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WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

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I'd like to see Kane win, and then Batista/Cena/JBL can have a three-way at the PPV.

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Kane winning would make the most sense here.



Funny as I see Kane being the one to take the pin.


Edit: Told you. :)

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I want to see Kane have one more run as a sadistic fuck where he destroys everyone.


Looks like you just might get your wish.

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How fuckin corny. They should've built Batista gettin fucked over for longer. Now we get 2 weeks of a face Batista goin after Punk and that'll probably be it.


What a let down after last week.

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I thought for a second that they would get rid of Cole (even though I don't mind him) to bring back Paul Heyman, but maybe he can replay Lawler.

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