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The Niggardly King

I'm gonna try something here

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So since I got this graveyard job at Disneyland.... I can't fucking sleep.


So about two weeks ago I got this Medical Marijuana card for my sleep depravity... and so far I've been taking it, and nope, it's not helping me get to sleep any faster, but those extra 3-5 hours I'm up become more entertaining. So it's alright I guess, better than those sleeping pills I'd eat like Resces Pisces and only get 2 hours of sleep out of.... man, I was afraid I was going to pull a Ledger and somehow not end up waking one day.


So yeah, since I still can't sleep and all, I'd figure I was going to post more throughout the pre-teen hours of the day and all here at the forums.thesmartmarks.com but not only here but places like DVDVR, and maybe the pit if I can get over how fagtastic it looks now.


So, it starts here and now then... yeah



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So, while we can expect an increase in the quantity of your posting, is it safe to say that the quality won't change at all?

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I know a crazy bitch that works at DisneyLand.


I wish to know more about your medical marijuana card. I have done copious amounts of research and have a few friends who have cards. I want to get one myself, but I don't have the spare money right now for the doctor visit and application fee.


I know it varies by county, but I'd imagine that, as good as the medical shit is here, it's got to be even better over there. And in addition to many different strains of indica, sativa, and hybrids, thee is stuff like gum, suckers, brownies, chocolates, etc.


I suffer from severe insomnia, and when I can't sleep, it's hard to eat, too. Between that and my back, knee, and digestive problems, I know I'm qualified. Hell, my friends (married couple) lied about stomach pains and got their cards, no questions asked.

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Annie, from all I've been told, it's ridiculously easy to get a card. There's a $150 application fee (at least in Riverside County) and you'll pay standard rates for chronic, but it's all legal, all weighed exactly, comes in various forms for consumption, and you can choose the exact strain you want.




List of state by state medical marijuana laws.


pot makes me hyper as hell. just a side note as you're attempting to sleep.


It did that to me when I started smoking like 7 years ago. Not so much anymore. But maybe it's the type you're smoking. Indica, the most common, gives one that lazy, couch-lock, body high. Sativa is the "upper" type, for lack of a better term. Then there are hybrids.

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It did that to me when I started smoking like 7 years ago. Not so much anymore. But maybe it's the type you're smoking. Indica, the most common, gives one that lazy, couch-lock, body high. Sativa is the "upper" type, for lack of a better term. Then there are hybrids.



i've been smoking pretty consistently for a decade or so. it's just the way my body reacts... i react differently to some things than most people.


and don't get me started on people that get all brand name-y with weed. the only weed strains one needs to know: bad, decent, okay, good, great, spectacular.

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As far as the strain names go, it's stupid when you're buying from some random person. People will make up all sorts of crazy names to get people to think their shit is superior. With medical marijuana, each kind tastes and acts very differently. It does make a difference, based on my limited experience with medical.

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Please explain exactly how all this stuff works to the 99% of us who don't have access to medi-mari. What kind of health problems must you (pretend to) have in order to qualify for it? Where do you buy it? How much can you buy at once? What are the prices like? How do the standard drug laws affect you? If you're pulled over and they find it in your car, is that a crime? Can you only smoke it in your own home? Do the cops still bust people using medi-mari anyway? Did you say that there are THC-laced gum and suckers?! Help educate a poor brother trapped in Red State hell.

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Please explain exactly how all this stuff works to the 99% of us who don't have access to medi-mari. What kind of health problems must you (pretend to) have in order to qualify for it? Where do you buy it? How much can you buy at once? What are the prices like? How do the standard drug laws affect you? If you're pulled over and they find it in your car, is that a crime? Can you only smoke it in your own home? Do the cops still bust people using medi-mari anyway? Did you say that there are THC-laced gum and suckers?! Help educate a poor brother trapped in Red State hell.


I'll answer some of your questions to the best of my knowledge:


What kind of health problems do you need to obtain a card?


None. However you need a doctor's approval to obtain a perscription for MM. Your family doctor probably isn't going to give you one, so a MM "clinic" will usually refer to a doctor that will.


Where do you buy it?


A standard Medical Marijuana clinic.


How do the standard drug laws affect you?


It really varies. I've known people that have been busted by the cops that have a "card" and got off scott free. Others with the card still got arrested and got charged with possesion or slapped with a fine (depends how much you are carrying). Its really buyer beware.


Can you only smoke it your own home?


Medical Marijuana clinics usually have a lounge were you can smoke to your hearts content. Although its allowed for medical use, marijuana possesion is still against the law in California.


Do cops still bust those with a Cannabis Card?


Yes. Medical Marijuana clinics are raided and shutdown pretty regulary where I live (Santa Clarita/ San Fernando Valley). Its not a get a jail free card like some believe. It really varies across the state and with local law enforcement.


Honestly, a Medical Marijuana is a mixed bag IMO. On the bright side, its technically legal weed and its in a central location where it can be easily found. However, you can still get busted if you have the stuff and your name is in a system were its easily obtainable (for those you care about their privacy). i'd rather just continue to buy from a trusted dealer than go through the hassle.

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Yeah, it's a scam. There're doctors who give you your money back if you don't get approved. You honestly don't have to do anything. All I said was "I'm stressed out and I need something to relax." (which, by the way, was true.) Or slip them fifty bucks.


Here in the bay area, it's pretty slack. They shut down a lot of clinics in some areas, but in, say, Berkeley, they're still going strong. That whole place runs on huge clouds of marijuana, anyway.


And here I am still preferring to just get drunk.

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Here in Calgary, if you get caught with weed... All the cops will do is take it away from you. They don't really give a fuck about weed.

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I want to know what you do at Disneyland at Graveyard? Security?

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I want to know what you do at Disneyland at Graveyard? Security?


I was going to reply with a picture of Dave Chappelle as the janitor in Half Baked. The Google image search showed me no pics of janitor Dave, but it did turn up this gem which seemed relevant:



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I was gonna post more but I said fuck it and watched There Will Be Blood. Great movie.


I've watched it almost repeatedly since it's release. Two movies I can watch, in their entirety, any time, under any circumstances: American Psycho and There Will Be Blood.


Speaks highly of my character.

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Warm milk always sounded gross to me... And I'm lactose intolerant.

Eat a turkey sandwich then. The tryptophan in the turkey is whats in the milk, makes you good and sleepy.


Milk is extra good for going to sleep because the calcium helps calm nerves.

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Warm milk always sounded gross to me... And I'm lactose intolerant.

Eat a turkey sandwich then. The tryptophan in the turkey is whats in the milk, makes you good and sleepy.


Milk is extra good for going to sleep because the calcium helps calm nerves.


I eat turkey all the time. Doesn't work. I eat at least 2 turkey sandwiches per day, and when I have anything with beef, I substitute ground turkey for the beef.

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okay, work was alright... day off Saturday, so I'm gonna go fuck one of the stoner chicks that work in custodial... getting a job that I didn't want has made me abandon one of my rules... but eh, what ya gonna do.


So, yeah that sort of ties into what goes on at work, as for some reason there are a handful of cute chicks who work in the same department, and 2 hot ones... makes no sense... anyway, 97% of the guys who work there are some of the biggest BETA, lower level males I have seen in my life... shit that would cause sexual harassment elsewhere ends up getting laughed off at 3rd shift Custodial. Or the chicks who speak their mind usually end up leaving a month or two later because of the shit they get hit with afterwards.



The one rare time there was a sexual harassment complaint, which being today... I had to take care of it. Apparently this old black man named Alvin started caressing/stroking the back of some girls hair/head. I was like man, why you gotta be doing that brother... leave that creepy shit to the white guys here. Nah, what really happened was that I pulled him aside, and asked him how long he's been there. 18 years he said... FUCK! This means I can't do my job, as I haven't even been there 90 days, and in this great company... he could somehow get his union involved, and who would end up getting the boot... me. So I just simply told him to quit that shit... yeah, like that'll work.


I mean fuck, we gotta a Samoan foreman here who's worked 4 years... and he comes into work buzzing out of his mind... you can smell the alcohol on him just by sitting a few feet away from him. But everyone likes the guy, and he walks to work... so they don't see the harm. They just manage to keep him away from the 2 head managers, and that's why he's a foreman over in the parking structure which is like the boonies of Disneyland. No one goes out there, and if there needs to be a meeting he has to go to, it's not until his last hour... so that's plenty of time for him to sober up and shit.


I don't know the point of this, but I hope to get six hours in before I go out tonight, so I took an early leave from work, and I'm gonna try and knock this shit out early. Last time I did that, I was up until 4 pm, so hopefully that doesn't happen again.

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