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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Guest jm29195
Sounds like you mean the one from the weekly show back in 95 in which he went on in-depth about why he hated Flair.



Yeah that's it, didn't they devote nearly a whole show to Douglas going on and on?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

How did WCW stretch the Boss/Angel vs Vader fued out from Feb til Oct of 94 and have FOUR PPVs(!) of those two facing one on one?

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How did WCW stretch the Boss/Angel vs Vader fued out from Feb til Oct of 94 and have FOUR PPVs(!) of those two facing one on one?

February - Bossman costs Vader the world title at SuperBrawl


April - Vader beats Bossman at Spring Stampede; Bossman goes nuts afterwards and uses the stick; Bockwinkel takes the stick away, the handcuffs away, and the Boss name away


May - the Guardian Angels bring Boss into their group


June - Boss returns to WCW at the Clash of the Champions under the Guardian Angel name; beats Tex Slazenger, IIRC


July - Vader beats the Guardian Angel via DQ at BATB when the referee saw Angel with a stick but Angel never actually used it; Angel still has heat on him since he wasn't pinned


September - Vader beats him in the triangle match to, in theory, end the feud


October - Vader again beats him at Halloween Havoc to DEFINATELY end the feud


Btw, I'm pretty sure Vader had a 100% winning average against Boss / Angel on the house show curcuit during that time.

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Sounds like you mean the one from the weekly show back in 95 in which he went on in-depth about why he hated Flair.



Yeah that's it, didn't they devote nearly a whole show to Douglas going on and on?

Pretty much. I have it on tape somewhere. If I can find it, I'll see what else was on that show. Probably just promos and maybe one match.

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The ep went:


Shane Douglas promo

Tommy Dreamer v Steven Richards

Eddie Gilbert tribute

911 and Paul Lauria recap

Chris Benoit promo

Paul E Dangerously promo

Sandman promo, with clips of him in action

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Guest jm29195
Tommy Dreamer v Steven Richards



Is that the match where Raven debuts at ringside?- I've got it on one of the ecw tv dvds that Delta released over here!

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Guest jm29195
When did Stan Hansen make his one shot in ECW?




That would be Ultra Clash 93 on September 18th at the ECW arena, the card was:-



Public Enemy b. Jason Knight/Ian Rotten (Public Enemy's debut)

Dark Patriot (Doug Gilbert) b. JT Smith (Scaffold match)

ECW Champion Shane Douglas b. Sandman

Stan Hansen/Terry Funk b. Kevin Sullivan/Abdullah the Butcher by DQ

The Headhunters b. Miguel Perez (later a boriqua)/Crash The Terminator (Bill Demott) in a baseball bat match

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Why did the WWF play around with their announcers during 96/97. I was watching the Monday Night Wars DVD and I started to remember that Jim Cornette and JR used to do commentary and so did Kevin Kelly and Doc Hendrix. Why don't they switch announcer now and why did Nitro/RAW switch announcers half way through the show?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
When did Stan Hansen make his one shot in ECW?




That would be Ultra Clash 93 on September 18th at the ECW arena, the card was:-



Public Enemy b. Jason Knight/Ian Rotten (Public Enemy's debut)

Dark Patriot (Doug Gilbert) b. JT Smith (Scaffold match)

ECW Champion Shane Douglas b. Sandman

Stan Hansen/Terry Funk b. Kevin Sullivan/Abdullah the Butcher by DQ

The Headhunters b. Miguel Perez (later a boriqua)/Crash The Terminator (Bill Demott) in a baseball bat match

He wrestled Snuka and made at least another appearence in ECW around the same timeframe

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Why did the WWF play around with their announcers during 96/97. I was watching the Monday Night Wars DVD and I started to remember that Jim Cornette and JR used to do commentary and so did Kevin Kelly and Doc Hendrix. Why don't they switch announcer now and why did Nitro/RAW switch announcers half way through the show?

good question. anyone know the answer?



I have got some new qs for yas too. I was watching my chv copy of Survivor Series 1989 today and a few things came to mind. Number one, why is it that in SS matches, team members stay on the apron and let their partners get pinned. I mean, in regular tag matches, the partner on the apron usually tries to come in to break up pins attempts, especially after finishers are hit.


The Hulkamaniacs vs Million Dollar Team match brought on a few qs as well. I agree with Jesse's commentary, in that the ref dqd 3 of the 4 members of the Million team for beating up Hogan. Zeus's I can see as he choked and didn't let up after a 5 count AND hit the ref, but the ref (ironically I think it was Earl Hebner-though it might have been Dave) dqd both Powers of Pain for hitting a doubleteam spike piledriver on Hogan? Why? There is supposed to be a 5 count for team members to come in and out and many others have used double-team moves .

Infact later on in the main event. The Rockers double team a whole lot and Jesse seems perturbed but Gorilla mentions that 5 count rule. Ok even if he dqd the legal man, why dq the partner who isn't even legally in the match? Just like in 91 when most of Team Piper and Team Flair are dqd for fighting outside the ring. Why are non-legal mean dqd?


It's things like this which can make it hard to suspend your disbelief. I hate lazy booking like that.


Then again there are a million qs that can be asked (infact there was a thread for this before)


Sorry about the rant, but it was on my mind after watching that, so I thought I'd let off some steam and hear your comments.

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dqd both Powers of Pain for hitting a doubleteam spike piledriver on Hogan? Why? There is supposed to be a 5 count for team members to come in and out and many others have used double-team moves.

The spike piledriver was deemed illegal. The Brain Busters often used it behind the referee's back in late 88-early 89 to score wins.

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dqd both Powers of Pain for hitting a doubleteam spike piledriver on Hogan?  Why? There is supposed to be  a 5 count for team members to come in and out and many others have used double-team moves.

The spike piledriver was deemed illegal. The Brain Busters often used it behind the referee's back in late 88-early 89 to score wins.

That still doesn't explain why the illegal men would also be DQd (a question I had at the time as an 11-year-old mark).

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Was it just me or did OMG turn up at ECW and do a somersault senton on someone at NTR 99?

Yeah, he was working the house show circuit for ECW at that time, often challenging RVD for the TV Title.

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dqd both Powers of Pain for hitting a doubleteam spike piledriver on Hogan?  Why? There is supposed to be  a 5 count for team members to come in and out and many others have used double-team moves.

The spike piledriver was deemed illegal. The Brain Busters often used it behind the referee's back in late 88-early 89 to score wins.

That still doesn't explain why the illegal men would also be DQd (a question I had at the time as an 11-year-old mark).

illegal move = illegal move


spike piledriver = chairshot


You'd get DQ'd for doing either, legal man or not.

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I didn't know the spike piledriver was illegal. The Busters used it at wm5 in front of the ref.

Then that was lazy booking.


When they came in 6 months earlier they were using that as their tag team finisher but only behind the referee's back.

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I didn't know the spike piledriver was illegal. The Busters used it at wm5 in front of the ref.

Then that was lazy booking.


When they came in 6 months earlier they were using that as their tag team finisher but only behind the referee's back.

Gorilla Monsoon used to get around it by claiming it was only illegal in some states.


Illinois must have been one them, and by default, New Jersey wasn't.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
Dumb question, but I'll ask anyway.


Did Jeff Jarrett REALLY sing (either at IYH 1 or at Unforgiven 98)?


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Dumb question, but I'll ask anyway.


Did Jeff Jarrett REALLY sing (either at IYH 1 or at Unforgiven 98)?


Yes to the second, no to the first.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Wait wait wait.... I thought the reason he quit in 95 was the fact that he was going to be exposed as a fraud, but he had in fact a decent singing voice.

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Wait wait wait.... I thought the reason he quit in 95 was the fact that he was going to be exposed as a fraud, but he had in fact a decent singing voice.

That was the kayfabed reason in the Aptermags at the time, at any rate.

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I didn't know the spike piledriver was illegal. The Busters used it at wm5 in front of the ref.

Then that was lazy booking.


When they came in 6 months earlier they were using that as their tag team finisher but only behind the referee's back.

Gorilla Monsoon used to get around it by claiming it was only illegal in some states.


Illinois must have been one them, and by default, New Jersey wasn't.

Was the piledriver really illegal in Georgia? I have memories of being like 10 or 11 and hearing that piledrivers weren't legal in GA ... but no idea of that was a real law or just a JCP rule or something. My guess is it was just a JCP rule, but why make up a law when the fact that it was just banned would have been good enough?!?

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If Gorilla said it, it was most likely kayfabed.


Regular piledrivers were an automatic DQ in Memphis. Not sure when that was dropped but it was that way during Kaufman / Lawler.

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Wait wait wait.... I thought the reason he quit in 95 was the fact that he was going to be exposed as a fraud, but he had in fact a decent singing voice.

I think it was one of the reasons.


Road Dogg was getting a lot of heat on him at the time over drug issues and I think Jarrett left with Road Dogg out of loyalty in addition to the other reasons.

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Jarrett and Dogg walked out primarily over how the angle was being played out. Jarrett wasn't happy with the timing of being exposed, feeling it was too soon in the angle to happen, and walked out in protest. Dogg left with him, both out of loyalty, and because of his drug issues, having been suspended a couple of times in the months leading up to IYH 2.

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Guest jm29195

A couple of WWF/WCW questions from 98:-



Why did Owen Hart join The Nation, was it just to continue his feud with HHH or was another explanation given, it just seems a bit daft having a white Canadian in a black power group!



Also, how Konnan get himself a spot in the nWo Wolfpac, I can understand Nash/Savage/Luger/Sting because they were all percieved as being at main event level at the time, but Konnan?

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Why did Owen Hart join The Nation, was it just to continue his feud with HHH or was another explanation given, it just seems a bit daft having a white Canadian in a black power group!

He basically wanted some backup against d-X since they were turning face, but in kayfabe, there was still some unfinished business to Owen. Once the Nation/d-X feud blew over, Owen pretty much disassociated himself from the Nation.


Boy did I love his entrance music then.

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I always kinda saw it as, when Faarooq was leading the Nation, it was about his cause, black power or something. Once The Rock took over, it was about The Rock, and The Rock just happened to like Owen Hart and didn't mind him being white, since he wasn't in it for Faarooq.

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