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Other IGNWF oldheads here?

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I've found title histories. I couldn't believe I gave the first IGNWF Championship to my tag team partner one day after I won it. If I knew it would still be here 8 years later, I would have been more greedy :P


I found a random match left on a website by Mayor McCheese. That was a fun read.


So who is still around? I've seen some familiar names, but please, make yourself known if you remember that poor, pathetic Kane imitation better known as Rane from way back when.


And does anyone care to clarify what happened over at IGN? We didn't infringe on the World Wildlife Fund in any way, did we?


I'll be done after this. I'm sure most of you have no idea who I am. My name's Drew. I live in Jersey. I just graduated from college. And I'm enjoying the walk down memory lane :wub:

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Hi. Worry not, we remembered. I actually came along a while after you left, though.


IGN. They switched to a subscriber only service out of the blue in early '02 that left a lot of us in the lurch, so we migrated here soon after. Since then there have been two or three attempts to revive the IGNWF by some others over there which went nowhere and after a lot of turbulence and various upheaval, we've managed to stick around.

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well, IGNJL here... I got bumped literally on the move here. Still older than most of the regs though... I think.


I remember you, but only by username, not by character... :/

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I remember you Drew, I was part of the IGNJL AND IGNWF. This is Bo, yeah, just like my username.


I was there when Cyclone Comet was there, Axis, Mark Stevens, Anarchy, Sacred. Damn, that was about 8 years ago, shit, I'm old.



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What's up, Drew? It's IL if you remember me, it's pretty cool to see you drop by, man. Thinkin' about makin' a return, eh?

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Well, I used to be the running joke that was Iceman.


I don't remember you, though. I do remember IL, Cyclone Comet, and Stubby "Pots" McWeed.


Oh, and that I sucked. Reeeeeal bad.

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Wow. I remember all of you. Crazy. And I thought my memory was entirely shot to shit.


And about returning, IL, I'm working on a character template slowly but surely. Not sure about Rane, but you'll see me writing for some character.


I can envision so many wrestling moves, but a lot of the names escape me. Is there a reliable site anyone can recommend that I can use to refresh my memory?

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Yeah, it's called Dace Night. Or if he's not around, i can maybe help out. Otherwise, in the 'General Wrestling' folder there used to be a 'what's this move called?' thread that might be of use.

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Yeah, when are you coming back Drea? Throw Buck into the mix and we've got a pretty good roster again.

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I remember you from IGN... not from the WF, though. We might have played Diablo together as well.



... or maybe that was 0Steak0.

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Shit, Xero. I remember you from way back when. And Munich, I think I promoted you, or you were just on the brink of it when I left. Good stuff.


And please, everyone, join or re-join!

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Yeah, everyone REJOIN! Put it this way - even if all you old guys suck (which I doubt, older and wiser and all that) or are incredibly rusty (perhaps slightly more likely), if you rejoin at the same time you'll all have the same amount of rust and so you can still have feuds with each other at the very least!

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Maybe, instead of bringing back the JL, we can form a Senior's Tour: something low-impact to get retirees back in the game? They can all cut promos about how great they were, and how much better it used to be...


That, or just book the retirees against other retirees until they're back in the flow; dealer's choice.

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Wow, PDS. What's up dude?


The old lady still bitches about it. You know how it goes, haha.


And I'd be all about a Senior's Tour... or a senior's something. Especially if we get a free brunch buffet.

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That's assuming the seniors don't come back as new characters, which we've had a couple of. In which case, I smell a return of the New Blood Title!


*rubs hands*

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You're a bloody chlorophyllic liar, Divefire.

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Someone that's been around the block?


A grizzled veteran?


A nasty fetish?


Take your pick.

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Ah, okay.


I would probably consider myself... well... one of those descriptions. Though I wasn't around from the beginning and I don't think we ever met, but I was kicking around in the JL during the latter part of your career.


Oh, by the way, hello everyone.

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Yes, I recognize you. You are, indeed, an old head. Congratulations?

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