.. forcing them to jump the gun and use the replays. Hell, if you've even noticed.. after you use a replay, the CPU defense usually audible's into a scheme to stop your play.

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One aspect of this game that is really getting on my nerves so far is the fact that the computer can seemingly throw into triple coverage against me, and my guys drop interceptions left right and centre, yet when I throw into even single coverage it's almost a sure interception for the computer. And the fact that the AI can't be adjusted to counter these flaws is beyond silly.

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I agree with some of the above posters about the rewind feature. It really isn't a big deal because it's optional. If it weren't optional, then I could see the outrage. Especially if something like this were used online.


It's a fun thing to mess around with just for kicks maybe, but it isn't anything I'd take very serious at all.

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I am picking the game up from Gamestop on the way home from the gym.


I have a PS3, if anyone wants to play against me, hit me up later tonight if you see me online,


PS3: Cryptkeeper666

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Guest Vitamin X

So I've been playing the game for a little while now, and here's a few thoughts..


First of all, if you're not used to newer sports games, let alone ones on the next-gen systems yet, this game feels a lot like it's passed me by quite a bit. And I'm not just saying because my Madden IQ ended ranked in the low 600's, either. I guess from all the time I've spent playing Campus Legend on NCAA, I feel very alien playing on this system; it feels like the engine is entirely different even though I know it isn't, or maybe my controller is just busted or something. There's a few drills when you're doing Superstar which just frustrate the everloving fuck out of me- anyone do the 40 yard dash one? I swear I'm alternating pulling back on the left and right stick and I still end up with like a 6 second 40. Not good for a supposed "speed" running back. I didn't finish Campus Legend on NCAA, although now I kind of regret trading it in because I would've liked to have just imported my guy over to Madden! I might end up doing a rental real quick at the video store for NCAA just to sim out the rest of my guy's career and move him into Madden for Superstar mode- doing the training drills is so ridiculously frustrating it's awful.


As for the gameplay itself, I did hardcore and my skill level... Definitely very different. Something about it comes across as really arcadey to me and I'm not sure if I like it yet. Collinsworth is a welcome replacement to Madden, as other people have noted, and overall the sound and graphics presentation is really nice. Franchise mode is still a bit overwhelming, in fact the whole game kind of is. It's going to take me some getting used to, this is nothing like NCAA which I was able to just get into and play like crazy for hours on end. I'll have to reserve judgment on it until I've played it for a longer time and actually finish a game or so on it, but for now I'd give it a solid 7/10.

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I actually don't mind Madden and Head Coach being packed together, it gives it that overall "collecters edition" feel you'd get with other movie releases.


I haven't done a franchise yet because I'm waiting to see if they'll be an update to fix rosters or what not.


Personal Madden IQ is at 537 right now. Compared to last year's title I feel like I completely suck at this game and will be an easy win for whoever plays me in the league this year..

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There's already a roster update. Just like last year. you have to enter into a ranked game (pre-game lobby). They'll auto-download and you can leave without even playing the game. I've played one game as Green Bay and one as the Jets so far.

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Mine is hovering around 600. I'm getting the hang of things and figuring out how to properly use my players' special skills (those circles underneath them). I've found that running Maroney straight into the middle of the D = not good and that Randy Moss catches anything that you put near him.

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I know what the special skills are..like I said, just seem to suck more on this version than I have in alot of others.

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Guest Vitamin X

SERIOUSLY, anyone figure out the 40 yard dash shit yet? My god this is hard.

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Shit, my Madden IQ is low, as in 500 or a little less. The tests are too hard. I have been really good at the last 2 Maddens, and I've dominated the CPU on MySkill so far.


I just started a franchise with the Packers. I have never played a preseason game, thinking it to be pointless, but this year is different. I'm playing to get a feel for my young guys, particularly the QBs.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah, something like that. For some reason my dude keeps like stumbling or something at each 10 yard line then just kind of falls forward at the finish.

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Personal Madden IQ is at 537 right now. Compared to last year's title I feel like I completely suck at this game and will be an easy win for whoever plays me in the league this year..



Mine's lower, but I didn't do the tests, I let it start at 500. I know why it's lower, but I don't want to give away anything to my leaguemates.


That said, I'm enjoying this (as you all may have gathered from the time of this post). I won my first two games in Raiders franchise, 24-10 and 27-24. That's a definite change from winning games in 07 by scores of 56-7, etc. I'm definitely going to enjoy the playoffs a lot more than prior years....if I get there.

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The game's great so far, but the 2 times I tried to play my friend, we were disconnected in the 1st quarter despite both still being in our private chat together. Strangely, the games (ranked) did not count toward our online records, but when I checked my record in the showcase, it stood at 4-0-1. I had only played 3 offline games. The scores for the last 2 were listed as 7-0 and 7-7 even though they didn't count toward the online records.

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My Madden IQ was in the middle 500s (550 or so), though now it's sitting at 568 or something like that. I did really well in the offensive tests, but I didn't do too well in the rushing defense test and I couldn't defend a pass worth a damn. I went ahead and played a franchise game and beat the Ravens 10-0, but is it just me or does the game feel slower? Maybe it's because I need a serious upgrade at halfback. Rudy isn't going to cut it with 25 yards on 17 attempts.

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