1. Was he ever regarded as the best player in football? Did anybody, while he was active, ever suggest that he was the best player in football?
No. The only year where Monk would receive any consideration would be 1984 where he broke the single season reception record. And that was the year of Marino throwing for 5000+ yards, and Dickerson rushing for 2000+.
2. Was he the best player on his team?
Doubtful. Monk was the best skill player for them in 1984, and probably 1985. Not enough to be considered one of the all-time best in the franchise.
3. Was he the best player in football at his position? Was he the best player in the conference at his position?
No, and no. Even in his huge 1984 season, he was 4th in receiving yardage. Then Jerry Rice came along.
4. Did he have an impact on a number of great seasons?
Leaning towards no. For each of the Redskins 3 Super Bowl appearances, Monk did not have a big year. In 1983, Charlie Moore was still WAS's main target. In 1987, Monk was injured. And 1991, Gary Clark had better stats. Monk, however, did have solid playoff performances.
5. Was he good enough that he could play regularly after passing his prime?
Yes. Monk was still a productive player into his upper-30's.
6. Is he the very best football player in history who is not in the Hall of Fame?
No. He's not even the best receiver not in who was eligible last year.
7. Are most players who have comparable statistics in the Hall of Fame?
Eh... most. WR is a tough position to rate when guys like Lynn Swann are in. Also, many players around Monk's level have recently qualified for HOF voting, so many of them are not in.
8. Do the player's numbers meet Hall of Fame standards?
Yes. 8th in receptions. 12th in receiving yards. 2 Super Bowl titles. That would be more than enough in most circumstances...
9. Is there any evidence to suggest that the player was significantly better or worse than is suggested by his statistics?
Monk's vast amount of receptions definitely overrate his value, statistically. The longevity of his career hasn't hurt.
10. Is he the best player at his position who is eligible for the Hall of Fame?
11. How many MVP-type seasons did he have? Did he ever win an MVP award? If not, how many times was he close?
A tough argument for 1 in 1984 if there were lesser competition. Other than that, never close.
12. How many Pro Bowl-type seasons did he have? How many Pro-Bowl games did he play in? Did most of the players who played in this many Pro-Bowl games go into the Hall of Fame?
2, maybe 3 if you include 1989 which was a stacked year for WR's in the NFC.
3, he probably shouldn't have made the 1986 Pro Bowl.
All have higher or equal amount of Pro Bowl appearances. He's only tied with the highly debatable deserving PIT's receivers, and Charlie Joiner.
13. If this man were the best player on his team, would it be likely that the team could win their division/conference?
Probably not.
14. What impact did the player have on football history? Was he responsible for any rule changes? Did he change the game in any way?
15. Did the player uphold the standards of sportsmanship and character that the Hall of Fame, in its written guidelines, instructs us to consider?
Yes. A quiet WR. A rarity these days.
Would he get my vote?
No. I flip-flop on Monk often... but I can't ignore that Monk wasn't even the best WR on his TEAM except for at best, a three year period. Most agree that Gary Clark was the playmaker for the Redskin offense, especially in the Posse days. And the stats agree with that. It's unfortunate that these great Redskin teams get shafted with the amount of HOF's. Monk simply was not a great player for long enough. He was a top tier WR for one, maybe two years at best. Monk was a very good WR for 15 years. But, it's not the Hall of Very Good. No matter how many pretty stats you rack up, and how many championships your team wins, in that amount of time.
I can't explain why I've been so happy this week. Like seriously, I've been smiling all day today and yesterday. It's weird. Even while my elbow is killing me. Well, I just hope it lasts!
Not much else to talk about. Excited for the ensuing long weekend. I plan to play lots of tennis tomorrow, on the day of Jesus' death. And other stuff this weekend.
#8 in the worst sports moments list for moi is a sad one...
I'm not a big fan of any type of racing. Especially all the circle jerk racing that's on nowadays. It makes me sleep. And it's gotten even worse now that there's lots of money involved. It was better back in the day when it was on ESPN, and there was a bunch of hillbillies driving around. Now, all the personalities are blah. Pretty boy douches like Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr., whatevz. And while fatass Tony Stewart tries to be a hot-headed hardass who crashes everyone, he'll never top the master. I really miss this guy, because he's the only driver I gave a crap about...
8) Dale Earnhardt dies at Daytona.
The Intimidator. He was just so badass in his black #3 car, the shades, the hick mustache and voice. His non-giving a shit attitude about fucking other drivers over. Every driver was terrified if Dale came up behind you, because he'd do whatever to get past you.
It was such a weird feeling when he died. The crash looked rather tame compared to many huge looking crashes where cars flip around and you're amazed when the guy walks out without a scratch. I didn't really feel sad... because it's racing. You always put your life on the line. But, it was weird how he died basically blocking other cars from passing him. I guess it was ironic in a way.
I guess it's just a crap feeling when your undoubted favorite in a sport is taken away like that.
So, it was another routine day of work... me typing up lots of letters and just into pretty databases. Then, in the afternooon, I become like the Spanish specialist. I've always been really against how the US is forcing all of us to learn Spanish. Took about 10 years of it in school, and I only know the most basic words. It feels so unnecessary, and still does, despite me moving to Arizona. So, I have to type up a ton of letters in the afternoon... which took me forever to do. And create stuff in the database, which was even more fun since I was lost on where to sort things. Please, just give me stuff I can read. I type it in 110wpm, and I play online a lot during it. Fin. Next thing I know, I'll be forced to take more Spanish lessons... and answer in Spanish on the phones. Ugh.
I finally joined a tennis league here, this evening at the local pretty club. Was about time. I need to back into better shape. And I miss the competitive feelings I used to have. With being able to play outside here, practically every day of the year... I really miss being a tennis instructor now. Oh well.
Not much else... watched crap on TV...
South Park season opener was one of the worst episodes I've seen in a while. I'm sure many are loving it, because of the shots to Isaac, and Scientology... but they dragged the joke on FOREVER. Wasn't funny. Only decent part was the ending. Quite disappointing, since I was really looking forward to this, after watching nearly every season in the break since Season 9 ended. Watched some of American Idol, too... basically to see Kathi. And the little kid got eliminated, finally. Good for all parties. I really felt bad for the kid, and how they strung him along. I don't care that he played along with it, and maybe even got cocky because of it, it's still cruel.
Might as well respond to some comments here...
To be honest, I really don't like reading them. Especially if they're going to be mean-spirited like I expect some will be.
Not really. I know nothing about baseball. I hate it. A lot.
And the Shitty Leafs should have won the last Stanley Cup!
Ok, I'll add you. But, before you think I'm rude, I REALLY hate talking on those things. It takes me a long time to warm up. And I will annoy you with my snobbishness.
Most people don't dislike me at The Pit. It's only a handful there that I don't get along with. Plus, I'm far too wiling to get into fights with people.
I'm about 6'2. And 22 years old. I'm definitely awkward and uncoordinated. I really wish I wasn't so tall... really think I could have made a decent career out of tennis if I was more athletic. But, such is life.
I definitely don't think I'm ugly. I wouldn't show pics of myself if I thought that. But, you know, I constantly worry about that stuff. Like every female. Blah.
I so thought you were going to flame me. I shouldn't be so negative.
Well, I don't really watch wrestling anymore. The last thing I watched was Royal Rumble, and Christian's title win. I haven't watched Raw or SD since I can't remember. And I'd rather watch paint dry before watching Impact again. I just like to follow what's going on, so I can bitch about it.
Don't play much video games lately, either. Working full-time has really killed that. Plus, a modded XBox hurts, also. Can get all games for free... but, with it being a huge entertainment system, games become secondary.
I shouldn't have said this board is that awful. It's still definitely one of the best boards I visit. But, things just irritate me. Everything irritates me.
Just search "WinFixer" on Google. I already found lots of stuff on the first page. It's a fairly well-known adware program, and you should find a fix somewhere.
That's sweet of you. But, if people like/dislike me, I don't worry about it. I just like to fight with the people who do dislike me. I have weird ways of having fun.
And every time I say this, people disagree... The last thing I want is attention. If I really wanted everyone to like me, I'd play nice with everyone, and have tons of people messaging me on IM. I talk with just about nobody from this board, which surprises people for some reason.
Sorry, but I don't know who you are. I forget names very easily. But, I'm also psycho! And I love Alexis Laree! We should get along then.
There, I think I caught up. This entry will be really long.
I need sleep now... and tomorrow promises to be a crazy day. Ugh.
I used to be a huge Knicks fan, back in the day. And not just because they were sort of successful in the mid 90's. The players on the team were awesome. How could you not love the hustle of Charles Oakley. The disgusting sweating gorilla, Patrick Ewing. Anthony Mason, the big, mean, really ugly dude who'd overpower everyone... and looked like a porn star shoving her tits out, every time he dribbled. Even guards like Starks and Derek Harper would get into it with people, while bricking most of their shots. The Knicks were an awesome group of big cheaters, and everyone hated them. So, of course, I liked them.
Now, they're horrible. But, this trend started long before drooling moron Isiah Thomas thought the guard connection of Starbury and the Franchise could coexist, and EVERYONE ELSE knew it would fail. And seriously trading for noted asshole, Tim Thomas. And the Scott Layden years before that, when they had like 8 shooting guards in the lineup.
But, this all started nearly a decade ago. The Knicks were cool when they were all big, burly foul machines. Not petty thugs, who seriously try to murder people.
7) The Knicks sign Spree.
Just look at this asshole. Enough reason not to sign him.
I don't care that the Knicks made the finals in '99. This signing alone killed my love for the Knicks. And for that, Spree will always be hated.
The end.
Well, I've decided to postpone my retirement from the internet. When I said I was thinking of quitting, it wasn't a big show, or an attempt to work the board, or anything like that. When I made that declaration, I was about 0% certain I was going to take an indefinite hiatus from the internet. Well, the 100% proved to be enough for now. So, sorry to disappoint everyone that was looking forward to me being gone.
Random story: I was leaving a meeting this morning, and stopped to talk to one of the executives. The cute preppy-looking boi from our IT staff, Davi, walked by on his way to the bathroom, chatting on his cell phone. Fucker is still a little pansy that's afraid to talk to anyone. Why do I end up hearting people like this.
We're skipping #4, Money and Greed in Sports. I couldn't grumble about that nearly as well as other bloggers here anyway. And none of you would even know what #3 was. Plus, I want to get to my happy moments, eventually. I better get to it before my eventual return to my usual dark, gloomy moods... and wishing pain on everyone.
2) The first minute of the second half of Super Bowl XXVIII.
As we all know, the Buffalo Bills had lost the 3 Super Bowls prior to this.
The Bills ended the first half up 13-6. They basically outplayed Dallas in the first half. The Cowboys couldn't move the ball much, at all.
Then, 45 seconds into the 2nd half, Thurman Thomas was stripped of the ball by Leon Lett. James Washington returned it 46 yards for a touchdown. The score was 13-13. All Bills fans knew what would happen then.
The end.
Alex Shelley is now my 2nd least favorite wrestler!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Alex Shelley<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=189083'>FAHQALL</a>
Date: May 19, 2006 11:37 PM
Why in the world do you like wrestling? At all?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Princess Leelee<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=63870547'>Good Girl.</a>
Date: May 20, 2006 7:18 PM
Why do you ask that?
Do I offend you with my enjoyment of your work?
I've loved wrestling since I was little. I love the choreographed athleticism that some workers show, which includes you. And when it mixes with well-thought out psychology, wrestling is truly an art.
That and really funny and really crappy writing and booking. Not that your current gimmick is crappy.
And I tried out to be a wrestler for a day, but it hurts. Tennis doesn't.
Write me back, because I'm honestly curious, sunshine.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Alex Shelley<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=189083'>FAHQALL</a>
Date: May 21, 2006 6:38 PM
I honestly think you're fake. So I'll put that out there right now. Your profile is a little too inviting, and this stuff about Russia and adopted parents and a tough life and yadda yadda, now all I do is watch porn, like, c'mon.
That aside, whatever you are behind this computer, you're a fan, so that's cool, and I appreciate the support. Tennis harder to me than wrestling anyways. Maybe not on the body, but eff, you see fat wrestlers a lot and never fat tennis players.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Princess Leelee<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=63870547'>Good Girl.</a>
Date: May 22, 2006 11:59 AM
Oh, Al, you are such a FABRICATOR. Inviting? Tough life? Porn lover? The first two couldn't be further from the truth.
I have no reason to fake myself... I'm not interested in being one of your rats. You're no Randall Orton, unfortunately, sunshine. Besides, you can message some of my wonderful friends that can validate my existence.
You've hurt my feelings, and I hope you apologize.
By squashing the fat wrestler.
To be continued.
Squash Shelley.
Chris Masters. Oh, how do I hate him. He's awful in every single way. He has no positive attributes. He can't wrestle. He can't act. He can't talk. He doesn't even have enough muscle to look like a real big guy... but, he still has all the stereotypes of your usual steroid user. Please fire him. NOW. Or, send him to TNA, where he can squash Jay Lethal, or whatever, on Impact, where I won't watch.
The Masters and Chris Masters. I hate all Masters. I felt bad for leaving Chris Masterski out of my dislike.
I'll respond to stuff.
Thanks. I'm quite aware of that, though.
I suppose it might be. I know some people do love me for my general heel nature.
I think it's time for you to be put away again.
There's not much to pick on him about, though. I certainly would if I could.
It's fine. I knew it was more you insulting EHME, than defending me. And that's always a good thing to do. When will he finally be removed from here.
I tried doing lots of lifting weights with my legs before. And it ended up in me tearing my achilles, and basically destroying my foot. I'm scared to do that stuff now. Plus, you're a Marines guy, and I'm a wimpy tennis player. Lot harder for me.
I'll assume you have avatars turned off. http://myspace.com/heelprincess , then pics. I hope you have a myspace account.
Absolutely. That's the shit I'd like to see penalties start being called on. Sack dances, WR's who catch 1st down passes, and special teams scrubs who make a tackle are the worst.
More later, maybe.
Ryder Cup: Europe over USA: .80.
Europe always wins. The US team has a lot of mediocre players. This is easy money.
Cal over Arizona State: -7.
ASU is not a good team this year. The only way this stays close is if Carpenter has a huge passing game. ASU can't run. And they won't be able to stop Lynch and Cal's passing game. ASU is notoriously a poor road team, and even worse when playing in Cali. They haven't won any games in Cali for years.
New York Jets over Buffalo: +6.
For whatever reason, people think the Bills are suddenly a strong team now. Watch that Miami game. Their offense was dreadful. The Bills offense is still very, very weak. I like Losman, but he still has a way to go before being a competent starting QB. Plus, the Jets usually play the Bills well. Pennington has burned them many times before. I like the Jets straight up... but, even if you like the Bills here, it's tough seeing them win by more than a FG with their offense.
I hate birthdays since I turned 21. And I got nothing good.
I'm going on my first date via someone through myspace tonight. I have a feeling I'll really regret this. No, I'm not giving out any links to you bored piranhas.
Ohio St. @ Iowa. -6
I'm lost on this one. Although, the line has rightly gone up to 7+ since I jumped on it this morning. Have people not noticed how horrible Iowa has looked at times this year. I know it's a night game at Kinnick, and OSU wins games like this in ugly fashion sometimes... but, OSU is miles better. Iowa's secondary has been burned all year. They have virtually no big play potential.
Vanderbilt over Temple -34
I have no explanation on this one, except Vandy is not as bad as their record, and Temple is much worse than 0-100. And Vandy should enjoy another rare chance to blow out a team. A negative is that Vandy only beat Tennessee St. 38-9 last week. But, weather was shitty in that area last week. A fun play.
I haven't seen MIN at BUF at my betting place yet, but some are saying it's a pick'em, or even MIN +1. If so, I am betting heavily. Anything -3 or better for MIN, and I'm putting a healthy bet.
And another college game that I'm very high on, but I don't wish to share yet, due to my competition with Jeffrey C. this week.
So, the general opinion is that we're glad Florida is in the title game. Unless you truly believe Florida is the 2nd best team in the nation, or that Florida's overall resume is stronger than Michigan's, then you are wrong. And by judging by the voters' history in the past weeks, they believed Michigan was the best team. That opinion can not change when Michigan didn't play for 2 weeks.
So, if the voting was decided on who the best team was... it was Michigan.
If the voting is decided on who deserves the chance, what would be fair... then, it's Boise State. They did not lose a game.
The argument that Michigan already lost to Ohio State, so they don't deserve another chance... but, Florida is more deserving because they lost to a 2-loss team, is ludicrous.
Florida got their spot because less people would bitch about it. See, kids, no matter how far you go in life, you all end up being mindless followers. "The Computers" are more knowledgeable than human voting.
As for the solution, it's obviously a playoff. More money would be made. It would be very easy to keep the "integrity" of the bowls. There'd be a point to watching more than 1 bowl game other than gambling, or being linked with one of the schools. Plus, it would make the regular season much more fun to watch.
Let's see what fag rates my blog a 1, first.
This blog will be about my feelings on the useless wrestling board community.
Soon enough, this will be the most popular blog, because I'm the most popular person.
But, please, I ask that you don't leave any stupid comments. This is about me. Not some smartasses who think they are worthy of my time.
Anyway, I have nothing to write currently. I'm sure I will soon enough.
This board is truly awful, and I have no idea why I'm still here.
The sports section is impossible to post in without wanting to beat all these assholes in the head. The vast majority... which I'm not even going to try to name... are impossible to post conversations with. Not because some here aren't knowledgeable... there's a few on both sides of that fence. But, so many people assume they are right, and will post to say how right they are, or be a rude asshole that points out how stupid others are. No conversation. No bantering of thoughts or opinions or ideas. Just the same spew which gets difficult to read. It's like constantly posting to yourself in there.
And never mind how many sexist people we have on this board. Yeah, I know, I go on about this a lot... but, it's true, and most of you realize it.
The sports section isn't as bad as the wrestling section, though. If anyone has read HTQ's blog... you know it's pointless to post anything about wrestling on this board. No need to go further on that.
Will this ever change? I highly doubt it. The mere fact that HTQ is still an admin here says change will never happen. Hell, look at the mods who post in the sports folder. Al Keiper? KingPK? A pompous guy who thinks he knows it all (and does about baseball, at least)... and an antisocial dork that shot down many of my prior posts because he's a rude grouch.
And the off-topic sections are struggling, also. But, that's always silliness.
My point is that the general attitude on this board is horrible. Which is a shame since we have a large community here. Everyone feels like they have to fight to get their point across. Oh well. I have enough other places and buddies to chat sports with.
I'll probably bitch about something else in 8.
Meetings do really suck. I have them all the time now with this job, and they're a huge fucking waste of time. Blathering on about how much money we're losing, blah blah... none of which has to do with me. One of the bosses tells me I'm doing a fine job. The end. A fine waste of an hour. Which I wouldn't complain about if we didn't have to stay after for them. And I'm sure those fucking Jews will send us home early tomorrow, so I don't get the lousy $8.50 for time + a half.
And then, the planned phone conversation with the family. Which is nothing but awkward. "Oh, we miss you!" I don't miss you. I'm in paradise, you're in hell. Go shovel some snow and catch pneumonia. And then to put me down... the scuzzy trash talks about all the kids they've having (despite being dirt poor), and I go on about how I'm single... and "blah blah blah, meet someone, you'll die alone and miserable, unlike me and my husband who beats me!". Whatever.
All this interrupted my hopeful watching of the Players' Championship today... but, it sucked, because it rained at Sawgrass for like the 10th straight year... making the course easy and boring. It's probably my favorite tournament of the year, though... mostly because I remembered every hole at Sawgrass when I was like 8, due to playing PGA Tour on Genesis so much. And I can't help but mark out when players go splashing on 17. And Adam Scott really needs to cut his hair. Cut your crap finally, and be my little pretty boy.
I've lost all interest in March Madness. My bracket have gone to hell. Only positive is I have LSU in some total luck point spread thing. I don't know to explain it properly... but, I could win money on that. So, whatevz. I was planning on using those winnings to finally buy a XBox 360... but, those plans are finished. And it's probably a good thing.
And Mimi is sick today. Cleaning kitty puke is very not fun. I probably have to take her to a new vet, soon... which is always a huge pain in the ass, since the Princess Mimi refuses to be picked up. I'm sure if she got to play with other cats... she'd be the snobby bitch of the group. Just like Mommy, I've taught her well.
That's all.
This diary will suck. I'm only doing a halfass diary in my 100th lame attempt to maybe keep playing this game for more than a week. And it's fine filler for this blog.
Vince McMahon had willing sexual relations with a 22-year old slut named Princess Leena. Leena then sued him for sexual harassment, because she's a greedy bitch. And won. Leena obtained the rights to the WWE, and the entire McMahon family was exiled to work in the zoo, cleaning panda poop.
The end.
Introduction by the new Owner.
Press conference with the new WWE owner.
Princess Leena: Hi. I own this thing. Let's cut to the chase about the ensuing changes.
All current title holders are stripped of their titles.
There will be a 64-wrestler tournament to be WWE Champion.
There will only be one WWE Champion. The World Title has been removed.
After the tournament, the Intercontinental, European, Cruiserweight, and Tag Team belts will be added.
The brands will remain the same. The only change with the TV shows, is that the current Internet shows are removed. And are replaced by WWE Scrubs. On every Saturday night at 3am! Scrubs will consist of "superstars" from both brands.
The WWE Championship tournament consists 32 workers from each brand included in the tourney. The draw was made randomly... with the top 16 ranked wrestlers spread amongst the draw.
Here's the draw: http://tournawiz.com/64draw.php?id=82&uid=leena
I'd sing that Twins beer song for this occasion, if it didn't totally fucking suck and force me to never watch Sportscenter during football season. But, moving on...
Don't you hate it when at work, certain people DEMAND to be your friend? Especially when these people feel to share with you their entire fucking life story? I'm getting that now with a current co-worker. And she's a fat dirty... well, I don't need to get into race. But, nasty Mexican bitches are usually really nasty. No offense. It's like, bitch, I'm trying to play online. I'm busting my ass posting on crappy message boards for my $16/hour. You bust your ass doing work, like mowing the lawn or picking weeds, or something.
I have little else to talk about. It sucks how your life gets completely boring when you work full-time. It's kind of depressing. This doesn't deserve it's own entry, but I had to update people.
But, for my next entry... I'll start some sports babbling like Bored does. Except like not all boring baseball shit like he does.
Samoa Joe.
Match Quality: The large majority of his matches I've seen are obviously in TNA. Against the right workers, Joe can look very good. And he turned my opinion on his selling abilities by dragging Steroid Steiner to a respectable match. But, at times in the many Styles/Daniels matches, it's noticeable that he can't keep up. That's why I don't agree with the BEST WRESTLER EVER stuff. I've seen the Kobashi match, and while it's good, I've never been high on the OMG STIFF~ stuff. But, if given time, and not stupid squashes, he can work very good matches. 22/25
Sexxiness: His face is really ugly. And he's fat. But, he's not the ugliest wrestler, so he gets some points.5/35
Character/Charisma/Crap: He's fat, hideous, talks like a nerd... and is put over as the biggest monster there is. Horrible. As in it's just completely not believable. And it's even worse when he's always against small X-Division guys, or a sloth like Steiner, as it's purposely done to make Joe look like he has the advantage. If he's up against someone like Monte Brown, the only acceptable thing is Joe running scared for 5 seconds until getting blown up.
This is why TNA and ROH and whatever will only be catered to loser smarks. Who want to see a very imperfect looking man, just like them, be the ultimate killing machine. I'm not saying Joe should be a low-card comedy act... but, there must be some middle ground here. That's why I hate watching Joe. 0/40
27% for Samoa Joe. Almost all of which is not his fault, though. So, he doesn't fail. He'd be one of my favorites if he was used in a more proper way.
I don't think I've done a damn thing here today, so far. The clock struggles to move. Even more so since I'm now an extra hour further behind my intolerable east coast friends.
I feel better from yesterday. For those wondering, one of my lovely family members gave my new phone # to my piece of shit "mother", who berated me for leaving her, or something stupid. If I could kill her without any consequences, I would have done so 18 years ago. I get angry about it for a couple hours. Then, it subsides.
Florida won the NCAA title. I guess it's not overly surprising looking at their talent, but with their relative inexperience, they looked like a possible early exit. Good seeing Joakim Noah as their best player, also. As I was quite the fan of Yannick Noah back in the day. I gotta love all serve & volleyers. However, this had to be one of the worst Final Fours in recent history. All blowouts. First March Madness where I had a net loss. Oh well.
Baseball started yesterday. Don't care. Season is too long. There's too many people who love baseball on this board. No offense to them. Like what you want. But, I don't know how one can sit through an entire baseball game, unless they're really, really drunk. Of course, some of you could say the same about tennis, and I could put you on ignore.
Women's basketball final is tonight. Really don't care. The only positive is it marks the end of the god-awful ESPN commercials for it.
WM was pretty bad. Most of it was boring. And the Raw after was even worse. I believe I'm once again done with watching wrestling for approximately 9 months.
Oh, and add me on myspace, if you want. http://myspace.com/heelprincess It's my secondary account. And I'll insult your friends.
I don't know what else. I have nothing planned for tonight. And I'm so bored. This may be a multiple entry day.
Since today was a washout at the US Open, I'm very bored. I really wanted to watch Sexxy James Blake tonight. But, this just means tomorrow is that much better with all the matches to make up. Still have stupid Serena on the main court tomorrow, though. Ugh. I hate casual fans.
In other news... not much. The sports world is pretty dead. Baseball doesn't have any real hot pennant races. I only care to see the Twins get in the playoffs, somehow. Football has the usual preseason bullshit that I don't give a damn about, outside of fantasy purposes. World Basketball Championship, yawn. It's so sad that it's an accomplishment if the US wins those things now.
So little interests me, anymore. This is what I dreaded when I finally became a full-time worker, and entered the "real world". I work. Eat. Fuck around for a couple hours. Sleep. Repeat. And never care about anything because of having a lame routine.
I need tennis on. Please.
Obligatory story about where I was on 9/11. I had my wisdom teeth pulled on 9/10 and out like a light most of 9/11. Except to wake up at night for my Aunt's birthday get together, and have no idea why it was the quietest, strangest birthday celebration ever. With people putting American flags everywhere.
I don't mean to mock 9/11. Thousands of people needlessly died. That's sad. And it included a porn star I loved. Damn towelheads. But, the way people reacted, and still do, is disgusting.
Fuck you. Most of you weren't putting American flags on your windows and cars before that. So, you're suddenly patriotic because a group of crazy fucks needlessly killed a bunch of people. Whatever makes you feel good, I guess. Weird how I didn't hear GOD BLESS ESPANA and I LOVE UGLY BRITS for the Madrid and London killings. But, dey ain' wit'us, deyr agin'us. Or something.
I feel sad for the many people affected by the killings. Their lives will never be the same. But, everyone else can fuck off. The end.
So, the US Open sucked. Federer won easily. The women's event shall be ignored. That is all.
Another NFL season starts, and I have no excitement. Meh. And college football has been mostly boring thus far. Oh well.
As you can see, nothing interests me these days. So, I'll stop.
Before I go to the baseball game to make babies with A-Rod, I figured I'd throw in some filler!
John Cena (Champion) vs HHH - WWE Title Match - Ugh, what a horrible decision for Raw's title match. HHH is obviously winning. The only hopeful positive out of this match is that Cena turns heel afterwards. However, the problem with that is he'll be stuck as 2nd heel behind HHH, which is a deep, dark abyss of no hope. Match will probably be way too long, as usual with HHH thinking he puts on wrestling classics, with HHH controlling 90% of the match with his boring offense.
Winner - HHH.
Rating - **ish
Rey Misterio Jr vs Kurt Angle (Champion) vs Randy Orton - World Title Match - We know Rey and Angle will bring the goods. And Orton usually puts on strong performances in the big matches. I'm fine with Angle or Orton winning. Not with Rey. Simply because he's the ghost of Eddie, minus a few inches. Over/Under of 20 mentions to Eddie if Rey wins the title. And that will make me sick when it happens. If the focus was on Rey winning, then it would be up there in emotion like when Benoit won the title... which sadly, won't happen. And Rey will get a meaningless short run that sends him back to the midcard in a couple months.
Winner: Rey
Rating: ****ish.
Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon - I refuse to watch any McMahon shit.
Winner - Nobody.
Rating - negative *****.
Money in the Bank - RVD, Flair, Shelton, Matt Hardy, Lashley, Finlay - I'm confused by some of the entrants here. I don't care how much people like Flair's work lately, he shouldn't be in the ring anymore. Finlay still looks good, but he just doesn't make sense in a match like this. Shelton and Matt will be bumping machines, and Lashley will toss them around. And RVD will win. Another problem with the entrants here... RVD is the only believable winner, and maybe Lashley, but his push has been cut back some. And RVD with a title shot is only going to lead to lots of negativity to all the hopeful, stubborn RVD fans out there...
Winner: RVD
Rating: ***1/2ish
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry - Casket Match - Duh. Taker is winning. That's about all here. The match will suck, because all casket matches suck, and these two are limited. Oh, but maybe Taker will bust out a TRIANGLE CHOKE AND HE'LL BE SO MMA AND THE GREATEST WORKER EVER. For about a week. Don't really care about this one, for good reason.
Winner: Undertaker
Rating: *ish
Edge vs. Mick Foley - Hardcore Match - Oh, go the fuck away, Foley. I have zero desire to see him anymore. Plus, Mick looks so damn FAT, and I doubt he puts on his working boots to make Edge look great here. Besides, Edge is eternally buried from the ME, so it doesn't matter much anyway. I have a feeling this one could really be ugly, and like the hardcore matches of earlier this decade... with garbage can lids, and cookie pans, and such lameness. And Edge wins, of course.
Winner - Edge
Rating - *
Chris Benoit vs JBL - US Title Match - This one should be good. One of the best mic workers in WWE vs. one of the best ring workers. Benoit is going to do a great job making Bradshaw look good here. And Bradshaw has shown he can work decent brawl-like matches with people like Benoit. I'd like Bradshaw to win this... he'd be great with the US title. The title he should have had all along in 2004.
Winner - JBL.
Rating - ***
Kane & Big Show vs Carlito & Chris Masters - World Tag Team Title Match - Kane & Show have the tag titles? Yeah, I know it's cool to not know who the crappy title holders are, but I really had no idea. Don't care at all about this one. Carlito & Masters are going to win. Carlito is a snore in the ring 95% of the time, and I want Masters murdered for putting so much suckage on my television.
Winner - Carlito & Masters.
Rating - *.
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James - Women's Title Match - The bloody kiss was so fucking hawt... but, I don't really care about this match. It won't be a work of art. And I don't care who wins. I just hope Laree does some more psycho shit. I guess Laree wins, because Trish had that look on Raw, with the somewhat laziness in her match, that she might be losing here.
Winner - Mickie James
Rating - *
Boogeyman vs Booker T - Boogeyman shouldn't be in any matches. I just hope Booker wins. He's been playing his heel character really well lately, too. Booker is too good for this shit.
Winner - Booker T
Rating - DUD.
Torrie Wilson v Candice Michelle - Playboy Pillow Fight - Stupid, stupid, stupid. And neither of these women are hot, either. If someone like Stacy was involved, I would have at least watched. This will be FF'd on Monday. I guess Torrie wins, because she always wins.
Winner - Torrie Wilson.
Rating - negatives.
Might as well keep rolling along... the tennis matches on now are yawns.
#8: Anglesault
He's the one I originally forgot. Damn banning him. Alkeiper cost his spot in here by doing banning our good pal, AS. I fully understand why Al did so... but, AS was fun, damnit!
Positives: Pretty good and smart overall poster when he doesn't obsess over something he really hates. But, when he did, it led to some of the best comedy on the board. Total geek. I have to admire how he hates practically everything, and bitch bitch bitch bitch. And he really hated the wrestlers I like most (Randy Orton and Test). Blandy Boreton was good, damnit. I think people just needed to lighten up with the guy... just scold him every now and then when he takes his bitching too far.
Negatives: His can certainly be grating. He was antisocial, and probably a very miserable person.
#8: The Thread Killer
Positives: None, really...
Negatives: Just a hypocritical douche on many levels. Plays the "I have a great life and don't care about the internet!" deal OVER AND OVER, yet deeply analyzes people with his many rants. Tries to be funny, and fails miserably. Creates huge pictures in posts and sigs that clog up space, and are never funny. He's like 40 years old, yet acts like a teenager with his OMG DIS PERSON IS MY FRIEND AND YOU SUCKZ~! high school-ish garbage and seriously creeps me out because of it. Even more so in that he's a social worker... hard to imagine that being good to people.
#7 soon. Maybe tonight. Lolzers.