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UFC.tv has posted their Top Ten KO's (plus one TKO) of the year


10. David Loiseau vs Charles McCarthy, UFC 53

9. Mike Swick vs Gideon Ray, Ultimate Fight Night I

8. Mike Kyle vs James Irvin, UFC 51

7. Josh Burkman vs Sam Morgan, Ultimate Fighter II Finale

6. Luke Cummo vs Sam Morgan, Ultimater Fighter II

5. Rich Franklin vs Nate Quarry, UFC 56

4. James Irvin vs Terry Martin, UFC 54

3. Andrei Arlovski vs Paul Buentello, UFC 55

2. Tim Sylvia vs Tra Telligman, UFC 54

1. Randy Coture vs Chuck Liddell, UFC 52

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Finally caught up on my Hero's watching, and here are some of my thoughts:


- Mork fared much better agaisnt top flight competition than I thought he would (undoubtedly aided by Takaya's willingness to stand with him), but his ground game is still shit.


- Genki is a Che-loving hypocrite who's going to get smashed good by Kid. He looked pretty mediocre even in victory, especially the complete unwillingness to engage with Takaya.


- Kazuyuki Miyata may be the most improved fighter of the year, but with the way K-1 is bringing him along, I don't think he'll ever manage to put together a winning record.


- I still need to see Kikuchi/Kunioku to see what all the fuss was about.


- "Even 10 years past his physical prime and with minimal cross training, Sam Greco is still by far the best prospect of the K-1 fighters who've tried MMA."


- Koreans love their size disparities.


- I love Min Soo Kim, and I don't care who knows it.


- Even though the finishes came at the expense of two horribly oversized Kill Bees, Un Sik Song & Jong Man Kim ended their fights in style.


- While this shows helps prove that pretty much anyone of any nationality can compete in MMA, it won't really matter what country you hail from if you rely mainly on TKD.


- Kanehara got hosed on the JD.


- Sapp can actually throw something resembling a straight punch. Suprising.


- Akiyama needs to ditch the gi, though even without it, Nakao is still a much better prospect.

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Because he's a damn good (if inconsistent) fighter who at least put forth a bit of effort against Salaverry, and the UFC desperately needs contenders now that Lindland is gone.

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Ya know, people would be quick to point out that Jordan/Gonzaga from UFC 56 was the worst fight of the year but at least that fight had a finish. Marquadt/Salaverry was a shitty stall-fest of a fight.


What has he done since then to warrant a return?

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Nothing much accept try to defend himself in front of the NSAC. Beforehand, he had beaten the ever loving piss out of Kazuo Misaki and decisively defeated Izuru Takeuchi once again, and with Almeida's retirement became the top dog of Pancrase's 181lbs. division. I've always blasted Marquardt for his inconsistency, but the kid is skilled and at least tried to turn it up late against Salaverry.


Besides, if even a single boring non-performance was enough for a guy to be blackballed from the UFC, Dana wouldn't be so fond of Pat's boys

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I'm still not convinced. The dude fucked up in a huge, huge way. The first ever live televised MMA event on cable TV. The main event. And he blows it.


Jason Miller did more in defeat this year then Marquadt and Salaverry combined and he hasn't been brought back which is fucked. Of course, the whole robbery charge thing won't help his causes but once he's done with ROTR they should give him another chance.

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I don't necessarily see how Mayhem showed more than how to keep a smile on while getting throughly wrecked. Comparatively, I think a clear win over a top flight fighter in a lackluster bout is a much better way to get another chance to prove yourself.

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Fedor/Schilt wasn't the main event on live national television, not-to-mention Fedor did a helluva lot more than Marquardt in that fight despite his fight being boring. Miller excited more in one kip up than Nate did the entire fucking fight. Unforgivable given the circumstances. I don't want to see fighters in there who fight "not to lose".

Edited by RavishingRickRudo

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I don't necessarily see how Mayhem showed more than how to keep a smile on while getting throughly wrecked. Comparatively, I think a clear win over a top flight fighter in a lackluster bout is a much better way to get another chance to prove yourself.


Agreed, but when you look at the way GSP dominated Trigg and Sherk I think that puts the Mayhem victory in a different perspective.

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Fedor/Schilt wasn't the main event on live national television, not-to-mention Fedor did a helluva lot more than Marquardt in that fight despite his fight being boring.


Somehow, I doubt a guy who had already put on his fair share of safe and/or boring fights in RINGS would've thought to himself, "Geez, lots of people are watching. I guess I better throw caution to the wind and risk blowing my big league debut."


Miller excited more in one kip up than Nate did the entire fucking fight. Unforgivable given the circumstances. I don't want to see fighters in there who fight "not to lose".


Ask Aaron Riley, Gerald Strebendt, Dave Strasser, Jeff Monson, etc. if the UFC would rather have guys who thrill and show a lot of heart in defeat, or guys who would rather follow the MFS attitude of "Just win, baby!"


Marquardt guessed (correctly, as it turns out) that it would be better to be a boring winner than an exciting loser given the UFC's history.

Edited by Lei Tong

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Somehow, I doubt a guy who had already put on his fair share of safe and/or boring fights in RINGS would've thought to himself, "Geez, lots of people are watching. I guess I better throw caution to the wind and risk blowing my big league debut."


Yeah, cause he certainly wasn't thinking "Geez, this guy is really fucking big..." There's "safe" fighting, and then there's Marquardt/Salaverry which was essentially no fighting. There's "(not) throwing caution to the wind" and then there's being a fucking pussy. On national TV, when the sport is just getting exposure, you don't go out and act like a pussy. Taking chances is a part of fighting, and those two simply refused to do so. Fedor, at the very least, took chances against Schilt. Because he had to. Because he was fighting to win. Win by decision? Yes. But he was fighting to win.


I can't think of a boring Fedor fight from RINGs. Granted, I still need to see one more of his matches, but even against Babalu, he landed some great body shots that made it entertaining. And he took plenty of chances in RINGS, he'd go for submissions when ever he had the chance. Seriously dude, you're more knowledgable than me, but this was one of the dumber things you've written.


Ask Aaron Riley, Gerald Strebendt, Dave Strasser, Jeff Monson, etc. if the UFC would rather have guys who thrill and show a lot of heart in defeat, or guys who would rather follow the MFS attitude of "Just win, baby!"


It's a bit of both. Of course the UFC won't want you fighting on their shows if you continuously lose, but equally, they don't want you to continually stall either. That's why you see someone like Rich Franklin on top of their division being protected, because the dude is an exciting fighter who wins. That's (most likely) why Matt Lindland isn't there any more, the dude wins, the could has a good shot at being Franklin, but he's nowhere near as exciting as Franklin. When was the last boring fight a MFS fighter was in in the UFC? Of all their champions right now, would you consider a single one of them "boring" in the ring?


Right now, we're lucky, because (most of) the best fighters in the world are the best because they take those chances and they make for exciting fights. So it's one in the same.


They've never mentioned Marquardt's name (or Salaverrys) since their fight. Meanwhile, Stephan Bonnar -the loser of Bonnar/Griffin- is all over the place. So you have Marquardt, a top contender in his division, not getting a single word said about him, and Stephan Bonnar, a dude who is nowhere near the top 10, getting all this attention. The UFC, in 2005, is rewriting history. Their primary goal is to push the fighters they want to push, for whatever reason that is. But you can't deny that in 2005, with national television, there has been a premium put on making fights exciting. White paid all those guys on the TUF2 finals bonuses given their performances. If Marquardt managed to win that fight in an exciting fashion, I can guarantee you we would have heard his name and seen his face since August. He guessed wrong.


But they should seriously bring Strebendt back, that dude was fucking awesome against Thompson. But the beating Strebendt at this point means nothing. The UFC books fights that creates stars and contenders, as well as ones that entertain. They try not to have too many jobber matches.

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Let's just quit arguing and see how does the second go-round. He's a great fighter who is more than capable of having a good fight. Let's not shoot the horse just because it threw us off one time.

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- Personally, I found Fedor's fights with Yanagisawa (sans the close armbar), Babalu (sans the toe hold) and Arona pretty boring, but I also know people who liked each fight, so to each their own. Granted, I didn't particularly enjoy Marqardt/Salaverry outside of the final round, either.


- On the issue of the TV audience, I think it actually had an adverse effect on the guys rather than motivate them. Florian had mentioned after his fight with Diego that the tension got to him and basically shut him down against Diego, and I think it happened to Nate and Ivan as well. Neither guy wanted to blow such a big opprotunity by letting a dangerous opponent take them out quickly and become nothing more than fodder for the other guy's highlights.


I'll address the other points in a bit.

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The UFC actually wanted Mayhem and tried to sign him agian, but he turned them down for the chance to be the big dog at MW over with ICON or whatever it's called.


The MW division was so stacked earlier this year, now with Ivan, Lindland and Riggs out of it it's lost a lot of its lustre.

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The UFC actually wanted Mayhem and tried to sign him agian, but he turned them down for the chance to be the big dog at MW over with ICON or whatever it's called.


The MW division was so stacked earlier this year, now with Ivan, Lindland and Riggs out of it it's lost a lot of its lustre.


Well fuck the UFC for releasing Lindland and Salaverry. They've got no one to blame but themselves for that. I try not to be anti-UFC, I really try.


Wait, can't forget them upping the price of PPV's to 40 dollars either. I could go see some shows in Japan for less than that.

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On a completely different note:


"Hokazpwnmachine" may be my new favorite unoffical nickname for a fighter, replacing Tom "SHITCOCKMOTHERFUCKER" Sauer.

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Hendo's Underground Thread


I found Arona/Fedor and Yanagisawa/Fedor to be very enjoyable fights (the Yanagisawa in particular, the first *40 seconds* had more action than the entire Salaverry/Marquardt fight with Fedor getting the takedown, sidemount, north-south, Yanas back and rolling him and trying for a choke - that fight blew me away) and you could hardly say that Fedor was playing it safe in those fights - whenever he had a chance he went for a submission.


The Ultimate Fighter 2 Finale, I think, showed the motivation of television, and is more proof for it than Florian/Diego is against it. I think both guys (Salaverry and Marquardt) were more scared of losing because they knew this was for a title shot. TV has been a big positive, IMO, when it comes to quality of fights. Hopefully we'll see more of it in a few weeks with UFN3.

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