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The Dames

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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I am SOOOOO stuck in Buffy it isn't even funny. I am at the part when Willow is in the warehouse area, and I have NO idea where to go. I have been running around the level for 20 minutes or so. This is pissin me off. Arrrr!!

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I read all of the books up untill this year, when I kind of got out of it. They are still good reads, but harder to find. As YNA pointed out, they don't sell well, and my local bookstore barely carries them anymore.

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I am SOOOOO stuck in Buffy it isn't even funny. I am at the part when Willow is in the warehouse area, and I have NO idea where to go. I have been running around the level for 20 minutes or so. This is pissin me off. Arrrr!!

I know what you mean. Took me a good while to do that level. If you are stuck at the part in the large area where it looks like there is nowhere to go (except for a locked door), there are some crates which you can jump up onto. Do that and you should be on your way to progressing in the level.


I should have the game finished within the next day or two, so yay for that.


And remember folks, Angel Season Two out on DVD tomorrow. Wahoo!

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So I just saw Becoming Pt. 2 for the first time yesterday.




The whole episode was just...perfect. Season Two was brilliance, and I'm going through Season Three now. Rock.

If you loved season 2, season 3 is even better and is the best(don't ask RRR).

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Yeah, it had the best finale. It was the most bittersweet thing I have ever seen.


Buffy/Angel is the best love story ever told. I tried to argue to my friends that it is better than Romeo and Juliet; but they just didn't get it. I told them they had to watch it to understand it. They then called me gay.


They just don't understand good storytelling!

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yeah, Angel/Buffy had way more serious issues than the whiney little Romeo and Juliet problems. "Whaaa! Our families don't like each other! They don't want us together! We'd better kill ourselves!" If they didn't do it, I would have. Compare that to "My b/f turned into a crazed killer and is trying to destroy the world, so I have to kill him." A little far-fetched, maybe, but in the Buffyverse, not so much.

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The Gift schools every motherfucking finale ever. There are so many elements that are played up in there from previous eps. THAT is brilliant. Not some pussy-ass "oooh, I have to kill my boooooyfriend" ending.

Well "Becoming Pt 2" and "The Gift" are completly different themse. However, I can't really compare the two because I haven't seen all of season 5. So, I don't know ALL of the events leading up, but just about all of them.


When season 5 makes its run on FX, I'll tell you what I think.

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I'll tell you what to think.


"The Gift fucking owns me"


-The Buffy Bot

-The Dagansphere and Troll Hammer

-Tara's insanity and Willows witchcraft

-Buffy's unwillingness to kill an innocent and Giles' duty to do so

-Xander's constructions skills

-Buffy "letting Spike in" the house

-The emotional impact of Buffys mom dying

-Ben and Dawn (which is an understated theme for Season 5)

-Doc and Spike

-And of course, Death is my Gift and the blood relation


All are things that were in prior Season 5 eps. and used in "The Gift". Add this to some great one-liners, some great scenes, and Buffy's ultimate death - and you've gotcherself a fantastic finale.

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"Angel" repeats begin airing on TNT on Monday Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 30 you can catch repeats twice a day, Monday through Friday at 5 and 11 p.m. ET.


Speaking of that. Season 2 comes out on DVD today

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"Angel" repeats begin airing on TNT on Monday Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 30 you can catch repeats twice a day, Monday through Friday at 5 and 11 p.m. ET.


Speaking of that. Season 2 comes out on DVD today

Sweet for Angel reruns. I hope they won't edit them like FX does with Buffy.

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I'll tell you what to think.


"The Gift fucking owns me"


-The Buffy Bot

-The Dagansphere and Troll Hammer

-Tara's insanity and Willows witchcraft

-Buffy's unwillingness to kill an innocent and Giles' duty to do so

-Xander's constructions skills

-Buffy "letting Spike in" the house

-The emotional impact of Buffys mom dying

-Ben and Dawn (which is an understated theme for Season 5)

-Doc and Spike

-And of course, Death is my Gift and the blood relation


All are things that were in prior Season 5 eps. and used in "The Gift". Add this to some great one-liners, some great scenes, and Buffy's ultimate death - and you've gotcherself a fantastic finale.

The Grave OWNS every finale besides The Gift.


You want build-up...6 freakin years of buildup on that one baybee.


Evil Willow 0wned your faces.

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"Two To Go+Grave" owns massive amounts. Simply fantastic stuff to end a season which I liked a great deal.


Got my Angel DVD set today.

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"Two To Go+Grave" owns massive amounts. Simply fantastic stuff to end a season which I liked a great deal.


Got my Angel DVD set today.

Yeah...I was going to buy Identity today, but Angel Season 2 takes it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

i have a question... why does the "demon face" make the vampires all look retarded? is this simply poor make up or is joss whedon making some deeper point about the treatment of the mentally challenged?

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i have a question... why does the "demon face" make the vampires all look retarded? is this simply poor make up or is joss whedon making some deeper point about the treatment of the mentally challenged?

I think it makes them look like, I don't know, vampires.

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