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Lt. Al Giardello

What kinda weapons do you own?

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Dual 45 Desert Eagles with extended clips


Dual 9mms with extended clips




12 gauge automatic shot gun, holds 8 rounds


three 22 handguns


I've got hollow tips, black talons, speed loaders and the shotgun shells with the ballbearings in the head, i cant think of the name and im too lazy to look right now. All of them are fully loaded with one in the chamber.


3 sticks of dynamite


Also, a few Louieville sluggers, some brass knucks, about 50 assorted blades; knives, swords, machetes, etc.


That's off the top of my head, I haven't done a full check on my weapons for a few months so I might be forgetting a few things. I keep all the guns I named, but I'm constantly getting other ones to trade or sell.


Also, silencers, 2 vests, infa-red beams, tons of holsters and various gun accessories.




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They still make those? I thought the caliber was mostly discontinued after the similar .40 got popular.

Yeah, pretty much the only place I can get ammo is at an NRA range. Fortunately I live only a little ways away from the headquarters. :)


What the hell is the recoil like on a pair of full auto Desert Eagles?

Nasty. To the point where I have to put on about 20-25 lbs of weights, brace myself against something, and use both hands on one weapon to have any hope of actually shooting straight without getting knocked flat on my ass.

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I own some brass knucks that were given to me years ago. No knives, no guns. Though it would be cool to have a pistol for some target shooting. I used to do that with a family friend as a kid and was decent at it.

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you guys expecting a jihad soon?

Scanning the news on any given day, it looks like we're already in the middle of several. Not to mention the Mara Salvatrucha, &c.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

.50 muzzleloader

two 12 gauge shotguns (1 breach, 1 pump)

one 20 gauge shotgun (pump)

.380 mag compact

1 compound bow with several arrows

1 axe

1 ancient wooden cudgel

many knives

4 feet of spiked chain

jars of caustic chemicals in the garage



mostly lethal tools, novelty items, hunting and practical defense weapons, and a small reliable handgun that I wouldn't get too sad about if it were somehow confiscated (different state or technicality, despite papers being square) or stolen from my truck. I wish I could afford Marney's Barrett. :( (and ammo, more specifically)


Don't laugh at the club. It's been in the family for generations and was used in olden times to stun pigs and threaten children. Easily my most deadly and efficient non-firearm.


I'm such a better shot with a shotgun or rifle than a handgun. It's the country in me.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
What do the brass knuckles feel like? I'm just trying to y'know picture/imagine it in my mind and it's not really working. Is it increased injury inflicted or decreased impact suffered which is the bigger point?


Facewrecking, completely. They're pretty painful to wield unless they're just the right size. Really pretty unimportant considering all the strength behind your punch is making contact with a fraction of the surface area. Ruins a mouthful of teeth, certainly.

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i have about no weapons at all, and i dunno if i should be horrified that so many of you do. especially guns. i have a huge issue with guns. i'm not one of those people that wants to take legal guns away from decent people, so please don't think of me as some uber-liberal (more libertarian, but i digress). i just personally... am scared of them. you may laugh now. i won't even touch a gun, because i don't want my fingerprints/DNA on something that had or will kill someone.


some weapons are cool though. i'm fond of the basic and old-fashioned. like this big stick i like, it used to be a closet rod. and i adore swords and knives, mostly because they're shiny and pritty. i'd like me a nice dagger. how about a mace? those things are brutal.


but my favouritest weapon of all is myself. basiclly try to stay out of danger in general, and if i can't, i can land some pretty mean kicks.



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I wish I could afford Marney's Barrett. :( (and ammo, more specifically)

You ain't kidding. I think I've paid for the rifle several times over just with ammo costs.


Don't laugh at the club. It's been in the family for generations and was used in olden times to stun pigs and threaten children. Easily my most deadly and efficient non-firearm.

I wouldn't laugh at the club. I sometimes prefer my staff to my swords, frankly.

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My Louivile Slugger that my grandpa used in high school is stil my favorite weapon. Nothing like beating a mofucker half to death with a blunt object.



Also, one of the weapons I forgot to mention is a collapsable MP baton.

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I have a baseball bat aswell... Except I actually use the bat play baseball, I'd rather not get blood on it. I'd rather chop a niggas head off wit my sword~!

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you guys expecting a jihad soon?


No, I'm just a psychopath.



I actually do have a couple bats that I got for their theoretical use as weapons, though I've never had opportunity to use them. Specifically two teeball bats. Oh my god, one in each hand in a rumble? That would be so much fun...


If you really want to fuck somebody up with a bat... get a hollow one, and fill it up with marbles and cement. You can kill somebody with one of those.

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I am down to only a couple of swords - one that I bought and one that was made for me a long time ago. (I was going to as EHME did he mean real sword or those bullshit things that people usually have and say "i bought a sword" I see now that you mean a real one that can cut someone the fuck in half. those things are so awesome and beautiful)


A couple of hundred throwing knives...


I had a few guns a few years back but they are at my moms house now. She got a divorce and most of the gun in the house was his so she has my shotgun and a few others.


The other two 9mm are lonely. they were all buddies.

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Oh, and I have been going to this private Sniper range just north of Atlanta. I want a sniper rifle now.

And I still have my .32 and .22 that Agent was picking at me for one time.


I still love the .32 for the pussy ass recoil and how accurate I am with it.

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I carry my Glock model 27 in my purse just about everywhere I go these days. I'm not gun nut or anything, and I don't really like the idea of having to use it. Still, its nice to know its there.

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I carry my Glock model 27 in my purse just about everywhere I go these days.



I'm too much of a lazy loser to seriously flirt with you, so let's just pretend that I did. We can act like we had the uncomfortable conversations where you're making up excuses to avoid me and everything.

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I wish a bitch would try to shoot me. You'll just get raped harder.


Some might disagree with your tactical assessment.

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I also have a bulletproof vest...



Has anyone EVER shot at you?


Once... But I don't really want to talk about it.



So why the fuck do you need a bullet proof vest....



I have been shot and don't feel the need to get a bullet proof vest.

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