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Guest Mole

What do you look like...

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Guest stardust
I posted before, but no one gave a damn. So I'll post it again, because I like rejection.


http://www.shootproject.net/images/Dutchman.jpg - Older picture taken randomly at work one day


http://www.dutch-online.com/gallery/self.jpg - self-portrait taken at college for Commercial Photography class.


Hell, just for fun, you might as well hit up my picture gallery as well.

Hey, you already know what I think, but I'll say something anyway. *grin*


Y'know, though, it is kinda funny how you look different in both pics...

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Guest stardust
My friends were just telling me yesterday that my beard and hair seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to how they look. I change how I shave every week or so.

Yeah, like shaving it off this week. *grin*

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Guest stardust
I'll take it as at least a semi-good thing that I look like George Michael then.

Oh, the things that could be said...

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George Michael is hot. He was loved by a generation of teenage girls. That can't be a bad thing.

But he is also incredibly incredibly gay.


Nothing wrong with that, but that's probably not the vibe you want to give off if you want women to be interested in you.

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George Michael is hot. He was loved by a generation of teenage girls. That can't be a bad thing.

But he is also incredibly incredibly gay.


Nothing wrong with that, but that's probably not the vibe you want to give off if you want women to be interested in you.

I was going to go with "He loved a generation of teenage boys" but that would suggest that George Michaels is pedophile, which simply isn't true. George Michaels is what GOD would be like if he was a really really gay Brit.

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Maybe God IS a really really gay Brit.


In which case, all you homophobes are fucked.




(am i allowed to say that)


Eh. I was gonna go with "all you fag-haters", but I don't think anyone would have gotten the ironic dipshittedness of that statement.

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Something she wussed out and edited away.

I don't know but I think I have a new strange saying to use...



*scribbles "bent as a butchers hook" in "Pad of funny sounding stuff"*

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Maybe God IS a really really gay Brit.


In which case, all you homophobes are fucked.




(am i allowed to say that)


Eh. I was gonna go with "all you fag-haters", but I don't think anyone would have gotten the ironic dipshittedness of that statement.

I am rooting for god being a really gay Brit.


GO GAY DEITY~! :headbang:

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I'll take it as at least a semi-good thing that I look like George Michael then.

Don't be surprised if you get funny looks in public bathrooms, though.

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I'll take it as at least a semi-good thing that I look like George Michael then.

Don't be surprised if you get funny looks in public bathrooms, though.

But if a disco ball drops from the ceiling of said bathroom and a dance number starts, I am SO there.

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Don't be surprised if you get funny looks in public bathrooms, though.


I thought it was impolite to look in a bathroom.


Wait a minute, did I just insult myself? Aw, fuck you, CWM!

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