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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Here's a WCW question: Was Sonny Onoo the same guy as "Kensuke Ishikawa" the Japanese member of the "WCW International Board of Directors" in the skit where Hogan tried to get Ric Flair reinstated before Slamboree '95? Ishikawa was also one of the hosts of Collision in Korea, for those who don't remember.

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Anderson never held the US title. He was a four-time TV champ and a 6-time World tag champ (5 NWA/WCW, 1 WWF).

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Here's a WCW question: Was Sonny Onoo the same guy as "Kensuke Ishikawa" the Japanese member of the "WCW International Board of Directors" in the skit where Hogan tried to get Ric Flair reinstated before Slamboree '95? Ishikawa was also one of the hosts of Collision in Korea, for those who don't remember.

Yep, same guy.

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Guest Ice Classic V.2

Just a few real general WWF questions.


What point did WWF start switching to motion graphics for their match ups?


When did Tazz make the full transition from wrestler to announcer?


When did the WWE started using the extrvagent PPV staging. I think they started sometime in 99, but I'm not sure.

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What point did WWF start switching to motion graphics for their match ups?

After Summerslam '01, I believe.


When did Tazz make the full transition from wrestler to announcer?



When did the WWE started using the extrvagent PPV staging. I think they started sometime in 99, but I'm not sure.

The first one was either St. Valentine's Day Massacre or WM XV.

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What point did WWF start switching to motion graphics for their match ups?

It was the first Smackdown with the new "fist" set, right before Summerslam '01.

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Guest jm29195
Has the Rock ever beaten HHH cleanly?



Yep at Thursday Raw Thursday in 1997

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Guest news_gimmick

I have one in regards to Piper after WM VIII.


Considering how great of shape he appeared at this time, why did he retire? Was he hurt? The hip getting to him? It puzzles me because at the time the WWF could've used his star power to help the company for the rest of 1992.

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Here are a few questions for those who know:


1) Why did Arn and Tully leave the WWF in 1989?

2) When the Colossal Connection beat Demolition for the tag straps in 1989 so that Demolition could win them back at WM6, how did the title change happen? Did the heels cheat to beat Demolition?

3) When/how/why turn Demolition heel in 1990?

4) When the Rockers beat the Hart Foundation for the tag team titles, but then had the decision reversed, who was in contract negotiations with WWF at the time? Neidhart?

5) Why did LOD leave and then return in late 91/early 92?

6) Why did the Steiners leave the WWF after only a year?

7) Kerry Von Erich as IC champ...why? How did Mr. Perfect win the belt back from him?

8) When Bret dropped the IC title before the 92 Rumble, were they that worried about contract negotiations? Did he almost jump to WCW?

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1) Why did Arn and Tully leave the WWF in 1989?


I heard Tully speak about this last August but I forget the specific reason. It may have just been a money issue.


2) When the Colossal Connection beat Demolition for the tag straps in 1989 so that Demolition could win them back at WM6, how did the title change happen? Did the heels cheat to beat Demolition?


WWF @ Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Civic Center - December 13, 1989

WWF Superstars taping:


Andre the Giant & Haku defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition to win the titles at 4:35 when Andre pinned Ax with an elbow drop following a kick to the face from Haku; Smash was unable to legally enter the ring during the contest as Axe was continuously double-teamed


3) When/how/why turn Demolition heel in 1990?


When - early summer 1990. How - they brought in Crush to have an illegal 3-on-2 advantage. Why - because the LOD were coming in and the Harts were the #1 contenders. But the decision to turn them heel obviously had more to do with the LOD.


4) When the Rockers beat the Hart Foundation for the tag team titles, but then had the decision reversed, who was in contract negotiations with WWF at the time? Neidhart?




5) Why did LOD leave and then return in late 91/early 92?


They were tag team champions in late 91 so they never left. If you're asking why did they leave after they lost the belts to Money Inc and then returned at WrestleMania VIII, I don't think they were officially ever off the roster.


6) Why did the Steiners leave the WWF after only a year?


It had to do with pay. I think they also wanted to tour Japan but Vince wouldn't let them.


7) Kerry Von Erich as IC champ...why? How did Mr. Perfect win the belt back from him?


Why? Because Von Erich had just showed up and Beefcake obviously couldn't make the show so why not?


WWF @ Rochester, NY - War Memorial - November 19, 1990

WWF Superstars taping:


Mr. Perfect (w/ Bobby Heenan) pinned WWF IC Champion Kerry Von Erich with the Perfex Plex to win the title at 6:37 after Ted Dibiase, who had paid off Howard Finkel to be the guest ring announcer for the bout, hit the champion with the title belt as payback for Von Erich humiliating Dibiase the previous week on the Brother Love Show; Von Erich continued to wrestle as champion until the match was televised


8) When Bret dropped the IC title before the 92 Rumble, were they that worried about contract negotiations? Did he almost jump to WCW?


From my understanding, Vince was paranoid about Bret showing up in WCW with the IC belt, kinda like what Flair did when he came to the WWF with the NWA title. I believe Meltzer said that Bret's contract automatically rolled over at a certain point so he couldn't have left even if he wanted to. I don't recall all the specifics.

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Guest MikeSC
1) Why did Arn and Tully leave the WWF in 1989?

I heard Tully speak about this last August but I forget the specific reason. It may have just been a money issue.

Was this the story involving Tully intentionally failing a drug test to get cut?


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1) Why did Arn and Tully leave the WWF in 1989?

I heard Tully speak about this last August but I forget the specific reason. It may have just been a money issue.

Was this the story involving Tully intentionally failing a drug test to get cut?


That wasn't intentional. He and Arn were ready to jump back to the NWA but after the drug test, the NWA didn't want Tully.

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1) When did Bret Hart start to use the Sharpshooter?

2) How did Piper and Savage turn babyface after WM2 and 3 respectively?

3) I know Dan Spivey was in the WWF around 86/87...did he ever get any sort of push? Was he babyface or heel?

4) How was Sid introduced in 1991 and brought in as the special ref at Summerslam?

5) What was Sid's fight with Arn Anderson over?

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Guest MikeSC
1) When did Bret Hart start to use the Sharpshooter?

I seem to remember him starting that with his single push in 1988.

2) How did Piper and Savage turn babyface after WM2 and 3 respectively?

Piper turned face when he attacked Adrian Adonis for taking over his show. Savage starting turning face when he saved Steamboat when Ricky was I-C Champ (so Savage could be the one to beat him). He then turned total face on the SNME where he faced Honky Tonk Man in 10/88.

3) I know Dan Spivey was in the WWF around 86/87...did he ever get any sort of push? Was he babyface or heel?

He was a face, one half of the US Express with Rotunda after Barry Windham left. They didn't really get much of a push. He then became a single JTTS when Rotunda went to Florida.


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Guest MikeSC
So did Piper ever get a major televised title match with Hogan when he was a heel during this time?

"War to Settle the Score" on MTV counts. Plus they had a match at the first ever PPV, the 1985 Wrestling Classic.


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What point did WWF start switching to motion graphics for their match ups?

It was the first Smackdown with the new "fist" set, right before Summerslam '01.

I watched Summerslam 01 just two days ago, and there were no motion graphics.

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What point did WWF start switching to motion graphics for their match ups?

It was the first Smackdown with the new "fist" set, right before Summerslam '01.

I watched Summerslam 01 just two days ago, and there were no motion graphics.

Forgive my ignorance and misunderstanding, but motion graphics?

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Re: Bret Hart, the IC Title, and WCW.


The title change had nothing to do with his almost going to WCW. It was simply a transition to lead into a face v face title match at WM 8 against Piper. Bret had come to terms with WCW, but when he went to Vince about it he was informed that his contract had automatically rolled over for another year, and was unable to leave.


1) When did Bret Hart start to use the Sharpshooter?


During his second singles run in 1991. During his singles run in 1988, he used the piledriver as a finisher.


5) What was Sid's fight with Arn Anderson over?


Sid was being an asshole. As some of the wrestlers were drinking at the bar in the hotel, Sid was mouthing off at Arn over getting a new contract and holding the company up for money, while at the same time Arn just had his pay cut in half. Sid also said words to the effect of that it was time for Arn and Ric Flair to move aside. One thing led to another, and they had the fight.

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Savage starting turning face when he saved Steamboat when Ricky was I-C Champ (so Savage could be the one to beat him). 

I have to disagree. The saving-Steamboat-from-Hercules-taking-the-title angle was played as a total heel move. Once Honky took the title and Savage didn't have Steamboat to feud with, Savage suddenly was getting matches with Hogan again (where they actually teased an Elizabeth babyface turn) and he went as far as to congratulate Honky.

It wasn't until later in the year that they had Savage get upset when Honky starting claiming he was the "Greatest Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of All-Time". Savage had slowly been getting more and more babyface reactions in his squash matches around this time (one memorable match with Sivi Afi comes to mind). Savage confronted Jimmy Hart in a lockerrooom segment that was aired on the syndicated shows, I believe. Before you know it, Savage was wrestling Hercules in house show matches across the country (I was at the Boston Garden show on October 3rd, 1986) and the SNME match with Honky was announced. At the end of Wrestling Challenge one week, they had six WWF superstars pick a winner ending with Hogan picking Savage to win based on the growing new power in this Universe- Macho Madness. SNME happened, the Mega Powers were formed, and the rest was history.

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2) How did Piper and Savage turn babyface after WM2 and 3 respectively?

3) I know Dan Spivey was in the WWF around 86/87...did he ever get any sort of push? Was he babyface or heel?

2) Savage's turn was gradual over the summer of 1987. After Honky won the IC title, he started bragging about how he was the greatest IC champion of all time. Of course, Savage took exception to that and the fans got behind Savage as a result. The real coming out as a babyface was the September 87 SNME in which Honky shoved Elizabeth and Hogan made the save.


3) Spivey was babyface when Rotundo was still around. After Rotundo left, he had a short run as a heel that went into 1988, IIRC. Didn't really get a push. Basically just beat the jobber babyfaces.

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Guest MikeSC
Savage starting turning face when he saved Steamboat when Ricky was I-C Champ (so Savage could be the one to beat him). 

I have to disagree. The saving-Steamboat-from-Hercules-taking-the-title angle was played as a total heel move. Once Honky took the title and Savage didn't have Steamboat to feud with, Savage suddenly was getting matches with Hogan again (where they actually teased an Elizabeth babyface turn) and he went as far as to congratulate Honky.

It wasn't until later in the year that they had Savage get upset when Honky starting claiming he was the "Greatest Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of All-Time". Savage had slowly been getting more and more babyface reactions in his squash matches around this time (one memorable match with Sivi Afi comes to mind). Savage confronted Jimmy Hart in a lockerrooom segment that was aired on the syndicated shows, I believe. Before you know it, Savage was wrestling Hercules in house show matches across the country (I was at the Boston Garden show on October 3rd, 1986) and the SNME match with Honky was announced. At the end of Wrestling Challenge one week, they had six WWF superstars pick a winner ending with Hogan picking Savage to win based on the growing new power in this Universe- Macho Madness. SNME happened, the Mega Powers were formed, and the rest was history.

Oh, it was supposed to be a heel move --- but it was when he started getting face pops. Then HTM started saying he was the greatest IC Champ of all time, which led to his feud with Savage.


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1) Was there any build for Hogan vs. Taker at Survivor Series 1991 other than Taker being announced as the challenger on Superstars and then the one segment with Hogan and Flair and company on the Funeral Parlor?


2) When was Jesse Ventura an active wrestler for the WWF? When did he first start to commentate? As a wrestler, what was his finishing move?


3) What was the buildup (if any) for Dibiase vs. Snuka at Summerslam 1989?


4) Ditto for Brainbusters vs. Hart Foundation.


5) Ditto for Demolition vs. Hart Foundation from Summerslam 1988.


6) Ditto for Steamboat vs. Hercules at Wrestlemania 2.


7) Ditto for Jake vs. Welles at Wrestlemania 2.


8) Ditto for Steamboat vs. Rude at Royal Rumble 1988.



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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
1) Was there any build for Hogan vs. Taker at Survivor Series 1991 other than Taker being announced as the challenger on Superstars and then the one segment with Hogan and Flair and company on the Funeral Parlor?


2) When was Jesse Ventura an active wrestler for the WWF? When did he first start to commentate? As a wrestler, what was his finishing move?


3) What was the buildup (if any) for Dibiase vs. Snuka at Summerslam 1989?


4) Ditto for Brainbusters vs. Hart Foundation.


5) Ditto for Demolition vs. Hart Foundation from Summerslam 1988.


6) Ditto for Steamboat vs. Hercules at Wrestlemania 2.


7) Ditto for Jake vs. Welles at Wrestlemania 2.


8) Ditto for Steamboat vs. Rude at Royal Rumble 1988.



You've proven to know how to use Cawthon's site in the past, I bet alot of these could be found there



2> Over the shoulder back breaker


4> Match was made before Busters even won the titles


5> Jimmy Hart owned the Harts contract, and sold it to the Rougeau's , so Jimmy Hart was conspiring to keep the titles off the Harts. (And was allowed at ringside as a result IIRC)



6+7 > Hercules was undefeated and was ready to start taking on the upper card guys

Jake was new and was ready to squash the low card guys

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5) Why did LOD leave and then return in late 91/early 92?


They were tag team champions in late 91 so they never left. If you're asking why did they leave after they lost the belts to Money Inc and then returned at WrestleMania VIII, I don't think they were officially ever off the roster.


The WWF had started steroid testing and one of the LOD (I think it was Hawk) failed and got suspended for six weeks.

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Guest jm29195

WCW Question- what was the music that Warrior used in wcw, does anyone have a link to it, just curious to see if it anything like his wwf theme?

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I'm in the middle of watching WM X right now, and I just finished Savage-Crush, Falls Count Anywhere. What was the deal with the rules? Yes, they're simple enough to understand, getting back to the ring in 60 seconds if pinned outside. But, what would've happened if the pin took place inside the ring? Savage hits a flying elbow. Vince tells him to cover him on commentary, but Savage pushes him outside and covers him there, instead. Vince then remarks that it's a smart move or something. Why? I would assume that a pin in the ring would result in an automatic win.

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