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One And Only TNA Thread For 8/13

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Guest Askewniverse
Crowd was HOT for Raven/Douglas.


Did anyone else laugh when they threatened to cut Raven's hair???




I thought it was funny.

I kinda got a kick out of that as well.

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I hear Malice is the Scary Hand man and is making his 14th 2 week appearence sometime soon. Malice would be cool if they kept him on the show. He has the look and his fued with Shamrock in the first few weeks interested me. Now if it was TEH WALL it would have been another story.

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Tonights show was HOT! I was there live and everyone was behind Raven, if you didn't notice. I sat next to the lady who got in Douglas's face. She said her heart was racing. I doubt she would have hit him though. Douglas was pissed off during the whole match. It wasn't an act. Nothing happened after the show except for Russo and AJ celebrating up the ramp. aLow Ki seemed to hit his head. He kept pushing the refs away but got up on his own. Great Show

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I thought it was a good show. Great main event. I don't mind that kind of finish, as bps said. As long as Russo isn't actually in the ring.



And slimm, how could you tell that wasn't an act by Douglas?

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This is their only way of progressing their storylines so you will be forced to buy a bad show every once in a while, maybe more than you like, but you have to take the good with the bad.

No, you don't.


That kind of thinking only works with free television, it just doesn't wash with people who have to pay to see your product.

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Shane and Kazarian had a ladder match...and the BEST MAN WON!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!! HAIL SABIN!!!

"I know they aren’t dumb enough to do the same dumb ladder match finish as they did with AJ and D-Lo...so someone has to win here."

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

Very solid show tonight, as the good stuff was given time and the crappy stuff was kept to a minimum.


~3 Live Krew is over, believe it or not. Hopefully they won't be back doing vignettes any time soon, but I don't really mind any of them in the ring (well, I would mind BG James, but his time was kept pretty minimal, so it wasn't too bad).


~Any time Gangrel is on TV anywhere I am a happy man.


~Did not really see the need to put Mr. JL over again, as Elix should have won via some sort of help from Don Callis. Hopefully Ellix won't be totally buried the rest of this feud, because that would kind of suck.


~What was the deal with the missed New School? I couldn't tell if that was intentional or a botched spot.


~The ladder match was a spotfest, but a fun spotfest nonetheless.


~Chris Sabin is really doing well as of late. He looked very intense and got the crowd pretty riled up.


~I am already sick of this Kid Kash versus the legends angle. They should be doing something better with the K-I-D.


~The Ultimate X match could be really good or it could suck, but I have a feeling it will be pretty good and imaginative. Hope Sabin retains though, as I don't think either challenger would be a good replacement.


~Mad Mikey is hilarium.


~Dusty Rhodes is hilarium (although I didn't like seeing him go over Gilberti single-handedly, though it won't hurt Gilberti's heat or anything).


~Raven is mad crazy over and it shows. Shane Douglas is overweight and on cocaine and it shows.


~AJ/Low-Ki rocked hard from the beginning and didn't stop. Thoroughly enjoyed that one, and I hope it leads to more matches in the future. I think this first one was at least ***3/4 though, maybe even **** or a bit more, and it is the best match TNA has had in a good while.


~That new TNA dancer is really, really hot. I hope they kick that other chick off the team and stick with this new chick and Lollipop.

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Like I said, yes, its PPV, but its also their only way of progressing its shows. If they booked AJ Styles and Low Ki every week with no story and just a match, it could get boring, especially to the fan who has never seen anything besides RAW and Smackdown and are accustommed to the "I cut a promo, you attack me" formula. It would be like boxing. Even ROH has storys and the promotion is centered around the sport and not the entertainment. Not that the storys are groundbreaking or anything. Like I said, maybe they are booking for something in advance and you are just used to the script on a Taco Bell receipt way they do it up north. Im sure there were some people scratching their heads when Vince won the Rumble in 99, or crying when Foley was screwed at Rock Bottom 98, but it all worked out for the better. Foley put on better matches vs Rock and won the belt and Austin went to WM after all. Maybe that will happen here, or something equal to it.

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If they booked AJ Styles and Low Ki every week with no story and just a match, it could get boring, especially to the fan who has never seen anything besides RAW and Smackdown and are accustommed to the "I cut a promo, you attack me" formula.


You can progress a story but you don't have to do it by doing screwjob finish after screwjob finish. You see no problem with screwing the fans out of a ladder match two weeks in a row? Oh and if Low Ki and Styles were sent out there and given 30- they'd become over.


Even ROH has storys and the promotion is centered around the sport and not the entertainment.


But TNA is not centred on the sport like ROH is. ROH does have storylines but for the most they don't deliver screwjobs and they give the fans what they pay for.


Like I said, maybe they are booking for something in advance and you are just used to the script on a Taco Bell receipt way they do it up north.


That's pretty sad that the Taco Bell bookers up north do a better job then the long term storylines. Say what you will about WWE- but they deliver on their big stipulation matches.


Im sure there were some people scratching their heads when Vince won the Rumble in 99


Now you're saying Vince winning the Rumble was a GOOD thing? How? How in the hell was a non-wrestler making a complete mockery of the Royal Rumble a good thing?


or crying when Foley was screwed at Rock Bottom 98, but it all worked out for the better.


The finish to Rock Bottom was complete and utter bullshit- it didn't work out for the better. They could've easily booked someone to go over and still build to a rematch.


Austin went to WM after all.


So Austin getting his Wrestlemania title shot COMPLETELY rendered the Royal Rumble pointless. How is that a good thing? How is screwing over the paying customer a good thing? Generally- you're not supposed to do it.

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I think the reason for all the screwjob endings in NWA is obvious.


And it ties in to the Rock Bottom Title Match finish, as well as the 1999 Royal Rumble match.


One name...




As long as he is booking, screwjob endings shall continue on and on.

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Benoit and Malenko were given 25 minutes or 30 minutes back in 1996 and didn't get over, they were booed although it wasn't their fault. And Styles and Low Ki are already over. I said nothing about anyone getting over.


And I suppose a bad match with a clean finish (TLC 4) is better than a good match with a bad finish? Ill take the latter anyday, at least it means you will see a rematch of some sorts later on and you know it isn't "cut short".


Vince winning the Rumble was good as it put him over, which put Austin and Rock over as well. With Vince winning, he was able to say "Im better than Austin" which got him heat, and put the fans more behind Austin and with Vince going on and on about Rock's help, put him over more as a heel that screwed the WWF poster boy Stone Cold.


If Austin had won the Rumble, there would have been no obstacles to over come as he would have already jumped the biggest hurdle. With Austin losing, it let Rock and Foley continue their feud without Austin jumping into it, and it setup the cage match with Austin and Vince; an obstacle Austin had to overcome. Wrestling is a story. In storys your main character has to be stopped somehow then comes back in an extraordinary way, which is what Austin did, although it wasn't something from a comic book, it got the point across.


Screwing over the paying customer has been going on for years. Microsoft has done it since Windows 3.1, it didn't start with wrestling. Maybe you go into a PPV looking for the person you want to win, to win. Dont do that. You go into a PPV to see what happens. If it was the other way, you would be screwed everytime you order. Im sure there were people who ordered the Rumble saying "I know Stone Cold is gonna win." or "I hope Austin wins." and went "Oh shit thats gay. How did he win?" when Vince tossed him over the top rope, but they never said "FUCK THEM" cause their favorite didn't win and they felt screwed.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax
You see no problem with screwing the fans out of a ladder match two weeks in a row?

This isn't entirely fair. The fans were not cheated out of two ladder matches, those matches were delivered...they just didn't have clear finishes. I know I'm being a stickler to the details, but the two aren't the same thing; it isn't as if we were bait-and-switched at the last moment. So you can say you hated the finish, but don't say we were cheated out of a ladder match, because we weren't.

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Benoit and Malenko were given 25 minutes or 30 minutes back in 1996 and didn't get over


I assume you're referring to Hog Wild 96 where they had to perform in front of a bunch of bikers who probably only knew of Hulk Hogan. I never got why WCW held a show there anyway.


And Styles and Low Ki are already over. I said nothing about anyone getting over.


But Styles has been a chickenshit champion. Having him kill Low Ki cleanly would cement him as a credible champion and it wouldn't kill Low Ki's heat either. I understand they couldn't give them 30 minutes- but I enjoyed the match a great deal. I just didn't like a few things about it.


And I suppose a bad match with a clean finish (TLC 4) is better than a good match with a bad finish? Ill take the latter anyday, at least it means you will see a rematch of some sorts later on and you know it isn't "cut short".


A good match will always beat a bad match. BUT a well booked bad match (Andre v. Hogan) is sometimes more fun to watch then a 10 minute good match that ends in a BS ending.


Vince winning the Rumble was good as it put him over


Vince was already over.


which put Austin and Rock over as well


Austin was already the most successful wrestler of all time by that point. I don't think getting eliminated by a non-wrestler helped his heat any. How did Rock get over? He came out, distracted Austin, and then got his ass kicked some more.


With Vince winning, he was able to say "Im better than Austin" which got him heat, and put the fans more behind Austin and with Vince going on and on about Rock's help, put him over more as a heel that screwed the WWF poster boy Stone Cold.


Vince already had tons of heat- He could've had someone else win it (with his help and Rock) and then the fans would hate 3 people instead of 2.


If Austin had won the Rumble, there would have been no obstacles to over come as he would have already jumped the biggest hurdle.


I'm not sure Austin should've won the Rumble although they could've had him win and then gotten his ass kicked or soemthing. It's obvious the fans were getting tired of the Royal Rumble meaningless- thank God they've finally taken the hint.


With Austin losing, it let Rock and Foley continue their feud without Austin jumping into it, and it setup the cage match with Austin and Vince; an obstacle Austin had to overcome.


I don't see how Austin facing a non-wrestler who is 50 years old all to himself is an "obstacle" to overcome. It sounds like a paid vacation to me.


Screwing over the paying customer has been going on for years.


It doesn't make it right and on many occasions- doesn't work.


Maybe you go into a PPV looking for the person you want to win, to win. Dont do that. You go into a PPV to see what happens. If it was the other way, you would be screwed everytime you order.


I go into a PPV expecting to be entertained- nothing more, nothing less. There are exceptions: I'm always rooting for Regal, Goldie and Booker and against HBK but I just want to be entertained. 2 consecutive ladder matches ending in bullshit finishes does NOT entertain me.


Im sure there were people who ordered the Rumble saying "I know Stone Cold is gonna win." or "I hope Austin wins." and went "Oh shit thats gay. How did he win?" when Vince tossed him over the top rope, but they never said "FUCK THEM" cause their favorite didn't win and they felt screwed.


The buyrate for SVDM was much lower then RR99.

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The Rumble having a higher buyrate could be because of the Rumble having more significance, and it was Valentine's Day so some people could have been out on dates. For anyone wondering, RR got a 1.88 and SVDM got a 1.21.


Austin losing the Rumble was good. He was already over, and it put Vince more over as a jackass and a cheat, Rock too because he caused Austin to lose. With Austin losing, that put up a road block that he had to somehow pass and he did a month later.


And unless they are putting Low Ki over as a contender to Styles, Styles beating the shit out of Low Ki for 15 minutes WOULD have killed his heat. Sure there would be the mandatory face comeback, but people dont remember that. They always remember someone getting their ass kicked. At least the Asylum fans would.

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For the shit we are getting TNA needs to lower their prices...Seriously....10 bucks a fuggin week?????What a freakin rip off. I ahve bought two shows, they were god ,but in my oppinion not worth 20 when your not guarenteed anything. Not a good match, nothing. On Smackdown your not guarenteed anything either but its FREE. NWa:TNA should atleast lower to $5 a week. If they are charging 10 a week per person to see a 21/2 hour show (Without comercials yes)then I doubt they will EVER get a TV deal. I love the possibilities TNA has because it has some EXCELLENT wrestlers....WWE doesnt have amny of those. I REALLY don't like the whole TNA money deal and I really dont think people who pay a penny(Which fuck, anyone will be able to do for a Best of Show)And the penny show will be worth it...BUT, as I was saying, I doubt anyone that orders that will start,or will even have enough income to,or to want to, order TNA every week or even every once in a while for 10 bucks. If TNA got a TV deal and they screwed us every week, with what they're delivering, fine, but for 10 bucks, what they are delivering PLUS screwjobs DOESNT WORK.10 is too much and they need to lower it...if they dont,fine, they can keep making,IMO, sucky ass matches....If you notice TNA is charging 10 a show, and for $520 a year.....how many REALLY good matches has TNA delievered since they started????Maybe 5 or 6. Now granted, that may be more than WWE, but also take into account, they are fucking charging us 10 bucks a week. WWE can deliver an excellent match every once in awhile, and usually its FREE. Unless your watching TNA with a friend, your not getting shit for free, and your friend is one generous son of a bitch.

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Really??That's pretty impressive if it was free, but again even with 25, I am sticking with my point that they have the potential to do great things, they have 25 great matches out of how many shows???61 or 62????(I dont know what number its at)Now, I have no problem admitting that TNA can deliver the goods,every once in a while. And for 10 bucks, they need to deliever it ALL the time.

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Theres more than 25 maybe, I just got tired of counting. Maybe 25-30 at the most. But even with that thats an average of one great match every other show. Better than the 5 minute matches on WWF tv and the occasional 10-15 minute match.

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Guest JacK

520 a year is only just more than what you pay for the WWE, and I know it's a tired old argument that's been done, but if you pay for TNA you get like 104 hours a year, and you can still watch all the free WWE TV (although I'll steer clear of that like the PLAGUE thank you very much).


And I think TNA is pretty good, if I had to pay for it I would, although I don't (I have said generous friend). And I *earn*, well; JacK-all.


But, yeah, I'll admit you have a point, I would be shit pissed off having to pay for some of the shows that they have done, and the screw-job finishes annoy the living hell out of me too, because SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME, SOMEONE has to go over cleanly in a feud; In my belief (unless you use the screwjob as a stepping stone for a bigger feud, that I don't mind). But screwjobs as a continuation of feuds are fine, as long as they don't overdo it, which I think they have, to an extent.

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The Rumble having a higher buyrate could be because of the Rumble having more significance, and it was Valentine's Day so some people could have been out on dates. For anyone wondering, RR got a 1.88 and SVDM got a 1.21.


That's a pretty big drop off considering the main event was the first ever Austin v. Vince match- and it was in a steel cage and the WWF was on a hot streak of a lifetime there.


Austin losing the Rumble was good


I'm not denying that.


He was already over, and it put Vince more over as a jackass and a cheat, Rock too because he caused Austin to lose. With Austin losing, that put up a road block that he had to somehow pass and he did a month later.


But why did Vince have to be more over? Why not have an actual WRESTLER win it with Vince's help so then you have an actual wrestler over instead of a 50 year old man who doesn't work house shows. I really don't think Rock's heat rose because of that- legally killing Mick Foley did much more.


And unless they are putting Low Ki over as a contender to Styles, Styles beating the shit out of Low Ki for 15 minutes WOULD have killed his heat.


I don't want a total squash but AJ should've won cleanly with the Styles Clash. Especially after D-Lo kicked out of the Styles Clash last week.


Sure there would be the mandatory face comeback, but people dont remember that. They always remember someone getting their ass kicked. At least the Asylum fans would.


If the commentators put over Low Ki big time and the match is an awesome **** match- no one will think Low Ki is a bitch

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What exactly were you guaranteed for 35 dollars at Bad Blood? or Backlash? Or Judgemnt Day? Or No Way Out?


Cause...those cost more than 3 weeks of TNA.

Well, that's why I don't order WWE PPVs. For one, if its a Raw PPV, your a dumb fuck. And if its a SD PPV it MAY be worth it, but theres only a slight chance. Theres a better chance that TNA for three weeks will out beat one WWE PPV. All I am saying is that, basically, right done to the point, other than a few matches, I have been very dissapointed with the TNA product lately.

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For those who have seen the show, what did you think of Sinn, who was the third member of the 3 Live Crew.


The only reason I ask, is because he's a local cult favourite up here in the Niagara Region with a small wrestling company called Neo Spirit Pro, it also had Derek Wylde there way back when, who never really got a good shot there as well.

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