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Guest HBK16

I need to vent some heat

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This was a friend of mine that did this. The cop pulled her over for speeding and she told him that she just started her period and was gusting out blood in big clots and she didn't have a tampon. Needless to say he had a weak stomach and let her go.


The only time I was pulled over was when Tony and I were going up to Texas A&M to see George Bush's Presidental Library and I was pulled over for doing 80 in a 70. I took defensive driving and have slowed down now and don't speed.

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you fucking pricks trying to dodge the cops are fucking killer idiots.


You should respect the fucking laws. Even if you only hit a person once in all your years of driving, if you hurt someone because of breaking the law, you're such shit.


I get sick of people saying it's only bad if you get caught.

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"A friend" my ass :P

I've only had 1 ticket and I learned my lesson. I have friends that are worse than HBK16 and I'm scared to even be on the same road as they are.

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Grow a set? yeah ok you retard, you just wait til you have a set, and you're idling at a red and some fucktard plows into you.


Fucks up your car or something.


Like Kotz's papa said, going fast only requires pressure on a pedal, it doesn't make you brave or skilled. It does however, make you dangerous.

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About a year and a half ago, a few of us were on our way to Baltimore for a college commuter conference and we're on the PA turnpike. Mike's driving about 85 along the PA turnpike, and we tell him, "Mike, slow down, we don't have to be there until about 9am." It was maybe 7:30pm now. He slows down for about half a mile, then starts speeding again...and 30 seconds later gets pulled over for doing 87 in a 55.



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Guest Flyboy
You are not bright, son.

Hermit is always bringing the truth. Keep it up there, guy.

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Guest HBK16
you fucking pricks trying to dodge the cops are fucking killer idiots.


You should respect the fucking laws. Even if you only hit a person once in all your years of driving, if you hurt someone because of breaking the law, you're such shit.


I get sick of people saying it's only bad if you get caught.

Well I cant say that what you said goes for me. Because in my accident, she hit me. But it was my fault. And no one was hurt. And I do dodge cops but who doesnt. I dont think there is one person in here who hasnt.

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you fucking pricks trying to dodge the cops are fucking killer idiots.


You should respect the fucking laws.  Even if you only hit a person once in all your years of driving, if you hurt someone because of breaking the law, you're such shit.


I get sick of people saying it's only bad if you get caught.

Well I cant say that what you said goes for me. Because in my accident, she hit me. But it was my fault. And no one was hurt. And I do dodge cops but who doesnt. I dont think there is one person in here who hasnt.

I haven't.


Then again, I don't drive a whole hell of a lot either.

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Guest HBK16

Most people in a way have. Putting on your seat belt when you see a cop is in some way dodging a cop or using your turn signals when you see a cop even though you never use them is dodging a cop.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

HBK16 = Gimmick Poster = Fucking moron


Don't even read his lame ass shit. I sure didn't. I just can't believe people are still buying his outrageous tales of being in the mafia and such.

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Guest HBK16

I never said I was in the mafia. I simply said my friend's parents were associates or something like that of a mafia and I was always over at their house. Never said I was in it. And if I am a gimick poster, whats my gimick?

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Guest HBK16

I can be a dumbass. I am right now. Thats why my girlfriend is mad at me. But it would be sad to come to a message board and make shit up. That would be sad.

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I wear my seat belt at all times and drive normally. Just about the only thing I do that might be considered dodging the police is putting my brights on late at night on empty straightaways so I can see if there are any waiting on the side of the road with no lights on, who might be bored and just want to pull someone over to break the tedium. If I see one, I go even slower, like 10 under the limit.


You know, I get an amazing number of weird looks being a young guy in a GT. People expect me to be rocketing through traffic, weaving in and out of lanes, shit like that. Either that or they think I have some monster modifications under the hood and I'm just trying to bait people into racing.

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Speeding doesnt make you a bad driver.

No, but getting pulled over eleven times in two years does.


I've gotten exactly one ticket in my 13 years of driving, and that came when I was 19 years old. In the ten years since then, I've had nothing on my license, not even a parking ticket. I speed to the point of going about 7-10 mph over the limit, usually on highways, but that's it.


And if you're actually going to become a firefighter just so you can get away with speeding, then you're a bottom-feeding scumsucker whose priorities are ALL out of whack.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I can be a dumbass. I am right now. Thats why my girlfriend is mad at me. But it would be sad to come to a message board and make shit up. That would be sad.

You kill me, son.

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Your womanly charms may work on those backwater cops, but we don't go for that down here in Houston. A girl told me she was arrested in the infamous "K-Mart" raid because she had gone to K-Mart to buy some Tampons and the cops were doing a raid in the parking lot in the adjacent Sonic's to arrest street racers. She was bleeding visibly and her 12 year old sister pissed on herself and the cops cuffed both of them and let them wallow in their own bodily fluids until they were hauled in. I think city cops are a bit too smart and a bit too jaded to fall for a silly "period" story seeing as how they are trained to handle far more gory situations than a woman's stinky blood. And flirting, please. Cops have access to women who will actually, you know, put out, so why would they let a woman go for "flirting." I'd just leave my number on the ticket. That'd teach them.

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Guest Choken One

Fuck Those things...THEY are shit for brains anyways.


It doesn't take a idiot to detect the cops from 1/2 mile ahead...


It's usually easy as SHIT to detect them...having one of those only makes YOU look like a pussy.

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Actually, I find the idea of becoming a firefighter just so you can have a sticker on your car to be absolutely hilarious.

I've got one of those stickers, actually. Dad was a fireman for 26 years. Not that I need it, I'm a pretty cautious driver due to nearly getting killed by a friend racing her car with me in it, and flipping it over. This was back in '97, and dangling upside down held in place by your seatbelt is not a fun way to spend Sat. night.

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Guest HBK16
Speeding doesnt make you a bad driver.

No, but getting pulled over eleven times in two years does.


I've gotten exactly one ticket in my 13 years of driving, and that came when I was 19 years old. In the ten years since then, I've had nothing on my license, not even a parking ticket. I speed to the point of going about 7-10 mph over the limit, usually on highways, but that's it.


And if you're actually going to become a firefighter just so you can get away with speeding, then you're a bottom-feeding scumsucker whose priorities are ALL out of whack.

Yeas I agree I would be a bottom feeding scum sucker if I became a firefighter just to get out of tickets but I am not. If that was my plan I would just get a hold of one. I want to do it because I have friends and family in that field of work and I want to be a firefighter.

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Guest Choken One

You guys might get a kick out of this...


Guess who got pulled over today?




For Not making a Complete stop...but He gave me a warning though...Know why? I had a Little Kid in the back seat of my car (don't go there) and he didn't want to make me look bad or something...

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Guest HBK16

Im sure you will get someone who will say you should be driving careful with a kid in the back seat. Hey but atleast you got a warning. I also got a warning when I got pulled over for not making a complete stop at a red light to turn right.

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Guest Choken One

U know what I heard from some one?


That some dude cut his arm when he saw the police chasing him down so he could say "I got cut...I need a hospital NOW!"...


I doubt it's true but you think there's any legit chance some one would be stupid enough to pull this one off?

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