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The Dames

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
i have a question... why does the "demon face" make the vampires all look retarded? is this simply poor make up or is joss whedon making some deeper point about the treatment of the mentally challenged?

I think it makes them look like, I don't know, vampires.

no buddy, most vampire i've seen look attractive in an esatern european kind of way. Not with giant ass foreheads, that make them look "special."



i also find it hilarious that you think that is the number 1 most accepted look for vampires, as if Buffy invented the damn vampire.

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I think it fits better with the idea of them having a demon in them. It fits the Buffy lore of vampires.


Other looks are fine with other stories because those fit the lore of that story.

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i have a question... why does the "demon face" make the vampires all look retarded? is this simply poor make up or is joss whedon making some deeper point about the treatment of the mentally challenged?

I think it makes them look like, I don't know, vampires.

no buddy, most vampire i've seen look attractive in an esatern european kind of way. Not with giant ass foreheads, that make them look "special."



i also find it hilarious that you think that is the number 1 most accepted look for vampires, as if Buffy invented the damn vampire.

No, I never said that Buffy invented Vampires or the look. Each Vampire movie has its own rules/looks and I happen to like the Buffyverse rules/look.


And I never ever thought they looked 'special', and I don't still. I think they look like a vampire.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

most universes share stoker's rules, and appearance. that's just accepted. however, the best vampire rules were done by marv wolfman in his TOMB OF DRACULA series.


the rules were:


- holy water, garlic, and crosses only offered protection, they could do no real damage.


- sunlight kills


- the only way to kill a vamp at night was to put a stake through the heart, then cut off the head, then burn both seperatly. the vampire regenerated from anything else.



tell me that doesn't kick ass.

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That works for a story with one or a few vampires, but on Buffy that would be way too much work for her to have to do with all the vampires around. You have to go with what makes your story work and Joss is pretty good about that.


Holy water, garlic, and Crosses only protect in Buffy too. I've never seen a Vamp killed with either on Buffy.


What about Blade. They go with Sliver tipped and made weapons to kill Vamps on that and that's totally different.

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AM I retarded (wait...don't answer that part) or is Angel season 2 in widescreen?


It says Full Frame on the back...but the aspect ratio is also listed as different.


Since Angel season 2 corresponds with Buffy season 5...


Will Buffy 5, 6 and 7 be in this aspect too?


Can anyone find that kind of thing out?

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Yeah, it's widescreen despite it not airing in that format and what it says on the box.


Joss just recently commented on this. He stated, like he did back when the Season Four set came out, that no Buffy DVD (in the US, at least) will ever be in widescreen since only one episode (OMWF) has been filmed that way. For this Angel set though, he said that since the show is now in widescreen, he decided to go that route for the DVD. I wish they would have just stuck with what it aired in.

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Yeah it is in widescreen, and a pretty good season too so far. I cut myself off from society yesterday so I could watch a bunch of the episodes.

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i have a question... why does the "demon face" make the vampires all look retarded? is this simply poor make up or is joss whedon making some deeper point about the treatment of the mentally challenged?

I think it makes them look like, I don't know, vampires.

no buddy, most vampire i've seen look attractive in an esatern european kind of way. Not with giant ass foreheads, that make them look "special."



i also find it hilarious that you think that is the number 1 most accepted look for vampires, as if Buffy invented the damn vampire.

No, I never said that Buffy invented Vampires or the look. Each Vampire movie has its own rules/looks and I happen to like the Buffyverse rules/look.


And I never ever thought they looked 'special', and I don't still. I think they look like a vampire.

I think that the main mythos about the Whedon vamps is that they are only the house for the demon to survive from now. They are no longer really human, and that the vampire is the true being.


I always saw the vamps as another beast inside the human skin pushing itself out to show its true face.


Imagine the "real"vampires from season 7 being little things inside the human and when they vamp out, they swell, disfiguring the humans face.

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Here is something to think about - why are jobber vamps almost always vamped out? Yeah, it's probably the accepted look when out with your vamp posse, or maybe it's a vamp pride thing, but if I were fighting for the forces of evil, I don't think I would want to be sporting the look all the time.

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Well, they are basically ashamed of and hate their human sides anyway. Therefore they only use the human face to get in close the go all vampy...






That and the morph effect cost too much money...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
That works for a story with one or a few vampires, but on Buffy that would be way too much work for her to have to do with all the vampires around. You have to go with what makes your story work and Joss is pretty good about that.


Holy water, garlic, and Crosses only protect in Buffy too. I've never seen a Vamp killed with either on Buffy.


What about Blade. They go with Sliver tipped and made weapons to kill Vamps on that and that's totally different.

I didn't say it would work for Buffy, but it makes the vamps truly scary. If there are multiple vamps all you can really do is run and pray for daylight, because a stake only slows them down.

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That works for a story with one or a few vampires, but on Buffy that would be way too much work for her to have to do with all the vampires around.  You have to go with what makes your story work and Joss is pretty good about that.


Holy water, garlic, and Crosses only protect in Buffy too.  I've never seen a Vamp killed with either on Buffy.


What about Blade.  They go with Sliver tipped and made weapons to kill Vamps on that and that's totally different.

I didn't say it would work for Buffy, but it makes the vamps truly scary. If there are multiple vamps all you can really do is run and pray for daylight, because a stake only slows them down.

I think you are also missing the fact that the Vampires were never really the main focus of the story. THey were just symbols of the fights with demons we all have to go through in life. In the Vamp movies, the Vampires and how to defeat them were the purpose. Buffy has more of a deeper meaning. If she had to do all of that to kill a vamp, it takes the focus away from the characters and on to how badass the vamps are.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Ripper, I just felt like talking about Vampires, I do not give a shit about Buffy storylines.

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Ripper, I just felt like talking about Vampires, I do not give a shit about Buffy storylines.

Well, I guess the best place to do that would be in the thread about Buffy and its storylines...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
He loves Bond fellas, give him a break.

I've yet to see any story arc of Buffy's that compares to the best of the Bond novels. Hell, I've yet to see one as good as Goldfinger the movie.



And seeing as your reason for not liking Bond was universally shat on for being retarded, I'd shut up, Mole.

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I like Bond, but how is it even related to Buffy? It's not even the same genre.


Zsasz if you want to discuss vampires in general let's start another thread. This is a thread to discuss Buffy.

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I've yet to see any story arc of Buffy's that compares to the best of the Bond novels. Hell, I've yet to see one as good as Goldfinger the movie.


Good story arc's? Lets see, Angel/Buffy love relationship; the best love story ever told. Faith's road to becoming evil and her road back to being good. Willow becoming a witch/her sexual preference. Spike's life in general; from a bad poetry writer, to a mass murder, getting a chip in his brain, falling in love with Buffy, getting his soul, going crazy, then saving the world.


Just to name a few.


And seeing as your reason for not liking Bond was universally shat on for being retarded, I'd shut up, Mole.


Can anyone take a joke at TSM?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Angel/Buffy love relationship; the best love story ever told.

You my friend, are an idiot.



Oh and LPYC, I started here asking about a facet of Buffy vampires and compared them to other vampires. THAT'S IT. I don't want to here about how the Scoobies took down the Big Bad in season 4. Sue me.



And out of those arcs... nothing is better then Bond's feud with Blofeld in the novels. That is what it's like when two people HATE each other. And since it led to Bond's second "death" it's the perfect ending to the SPECTRE trilogy. And the beginning of a new arc that started in TMWTGG.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Does anyone else truly believe that Buffy/Angel is the greatest love story of all time. Christ... Clark Kent/Lois Lane is better and that's just COMIC BOOKS. What about Shakespeare, Greek Tragedy, Victorian Romances etc. etc.

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