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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Was Earthquake ever pinned by anybody on a televised WWF event? I can't think of any PPV or TV match where he was, though I know Warrior pinned him in a match that ended up on the Wrestlefest 1991 tape.

Off the top of my head, Dibiase made him pass out to the Million $ Dream to win the tag belts.


It's not a pin but, IMO, a submission is even better.

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After arriving in WCW in 1994, when did the fans start to turn on Hogan a bit? I know he was never outright booed, but weren't there scattered boos not far into his WCW tenure?


Were there other times near the end of his WWF stint where he was starting to get booed? I know he was slightly at the 1992 Royal Rumble after the stuff with Sid. Were people starting to turn on him slightly back then, too?

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After arriving in WCW in 1994, when did the fans start to turn on Hogan a bit? I know he was never outright booed, but weren't there scattered boos not far into his WCW tenure?

Anytime they were in Flair Country, he'd get booed by a good percentage of the crowd. Generally speaking, when they were in typical WCW markets, he'd get a mixed reaction with it leaning towards booing. The funniest part of this was on a Nitro in late 1995 when he was teaming with Sting against Flair and AA in, I think, North Carolina, and they did the spot where Hogan made the tag behind the referee's back, and when Hogan played up to the crowd to get them to tell the referee he had tagged in, the entire front row stood up, waving their hands and shaking their heads to tell the referee that he hadn't made the tag.

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Was Earthquake ever pinned by anybody on a televised WWF event? I can't think of any PPV or TV match where he was, though I know Warrior pinned him in a match that ended up on the Wrestlefest 1991 tape.

Off the top of my head, Dibiase made him pass out to the Million $ Dream to win the tag belts.


It's not a pin but, IMO, a submission is even better.

Not sure if it was televised on Prime Time or not but Yokozuna pinned him shortly before Quake left the company.

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Was Earthquake ever pinned by anybody on a televised WWF event? I can't think of any PPV or TV match where he was, though I know Warrior pinned him in a match that ended up on the Wrestlefest 1991 tape.

Off the top of my head, Dibiase made him pass out to the Million $ Dream to win the tag belts.


It's not a pin but, IMO, a submission is even better.

Not sure if it was televised on Prime Time or not but Yokozuna pinned him shortly before Quake left the company.

Not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but when Earthquake walked out in 1994, they aired clips from a house show of Yokozuna sitting on Earthquake after the Banzai Drop, and talked about it to give the impression that Yokozuna had run Earthquake out of the WWF.

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After arriving in WCW in 1994, when did the fans start to turn on Hogan a bit? I know he was never outright booed, but weren't there scattered boos not far into his WCW tenure?

Anytime they were in Flair Country, he'd get booed by a good percentage of the crowd. Generally speaking, when they were in typical WCW markets, he'd get a mixed reaction with it leaning towards booing. The funniest part of this was on a Nitro in late 1995 when he was teaming with Sting against Flair and AA in, I think, North Carolina, and they did the spot where Hogan made the tag behind the referee's back, and when Hogan played up to the crowd to get them to tell the referee he had tagged in, the entire front row stood up, waving their hands and shaking their heads to tell the referee that he hadn't made the tag.

Exactly right.


If you notice, outside of the normal TV tapings, WCW started booking more and more shows outside their normal markets to counteract that. PPVs in Detroit and Nashville? A Clash in freaking Iowa?


You'd have never seen Starrcade in Nashville instead of the Carolinas if they weren't trying to make it seem like Hogan was the number one guy in the company.

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Guest jm29195

Taker vs Austin?



Cold Day in Hell

Summerslam 98

Rock Bottom

Over The Edge 99

Fully Loaded 99

Judgment Day 01


They've also co-main evented at Backlash 02


Been involved in a 3-way at Breakdown 98 (Taker vs Austin vs Kane)

and at No Mercy 99 UK (Taker vs Austin vs HHH)

Been involved in a handicap match at Insurextion 01 (Taker vs HHH/Austin)

Been involved in a four-way at Capital Carnage 98 (Austin vs Taker vs Kane vs Mankind)

Taker was Austin's second at Over the Edge 98 vs Dude Love

Austin was guest referee at Judgment Day 98 (Kane vs Taker)



and main evented as tag teams at:-


Fully Loaded 98 (as partners)

Backlash 01 (Austin/HHH vs Taker/Kane


Austin/Taker was pencilled in as a cage match at KOTR 01 before Heyman made Vince change his mind when the ratings weren't that great....

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Guest jm29195

Rock and HHH have been involved in high profile matches or main evented at:-



IYH Final Four HHH vs Rock IC Title

Fully Loaded 98 HHH vs Rock 2/3 Falls

Summerslam 98 Rock vs HHH Ladder Match

Over The Edge 99 Casket Match

Fully Loaded 99 Strap Match

Rebellion 99 Cage Match

Backlash 2000

Judgment Day 2000 Iron Matches




They've headlined with others in these matches:-


Unforgiven 99 as part of 6-Pack Challenge Match

Survivor Series 99 in Three-Way with Big Show

Wrestlemania 16 in Four-Way with Show/Foley

Insurextion 2000 in Three-Way with Shane McMahon

KOTR 2000 in Tag match- Rock/Taker/Kane vs HHH/McMahon/McMahon

Summerslam 2000 in Three-Way with Angle

Armageddon 2000 in 6 Man HIAC


And Rock's debut match


Survivor Series 96 (Team HHH vs Team Mero)



And Rock/HHH was supposed to happen at Survivor Series 98 but HHH's knee injury saw him replaced with Bossman



So Rock/HHH have actually faced each other in some form at ppv 16 times, compared to Taker/Austin who've only faced each other 11 times whilst being officialy involved in 15 matches so Rock/HHH is the winner (interesting to see that of those 16, only 2 are non-gimmick)

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Guest jm29195

Taker/Kane have faced each other or teamed at:-


Wrestlemania XIV

Unforgiven 98

Fully Loaded 98 Kane/Mankind vs Taker/Austin

Breakdown 98 in a three-way with Austin

Judgment Day 98

Survivor Series 98

KOTR 00 in a six man tag with Rock vs HHH/McMahon/McMahon

Summerslam 00

Unforgiven 00 in a four-way with Benoit/Rock

No Way Out 01 tagging vs E&C and Dudleys

Backlash 01 tagging vs HHH/Austin

Invasion in the Inaugural Brawl

Summerslam 01 tagging vs Jersey Triad

Unforgiven 01 tagging vs Kronik

Survivor Series 01 Alliance vs WWF Main Event

Wrestlemania XX


So they've been involved in 16 matches, 9 against each other, but were working as an official tag team with a name throughout 01, but then again they are 'brothers' so maybe this list should be viewed differently.....

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Guest jm29195

HHH/Foley has happened at




Canadian Stampede

Summerslam 97 (Cage)

One Night Only

No Way Out 98- Foley/Funk/Austin/Owen vs DX

Summerslam 99 in Three-Way with Austin

Unforgiven 99 in Six Pack Challenge

Royal Rumble 00 MSG Street Fight

No Way Out 2000 HIAC

Wrestlemania 16 in Four-way with Show/Rock



so that's 10 times....

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Sometime in the summer of 91. It was some segment where Warrior wnet to him to "show him the dark side" or something to help him in his feud with Undertaker. Jake takes him to a room full of snakes, and Warrior gets bit by a cobra, and Jake turns heel as a result.


That's the best I can describe it.

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Sometime in the summer of 91. It was some segment where Warrior wnet to him to "show him the dark side" or something to help him in his feud with Undertaker. Jake takes him to a room full of snakes, and Warrior gets bit by a cobra, and Jake turns heel as a result.


That's the best I can describe it.

"I'm a snake. Never trust a snake."


Of course, Warrior survives a poisonous snake bite to wrestle a week later...then he disappears.

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Of course, Warrior survives a poisonous snake bite to wrestle a week later...then he disappears.

He had a delayed reaction. But, once it took effect, he sold it for about 7 months before coming back.

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Guest Fook
Taker vs Austin?



Cold Day in Hell

Summerslam 98

Rock Bottom

Over The Edge 99

Fully Loaded 99

Judgment Day 01


They've also co-main evented at Backlash 02


Been involved in a 3-way at Breakdown 98 (Taker vs Austin vs Kane)

and at No Mercy 99 UK (Taker vs Austin vs HHH)

Been involved in a handicap match at Insurextion 01 (Taker vs HHH/Austin)

Been involved in a four-way at Capital Carnage 98 (Austin vs Taker vs Kane vs Mankind)

Taker was Austin's second at Over the Edge 98 vs Dude Love

Austin was guest referee at Judgment Day 98 (Kane vs Taker)



and main evented as tag teams at:-


Fully Loaded 98 (as partners)

Backlash 01 (Austin/HHH vs Taker/Kane


Austin/Taker was pencilled in as a cage match at KOTR 01 before Heyman made Vince change his mind when the ratings weren't that great....

They were also both in the 6 man HIAC at Armageddon 2000, the inaugural brawl at Invasion, and the Alliance/WWF elimination match at Survivor Series 2001.

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Guest jm29195
QUOTE (jm29195 @ May 1 2005, 02:12 PM)

Taker vs Austin?



Cold Day in Hell

Summerslam 98

Rock Bottom

Over The Edge 99

Fully Loaded 99

Judgment Day 01


They've also co-main evented at Backlash 02


Been involved in a 3-way at Breakdown 98 (Taker vs Austin vs Kane)

and at No Mercy 99 UK (Taker vs Austin vs HHH)

Been involved in a handicap match at Insurextion 01 (Taker vs HHH/Austin)

Been involved in a four-way at Capital Carnage 98 (Austin vs Taker vs Kane vs Mankind)

Taker was Austin's second at Over the Edge 98 vs Dude Love

Austin was guest referee at Judgment Day 98 (Kane vs Taker)



and main evented as tag teams at:-


Fully Loaded 98 (as partners)

Backlash 01 (Austin/HHH vs Taker/Kane


Austin/Taker was pencilled in as a cage match at KOTR 01 before Heyman made Vince change his mind when the ratings weren't that great.... 



They were also both in the 6 man HIAC at Armageddon 2000, the inaugural brawl at Invasion, and the Alliance/WWF elimination match at Survivor Series 2001.



So they were, don't know why I forgot those....

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Was Earthquake ever pinned by anybody on a televised WWF event? I can't think of any PPV or TV match where he was, though I know Warrior pinned him in a match that ended up on the Wrestlefest 1991 tape.

Off the top of my head, Dibiase made him pass out to the Million $ Dream to win the tag belts.


It's not a pin but, IMO, a submission is even better.

Not sure if it was televised on Prime Time or not but Yokozuna pinned him shortly before Quake left the company.

Not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but when Earthquake walked out in 1994, they aired clips from a house show of Yokozuna sitting on Earthquake after the Banzai Drop, and talked about it to give the impression that Yokozuna had run Earthquake out of the WWF.

I was referring to a match in late 1992-early 1993 prior to Quake's 1st departure from the company. Fuji still had the buzzcut. But I know what you're talking about since Quake was scheduled to have a KOTR Qualifying Match against Owen Hart that week. I figured Owen was fucked since Quake just beat Yoko in a Sumo Match on the previous Raw. Luckily since Quake was taken out, Doink was the replacement and Owen had little problem disposing him.

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The original question was what matchup main evented the most PPVs. That would still be Austin vs. Taker with 6, as wrestling sub-main events or highly publicized matches is not the same as wrestling in the main event, and if it's a tag match, or a Triple Threat, it's not the same matchup.

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Guest jm29195

In a related topic to the 'which singles match up has main evented most ppvs?' question, I was thinking which combination of people have been involved in ppv matches the most? This doesn't have to be at main event level...


Recently, I seem to recall HHH and HBK have been feuding with each other more often than not during Michaels' comeback as it were:-



HHH/HBK-Street fight Summerslam 02

HHH/HBK/RVD/Booker T/Kane/Jericho- Elimination Chamber Survivor Series 02

HHH/HBK-3 Stages of Hell- Armageddon 02

HHH/Jericho/Flair vs HBK/Booker T/Nash- Backlash 03

HHH/HBK/Nash/Orton/Jericho/Goldberg- Elimination Chamber Summerslam 03

HHH/HBK- Last Man Standing Match- Royal Rumble 04


HHH/HBK/Benoit- Backlash 04

HHH/HBK- HIAC Bad Blood 04

HHH/HBK- Taboo Tuesday


But that's just recently, I know there's guys with more of a history than that such as the Rock/HHH one I mentioned, but is there another combination with more ppv appearances than them? I'm thinking something like Hogan/Piper or Hogan/Savage but don't have the data to find out if I'm right or not....

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How old was The Big Show when he debuted in WCW and more importantly how old was he when he won the title?

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How old was The Big Show when he debuted in WCW and more importantly how old was he when he won the title?

he was 25 when he won the title i think.

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Rats I was hoping he was younger then Orton, oh well.

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In a related topic to the 'which singles match up has main evented most ppvs?' question, I was thinking which combination of people have been involved in ppv matches the most? This doesn't have to be at main event level...


Recently, I seem to recall HHH and HBK have been feuding with each other more often than not during Michaels' comeback as it were:-



HHH/HBK-Street fight Summerslam 02

HHH/HBK/RVD/Booker T/Kane/Jericho- Elimination Chamber Survivor Series 02

HHH/HBK-3 Stages of Hell- Armageddon 02

HHH/Jericho/Flair vs HBK/Booker T/Nash- Backlash 03

HHH/HBK/Nash/Orton/Jericho/Goldberg- Elimination Chamber Summerslam 03

HHH/HBK- Last Man Standing Match- Royal Rumble 04


HHH/HBK/Benoit- Backlash 04

HHH/HBK- HIAC Bad Blood 04

HHH/HBK- Taboo Tuesday


But that's just recently, I know there's guys with more of a history than that such as the Rock/HHH one I mentioned, but is there another combination with more ppv appearances than them? I'm thinking something like Hogan/Piper or Hogan/Savage but don't have the data to find out if I'm right or not....

Benoit and Angle have a lot too:


WrestleMania 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle v. Chris Jericho

InsureXXtion 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls)

WrestleMania X-7 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

Backlash 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (30 Minute Ultimate Submissions Match)

Judgement Day 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls gimmick match)

Unforgiven 2002 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Mercy 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio

Rebellion 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Survivor Series 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Royal Rumble 2003 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Way Out 2003 - Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar v. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Survivor Series 2003 - Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, HArdcore Holly and Bradshaw v. Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, A-Train, Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones.

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Some of the Benoit/Angle matches haven't Main Evented though.

Edited by NY Untouchable

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Guest jm29195
Benoit and Angle have a lot too:


WrestleMania 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle v. Chris Jericho

InsureXXtion 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls)

WrestleMania X-7 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

Backlash 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (30 Minute Ultimate Submissions Match)

Judgement Day 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls gimmick match)

Unforgiven 2002 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Mercy 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio

Rebellion 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Survivor Series 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Royal Rumble 2003 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Way Out 2003 - Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar v. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Survivor Series 2003 - Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, HArdcore Holly and Bradshaw v. Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, A-Train, Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones.



They had a forgotten 2/3 falls classic at Insurextion 01 that Benoit won in 2 straight falls- really good match

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Benoit and Angle have a lot too:


WrestleMania 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle v. Chris Jericho

InsureXXtion 2000 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls)

WrestleMania X-7 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

Backlash 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (30 Minute Ultimate Submissions Match)

Judgement Day 2001 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle (2/3 Falls gimmick match)

Unforgiven 2002 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Mercy 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio

Rebellion 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Survivor Series 2002 - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle v. Edge and Rey Misterio v. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Royal Rumble 2003 - Chris Benoit v. Kurt Angle

No Way Out 2003 - Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar v. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Survivor Series 2003 - Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, HArdcore Holly and Bradshaw v. Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, A-Train, Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones.



They had a forgotten 2/3 falls classic at Insurextion 01 that Benoit won in 2 straight falls- really good match

shit yeah, i got the wrong year for InsureXtion, it was 2001 and not 2000.

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Guest wayzing
How many people slammed Andre the Giant in his career? Anyone other than Hogan and Warrior?

On top of my head I can think of Harley Race, King Tonga (Haku/Meng), Demolition Smash (who did that sweet double slam spot at SummerSlam'89) and Ronnie Garvin.


Garvin actually holds a victory over Andre in a 2-on-1 match where Garvin was alone!!! How's that for nice trivia?

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