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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Guest jm29195
How long was Beulah with Raven in ECW before joining Tommy Dreamer?

Beulah left Raven by announcing she was pregnant somewhere between Holiday Hell 95 (December 95) and Cyberslam 96 (January 96), and I seem to remember her joining Raven in February 95 so that's aprox 11 months as far as I can recall....






What was the angle that turned Francine heel after she left the Pittbulls?



The angle took place in the Pitbull 2 vs Shane Douglas vs Jericho vs Scorpio match at Heatwave 96- here's an old pbp I found...



Francine (The Pitbulls’ manager at the time) gets dragged in by Douglas, and the ref is bumped. Francine then turns on Pitbull and takes her skirt off, revealing “Franchise” underwear. Pitbull comes back, taking the betrayal remarkably well, and clotheslines Douglas out, leaving the Pitbulls to have their way with Francine. They superbomb her through a table.

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A freind of mind asked me a question about Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Basically he brought up the fact that he remembered someone trying to attack a kid before and Piper wouldnt let them and covered the kid up so instead they beat on Piper who was still protecting the kid. Once he said it to me it instanly rang a bell. So my question is well...what was going on here. Who was the kid, Who was beating on Piper, and when was this.

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A freind of mind asked me a question about Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Basically he brought up the fact that he remembered someone trying to attack a kid before and Piper wouldnt let them and covered the kid up so instead they beat on Piper who was still protecting the kid. Once he said it to me it instanly rang a bell. So my question is well...what was going on here. Who was the kid, Who was beating on Piper, and when was this.

Are you talking about the angle prior to King of the Ring 1994 where Jerry Lawler claimed he was going to have Roddy Piper on the Kings Court, but brought out some younger kid instead? I think Lawler was gonna piledrive him or something, but then Piper did the run in at the end to save him.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
A freind of mind asked me a question about Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Basically he brought up the fact that he remembered someone trying to attack a kid before and Piper wouldnt let them and covered the kid up so instead they beat on Piper who was still protecting the kid. Once he said it to me it instanly rang a bell. So my question is well...what was going on here. Who was the kid, Who was beating on Piper, and when was this.

Piper vs NWO had something similar to this as well IIRC

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Why wasn't Jake Roberts at Summerslam 89? I can't remember if it was some sort of angle or he just didn't have a program.

The kayfabe reason was this:


WWF @ Glens Falls, NY - Civic Center - April 4, 1989

WWF Superstars taping:


Jake Roberts defeated Virgil (sub. for Ted Dibiase who was suffering from the flu) with the DDT; after the bout, Roberts gave out a handful of cash to the fans at ringside after taking the money from Virgil's tights; moments thereafter, Dibiase came ringside and attacked Roberts, applying the Million $ Dream; it was this incident which was credited with putting Roberts out of action with a fractured disc in his neck


The real reason was this:


WWF @ Orlando, FL - May 8, 1989

Jake Roberts defeated Ted Dibiase; minutes after the bout, Roberts was arrested on charges of assault stemming from an incident with a fan following the 12/88 television tapings in Daytona Beach


So because of the legal troubles Jake didn't return to TV until September, but he was regularly mentioned on TV during that time by Dibiase.


One interesting thing about Roberts' absence - both Roddy Piper and Dusty Rhodes made their in-ring returns to the WWF after being gone several years and both did so by subbing for Jake against Ted Dibiase in the spring of 89.

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I've got a Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs. Jushin Liger & El Samurai match that I downloaded, and I can't find a date for it. It's a WSW thing, but I don't know if it's actually WSW or if they just got a match from Japan and dubbed WSW commentary over it. It ends with Liger pinning Malenko with a Frankensteiner.

Any ideas on what the date might be?

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A freind of mind asked me a question about Rowdy Roddy Piper last night. Basically he brought up the fact that he remembered someone trying to attack a kid before and Piper wouldnt let them and covered the kid up so instead they beat on Piper who was still protecting the kid. Once he said it to me it instanly rang a bell. So my question is well...what was going on here. Who was the kid, Who was beating on Piper, and when was this.

Are you talking about the angle prior to King of the Ring 1994 where Jerry Lawler claimed he was going to have Roddy Piper on the Kings Court, but brought out some younger kid instead? I think Lawler was gonna piledrive him or something, but then Piper did the run in at the end to save him.

Riiiiiiight that brings it back to me alot more. Thanks alot.

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I was just wondering, was Jim Duggan's appearance at Fall Brawl '94 his WCW debut? If so, had they announced he was coming, done vignettes or anything, or was it just a total surprise?

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Duggan debuted for WCW at a tv taping on July 19th 1994, beating Tex Slazenger. He wrestled at subsequent tv tapings in some competitive matches, though I don't know if they were taped at all. He also wrestled DDP during WCW's European tour in August.

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Guest news_gimmick

So what was Piper doing from 92-94? I thought Piper was in tremendous shape for Mania 8 and have wondered why he just left afterwards.



Also, anyone else remember Terry Taylor returning in 1993? It is quite an odd site to see the Red Rooster as an announcer in the WWF at the time. I don't think he was there for even a full year, as I remember him being at the first King of the Ring and as a lumberjack on Raw during the HBK/Duggan match. Didn't he return to WCW in late 93 too?

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Guest news_gimmick

Wow, you are right. I missed him in there because the 93 Rumble is the one I've probably watched the least over the years. But I figured his run at this time was basically nothing anyway, and I remember him returning to WCW in late 1993 as WCW Saturday Night fodder. Man, what a career downturn he had.



How did the Nasty Boys return to WCW on tv? I remember them being in the 1993 Rumble, and seemingly they were building to a WM9 match with Money Inc. for the titles (I think Jimmy Hart was managing them as well at this point) So what was the angle on tv? I think it involved Missy Hyatt somehow too.

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The Nasties were in the WWF until about June, but I believe they were suspended toward the end so that's why few people remember them post March or April.


They showed up in WCW during the late summer of 93 and immediately were put in line for a title shot against Anderson & Roma. At Fall Brawl, they came out with Missy Hyatt as their surprise. Missy had been turned down for interviews repeatedly by Flair and the Horsemen and this was her way to get back at them, I suppose.


Taylor returned to WCW in late 93 and was supposed to wrestle the Equalizer at Starrcade but that bout was regulated to being the dark match. He feuded with Diamond Dallas Page in early 94 as well.

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Always wondered about this, why were there so many squash matches at WM 2? I had just started watching wrestling casually in 1986, so I didn't know what feuds that were really being built up in that time frame. There just didn't seem to be any long term programs going on at that time.

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I asked this on the last page, and nobody answered, so I'll try again:


How and when did Honky Tonk Man return to WWF in '96? I've pinpointed the time to somewhere right after IYH: It's Time, but I don't really remember nor can I find many specifics on how he returned.

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I asked this on the last page, and nobody answered, so I'll try again:


How and when did Honky Tonk Man return to WWF in '96? I've pinpointed the time to somewhere right after IYH: It's Time, but I don't really remember nor can I find many specifics on how he returned.

Was it when he promoted "Rockabilly?"

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No, he actually returned months before that. I'm just not sure exactly when.

Shit. I was going to watch my new Robotech DVD, but after seeing your sig, I really want to watch The Karate Kid now.





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Guest news_gimmick

Yah, you have the time period right, it was on a Raw in December 96, I believe he either opened up the show and appeared or sometime within the first half hour just showed up and did commentary. And then for like two months he scouted the Rock and claimed to have taken him under his wing, only to eventually bring in RockaBilly. That is about the extent of his run at this time, he did nothing else of note.

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Was there any hesitation by Vince to do Diesel vs. HBK at Wrestlemania 11? We all know Vince's lack of pushing smaller guys, plus having a smaller guy like HBK in the heel spot against a big guy like Diesel was just something you didn't see. Were there ever any other plans, or was it always Diesel and Michaels? And if so, when did they decide to give Diesel the title and make this the Wrestlemania main event? (Well, aside from LT and Bam Bam of course)

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Guest news_gimmick
Was there any hesitation by Vince to do Diesel vs. HBK at Wrestlemania 11? We all know Vince's lack of pushing smaller guys, plus having a smaller guy like HBK in the heel spot against a big guy like Diesel was just something you didn't see. Were there ever any other plans, or was it always Diesel and Michaels? And if so, when did they decide to give Diesel the title and make this the Wrestlemania main event? (Well, aside from LT and Bam Bam of course)

To me, when Vince has a pet project he is pushing to the fullest (IE: Diesel, Bradshaw) he won't seem to have much hesitation at making matches such as Diesel/HBK. For years he seemed to be a major mark for Shawn and his work, and I believe he felt HBK could make Diesel look amazing and have a great match to boot. It really didn't help Diesel get anymore over than he was at the time, but they pulled out a decent match, albeit not a memorable main event type of match standard at a WrestleMania. I think the fact that Bam Bam / LT was the last match also devalues this as a "Main Event" slightly.

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