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This Week In Baseball: 9/22-9/30

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FOX officially added the Nationals/Phillies game to their schedule for Saturday along with Cubs/Brewers and Yankees/Red Sox. All games will have the normal FOX start time of 3:55 PM EST.

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FOX officially added the Nationals/Phillies game to their schedule for Saturday along with Cubs/Brewers and Yankees/Red Sox. All games will have the normal FOX start time of 3:55 PM EST.

Thankfully I was able to accommodate my work schedule, but having a time change less than a week in advance is quite tiresome.

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Guest Smues

I've always been opposed to changing start times of games to appease the TV networks. It helped me last year when it bumped the Braves game the Saturday I was down there from 7:35 to 3:55, making it possible for me to go, but whenever I plan trips to Turner Field I have to worry about the possibility of the Sunday game getting bumped by ESPN and now the Saturday game by Fox. So annoying, but its not like the networks give a shit about the people actually paying to attend games.

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Over two games, that's four times in a row that the Mets have gotten first and second with no outs and failed to score. How Luis Castillo continues to get playing time is beyond me. Stick Marlon Anderson out there, for Christ's sakes.

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According to MLB.com's Gameday, Luis Castillo struck out looking on three straight strikes right down the middle. Is that true? How can you do that in that situation, much less no outs and no runners on?

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Easy, it's the most infuriating thing that could have happened in that situation. It's like Occam's Razor for Mets fans - the event that will cause the most teeth-gnashing anguish is the one that is bound to happen.

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That almost seems more out of spite than anything else.


This is, what, the fourth "OMG MUST WIN THIS IS WHAT WE GOT HIM FOR" game for Santana? The rhetoric's getting a little grating.

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Reyes gets his 200th hit of the season, a three-run triple that puts the Mets up by four. More than suitable, I think.

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Mets give Omar Minaya a 4 year contract extension.


Typical Wilpon move right there

Omar Minaya took over a team that finished below .500 for three straight seasons. Since then they have four consecutive winning seasons and a divisional championship. Currently they are heavy favorites to reach the postseason. Yes the team is flawed but this is the National League, where nearly every team has some flaw. Must we really demand absolute perfection? That type of thing is reserved for Yankee fans.


I know some will point to the bullpen. Billy Wagner got hurt, and who could have expected the absolute crash of Aaron Heilman? There are other good pitchers, but they have tough platoon splits and the aforementioned failures of the first two have push the latter too far. Bullpens are volitale, and I can't see canning a GM because of the failure of one.

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Hamels. I'm sick of hearing how great he is. He needs to be an ace to go out and if your team scores two runs, you need to give up at most one. He never seems to do that and it annoys the shit out of me. The fact he whines a lot makes me want to whine about him even more.

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Hamels. I'm sick of hearing how great he is. He needs to be an ace to go out and if your team scores two runs, you need to give up at most one. He never seems to do that and it annoys the shit out of me. The fact he whines a lot makes me want to whine about him even more.

Oh god. Do I even want to start?

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Yes, and he has been for quite a while, dating back to the game where Hamels gave up a homerun in the 8th inning to the Braves to tie the game 2-2. I believe the Phillies wound up losing the game. This must have been in July or August, I think. Maybe June. And I've agreed with Mitch ever since. I don't watch much of the postgame show either, but I caught that one. I know people are gonna say "what does he know, he was a shitty closer", but the man knows baseball. He's on the WIP Morning Show part time, and I like listening to his ramblings about the game of baseball. He doesn't come off as a delirious former player who thinks he used to be great, which makes me respect him a little more, I guess.

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Yes, and he has been for quite a while, dating back to the game where Hamels gave up a homerun in the 8th inning to the Braves to tie the game 2-2. I believe the Phillies wound up losing the game. This must have been in July or August, I think. Maybe June. And I've agreed with Mitch ever since. I don't watch much of the postgame show either, but I caught that one. I know people are gonna say "what does he know, he was a shitty closer", but the man knows baseball. He's on the WIP Morning Show part time, and I like listening to his ramblings about the game of baseball. He doesn't come off as a delirious former player who thinks he used to be great, which makes me respect him a little more, I guess.

I would hope sabermetrics has thoroughly disproved the "pitching to the score" theory. ANY pitcher is going to give up runs. Cole Hamels can not prevent runs by sheer willpower of his heart and guts. And Phillie devotees believing that crap has led to much of the ineptitude of the last fifty years. Who needs talent, we need more Pete Roses!

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I think I just was rubbed the wrong way due to his whining. Of course I understand he's gonna give up runs, but since I have such high expectations for him as hopefully the next big thing for the next decade, it sucks when the game is close and he gives it up then. He usually gives up a few in the beginning innings then settles down. Tonight it seemed like that, it was 2-1, then he gives up the homerun which became the game winner. Stuff like that just annoys me no matter who the pitcher is, but since he is so good, I get even angrier. I usually come out of these phases an hour or so after a game when it happens.

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I think I just was rubbed the wrong way due to his whining. Of course I understand he's gonna give up runs, but since I have such high expectations for him as hopefully the next big thing for the next decade, it sucks when the game is close and he gives it up then. He usually gives up a few in the beginning innings then settles down. Tonight it seemed like that, it was 2-1, then he gives up the homerun which became the game winner. Stuff like that just annoys me no matter who the pitcher is, but since he is so good, I get even angrier. I usually come out of these phases an hour or so after a game when it happens.

Understandable. When a team loses 3-2 though, I blame the offense.


Milwaukee may have saved their season with a two run seventh.

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If the Dodgers hold their lead, and the Cardinals hold their lead, the magic number for the Dodgers is down to three, correct? I just know we're making the playoffs.

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