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The College Football Thread 12/3 - 12/6

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Wow, I hate college football so much. Nine fucking teams have a legitimate argument for the national title, and we get one phony "championship" game between the prettiest one-loss teams and a bunch of lousy bowls that I don't care anything about. What a sham.

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I hope BYU beats up on Arizona in the Las Vegas Bowl while Hawaii thrashes Notre Dame.


I also hope the following mid majors win...

- Nevada vs. Maryland

- Air Force vs. Houston

- Utah vs. Alabama

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If Utah squashes Alabama and Florida beats OU in an ugly game, I'd be happy to see them voted #1 in the AP. Don't know why Boise State is so far out of the conversation though.


WAC is on a down year, and their only really legit win is at a top 20 Oregon. Utah has much better wins in a better conference. Utah/Boise, even if it wouldn't have gotten a mid major any more respect, would have been interesting.


I hope BYU beats up on Arizona in the Las Vegas Bowl while Hawaii thrashes Notre Dame.


I also hope the following mid majors win...

- Nevada vs. Maryland

- Air Force vs. Houston

- Utah vs. Alabama


Nevada has a 75 percent chance. Utah might beat Alabama. AF/Houston and Hawaii/ND will be fun.

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How the fuck did Virginia Tech and Cincinnati get a BCS bid?? I know that the ACC winner gets a BCS bowl, but come on. Neither of these teams are in the top 10 and they get in. Bull.


It should be Texas Tech and Boise State. Whatever.

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If Utah squashes Alabama and Florida beats OU in an ugly game, I'd be happy to see them voted #1 in the AP. Don't know why Boise State is so far out of the conversation though.


I'd rather see Boise playing Texas than Ohio State.



Anyway, even though OU is No. 1 they're going to be talked down to and disrespected in the month leading up to this title game. And I love it. Stoops performs great when he's an underdog with no shot to win. They just talked about it on ESPN and it's true.


The national title game in 2000? Nobody respected them and thought FSU would walk to a national title. The Holiday Bowl against Oregon? Well Oregon is 10-1 and should be in the BCS and OU is 8-4, they don't have a shot. And then there was the Big XII game against Mizzou last year. Bob Stoops and OU are great when they're the underdogs and nobody gives them a shot. I hope people keep riding the Florida bandwagon and I hope Florida's heads get huge.


The four BCS bowl games OU lost they were all favored in. They were a TD favorite over LSU and a 1 point favorite over USC. Not to mention those may have been the two cockiest OU teams in history. Even Barry Switzer probably though they should be a bit more humble.


And then as Herbstreit pointed out against West Va and Boise everyone was picking them to win (yes i know people here weren't, but the majority of America and the ones that get on TV were) so of course they got cocky.


So this does bode well for OU if they continue to be disrespected.


Now that being said, I still think it'll be really hard for them to win. OU has a ton of trouble with running QBs and of course we know the kick coverage at OU sucks.

Florida can put up a ton of points, but then again so can OU. And I don't know if I buy this "Well OU hasn't faced a defense like this this season." Hell TCU's defense is awesome and Texas' is pretty damn good and they put up 35 in both those games.



But, I don't know if they can stop Tebow when it comes down to it in the end. And that is why I'm really worried about this game and not looking forward to it that much, because I really don't want to see my team suffer 5th straight BCS loss and 3rd straight national title game loss. Ugh......that would just fucking suck. And it's really really possible. Damn.

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This is nothing compared to how he used to complain. I used to argue with him all the fucking time.

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Jesus christ, Dama acts like OU is being compared to Cincinnati or something. THEY ARE THE TOP RANKED TEAM IN THE COUNTRY. STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING ALREADY.



Umm what? That came out of like left field. Do you actually read my posts or just go "Well Dama wrote a long post. Time to yell at him!"



I'm saying from what I've seen most people are favoring Florida and speaking very highly of Tebow and the Gators offense and questioning if OU can stop them. Florida will probably be favored in the game. I never said people were trashing OU and acting like they were a bunch of bums (except maybe naiwf, but he's not on tv so who cares).


I'm saying for OU to win this needs to be kept up and possibly exaggerated further so that their attention will be grabbed.

Because (as i said in my post above if you actually read it) OU can get very lazy and cocky if you don't piss them off or grab their attention. So I would like for people to hype Florida's offense and question OU's defense and push the fact that maybe OU shouldn't be in the game. And people constantly bringing up the 4 straight BCS losses would be good also. That way OU is pissed and wanting to prove doubters wrong like they did against: Florida State, Oregon, Mizzou last year, Tech this year, OSU this year and Mizzou this year.


That is what I am saying. Try reading.

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Outside of you, who the hell thought OU was going to lose to Tech, OSU or Missouri this year? They were favored to win each of those games by 2 TDs or more by anyone who had seen the teams play this year. The one game they were doubted in was the one game they lost.

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Outside of you, who the hell thought OU was going to lose to Tech, OSU or Missouri this year? They were favored to win each of those games by 2 TDs or more by anyone who had seen the teams play this year. The one game they were doubted in was the one game they lost.


Plenty of people. You don't live here so you didn't hear the people on the radio. Not to mention the way the media harped on OU not belonging against Mizzou and the way Mizzou talked trash. And they got to listen to all that stuff about Texas leading up to the OSU game.

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Dama is quickly morphing back into old Dama. OU's gotten every break this year. They are no. 1 in the nation and playing for the national title. How anyone can think that they've been disrespected is beyond me.

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How the fuck did Virginia Tech and Cincinnati get a BCS bid?? I know that the ACC winner gets a BCS bowl, but come on. Neither of these teams are in the top 10 and they get in. Bull.


It should be Texas Tech and Boise State. Whatever.

Kinda sucks, but the BCS simply couldn't exist without conference autobids. There'd be no incentive to buy in if your conference could be left out of the massive money associated with a BCS bowl any given season. It would be especially rough for the Big East, who, with only 8 teams, could get bumped out pretty regularly with even just a 2-loss champion.

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Dama is quickly morphing back into old Dama. OU's gotten every break this year. They are no. 1 in the nation and playing for the national title. How anyone can think that they've been disrespected is beyond me.



ARGH! Why is nobody reading what I'm writing!?!? I never said they were being disrespected! I said they've been doubted a few times this year (which in my book is different than disrespected) and that a lot of people are hyping Tebow and the Gators offense and questioning OU's defense (rightfully so!). How you get that I'm going on and on about how OU is being disrespected out of that is beyond me. I think some of you are reading what you want to read.


I'm saying I WANT OU to be disrespected. I want them to be looked down on leading up to this game so that they will actually fucking pay attention to a BCS Bowl for once in the last 5 years.

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You know the one good thing about this pairing? It forces Tebow to put up or shut up, after his comment about how he'd love to throw against the Big XII defenses. Well now he has a date with one of them this January. That said, Florida should run Oklahoma off the field in a laugher.

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When did Tebow say this? Because I keep hearing about it, but never have actually heard it for myself.



I think it's kind of cool that Stoops is playing against the team where he got noticed at (as the d-coordinator at florida). I'm sure someone will ask him a question about it leading up to the game and in typical Stoops fashion he'll rip into the poor guy for no real reason other than to be a dick.

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Someone asked Tebow who he was going to vote for Heisman. He remarked that Bradford and Harrell had great seasons, but that he would love the opportunity to throw against those Big XII defenses.

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Someone asked Tebow who he was going to vote for Heisman. He remarked that Bradford and Harrell had great seasons, but that he would love the opportunity to throw against those Big XII defenses.



I think part of the problem with the Big XII is that the offenses are so good people are assuming the defenses must blow. Why can't it be that the offenses are really good? Let's see how they perform in bowl games before we completely write them off as mediocre offenses playing against terrible defenses.

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Using a hometown's fanbase as a gauge for what rational people think is counterproductive, especially when that's the only team in town. OU fans clearly have issues if they really believed that they were anything less than massive favorites in any game other than the one with Texas this year. For nearly two weeks you were having palpitations that there was some sort of nationwide conspiracy to keep the Sooners down and that your team was not going to make it into the Big XII title game when everyone else in the free world knew otherwise. Your team ended up as number one in the nation in the final BCS polls by a fairly wide margin and you're claiming that you want them to be disrespected, when you spent the last month bitching that they were being disrespected. Have a little bit of consistency.


OU plays poorly in BCS games because they end up playing teams that can play both offense and defense. If Florida can put up big offensive numbers in the SEC and OU's defense was getting shredded by less talented teams, the signs are against you. That's what most people would predict would happen. It has nothing to do with respect or conspiracies, and has everything to do with common sense. If Stoops can't motivate his teams to play well in bowl games, or even worse NATIONAL TITLE GAMES, because they're the favorites, then he's a horrendous coach who deserves to be fired.

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Oklahoma's defense did well against Tech, Cincy, and TCU, but all those games were in Norman. They seem to have a Jekyl and Hyde thing going with their defense depending on where they are playing.


Also, you said "So this does bode well for OU if they continue to be disrespected.", implying they have been disrespected all season or something. Yeah, they won the BCS tiebreaker, and they're #1 in the country. They are really disrespected, man.

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Using a hometown's fanbase as a gauge for what rational people think is counterproductive, especially when that's the only team in town. OU fans clearly have issues if they really believed that they were anything less than massive favorites in any game other than the one with Texas this year. For nearly two weeks you were having palpitations that there was some sort of nationwide conspiracy to keep the Sooners down and that your team was not going to make it into the Big XII title game when everyone else in the free world knew otherwise. Your team ended up as number one in the nation in the final BCS polls by a fairly wide margin and you're claiming that you want them to be disrespected, when you spent the last month bitching that they were being disrespected. Have a little bit of consistency.


OU plays poorly in BCS games because they end up playing teams that can play both offense and defense. If Florida can put up big offensive numbers in the SEC and OU's defense was getting shredded by less talented teams, the signs are against you. That's what most people would predict would happen. It has nothing to do with respect or conspiracies, and has everything to do with common sense. If Stoops can't motivate his teams to play well in bowl games, or even worse NATIONAL TITLE GAMES, because they're the favorites, then he's a horrendous coach who deserves to be fired.


His 6 Big XII titles and one national championship disagree with you, but ok....you're entitled to believe that.


It's a well known fact around here that OU does have motivational problems when they're a massive favorite. That's why I'm glad they'll be the underdog here. That's all I'm saying. I'm not getting into any huge debates over this.

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Does anyone know where I can find the final coaches ballots at? Where do they print those? I kind of want to see what coaches voted for who and see if Mack voted his team No. 1.

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