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OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

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I bet they try and blame Steph/Shane since they werent happy that Vince was giving all the companys money away.


Sounded like hes paralyzed which could end up with Vince in a wheelchair..which only means foley has to visit Vince with Mr Socko and Austin hit him with a bedpan..oh wait..



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Well, that was easily one of the most surreal things I'd ever seen. I was nodding off during the main event and I thought I was dreaming for a second. I was LOLing for the most part.

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I can't believe they did this shit again.


Also, I can't see HHH staying on SD. Really, really, really cannot see it. Especially with Taker around.

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Stories up on WWE.com already.


"As a result of the tragic accident during Raw's closing minutes, McMahon's Million dollar Mania is suspended for the foreseeable future."


So which wrestler dies this time?


Matt Hardy


That was too easy



If I had been drinking it would have come out of my nose. Thumbs up.

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Stories up on WWE.com already.


"As a result of the tragic accident during Raw's closing minutes, McMahon's Million dollar Mania is suspended for the foreseeable future."


Hmm, that's an elaborate setup to end a failing angle.

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Stories up on WWE.com already.


"As a result of the tragic accident during Raw's closing minutes, McMahon's Million dollar Mania is suspended for the foreseeable future."



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Paralyzed Vince will be a fantastic gimmick change.


About as successful as Kojak McMahon


How about he just skip all the endless bullshit and retire from TV?


Furthermore, why couldn't Bob Holly been on stage with him at the time of this unforseen "accident"

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As long as no wrestler goes and massacres their family maybe we can see how this angle will play out. I actually liked the Who Killed Vince angle last year for the most part.


I too initially thought it was Undertaker pulling shenanigans.

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Paralyzed Vince will be a fantastic gimmick change.


About as successful as Kojak McMahon


How about he just skip all the endless bullshit and retire from TV?


Furthermore, why couldn't Bob Holly been on stage with him at the time of this unforseen "accident"


And Cody Rhodes.

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From the site where you sign up for the contest:


We Hope You Had Fun!

McMahon's Million Dollar Mania™ has ended. We hope you were one of our lucky winners! Be sure to visit WWE.com often to check out the latest news, events, promotions and more!


It's gotta be Shane behind it. He had to put an end to it before Vince gave away all of his inheritance. :P


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To be honest, it's endings and elaborate, over the top storylines that get ratings...not two superstars "competing" to see who's the better wrestler.


I'm glad they seemingly decided to do a big storyline such as this one. It will definitely have viewers more interested in the program.

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They did it to give a reason to stop giving away a million dollars every week. Nothing more, nothing less.


Well duh


You'd think they could do a better job than rehashing an absurd angle last year that was ruined by Chris "The Killer" Benoit


You'd think they would have gotten the hint

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To be honest, it's endings and elaborate, over the top storylines that get ratings...not two superstars "competing" to see who's the better wrestler.


Glad to see you're back on the board, Mr. Russo.

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Steph has been pushing for longer drawn out storylines as opposed to booking on the fly. Now since they couldn't completely re-do last years angle, instead of "Who killed Vince" it will be "Who tried to kill Vince". I just wish they left out the "Paul...Paul..." crap, it's not fooling anybody for crying out loud.

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To be honest, it's endings and elaborate, over the top storylines that get ratings...not two superstars "competing" to see who's the better wrestler.


Glad to see you're back on the board, Mr. Russo.


I don't care if you ridicule it. It's the truth. Let's take a look at history...todays angles compared to the Attitude Era's in terms of ratings. Yep

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I just saw about the TNA accident in which a crew member died taking their PPV set apart.




I wonder what Droz thinks of the "Vince is paralyzed" angle? Hopefully no wrestlers get paralyzed forcing Vince to abandon this storyline.

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To be honest, it's endings and elaborate, over the top storylines that get ratings...not two superstars "competing" to see who's the better wrestler.


Glad to see you're back on the board, Mr. Russo.


If only Andre and Hogan involved some exploding boats and bastard dwarfs, maybe people would have went to see that match.

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Lou Thesz and Rikozidan would have killed if they had a worked shoot angle during the match where Thesz refused to cooperate and Rikozidan had to improvise a new finish.

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SD gets HHH, Kennedy(who should have never left), Jeff Hardy and Umaga(and Loses Batista, Mysterio)

Raw gets CM Punk, Batista, Kane and Mysterio (losing HHH, Kennedy, Hardy and Umaga)

ECW gets Matt Hardy (and loses Kane and Punk)


I don't mind the results, RAW was freshened up with HHH leaving, Kaqne leaving ECW is a plus for ECW, so they basically traded Matt Hardy for CM Punk. And with HHH on SD! eventhough Edge is going to get jobbed out,. there should be more focus on the show and build it up to a competitive brand.

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Paralyzed Vince will be a fantastic gimmick change.


About as successful as Kojak McMahon


How about he just skip all the endless bullshit and retire from TV?


Furthermore, why couldn't Bob Holly been on stage with him at the time of this unforseen "accident"


And Cody Rhodes.


Eh..I think it's too soon to pull the plug on him


That being said he could use a heel turn


After thinking about it a little, even if Holly and Val Venis were there, they would've survived in WWE logic like the cockroaches they are


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I just thank god the stupid give aways are over. I'm still pissed about jr being moved off raw though and not lawyer. If there was ever someone who needed to be moved out it's him.


I guess this might mean vickie will have to give up her wheel chair so vince can have exclusive wheel chair rights.

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To be honest, it's endings and elaborate, over the top storylines that get ratings...not two superstars "competing" to see who's the better wrestler.


Glad to see you're back on the board, Mr. Russo.


If only Andre and Hogan involved some exploding boats and bastard dwarfs, maybe people would have went to see that match.


Heh, okay...


First of all, that was 21 years ago. You may not have noticed, but society, television, and pop culture has changed dramatically.


Second, Russo-like shows were pulling in 6.0 and 7.0 a night.


Third, you're Hawk34. You act like you're the professor of Smark University with a PhD in this shit (if such a thing existed). Just because you post with your stern, no nonsense, internet forum genius approach, it doesn't exactly make you correct.


Fourth, there isn't a point in arguing this with you guys because the ratings and television history speak for themselves.

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