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Craig Th

Box Office Report...

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1 N Get Smart WB $39,155,000 - 3,911 - $10,011 $39,155,000 $80 1

2 2 Kung Fu Panda P/DW $21,700,000 -35.4% 4,053 -83 $5,354 $155,596,000 $130 3

3 1 The Incredible Hulk Uni. $21,557,000 -61.1% 3,508 +3 $6,145 $96,476,000 $150 2

4 N The Love Guru Par. $14,000,000 - 3,012 - $4,648 $14,000,000 $62 1

5 3 The Happening Fox $10,000,000 -67.2% 2,986 - $3,348 $50,267,000 $60 2

6 5 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Par. $8,414,000 -42.9% 3,171 -633 $2,653 $290,835,000 $185 5

7 4 You Don't Mess with the Zohan Sony $7,200,000 -56.0% 3,278 -188 $2,196 $84,055,000 $90 3

8 6 Sex and the City NL $6,465,000 -34.0% 2,442 -713 $2,647 $132,385,000 $65 4

9 7 Iron Man Par. $4,002,000 -28.8% 1,912 -491 $2,093 $304,788,000 $140 8

10 8 The Strangers Rog. $1,949,000 -51.6% 1,578 -832 $1,235 $49,586,000 $9 4

11 9 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian BV $1,708,000 -46.0% 1,462 -846 $1,168 $135,467,000 $200 6

12 10 What Happens in Vegas Fox $770,000 -53.8% 708 -714 $1,087 $77,522,000 $35 7

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Myers was just far too gone from the industry far too long for him to make any impact with Love Guru, even if that film appears to be some pseudo copy in a sense of Austin Powers. I think it's safe to say Myers can only prosper with another Austin Powers movie, and even in that case, its still questionable if it would draw as much as the previous efforts. One other thing with Love Guru, I really hated the overt advertising this film did, made me think they didnt have much hope for it in the first place.


Saw Get Smart this weekend and I thought it was pretty good for what it was. Great Khali had way more of a role in the film than I expected, and Rock had less than I thought it would be. Anne Hathaway looked ridiculously hot to say the least.

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Is $96 million after two weekends good or bad for Hulk? I figured it would be over $100 million by now. Close, but not there yet.

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What's sad about this Hulk movie is that the 2003 Hulk made 62 million when it first came out compared to this one's 54-55 million. The 2003 film had a 69% plummet the next week, but it was still right at 100 million. So this one is actually behind that one, and had a similar 61% drop in week 2.

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Myers was just far too gone from the industry far too long for him to make any impact with Love Guru, even if that film appears to be some pseudo copy in a sense of Austin Powers. I think it's safe to say Myers can only prosper with another Austin Powers movie, and even in that case, its still questionable if it would draw as much as the previous efforts. One other thing with Love Guru, I really hated the overt advertising this film did, made me think they didnt have much hope for it in the first place.


They released it in the wrong time of the year. This shouldn't be a summer film. If they had released it in the spring or the fall, they'd probably do pretty okay, but it's going to get destroyed by everything else out there.


What's sad about this Hulk movie is that the 2003 Hulk made 62 million when it first came out compared to this one's 54-55 million. The 2003 film had a 69% plummet the next week, but it was still right at 100 million. So this one is actually behind that one, and had a similar 61% drop in week 2.


A 60% dropoff is never good but I think this one will do better than the other Hulk film because this one will probably have more longevity. Unlike the earlier Hulk movie this one is more of a popcorn action flick so it'll probably still make a good amount of money for the next few weeks due to repeat viewings by comic nerds and people looking for a fun action movie.


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I don't really think Hulk is a good enough movie to overcome it's average performance. It was no doubt hurt by the last one, and it's just not strong enough to compensate for it, not to mention coming on the heels of Iron Man which was just massively better than it.

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Good call Bob. I was thinking Guru was going to make about $50 million.


50 million? Are you on crack?


so noone gonna pay to see what we can see online or in Maxim.


Leave noone out of this.

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I just had a weird thought...which is probably not gonna happen, but I'll mention it anyway...


What if "Get Smart" does well enough to make a series of movies...ala "Mission Impossible"

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Myers was just far too gone from the industry far too long for him to make any impact with Love Guru, even if that film appears to be some pseudo copy in a sense of Austin Powers.


It's kind of like Austin Powers, but it's just all the funny wordplay scenes in Austin stretched out to a whole movie. It's so bad.



Is $96 million after two weekends good or bad for Hulk? I figured it would be over $100 million by now. Close, but not there yet.


It's good, not great. The fact that it cannot top the original movie is a bit troubling.


A 60% dropoff is never good but I think this one will do better than the other Hulk film because this one will probably have more longevity. Unlike the earlier Hulk movie this one is more of a popcorn action flick so it'll probably still make a good amount of money for the next few weeks due to repeat viewings by comic nerds and people looking for a fun action movie.


It might reach a similiar gross, but I think the original Hulk will have sold more tix when all is said and done.


I just had a weird thought...which is probably not gonna happen, but I'll mention it anyway...


What if "Get Smart" does well enough to make a series of movies...ala "Mission Impossible"


Huh? If Get Smart shows some longevity, a sequel is not out of the question.

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Good call Bob. I was thinking Guru was going to make about $50 million.


50 million? Are you on crack?


Take a compliment when I give you one.


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And people need to realize that Jessica Alba ain't gonna sell tickets if she's wearing clothes of any kind. She's already said said she wouldn't go nude, so noone gonna pay to see what we can see online or in Maxim.



She makes bad movie choices in general, too. I don't know how anyone could look at premise of Awake and think that movie is going to be a huge hit. If she was in more movies that didn't look like they should be going straight to dvd, people would probably go see them, even if they know she's not getting naked.

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The first Austin Powers was a classic. The rest were balls. Myers has an uncanny ability to take something that worked and the milk it till it dies a horrible, horrible death.


I love the third one as well. Nigel Powers, Goldmember, the cameos, Nathan Lane, it was great. Beyonce was terrible though.


Take a compliment when I give you one.


I just don't see how you saw Love Guru and thought 50 million. Tracking had it doing 20-25 at best, I thought it might do low 20s myself.

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I just had a weird thought...which is probably not gonna happen, but I'll mention it anyway...


What if "Get Smart" does well enough to make a series of movies...ala "Mission Impossible"


I think that is the idea, based off the ending of Get Smart, as Patrick Warburton is introduced as an android, literally out of nowhere.


Also, based off this article from well over a year ago at Rotten Tomatoes...


"The "Get Smart" movie starring Steve Carell just began filming, but the writers already have a sequel in mind. Masi Oka and Nate Torrence have made such an impression as Bruce and Lloyd that they might get their own film. It's got a clever name too.


"Get SmartER right now," said Oka. "We don't know when we're shooting that. It's supposed to be August and September. It's whenever they get the script I guess and a director. The writers are very excited for out characters so they're inspired and they want to keep on polishing it and making it better."


Perhaps spinoff would be a better description of "Get Smarter." It takes place parallel to "Get Smart" and may even include part of "Get Smart" in the film. "The whole idea is 'Get Smart' the feature is kind of like 'Hamlet' and 'Get Smarter' is going to be 'Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead.' So to make it kind of a tie in, I know they're going to try to incorporate some footage from the actual feature into it so it looks like it's seeing what's leading up behind the scenes."

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Damn, that was quick.


Well, besides that, if Get Smart makes over 100 million (and/or if the spin-off DVD makes decent money), chances are we'll see a sequel.

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I just realised Justin Timberlake actually has an astonishingly bad box office record for someone who's only been acting for a couple of years...


The love guru

southland tales

black snake moan

Alpha dog


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Damn, that was quick.


Well, besides that, if Get Smart makes over 100 million (and/or if the spin-off DVD makes decent money), chances are we'll see a sequel.


Yea, they shot it after they finished doing Get Smart on the cheap. It comes out July 1.


Timberlake hasn't had a live action hit yet, but he did get good notices for Alpha Dog and his appearances on SNL. I didn't like him in Blake Snake Moan though.

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I think that is the idea, based off the ending of Get Smart, as Patrick Warburton is introduced as an android, literally out of nowhere.


They did hint at it earlier in the film, but he's there as a nod to the series, just like with Agent 13 hiding in the tree in Washington earlier.

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I just don't see how you saw Love Guru and thought 50 million. Tracking had it doing 20-25 at best, I thought it might do low 20s myself.

I don't read the tracking stuff. It was just an estimate on my part. Whatever, I was wrong, you were right.


Is Get Smart worth seeing?

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Get Smart is decent enough, though at times it can't figure out if it wants to be a silly comedy or a straight up action movie. Khali has a shockingly decent role in it, probably more screen time than The Rock had.


To touch on the point Rudo made about Austin Powers, the first had the brilliant premise of Powers being hopelessly out of touch some 30 years after his 60s prime. The inherent problem the sequels had is that he keeps going back in time, first to the 60s and then to the 70s. Where's the comedic tension of Powers being back in his comfort zone in swinging 60s London?

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Is Get Smart worth seeing?


I enjoyed it enough, but it's one of those that isn't worth going out of your way to see in the theaters unless you're looking for a few random hours to kill. Rental material for sure, though.

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Austin Powers 2 and 3 were actually really hilarious in theaters, but had no repeat value at all. Like, zero.


Spy Who Shagged Me is the only movie I've ever actually seen someone walk out of (over the shit drinking scene).


I love toilet humor more than most (and before you judge me, hey, so did Mozart), but Mike Myers is doing it wrong.

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Austin Powers 2 and 3 were actually really hilarious in theaters, but had no repeat value at all. Like, zero.


Spy Who Shagged Me is the only movie I've ever actually seen someone walk out of (over the shit drinking scene).


I love toilet humor more than most (and before you judge me, hey, so did Mozart), but Mike Myers is doing it wrong.


The last, and so far only movie I have been to where multiple people walked out was 28 Days Later. By the time all was said and done, over half the audience had left. I just cant walk out on something I've paid to see.


On topic, it's really good to see Iron Man has surpassed $300 Million. Can't wait for a sequel!

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Yeah I never got that. Movies cost like 11.50 now? Why the hell would you walk out? You have nothing else to do for the next 2 hours or so anyway.

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