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Guest UncleJesseMark

I'm a Liberal, And I hate America...

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Guest UncleJesseMark

But only when you conservatives take away from public works programs, dickheads. Way to make the country better! Reduce funding to Education, and spend more on war... because, what educated, rich person would join the military?


Are these claims unfounded? nope.


Am I right? Fuck yeah.


I'm sure at least one person will agree. And even if not, flame away, cockasses.

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Guest Birds in the Hotel
UncleJesseMark has a chip on his shoulder all of a sudden.


And his sig is waaaaay too big.

Are you ragging again?

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Guest Birds in the Hotel
Yes. Wanna earn your red wings?

Been there, done that. I'd rather be the cause of your toxic shock syndrome.

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Guest Nelly's Bandaid

Then post a little more, I'm sure you'll give somebody some kind of syndrome.


And Liberals aren't allowed to hate anyone.

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Guest Dids

I'm liberal, and I know enough not to try and argue about it in the flaming folder of a wrestling message board.

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But only when you conservatives take away from public works programs, dickheads. Way to make the country better! Reduce funding to Education, and spend more on war... because, what educated, rich person would join the military?


Are these claims unfounded? nope.


Am I right? Fuck yeah.


I'm sure at least one person will agree. And even if not, flame away, cockasses.

You're my new hero.

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Tell me about it.

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Guest UncleJesseMark
Why spend money on stoner performance art when the funds can be used to search for non existent weapons of mass destruction?

ZING! Bitches!

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And Liberals aren't allowed to hate anyone.

Oh, come on. Everyone knows that liberals hate America, they hate law-abiding gun owners, they hate working-class people, and they hate every religion except Islam. They hated Ronald Reagan and they love Saddam Hussein. And the only thing they love more that terrorists is murdering babies. I'm not fooled by their facade of love and peace.

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JOHN KERRY: "Uncle Jesse Mark is one of my supporters"




THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the internet poster known as UncleJesseMark was revealed to be a supporter of John Kerry, by John Kerry himself!


An anonymous tipster said that Kerry said "This UncleJesse Mark guy is one of our biggest supporters, and we will enact his agenda upon America once I am elected"


Another tipster to Drudge reported that UncleJesseMark has gone on record as saying the following:


"Stalin was not given any weapons cache at all during WW2 from the United States." (UJM has never heard of lend-lease)

"Are you really that fucking stupid?" (possibly to a dissenter)

"We are lied to every day by the media in this country" (Ha)


An anonymous advisor from the Bush campaign had this to say "UncleJesseMark's statements are scary and they reflect the Democratic party line. Plus, he's a douchebag"


There is no confirmation to the rumor that UncleJesseMark is the gay cabana boy of John Kerry and John Edwards.



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Guest UncleJesseMark


JOHN KERRY: "Uncle Jesse Mark is one of my supporters"




THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the internet poster known as UncleJesseMark was revealed to be a supporter of John Kerry, by John Kerry himself!


An anonymous tipster said that Kerry said "This UncleJesse Mark guy is one of our biggest supporters, and we will enact his agenda upon America once I am elected"


Another tipster to Drudge reported that UncleJesseMark has gone on record as saying the following:


"Stalin was not given any weapons cache at all during WW2 from the United States." (UJM has never heard of lend-lease)

"Are you really that fucking stupid?" (possibly to a dissenter)

"We are lied to every day by the media in this country" (Ha)


An anonymous advisor from the Bush campaign had this to say "UncleJesseMark's statements are scary and they reflect the Democratic party line. Plus, he's a douchebag"


There is no confirmation to the rumor that UncleJesseMark is the gay cabana boy of John Kerry and John Edwards.



Quite Possibly the BEST POST EVER


And, to be fair, I was wrong about Lend-Lease. I should know better, I am a history major, I was hoping to get the better of you conservative fuckheads by using revisionist history.



Although I did get a helluva chuckle out of that post, you are the douchebag.


Why are you a douchebag? Because all republicans and moderates are douchebags.








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Guest UncleJesseMark
Heh, I sense some tension in here.




Sexual tension.

Yeah, most republicans are homosexuals, too! They are just in denial.


Not that there is anything wrong with that.



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Guest UncleJesseMark
I really hope that there's some sort of bizarre CE in joke embedded in this thread somewhere that I just can't find.

In the words of many republican leaders throughout the history of this country, right before they lied to us or stole money from someone, or went behind the back of congress to fund a 3rd world war, or well...you get the point:


Just Relax!!!



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Guest UncleJesseMark

A man after my own heart (not in that way)


Socialism + Communism = A PERFECT WORLD

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Guest UncleJesseMark

....what he meant to say was Vote Bush, if you want to give your vote to someone who has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader with a 1st grade reading level.




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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
....what he meant to say was Vote Bush, if you want to give your vote to someone who has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader with a 1st grade reading level.




There is an injustice in this world if Birds on the Hotel gets banned but this clown says. Copice?

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