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Guest RollingSambos

Does anybody remember...?

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Guest RollingSambos

It was Smackdown!, Thanksgiving '99, and DX was outside harassing the bums. This was when Jericho had heat for not working WWF style. HHH was a heel and not working a program with Jericho, but he made some offhand shoot comment about him. He was talking to one of the bums and said something like, "Blah, blah, blah...you remind me of Jericho." Anybody remember exactly what he said?

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It was Smackdown!, Thanksgiving '99, and DX was outside harassing the bums. This was when Jericho had heat for not working WWF style. HHH was a heel and not working a program with Jericho, but he made some offhand shoot comment about him. He was talking to one of the bums and said something like, "Blah, blah, blah...you remind me of Jericho." Anybody remember exactly what he said?

The guy was holding up a "Will work for food" sign and Trips made a joke about how the bum couldn't work, just like Jericho.

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Thanks to slashwrestling.com:


DX is still walking around - "jackpot!" They find a big group of bums. Did they just ID one of them as Bam Bam Bigelow? That's not legal! For an encore, Helmsley reads a sign "Will work for food? You can't work, you're as bad as Jericho!" Anyway, DX invites all the bums to a Thanksgiving dinner...

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Guest RollingSambos

Yeah, they were both heels and working totally separate programs. Totally unwarranted. And even if they had been working together, it was a shoot comment.

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Guest EI Cubano

He's SO fucking slippery.


Meltzer posted a great rant over at the WrestlingClassics message board about The H's trying to bury Jericho since day one because he wanted to be the only world title contender with long blonde hair. Could also explain why everyone in developmental and the main roster with long blonde hair has been asked to cut it. (Christian, Test, Cade, Morley, Nova etc)

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Guest Y2Kurt

"Chris Jericho as the undisputed champion not only hurts the credibility of the belt, it also hurts our business."


Didnt HHH Also Say Something Like That Before?

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And today I was actually not HHHating. "You can't work just like Jericho" is just plain wrong. If anyone else tries pulling stuff like that, they get reprimanded. Not HHH. I tell you he will be the reason the WWE fails.

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And today I was actually not HHHating. "You can't work just like Jericho" is just plain wrong. If anyone else tries pulling stuff like that, they get reprimanded. Not HHH. I tell you he will be the reason the WWE fails.

Yes, but you seem to forget that happened way back in 1999, you know, when HHH was dating Chyna? When he had no influence was just another in a long line of roid monkeys Vince was pushing as in the case of Lesnar today. HHH said the shit and got away with it. Who fucking cares?


And the "long blonde hair" theory is just so stupid. The days of mullets and flowing hair are over. Only a select few like HHH, Jericho, and Nash are hanging on for dear life. And really, if the theory is true, why has Jericho not cut his hair off yet? You'd think that since Jericho is HHH's No. 1 burial priority, he'd have done everything in his power right now to get rid of Jericho's long, blonde locks. Especially before non-issues like Test, Christian, and Bradshaw. And speaking of stupid theories, didn't some idiot post something about Jericho cutting his beard because of HHH?

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Guest Dynamite Kido

apparently Triple H forgot that he isn't exactly Ricky fucking Steamboat.......

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Guest The Old Me

I miss HHHate. If Jericho does ever ascend to the top of the sport, I hope he's a dick like HHH.

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I miss HHHate. If Jericho does ever ascend to the top of the sport, I hope he's a dick like HHH.

I hope he's a dick TO HHH.



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I miss HHHate. If Jericho does ever ascend to the top of the sport, I hope he's a dick like HHH.

So true. No one. No matter how much of a "smark darling" they are, is exempt from being a political player.

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Only Trips would get away with shit like that...

It was 99. Was he even with Steph at the time?

This was prior to the Steph marriage angle...so no.



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Guest The Old Me
Was Russo still with WWF at the time? Because god knows he loves writing shoots. He wasn't with Steph at that time.

I think that was right around when Russo jumped, IIRC.

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Only Trips would get away with shit like that...

It was 99. Was he even with Steph at the time?

This was prior to the Steph marriage angle...so no.



That's what I thought.

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Yep, so it looks like anyone could get away with it. But whatever, he's HHH, let's bestow the powers of God and unimaginable genuis upon him despite the fact that we loathe him.


Really, for people that hate the man so much, you all paint HHH in a very GOOD light actually. He's a man that can outsmart a former billionaire, Steph, a whole company, and wields the power of a demi-god or at the least a Roman Ceasar.

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Guest Anglesault
Really, for people that hate the man so much, you all paint HHH in a very GOOD light actually. He's a man that can outsmart a former billionaire, Steph, a whole company, and wields the power of a demi-god or at the least a Roman Ceasar.

It would be stupid to claim that Hunter is a stupid man.


That's why no one does.

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Really, for people that hate the man so much, you all paint HHH in a very GOOD light actually. He's a man that can outsmart a former billionaire, Steph, a whole company, and wields the power of a demi-god or at the least a Roman Ceasar.

Which is why I have no HHHate whatsoever. I applaud Trips' efforts and abilities at manipulating those messed up McMahon's. ;p

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Guest Kid Kablam
Really, for people that hate the man so much, you all paint HHH in a very GOOD light actually. He's a man that can outsmart a former billionaire, Steph, a whole company, and wields the power of a demi-god or at the least a Roman Ceasar.

Which is why I have no HHHate whatsoever. I applaud Trips' efforts and abilities at manipulating those messed up McMahon's. ;p

I would say the same thing, but the man is ruining the WWE as we speak, that's the big problem. I had no problem with HHH before the shitty matches started piling up and the harm that came to other workers as a result. That's my problem with HHH.

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That SD was here in Rochester, and Jericho was a heel but was getting over huge, and it was the night Jericho fought the Big Show, and Chyna interfered to cost Jericho the match (she was holding the IC Title at the time). I think I remember Triple H telling one of the bums "You remind me a lot of Jericho".

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Only Trips would get away with shit like that...

I don't know, that was a pretty funny rib.

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I wonder if HHH or even Jericho remembers that remark? It is was a pretty good comment because it's almost four years later and people still bring it up and get their panties in a twist about it.

WWE apologist #100.

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