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Swift Terror

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Blog Comments posted by Swift Terror

  1. I never thought of $1500 as a "large amount" with regard to Christmas bonus....that is until I compared it with what I'm getting...zero. I don't really care. I've never gotten a Christmas bonus in my life. I figured they were a thing of the past except for people at Fortune 500 companies.

    We had to get a new furnace during late spring. A little over $5,000. It is a LOT more efficient than what we had and our electric bill is down considerably since we got it. Too bad our furnace didn't break down on Jan 21st. Obama would've taken care of us along with our mortgage and gasoline costs.

  2. I've never had a pet run off/run away permanently or really for a long length of time. I did, however, once believe that a cat of ours had runaway. That's what my parents told me. I found out years later that the cat had in fact been struck by a car and killed. I guess it was better to spare me that. I would have been scarred for life....although watching such things as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and various other sick violent movies as a kid didn't mess me up so I suppose I could've handled it.

  3. palin.jpg

    Who wouldn't vote for that?


    But seriously, I haven't had any problems with her since she got elected shortly after I moved here. I'd be fine with her as VP, but I really doubt McCain wins. In which case I get to keep her as governor, so works for me.



    I'll vote for that, but there's no way that picture is authentic. I believe there are dozens of fake photos like that on the net--not that she probably doesn't look that good herself. Snopes has declared it fake and has the original photo with actual chicks head (and she aint as good looking as Palin).

  4. Well, the Bread Company was replaced by a Mattress company that sells high-end mattresses, including Tempur-pedic. I guess we are bolstered by the shining light of promise that is embodied in the form of Obama.


    Oh yeah, and the wasteland directly across the main road from where we worked has been built up into an ultra-hippie "outdoor mall" type thing with all kinds of fancy-schmancy stores, inluding a Birkenstock store.

  5. The topic of the kid fastballer came up on the local radio show here (Mike McConnell) and plenty of people called up debunking the fact that 40mph is overwhelming speed at that age. If he tops out at 40mph, then most of the time he's pitching in the mid-30s and that is not unheard of.


    The Cooey story has come up here in Ohio also. If his argument is limited to cruel and unusual, then I guess as long as they can find a painless way to kill him, he's ok with that. But no, he wants his sentence commuted I believe.



  6. Oh God regarding the trailer for the new Indiana Jones.


    The reason this movie will suck is because it will be one long continuous joke about how old Harrison Ford/Indiana is and all the things he won't be able to do. Like screwing up a rope swing. I'm anticipating the line "I'm too old for this" to occur at least once. It will be one of the most pathetic, appalling moments in movie history.

  7. I believe you are destinied for both the Christian Hell and the Islamic Hell for those pics.


    lol at the Brady Quinn incident. Insults are a 911-worthy occurrence? Since when is it against the law in this country to insult people? Oh yeah, when you're insulting a minority.


    Hey, can someone call 911 on you for your notorious "I wish the cancer fairy on you" saying? That would be the only thing more ridiculous and sissy than the Quinn story. Nah, nah, I'm calling the authorities on you.

  8. To my shame, my beloved Ohio State Univ. has mud on its face concerning Glenn Beck. Well, a few OSU journalism students anyway. About a week ago Beck did a parody bit where he listed all the reasons Hillary Clinton is a racist. It was tongue in cheek of course, pointing out how easy it is to label someone a racist. These jackball journalism students thought it was serious and have started a curfluffle over it in the student newspaper "The Lantern", calling Beck a....racist, etc. Even though Beck listeners have clued them in on the whole thing, they still stand by the article as an opinion piece.


    **At the time of this writing, it is unknown whether editors for The Lantern have read "An Inconvenient Book". I'm sure they'll get around to it very soon.

  9. I end up losing my debit card every few years. This last time I decided to ask for 2 copies of the new card so I'll have a backup when I lose the next one (this will prevent me from having to change/update my card number all over the place). First of all, you would have thought I was asking for the vault combination the way they reacted. It must be that nobody has ever asked this. Then they send my 2 cards alright, 2 DIFFERENT cards with 2 different numbers. Not what I wanted. I finally got them to cancel one and send me a copy of the other.

  10. Guess what?


    Sylvester Stallone is going to remake Death Wish. Don't laugh, it may be good. "Rocky Balboa" was very good. Stallone (correctly) feels that the villians, muggers, scum, etc in the DW movies were lame and dated and just don't work today. He envisions really sicko, serial killer type bad guys that piss off a former violent person who spent time in prison. Said person goes Roman on the baddies.


    Stallone interview:


    The idea in the original of Jeff Goldblum as a mugger who breaks into an apartment seems very simplistic. It gives you an idea of how bad the elevation of violence has become. I want to focus on defense attorneys, on the people who are really allowing this crap to happen. Not so much the guy out in the street, but who permits it? What if it happened to you? What if your daughter down the hall was grabbed and her eyes were put out, would you want to defend that guy? There's moral questions here that are being presented that have not been asked in 30 years. So it's not the pacifist. This fella I see, and I'm giving you a little hint here, he was a very violent human being. An ex-convict who walked the walk, was accepted back into society, did everything he could to be clean. When the incident happens, he reverts back, and it's like "My God." Now you've unleashed a man who really understands the world of violence. He isn't burdened with this passive-aggressive conscientious objector thing that's been done. It's really what happens when the wolf in sheep's clothing goes back to the wolf.





  11. Yeah, I forgot to mention ketchup. Heinz is the only brand I'll ever buy. Although I swear I had ketchup that was, I thought at the time, BETTER than Heinz. This was when me and the then pre-Mrs Terror went to Moab, Utah on vacation. There was a restaurant we went to and they had a bottle of what looked like a generic brand on the table, but this was the best ketchup I had ever tasted. I made a point to remember it, but I never found it again and I forget now what it was called. I mean this was like the Dom Perignon of ketchup.


    I loved Death Wish but all the sequels obviously sucked. Bronson's character has to be one of the most politically incorrect characters in movie history, blowing away mainly minorities the way he did.



  12. I got a real kick out of the people I encountered at the test-scoring place. A weird bunch to say the least. I loved the 40-50 year old academic types with multiple degrees who bitched about not being able to get a "real" job and having to work at the seasonal job. I remember many of them thought quite highly of themselves intellectually. They would brag (exaggerate) about there former prestige jobs. And then there were the real paranoid types who thought "they" (capitalist system) were out to keep them down. Who was that one dude with the website?--he would lay down on the floor on breaks and even while scoring. Larry something. Jesus, that guy.


    The only place I ever enjoyed telling them I was leaving was Barnes and Noble. Now, I loved to work there because I love books (and for a while we got free coffee from the cafe). I started out a Christmas part time hire and eventually became one of four department managers. One day a restructuring was done and I was moved out of the dept. manager and into some jive-ass position which I've forgotten the name of. I was told it was a "lateral" move, but I was expected to do some of the same work I had been doing before without the same privileges of a dept manager. When I got my first technical writing job, I was happy to tell them I was leaving.
