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Exslade ZX

TSM Superhero Draft

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Damn. Maybe just switch the first post back to the picks in text, then make 2 new posts with the first half of the people playing in the first and the second half right underneath it? It would be good if they can be on the first page though...


Edit: Maybe there's an option the mods can use to get rid of the image limit...


Double edit: I guess you would need 3 posts as well, as one doesn't quite fit half the picks.

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Alright, for now, unless there's another way, I've just move the list for 6-15 to two other posts of mine on the first page, as you can see. Also posted a link to each post under the first five.

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With my newest draft, I'm picking up not only a heavy hitter, but a brilliant scientific mind. He's also a peacemaker when team-mates fight, so he'll bring a lot to keeping my ranks together.

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my next pick is Iron Man's arch enemy:






he is claimed to be a decendent of Gengis Kahn and is very smart and has mastered many forms of martial arts and has 10 rings that have varying uses

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Just kidding.




The Punisher will serve nicely as my team's strategist and weapons expert.


"With his extensive military training, Castle is well versed in conventional and unconventional warfare. He is a master military strategist and tactitian. He can meticulously plan mission parameters and can execute them with flawless efficiency. Castle is proficient in not only basic infantry skills, but in special operations which includes the use and maintenance of specialized firearms and explosive ordnance. He is also thoroughly trained and experienced in guerilla warfare raging from ambushes, hit & run, bombings to crippling the enemy's supplies. He is highly trained in various forms of camouflage, stealth and infiltration into heavily-guarded enemy territories for the purpose of Search and Destroy, Combat Search and Rescue or Reconaissance missions. Castle is a skilled paratrooper and highly trained in extended underwater operations. His hand-to-hand combat skills are more than sufficient to allow him to incapacitate and kill men much stronger than he is, as well as to deal with groups of armed and unarmed enemies, killing them all without weapons if he deems it necessary. He is also extremely deadly in knife fighting, preferring the knife he learned to fight with in the USMC: the KA-BAR. In addition, Castle is preternaturally-precise marksman, a demolitions expert and is a trained combat medic capable of providing first aid and frontline trauma care on the battlefield. Castle has also displayed a high tolerance for pain."

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Personally I think that the Punisher is a bit overrated, but having said that Punisher Kills the Marvel U is brilliant and to get him in the fifth (and after Deathstroke, who I think often gets overshadowed by Punisher) is pretty good, especially since we had a bit of a "kicker run" on Mystics.


Damn, that reminds me to add another guy or two to my shopping list...

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Alright, for now, unless there's another way, I've just move the list for 6-15 to two other posts of mine on the first page, as you can see. Also posted a link to each post under the first five.

Just a thought, but maybe we can move the draft board to a separate thread and sticky that? It's not like we've got 20 different draft threads going on like some of the other forums...

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Dr Manhattan.


In the Watchmen universe, he is pretty much a god, with a bunch of regular superpowers backed up by fundamental control of matter. Would he be motivated to work as part of my team? Quite possibly not, but I'd trust Tony Stark as my leader to find a way :)

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I was waiting on someone to take a Watchmen character. I thought about it before the draft even started, then just decided not to. (So far at least)

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I was debating about wether to pick Manhatten for my team this round. Then I realized (just like Mystery Eskimo) that he would be hard to motivate working with my team.

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Dr Manhattan.


In the Watchmen universe, he is pretty much a god, with a bunch of regular superpowers backed up by fundamental control of matter. Would he be motivated to work as part of my team? Quite possibly not, but I'd trust Tony Stark as my leader to find a way :)

So is Captain Atom out then?

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Dr Manhattan.


In the Watchmen universe, he is pretty much a god, with a bunch of regular superpowers backed up by fundamental control of matter. Would he be motivated to work as part of my team? Quite possibly not, but I'd trust Tony Stark as my leader to find a way :)

So is Captain Atom out then?

No. Based on him or not, they're still two completely different characters.

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Fair warning to y'all.


I'm not sure if Crandamaniac will be picking in the next hour, or if he's sent emergency picks, but I'll give him another 8 hours or so since I don't plan on picking until around 9am tomorrow...


...and no, I'm not picking Captain Atom.

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I've been holding off on Watchmen characters because so far there has been no pressure to go for them (and many of them are so damn dysfunctional anyhow). Dr. Manhattan is very unpredictable and difficult to work with sometimes, which was why I was going to pass on him, for example.



By the way, would it be possible to include text results in addition to the picture results on the first post? It's starting to become confusing to me.

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Thanks for holding off on picking Starvenger, even tho you didn't have to.



My pick, another woman, but this one is somebody who I honestly can't believe has lasted this long. One of the most powerful telepaths/telekintec's around and would even blow up your planet if she so inclined. I give you




Jean Grey




Jean in the 90's costume (Even tho I hated that suit)

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Cran, it's no biggie. I know how weekends can be.


BTW, I took Phoenix with my first pick, but I used Rachel as the host. Which probably means we're gonna need a ruling on this one.


Anyway, my next pick is a god (but not immortal), is a master of deceit and responsible for the Avengers and a guy who was able to have Red Skull and Magneto team up (kinda):



It's Loki, adopted brother of Thor.

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I see what you mean, but I took it as that each host is a separate entity, ie The Flash, and not as the same character



Can we get an official ruling tho?

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Basically, I put it down as "Jean Grey" on the new "draft results" thread I started (since this one is 231 posts in) until we get an official ruling...

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I've been holding off on Watchmen characters because so far there has been no pressure to go for them (and many of them are so damn dysfunctional anyhow). Dr. Manhattan is very unpredictable and difficult to work with sometimes, which was why I was going to pass on him, for example.


Yeah, I wasn't sure on taking him as I mentioned. But I figure we're allowed some character licence. If heroes and villains can be assumed to be able to co-exist on a team, I'm going to assume Dr Manhattan will play along at least somewhat...

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Basically, I put it down as "Jean Grey" on the new "draft results" thread I started (since this one is 231 posts in) until we get an official ruling...

Yea, you still get Jean Grey, just not Jean Grey as the Phoenix.


The formula I've been pretty much using, is that if you're not going to see the two, powered up, face to face talking, then they cancel each other out. And I know I'm probably shooting myself in the foot as there could be exceptions, but I think you get what I mean. (You never/rarely if ever saw Eddie Brock Venom, face to face with Mac Gargan Venom, even though they are "seperate entities", so you can only pick one as Venom, same case here.)

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Actually, he's dead as of Annihilation. And dammit if I wasn't thinking about taking him. Instead I'll go another direction. Outside the 616 in fact, as I take




Blink - AoA/Exiles version. I can use a teleporter, and Exiles has shown that she can be a leader.

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