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Guest wwF1587

The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

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So HHH is too injured to wrestle at all but still wins the supposedly physically most demanding match in WWE today...sounds good.



They can salvage this by having Kane completely destroy the injured champion at Unforgiven, but what are the chances? And what will they do with Goldberg now?

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The whackest thing in the match was how Goldberg went through Orton/HBK/Jericho like Jason hacking up some teenagers. I mean he easily diposed of them while HHH watched. He should of known that HHH would of been prepared for the spear after seeing it happen to 3 other opponents.

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Vince missed the boat with FGB. I mean yeah, he kinda sucks, but the crowd were really into him tonight. And for the past few weeks. Vince had a ligitimate shot at making him the Champ, making him unstoppable. He blew it. He fucking blew it.

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I fucking hate Triple H.


How stupid is Vince?


A fucking stupid finish to an otherwise good PPV.

Well he is two months away from being the son-in-law. I mean you got to keep him strong for the wedding...I know if I had a daughter I wouldn't want her marrying a loser. :D

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So...after all this, HHH apparently doesn't do a single fucking thing and goes over just about the entire RAW upper card (assuming there is such a thing at this point). Well, let's just break out the shovels and bury both RAW and everyone on RAW's careers and make sure the last one out the door turns out the lights.


The HHH Masturbatory Show continues tomorrow night on Spike TV, tell your friends! The entire roster will come out and kiss his ass in the middle of the ring, then a local choir will come out and sing praises to HHH, the God of Wrestling!

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The sledgehammer shot was literally the only move HHH did the entire match.

And Triple H wants to be a face after this?



HHH:"Well, I've destroyed-uhhhh all the faces-uhhhh, now it's time to destroy some heels-uhhhh!"

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Yeah, what was the deal with those friggin tights? Is he trying to be HBK now?

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You know, after this I have lost the last remaining bit of sympathy I had for this company. I know we have all heard this many times before but they seriously are flushing every chance they get to make money down the fucking toilet. I had hope that they would give the fans what they wanted, and no matter how much some might hate him, was Goldberg as champ.

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Yeah, what was the deal with those friggin tights? Is he trying to be HBK now?

If they were the purple tights, that color used to be associated to what royalty wore.


Take that for what it is.


If HHH was wearing the pink tights, then we all know the truth about The Game.

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Goldberg was on a run, heading towards glory. You can't just expect him to be regarded as a threat after Triple H pinned him clean.

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Guest Choken One

I should note I was in a bar with 250 people...198 chanted goldberg the whole night and chanted BULLSHIT over the finish but I got a sick pleasure out of it...

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Guest godofdeadlydeath

We need a Raw rematch with a Goldberg win in which Flair and Orton and the sledgehammer interfere, and Goldberg still wins in order to salvage ANY of the heat he lost in this match.


We all know how likely that is, though.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Technically HHH didnt go over anyone except Goldberg. Goldberg KILLED Orton, HBK, AND JERICHO...with Nashs help of course.



And why are all the Goldberg haters having sympathy for HHH pinning him clean? Another reason I love two-faced people.

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Guest God Junior
Yeah, what was the deal with those friggin tights? Is he trying to be HBK now?

Someone else suggested to me that he could have been wearing padding inside them to protect his legs. Dunno why he'd need it though, seeing as he did practically nothing.

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Yeah, what was the deal with those friggin tights? Is he trying to be HBK now?

Those "tights" were compression shorts...many athletes wear them, they are supposed to help prevent muscle pulls in the legs and groin.

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So let me get this straight- Trips is in his cage for the entire match, has two offensive moves, and STILL wins?


What a fucking joke. I can't wait to hear SKieth rip this one apart.

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Guest Choken One

for a moment there...I felt like it was a shoot on Goldberg at the end...

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We now know who spends more time on their back in that relationship. Triple H would be too afraid that Earl would come into the bedroom and count the pin.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Woo! For Kane.


I still find it funny people expected him to LOSE! Come on, jobbing him in his first REAL match (not counting the Bischoff thing) would kill any future plans for main events for the next 5-6 months.

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Guest Choken One

Aside from the bullshit finish...Who DIDN'T dig Flair's overdramtic selling of holding the door...

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
Aside from the bullshit finish...Who DIDN'T dig Flair's overdramtic selling of holding the door...

That ruled, i was marking out like a mo'fo. Of course I knew Goldie would punch the unbreakable glass so he'd get to Hunter.

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My thoughts on Summerslam...


Going into this show, I actually expected the Summerslam streak to continue. While the matches like Angle-Brock and the US Title 4-Way were great, IMO, the rest was just disappointing.


Dudleys vs. La Resistance... The show opens with the National Anthem celebrating Phoenix's marines... so La Resistance retain? Odd booking, IMO.


Shane vs. Bischoff was, I'll admit, somewhat entertaining in the end. A Coach heel turn, though? Is that really necessary? Well, I guess Heat now has a new heel commentator, unless Bischoff promotes him to Raw or something.


The 4-Way was really good, but I was behind Benoit. I love Eddie, but I really wanted to see Benoit walk out with the gold.


The EC was most disappointing. For the record, I predicted the exact order of entry. Nash eliminated early... that was fine, because did we really need Nash for 20 more min. or so? It's pretty laughable that he lasted less than 3 min. though.


- My first gripe: We didn't even get to see a situation where HHH & Orton have to fight. Hyped each week as Orton having to lay down, and even on the PPV, we were given the idea that Orton would go against orders and try and win the title. I'm not saying that he didn't try and win, because he did by going after everyone, EXCEPT HHH.


- What a performance by HHH! I understand that he didn't want to be mauled by Goldberg like everyone else, but was it necessary to keep him out that long? If his groin injury is that bad, sit out of the entire show, period.


- Most of all... HHH wins. I thought Jericho had this one in the bag. His win, other than maybe Goldberg's, was the one that makes most sense. Everyone else has their reasons for not winning, whether it be based on experience (Orton), injuries (HHH), horrible workrate and drawing power (Nash), or schedule (HBK... partly Goldberg). Goldberg eliminating everyone but Nash and HHH... rediculous. I like how they're building him as a monster, and breaking through HHH's glass was a cool spot, but I flipped out when Jericho went. The match itself wasn't great, and the first EC was definitely better.


Overall, the show had its ups and downs. I give it a 5/10. How long has it been since there was a PPV with no title changes?

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I liked that Pay Per View on the whole, except for about 2 minutes, after Goldberg punched Triple H's door in.


Same for WrestleMania, I loved that PPV, except for the 3 seconds that Bookers shoulders were down.

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Guest God Junior
A Coach heel turn, though? Is that really necessary?

No Evil Coach love? I thought that was absolutely AWESOME.

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