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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Big love

    So last night was the Season 3 finale, and daaaaaaayum, it had some great moments. Nice setup for next season. This has got to be one of the best shows on TV that a lot of people aren't watching.
  2. NoCalMike

    Eastbound and Down

    Yeah it's kinda suspicious the way they shot it, but then again maybe it was shot that way because Kenny has been so fixated on them through the entire series.
  3. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    It seems like the Republicans are trying to re-write American History to where anything economically before Ronald Reagan didn't exist. They are shouting out "socialism" because Obama plans to raise the highest earners taxes from 36% to 39%, but if I remember correctly in the early 1900's that rate was at 91%, and I think when Reagan came into office it was in the low 80's. So basically, if you are to believe their talking points, we were a socialist nation until 1980, and even though the last 30 years can be looked at as a result of those sweeping changes Reagan made that continued with Bush I, and were helped along by Clinton with his free trade policies, and ramped up even more by GWB, they still see absolutely no connecting of the dots to the current economic crisis.
  4. NoCalMike

    Covering Coverage

    George W. Bush preferred to keep his zingers classy, such as joking about not being able to find WMDs in Iraq, while soldiers were actively fighting. "Nope, nothing under here" *applause and cheers from the crowd*
  5. NoCalMike

    The NFL OT Rule

    How about a 2pt conversion competition? You line up one team on the 2yd line and they have to get into the endzone, if they do the other team gets a shot at doing the same thing. First team not able to match the coversion loses.
  6. NoCalMike

    The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread

    I heard today on the radio that Affliction is looking to run their show on free (well if you have cable/satellite) channel, maybe Fox Sports. So you wouldn't be buying Affliction instead of UFC. Me personally, I would just tape Affliction.
  7. NoCalMike

    Killzone 2

    I just beat the campaign, the lead up to and the final mission are crazy as hell. This game rocked.
  8. NoCalMike

    Medical Marijuana

    The only question I have though is, if it becomes outright legal, then does that include people who just want to grow a few plants for personal use, and also wouldn't people come up with better and more potent weed then they sell in stores? My brother in law knows how to grow it pretty efficiently, so why would I ever want to buy it from a store when he could hook me up for free?
  9. As ab A's fan they have definately done enough on paper to make them at least fun to watch again. Last season was difficult to get though, especially post-trade deadline. Lets hope they can get the most out of the FA signings, and the young pitching comes along like it always seems to. Also, I read a story saying any move to Fremont is officially dead. Lets hope this opens the door for a move to Sacramento, (yeah right, but *crosses fingers* anyway)
  10. NoCalMike

    The Oakland A's of Fremont/San Jose/Sacramento/Portland

    Well looks local 1380 a local conservative radio station has picked up the A's this season but for Nights/Weekends only. I work a swing shift so this will come in handy for me, catch an hour or two of the game at work on the radio and then go home for the home stretch, and for the day game I guess I can follow them through my phone on the internet.....? Also yeah about the Balco shit, it should be obvious by now that just about the entire league was on some sort of roids during those years.
  11. NoCalMike

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Just realized that they Mayhem Fest KICKS OFF in Sacramento......hopefully the bands aren't phoning it in because the next night the tour hits the bay area.
  12. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    The Democrats better be on their toes and not sitting back hoping the American people are willing to ride this out for the next four year, in case everyone hasn't noticed you have republicans falling all over themselves to get on all the cable news networks and to spew this populist banter(as if complaining about CEO salaries/bonuses is somehow going out on a limb here) and feigning outrage over the screwjobs these companies are pulling on the taxpayers, as if the conservative/libertarian/corporatist type policies over the past 30 years that they have all been harping up and down that we need to impliment aren't a major fucking reason we are in this mess. Lets not forget that it was just this past February when legislation to cap bonuses at $500,000 was met with harsh criticism by Republicans who claimed such outrageous zingers such as "Is This Still America" ? You'd think they would be getting called out on this hypocrisy because you know the media is "sooooo liberal" but it's not happening. And on top of this the general public's attention span on these types of things are so short and scattered that they could fail to realize that these same people screaming on TV right now are the ones who played a major role in getting us here in the first place.
  13. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    This is something I just noticed, but people in NYC would kill someone to get a 3 BR house for $400,000. I just saw something on the news last week which was trying to show what you could get for a "mere" $500,000 these days and it could get you a 2 or 3 BR in Hoboken, NJ (I forget), a smallish 2 BR in Jackson Heights, Queens or a 1 BR condo in Manhattan and all that's AFTER the bubble burst. Just thought I'd provide a little perspective on how absurd the market still is here at least. Isn't there also a large difference the average income in places with high costs of living and the rest of the country? I would think so. Like I said my main point is it comes down to whether the city/general outlying area has the type of jobs offering those type of incomes that can actually put people in houses without having to bend over backwards/sideways/frontways to get some type of manipulative type of loan in order to set foot inside a house.
  14. NoCalMike

    Covering Coverage

    So what exactly is the 912 project? Beck has a clever way of having monologues where he comes off as a bipartisan voice just out there "looking for the truth" but then once he gets down to the meat & bones of what he has to say, it starts to become all the fault of liberals. Plus the irony of him ranting about the "voices pushing buttons" while he is being broadcasted by Fox News. LOL.
  15. NoCalMike

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    So I picked it up a couple of days ago. As predicted, it's pretty much the same concept as Rock Band. The drumming takes a bit to get used to because of the way the symbols are elevated. So when the icons come rolling down the screen, sometimes you get caught up hitting the wrong drum pad by habit of playing on Rock Band's drums. I never had rock band, only played it a few times on a friend's system so the adjustment time was probably less for me. I haven't tried the recording studio yet, it looks cool though. The touch-pad on the new guitars is a cool feature, but it will take some time to get comfortable using it. I am very happy with the game so far.
  16. NoCalMike

    Let The Right One In

    I saw it in the theater, and plan on purchasing it on blu-ray later this week when I get paid, the blu-ray is only $19.99 on amazon.com It was fantastic. I thought the makeup job done on Eli's caretaker put the two-face makeup job to shame, it was fucking frightning to look at.
  17. NoCalMike

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    Speaking of Republicans and family values, I hear one of the ®'s that was listed on the DC Madam list is trying to get a "defense of marriage" bill written up; of the irony.
  18. NoCalMike

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Shamrock v. Diaz: Could it have gone down any other way!?! LOL.
  19. NoCalMike

    The Spice Rack.

    If you like Paprika you should try to get your hand on some smoked paprika. It is more intense, but in a good way. Cumin is great for homemade chili as a lot of people don't even think to put it in, but for me it is necessary. Brown sugar, well it's not really a spice, but mix it up with some lemon juice, orange juice/zest, black pepper, cheyenne, salt, garlic, and you have a hell of a marinade for flank steak
  20. NoCalMike

    UFC 97: Redemption

    I think I'll be at the bar for this one, the main event doesn't do it for me, and both Chuck & Shogun are in the "show me" state of their career where as of yet I am not convinced either guy will be elite again.
  21. NoCalMike

    Covering Coverage

    If people were to refer to our economy under Bill Clinton as "socialism" they would seemingly get laughed at, yet Obama who seems to have a similar centrist-moderate approach despite some more liberal sounding rhetoric in his speeches, is suddenly "dooming our country with socialism" all because of what exactly, he wants to roll back Bush's tax cuts on the top 2%?
  22. NoCalMike

    Resident Evil 5

    The G4 folk were pretty thoroughly jorny about Resident Evil 4, too. You should check out "Sessler's soapbox" in which he explains further why his review/feelings on the game are so lukewarm. He does a good job of explaining. The general consensus so far seems to be that the game is much better when played as co-op with another person, as the AI is kinda lame. Everyone says it is beautiful to look at, but as a gaming community we shouldn't settle for pretty graphics, when by now on these powerful machines, that aspect should be a given. He still seems to covey that if you have a friend that is willing to put in the 15-20 hours to play through the main game on co-op then it is pretty good, it is just that the single player is very inconsistent, complete with lame AI that hinders as much as it helps.
  23. NoCalMike

    The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread

    Why is Wandy v. Rich at a catch weight? How will this hurt or help their chances of moving up in their respective weight class. If I understand correctly, Franklin is staying at 205, and Wandy is going down to 185....correct?
  24. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/pu...mies/large.html Depp as Dillinger.
  25. NoCalMike

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    http://www.mayhemfest.com/ Headlined by Slayer & Cannibal Corpse.......................and Marylin Manson Lots of kickass bands going to be there. This thing sounds like it is going to be as big ass Ozzfest(As far as the size of venue, and number of bands), just with a better overall lineup!!! It comes to Sacramento July 10th...I am soooo fucking there!!!