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Spaceman Spiff

The Amazing Race: Season 13

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It makes it easier to keep track of the episode by episode trend for me. This season has been pretty lame though since I just don't like any of the teams except for Dallas and his mom. I can't stand Nick, the divorcees, Tina, Terence & Sarah and the frat douches.

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Yeah, Toni and Dallas and the Mythbusters are the only teams that I like this season. I didn't hate Aja and Ty but I wasn't actively rooting for them.


I really don't like Phi Sigma Dumbasses or Terrence and Sarah. The Cougars are "good enough" for looking at, I suppose, but between them and Tina the divorcees/separated women aren't faring well as far as likeability.


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My final four at this point are...


Nick and Star

Ken and Tina

Toni and Dalls

Terrence and Sarah


Kelly and Christy have, at this point only got strung along due to other teams fuck-ups and the Frats proved tonight that they don't have what it takes to finish remotely high.

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Damn, I am really tired of Nick and Starr. How many times have they come in first now? (rhetorical) And the bad thing is, they're not even my most hated team, seeing as Ken & Tina, and Terence & Sarah are horrible. Terence is at least.


And the frat guys, and the divorcees I don't necessarily hate, but they're so bad at the race I really have no good opinions on them at all.


edit-Highlight of this episode is the dude checking the numbers :lol:. And watching some of the contestants get pelted with the paint.

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Ken and Tina are actually growing on me a little. Ken's likable enough and Tina's gotten progressively less bitchy as the show has gone on. And if nothing else, they're playing the game much better than the airheaded Divorcees or numbskulled Frat Boys.

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Ken and Tina are actually growing on me a little. Ken's likable enough and Tina's gotten progressively less bitchy as the show has gone on. And if nothing else, they're playing the game much better than the airheaded Divorcees or numbskulled Frat Boys.

Pretty much my take on things. Tina freaked out a bit when she got hit with the paint, but I can't blame her for it, and she regained her composure enough that she and Ken powered through the Detour even with the Speed Bump.


My fear here is that the Douches will be the Lyn and Karlyn of this Season and somehow sneak into the Final Three despite being perrenial backpackers. Given what CBS is saying about the Finale, it would make sense that it was them.

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edit-Highlight of this episode is the dude checking the numbers :lol:. And watching some of the contestants get pelted with the paint.


I just kept thinking of the Soup Nazi when he would give teams the thumbs down. Watching the people get hit with the paint is some of the greatest stuff I've seen on TAR. I could watch that footage over and over again.

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Tina's gotten less bitchy? She's was UNBEARABLE in last week's episode. Plus, I HATE the drawn-on eyebrow look on girls.

It's all relative. Based on Episode 1 Ken shouldn't have been going "I cheated on Tina", he should've been singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it". Again, she managed to contain her freak out at the Roadblock, something that the Douche (note: not to be confused with the Douches) couldn't do.

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edit-Highlight of this episode is the dude checking the numbers :lol:. And watching some of the contestants get pelted with the paint.


I just kept thinking of the Soup Nazi when he would give teams the thumbs down. Watching the people get hit with the paint is some of the greatest stuff I've seen on TAR. I could watch that footage over and over again.


I wasn't planning on watching Amazing Race at all, but I saw a commercial during football that showed two things:


1) India

2) Paint getting tossed in someone's face


How could I not watch after that? India always makes for a good episode, since something horrible always happens to the contestants. And really, I think that's the big appeal of the show for me: horrible things happening to tourists.


Any paint-tossing gifs? I think they would add a lot to this thread.

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Haha, I was wondering about that. It's like the person they initially got to greet the racers canceled at the last minute and they grabbed the gardener to take their place.

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I'm thinking Frat Boys go next week, week after is the predictable non-elim leg. I'm having trouble with a final three, the only team I feel confident in picking would be Nick and Starr. Probably Toni and Dallas too. Those are the only two teams left that have gotten along 100% of the time and not really made any huge fuck-ups.

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Man, that hate I exhibited last week for Nick and Starr, has pretty much become respect, for the way they're straight up dominating this race. It will almost be a disappointment if they don't win after all of this..


Frat guys were definitely the most annoying team this week. I mean, Dan was a total spaz about it, but Andrew knew they sucked with directions and wasted an assload of time trying to figure out where they were, and when they do he wants to walk as slow as possible? I understand he's no small dude, but he really didn't look like he was trying.


Glad to see Terrance and Sarah go though, especially after his pussying at the Fast forward.

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I definitely want to see the frat boys go next, although they're the only team out of the final four that seem even remotely capable of making the mistake CBS was hyping at the start of the season.


Really, though, the only way I could be upset with the final 3 would be if Toni and Dallas get eliminated in two weeks (after next week's almost-certain non-elimination). So, of course, that will be exactly what happens.

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The Divorcees may be gone, but their not-reading-clues-edness lives on. Seriously, I can't remember this many instances of teams not reading clues during a season. I expected it from Dan/Andrew, but even Ken/Tina were getting in on the action.

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So here's the question - the Frat Idiots took a cab, but didn't get a time penalty for doing so - rather they were told to go back to the Detour and do the thing properly. However given similar circumstances the Mythbusters got hit with the 30 minute penalty. So my conclusion is that the finish was not nearly as close as they made it seem - damn editors! - and Sarah and her douchebag bf were simply out of it. Seriously, Sarah, get out while you still can.


BTW, I could see Ken and Tina making the fatal mistake, as they've been sorta losing it the last few legs.

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The difference between the 2 cases was that Dan/Andrew took the cab from the end of the Detour to the Pit Stop, with nothing to do in between, whereas the Mythbusters took a cab to a Detour (instead of on foot), did a Roadblock, then had to go to the Pit Stop. It would have been impractical for the Mythbusters to be sent back to the spot where they illegally took the cab to do everything over again from that spot. The 30-minute penalty ended up being the lesser of the possible penalties.

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OK, bad example, but I also remember Legally Blonde getting hit with a time penalty at the Pit Stop because they didn't RTFC and cabbed it there

I don't remember this season's blondes didn't have any time penalties at the check-in.

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OK, bad example, but I also remember Legally Blonde getting hit with a time penalty at the Pit Stop because they didn't RTFC and cabbed it there

I was wondering that myself. They must have changed the rule at some point.

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So my conclusion is that the finish was not nearly as close as they made it seem - damn editors! - and Sarah and her douchebag bf were simply out of it. Seriously, Sarah, get out while you still can.


I also thought the editor's were lying to us. Given the way it was presented to us, Dan & Andrew should have crossed paths with Terrence & Sarah at the market.



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The Frats have to be the worst racers in the history of this show.


I think the majority of the teams this season were horrible. Between their inability to read the clues and general lack of common sense, I'm amazed some of these people can dress themselves.



The preview for next week let's us know that the monumental error will take place and what it is. I almost can't fathom how something like that could happen, but given the teams this season it almost seems appropriate.

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