Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2004 You ruled the 2nd one, because I wasn't in it. ...damn, I totally forgot that. Hm... Just curious, if we are doing this, do we want to start off each fed in totally different locations? Or should we like have all four people in the same area battling each other out? I'd prefer different locales myself, as that way we don't over saturate places with wrestling. Also, does anyone find it interesting the more we find out, the more into it people seem to be getting (at least via .400 boards, I have no idea on here). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HollywoodSpikeJenkins 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2004 It's because you'll run from me. I'll open up in Canada, or North East America, and you'll start in Mexico. I see what you are doing Flik. I SEE IT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubq 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2004 Man, this cannot come out soon enough! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2004 Right. Flik, you seem to be in the know - any sort of exact date we looking at? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2004 It's because you'll run from me. I'll open up in Canada, or North East America, and you'll start in Mexico. I see what you are doing Flik. I SEE IT! Dude, I'm opening up in Western Canada. Just because it is my home area and I know exactly the type of stuff this place would love to see. Plus it would be a challenge to do well here. Right. Flik, you seem to be in the know - any sort of exact date we looking at? I just post stuff from .400 boards instead of making people go there to find out. So I'm not "in the know". BUT: I can make an educated guess. Since the game has a release date slated as First Quarter 2004, and since we are like already by a single month, I'm guessing around mid-March to late-April. I'm more leaning towards a release date around Wrestlemania XX, just like how he released EWR 4.0 on the same day as Wrestlemania XIX. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 17, 2004 Meh. More TEW info. You know here it's from. You know who's telling you this (Adam). You know that I, the one and only bring you this info. The following is a list of information on when information on TEW is scheduled to be released. It will be updated as and when new information becomes available. The Release Date The release date has not currently been set. All that has been announced is that it will be sometime in the first quarter of 2004. Screen Shots None have currently been released, as none of the game screens are 100% done. We are aiming to a handful released by the last week of February if possible. Previews and Reviews No previews or reviews are scheduled until at least March. Interviews My interview with Jeremy Botter for 411Wrestling is currently suspended due to circumstances beyond our control. A replacement interview is scheduled to take place on the 14th, to be published the next week on this site. The Interview (Note: Adam never gives proper interviews, they are always weird) Matthew Hocking, While the popularity of wrestling has ebbed and flowed over the years, there has always been a feeling amongst fans that if given the chance, they could create the perfect promotion. In 1995, Adam Ryland gave fans the tools to prove that they could with the first game of the Extreme Warfare series. Through countless tweaks and revisions, the game quickly developed more realism and greater challenges to match its growing popularity. Since the release of Extreme Warfare Revenge 4, Mr. Ryland has hooked himself up with an actual paying job with .400 Software Studios, and the result of that job is Total Extreme Warfare, the completely re-written, professionally polished pinnacle of the Extreme Warfare Series. I had a chance to sit down with Mr. Ryland and get him to dish up a little dirt on the new game. (MH - Matt Hocking, AR - Adam Ryland) MH: Who are you and what exactly is it that you do? AR: I'm Adam Ryland, computer game developer, and I am working on Total Extreme Warfare, the first commercial version of the Extreme Warfare series. MH: The Extreme Warfare Series has been a huge hit amongst wrestling fans, does that make you feel all warm and tingly inside? AR: Yes, it does make me warm and tingly inside. Much like drinking bleach. Except without the painful death afterwards. MH: You've taken a big leap from the free Extreme Warfare Revenge to now having an actual commercial game in Total Extreme Warfare. What about this game will make EWR players want to pay for the upgrade? AR: Well I don't think "upgrade" is the right word, as that has been a common misconception - TEW is not simply "EWR with some additions", it's an entirely new game, designed and written from scratch. They're only related in that they're both written by me and both simulate the wrestling world. As for why people would want to buy TEW, that i can answer without hesitation - if you enjoyed EWR, then you're going to love TEW. Not only do all the best features from EWR appear (and are much improved upon), but there are massive new features that take the game to the next level. To use a well known wrestling phrase, comparing TEW to EWR is like "comparing ice cream to horse manure." MH: One troublesome aspect of this game is the lack of licensing with any major promotions, is there anything you can do to appease the players that want to play as their favorite federation? AR: There is a full editor that comes with the game, which allows the user to customize the game as much as they want. The game will come with fictional characters. MH: One new feature of TEW is a multiplayer mode, how exactly is that going to work? AR: It's for between 1 and 4 players, and works in a turn-based environment. Because all offers\decisions in TEW are time-based (i.e. if you offer for a worker, he will wait a few days before deciding, so that he can look at all his offers) there is no advantage to going first. Multiplayer is designed to be played "hot seat" style - i.e. everyone using the same PC - but it can also be done across the Internet as long as the player is happy to spend a few seconds zipping up his save slot and sending it to the next player. MH: Booking cards is the heart of the game. How is booking cards going to be different this time around? AR: The main difference is that booking is now time-based, so the player is no longer limited to a set amount of segments per show. The other change is that it has been made much more user-friendly, so not only do you no longer have to go through numerous steps to book a match, but you can also re-arrange segments, modify them, etc, at will. All in all, it's just a much easier way to do stuff, and is less like a chore. MH: Let's say, hypothetically, that I were to take a big muscle-bound guy, make him undefeatable, and then let him hang onto my world title for the better part of two years. That'd work...Right? AR: Depends. What's his hair care regime like? You won't get far with greasy hair and split ends.... MH: I'll have to consult his wife. I understand that location will be a factor in this game. That's great because I always wanted to know where exactly my backyard main event between Hardkore "Joey" Fingers and Kevin "Big Daddy" Liebowitz was taking place. I always kind of figured that was in France. Anyway, what effect will location have on the gameplay? AR: It's a huge factor, maybe the biggest new feature in the game. Essentially you have over 100 locations, spread over 5 game areas. Each worker and promotion has a separate overness factor for every location, and this means it is essential to include geography in your strategy. For example, say you were running a promotion that is wildly popular in New York, but unknown everywhere else. Running several back-to-back shows in Glasgow, Scotland probably isn't your best move, for obvious reasons. It also means that you have to be careful who you buy. A worker may be very over on the West Coast, but that doesn't mean anything for your East Coast promotion, as your fans won't have heard of him. But if you're rapidly expanding across the US and are looking to run shows in Los Angeles, then hiring him might give you a boost when it comes to drawing fans. Being able to adapt to your location, and plan accordingly, is one of the key parts of TEW. MH: With Regional worker and promotional overness, it sounds like you could create a reasonable facsimile of the old regional promotions. It's too bad though, because I was honestly planning on letting my global promotion run all of its shows out of Sheboygan, WI. Which kind of makes me curious, how are the different promotion types and sizes going to work in the game? AR: Promotion sizes no longer exist in the same way they did in EWR; there are no "global" or "small" federations. Instead, your size is your overness in each city. So if you're 80% in New York, you have a strong hold of the market there. If you have 5% in California, you're barely known. Your overness determines how many fans you can draw to that area, so it has a huge impact on how profitable you can be. As for promotion types, there are ten in the game, ranging from "Sports Entertainment" to "Hybrid" to "Pure". Your promotion type is how you are portraying yourself, and so determines what fans will come to your show - this is absolutely key to TEW, as unlike EWR where your only goal was really to put on a good match, in TEW you're goal is to entertain the fans. That's a fundamental difference, as it changes the way you must book. Let me give you an example - suppose there is a situation where one player is running a "Sports Entertainment" promotion, and another is running a "Pure" promotion. Now if both players ran a show that had lots of angles and videos, and maybe a handful of poor five minute matches, the differences would be huge! Player 1 would probably get a very high overall rating for the show, as he is giving the "Sports Entertainment" fans exactly what they want - the fact that the matches were short and not very good doesn't really matter that much, as the fans didn't come to see quality wrestling, they came to be entertained. On the other hand, Player 2 would probably get a disastrous overall rating, as he is giving his fans the exact opposite of what they came to see, which is pure quality wrestling. This also has a knock-on effect on which wrestlers are good purchases (a 500lb charismatic giant, even with weak skills, is an excellent signing for a Sports Entertainment company, but not so great for a Pure promotion), and also how many fans you can draw (as some locations have more Pure fans than other for example). MH: If location plays a key role for promotions looking to expand, what kind of role does it play for larger promotions? Will Global promotions just have an easy ride? AR: No, in fact the larger a promotion gets, the more difficult it becomes. When you're only operating in a few cities, your role is pretty straightforward, as you know your fans pretty well, and they know your roster. Once you start expanding, you have more different types of fans to satisfy, more cities to visit, you need a larger roster to meet demand, etc. Of course, there is also the benefit that the larger you are, the better talent you can get and the more money you can make. MH: Who is "Sophie" and why does she work for every company I own? Is she with the CIA or something? Because I swear, those weren't even my goggles. AR: I'm not at liberty to say. But I do know she's tapped your phone, so I know all about your addiction to QVC... MH: Hmm.When I create myself, I always want to give myself the gimmick of "Guy who Eats Waffles", but I noticed that's not on the list. You're going to fix that this time around, right? AR: There's a gimmick editor with the game, so "Waffle Eating Guy With An Addiction To QVC" is creatable. MH: So, I'm the head guy of my promotion. You know and I know that the cool thing for the booker to do is to show up on his own shows to put himself over. I'm your average megalomaniac, tell me I can book myself to run out during a show. AR: Yes, you certainly can. When a player starts a game, he picks an avatar - a character who represents him in the game world. That avatar is automatically on the roster of whatever promotion you're running, and you can use him just like any other worker, with the exception that he never gets unhappy or requires new contracts, as he is you! MH: One thing that drew a lot of attention in EWR was the fact that the game did not recognize the Brand Split, in that upper-card workers lost morale if they did not appear on a certain amount of shows every week, which often times undermined the split. Have you made any adjustments to account for this? AR: The brand split is fully implemented, workers will not lose any morale while the "other" brand is running shows. MH: Any super-duper-secret thing about TEW you want to reveal to me? I promise I won't tell! AR: Ah, you'll just have to buy the game to find out what secrets i have hidden ;-) Short Answer Questions~! MH: If TEW were a fruit, what fruit would it be and why? AR: An apple. Nice and shiny on the outside, full of wholesome goodness on the inside. You can't crush it to make juice though, so the analogy doesn't stretch too far... MH: My special reviewer edition copy of TEW is already in the mail, right? I mean you DID get the assorted cheeses I sent you as a bribe, right? AR: That was you? Oh. There was no note to say who sent it. I should probably recall the copy I sent to the Dairy Council then.... MH: Five words, why should the lovely readership buy your game. AR: To quote a range of hair products, "Because you're worth it." MH: Thank you for your time. I hope the bright lamp didn't bother your eyes. Guards, take him back to his cell. Total Extreme Warfare is scheduled for a Q1 2004 release and is priced at $34.95. You can find out more information at Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 Apparently, the above interview was a different one that was done up. The 411 Mania Interview (PART ONE) THE INTERVIEW: PART ONE Jeremy: Adam, you've created what is arguably the best wrestling simulator available today. What's the story behind your jump to the pay download market and what makes TEW different from EWR? Adam Ryland: Essentially, it's a case of seizing an opportunity. .400 Software Studios got in touch with me last year, and gave me the chance to create a professional version of the long-running EW series. I'd always wanted to attempt a pro game, but had no idea how to get started. .400 gave me that opportunity, so I decided that a change in career was in order, and joined them. The difference between TEW and EWR is down to the time and effort going into it, together with the new resources available to me. EWR was always a hobby game, something I did in my spare time as a diversion from work. It'd probably take me 4-5 months from start to finish to do the game, working a few hours each weekend. With TEW, this is my career, so the game is begin developed 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, and has been designed properly - which is a big change, as with EWR, I was pretty much adding things as they came to me, with nothing more than a general plan of what the final product would be. On top of that, by joining with .400, I also have access to a proper design team to make the game look fantastic. Jeremy: In EWR, you had basic control over a wrestling promotion, with some statistics available to you and some fun options like the ability to meet with your management staff and things of that nature. With TEW, you've promised a huge leap in terms of what you can do with stats, etc. Give us a general idea of what the TEW world is like. Adam Ryland: The overall depth of statistics is far greater in TEW, on all fronts. The game world itself has been expanded: in EWR you were limited to North America, and there was no sense of geography at all; In TEW, the game world not only grown to cover North America, Mexico, UK, Japan and Australia, but each area is split into individual cities, meaning that territorial wars are a big part of the game. The actual workers themselves have become far more textured - new statistics like psychology, microphone skills, and stamina have appeared. This is linked to the biggest shift of all, which is one to the concept behind putting on good shows - in EWR, it was simply a case of putting on the best matches possible. In TEW, it's become far more realistic, in that your aim is to please the audience. If you are running a Pure-wrestling based promotion then relying solely on great matches is fine. But if you're running a Sports Entertainment promotion, then that's not what the fans want - while great matches will get a good reaction, they also want to see exciting angles, interviews, and great characters. If you just give them nothing but pure wrestling all night, you're going to start losing your fans. This shift makes strategy a far larger part of the game, and means that rather than blindly going for the workers with the highest statistics, you must look deeper, and find workers who actually fit in with your style, and who your audience will react to. Jeremy: It sure seems like the stat freaks are going to have a field day with that. With all the additional stats, have you included some type of organizational functions or searching abilities to help the gamer wade through all the numbers? Adam Ryland: Yeah, a lot of attention has been paid to the searching functionality of TEW. All the roster come with "filters" that allow you to specify exactly who you are looking for, even down to the level of "I'd like to see all workers who are Mexican, heavyweight, who are good at play-by-play and are very over in Los Angeles". Jeremy: So basically, everything is FAR more detailed -- and you have to pay attention to everything, or else you will find yourself losing your promotion. Now, in EWR, you were a booker, but you had rights that most owners have. In TEW, do you assume the same role, or is there other positions you can hold? Adam Ryland: You have three situations as a player: "Head Booker", "Owner and Head Booker", or "Unemployed". Head Booker means you basically have total control over the promotion, with the exception that your owner can overrule you if he chooses to, and you can of course be fired. If you own the promotion, then you are the be-all-and-end-all, and can do what you want. Unlike EWR, you can play as "Unemployed" if you wish, which just means that you can sit back and watch the game world unfold without having to take control of a promotion. Of course, your situation can change over the course of the game, as you can get new jobs, or be fired. Jeremy: You've mentioned before that communication plays a large part in this game. What do you mean by that? In EWR, you were able to have meetings with your booking team, finance guys, etc -- are you still able to do something like that, or has it expanded even greater? Can you even go so far as to talk to your workers and see how they are doing, or take suggestions from them? Adam Ryland: With TEW, you can talk to any member of your roster whenever you want, and you get a list of questions that you can ask (the questions change based on the workers specific situation). You click the question you want to ask, and he'll reply. On top of that, there's also a new meeting section, where you can talk to your booking team or road agents, and they'll give you feedback on how your company is being run. It's very much designed to be like a real company, where many people have input into the final product, but where the final decision always lies with the booker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted February 19, 2004 I like the fact of having Sport Entertainment/Hardcore wrestling feds actually makes a difference. Nice feature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 Same here. I can't wait. This will be so entertaining. I'll have UCW and IWA both together and pit them against each other and such~! THIS WILL BE GREAT~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brush with Greatness 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 I wonder how many brand splits could you have. Essentially, I would find it cool to have like 4 seperate brands and run them all regionally (like old school NWA). You could have Northeast (and ON/PQ), MidWest (and MB/SK), South, and West (and AB/BC). Then you could have like a National champion who could tour around to all the territorys and such. It would be fun to see how you could do going up against a National/Global type promotion if you are all regional. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 I wonder how many brand splits could you have. Essentially, I would find it cool to have like 4 seperate brands and run them all regionally (like old school NWA). You could have Northeast (and ON/PQ), MidWest (and MB/SK), South, and West (and AB/BC). Then you could have like a National champion who could tour around to all the territorys and such. It would be fun to see how you could do going up against a National/Global type promotion if you are all regional. Yes, it shall be interesting to see how the Brand Extension works. And personally, I can't wait for this game to come out. As I'll definitely be having it as soon as possible. Of course, the release date will be near this coming Wrestlemania (come on people, it has to be), so hehe! SOON IT SHALL BE MINE~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 AR: There's a gimmick editor with the game, so "Waffle Eating Guy With An Addiction To QVC" is creatable. SWEET. Gimmick editor = TEH AWESOME. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brush with Greatness 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 Technically, the first quarter of 2004 is either January, February or March, so yes, it should be out pretty damn soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2004 Technically, the first quarter of 2004 is either January, February or March, so yes, it should be out pretty damn soon. Last time he gave out an interview in February, the game came out on WrestleMania XIX. ...guess what? History will repeat itself folks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 29, 2004 I've been in a recent string of bad things happen to me. Firstly, I end up quiting my job due to misconduct that I'm pissed about. You've heard it before, but I'm still pissed off with those assholes. Secondly, Patience, my beloved cat of 20 years passed away on the 27th. Needless to say, I haven't slept since I woke up at 5am on the 27th, that's how I'm taking my grieving. Thirdly, just freaking today, my online rpg that I was going to play after I got home off of work has a stupid problem that I have no association with the solutions, thus my answers lie elsewhere and I CAN'T KILL A GUROG BECAUSE OF IT~! Finally, this stupid freaking board would load because of some retardedness that probably isn't really related to TSM at all, but probably some stupid router/server/something that allows me to contect to TSM. But there has FINALLY been a freaking light at the end of my tunnel. TEW's VERY FIRST SCREEN SHOT~! Each week Adam (or whoever from the TEW Gang) shall slap up a spiffy new screen shot or two in the upcoming weeks till its releasal! That's right folks! THAT GAME IS MOST LIKELY BEING RELEASED NEXT MONTH~! Small thing to go right, but I'll take it at this point. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go steal a bottle of my favorite beverage, Pepsi, and crack it open in celebration of something GOOD happening! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Last Free Voice Report post Posted February 29, 2004 I don't swear much, but HOLY FUCK. looks awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papacita 0 Report post Posted February 29, 2004 I don't swear much, but HOLY FUCK. looks awesome Potty mouth! The game looks SUPER~!, btw! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted February 29, 2004 I don't swear much, but HOLY FUCK. looks awesome Potty mouth! The game looks SUPER~!, btw! Yes, that it does. Some things I found out via ADAM F'N RYLAND (as he answered a few questions about the screenshot, which was nice, since he didn't have to), firstly Helen C is Player #1. That's her avatar, hence why she's all the way on the right side. So your avatar will be on the right side of the game where her pic is. Secondly, the skills will go from red to yellow. So the more yellow a bar in skills, the better that wrestler is. Thirdly, world overness will be shown to you via that screen... Not sure what it'll be in your local region though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted March 2, 2004 Its looking damn good. The experience bars are a simple but great addition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted March 6, 2004 Part Two Of The Interview From 411 (but taken off of the TEW boards) Jeremy: In Part One of our interview, you gave us a little background on the new in-ring statistical depth of the game. Several readers emailed in asking you to expand on some of the "off-screen" statistics and how they can influence different parts of of the game. Adam: There's several "out of the ring" statistics, and they have very different effects. The first set include things like Attitude, Behaviour and Morality. These effect how the worker acts, such as whether he'll get into fights, whether he'll kick up a fuss if you want him to put over a rookie, etc. Then there's the Respect stat. This increases as the worker becomes more successful. Basically, the higher the respect a worker has, the more influence he has over others in the locker room - in other words he can become a "locker room leader". Then you have things like Booking Talent, Booking Style, Business Style, and Business Preference. These effect what sort of a promotion the worker will run if he becomes an owner, and how he treats his employees. For example, a worker whose Booking Style is "Hoss Based" will generally push the big guys on his roster as much as possible, and probably not treat the lightweight worker quite so well. Similarly, a guy whose Business Style is "Aggressive" will be much more likely to start firing people when performance dips, and will also be more likely to try and steal workers from other promotions. Jeremy: You've stated that booking is all part of your "Morning" routine, but on the days when you have events scheduled you have an "evening" routine as well. Run us through booking a typical show -- what kind of promotion can you do, how can you choose where you want the show to be held, and can you give more importance to certain shows? Adam: The first step to running a show is to schedule it, and that is doneduring the AM part of the day. You would schedule the name, how long the show is going to run for, and you would also set the hype campaign, which is how you differentiate between your normal shows and your "super" shows. Once you're actually on the night of the show, you select what city you want to hold it in. You get a recommendation on where to hold it, which is your default location, but if you want you can pick to go somewhere else, for example if you wanted to try and break into a particular new market. It's important to match the location with your type of promotion. For example, if you're presenting a cutting edge fusion of lots of different styles, then you would probably avoid the Mid-South region, where almost all the fans are old school. Once you've set the location, then you move on to booking the show, and of course running it. Jeremy: What's the "World Status" option? Adam: The world status consists of the level of the wrestling industry, and the level of the national economy. The former effects how many casual fans are going to turn up to see your show, and therefore effects how much money you're going to be making from ticket sales. With the latter, it effects how much disposable income people have. The more they have available, the more likely they are to buy tickets, merchandise, etc. The ideal scenario is of course to have both the economy and the industry at a very high level, as then you can attract huge crowds and make lots of money. On the flip side, if both the economy and the wrestling industry are in the toilet, you are in for a rough time! Jeremy: You mentioned in the last interview that you can interact with your booking team. Let's say that two people with totally different styles are on the team. Would their out of ring preferences dictate the kinds of answers they give you in meetings? And do personal feelings and relationships have any pull on what happens in those meetings? Adam: Absolutely. One of the questions you can ask is "I think we need a major signing to shake up the main event, who do you think I should sign?". Now if "Mr. A" is on your booking team and he's a fan of Sports Entertainment, his recommendation will lean more towards the charismatic free agents who may not have the best ring skills, but know how to work a crowd. On the other hand, if "Mr. B" is on the team, and his best friend happens to currently be a free agent, he may well try to get him hired by recommending him. Just as in reality, politics are a big part of the game. Tune in for Part Three of the interview, where we'll talk about the Match History function, the contract system, and more! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Hello, I'm pleased to announce that Total Extreme Warfare 2004 has now entered the "gold" phase of development. This means that coding has now finished, and testing is complete. An official release date for the game will be announced in a few days time. Adam NO FUCKING WAY~!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 About fucking time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 About fucking time! Well yes, it is. Sadly though, I need to wait to get a job and my first paycheck before I'll even get the chance of trying this out... I'm so sad about that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Use Your Illusion 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Pfft. Give it two days and it'll be up on Kazaa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubq 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 About fucking time! Indeed, especially since the first quarter of 2004 ends in about 5 days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubq 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Pfft. Give it two days and it'll be up on Kazaa. That might be a bit of a problem due to this licensing thing they have going. The part that really sucks about it is that you can only have the game licensed on one computer at a time, which means that even though I'm paying for it - I can only use it on my home or work computer, but not both. El retardo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Pfft. Give it two days and it'll be up on Kazaa. That might be a bit of a problem due to this licensing thing they have going. The part that really sucks about it is that you can only have the game licensed on one computer at a time, which means that even though I'm paying for it - I can only use it on my home or work computer, but not both. El retardo. Someone will find a way to get around that. ...Hell, i'll do it myself when i find it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Pfft. Give it two days and it'll be up on Kazaa. That might be a bit of a problem due to this licensing thing they have going. The part that really sucks about it is that you can only have the game licensed on one computer at a time, which means that even though I'm paying for it - I can only use it on my home or work computer, but not both. El retardo. Oh come now. I've lost track of the times I've reused software on multiple computers without a direct license to do so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubq 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Pfft. Give it two days and it'll be up on Kazaa. That might be a bit of a problem due to this licensing thing they have going. The part that really sucks about it is that you can only have the game licensed on one computer at a time, which means that even though I'm paying for it - I can only use it on my home or work computer, but not both. El retardo. Oh come now. I've lost track of the times I've reused software on multiple computers without a direct license to do so. Apparently TEW needs you to connect to their eLicense server in order to use the game. I've read a bit more at the TEW .400 Forums, though. You can, apparently, install it on more than one computer, but in order to play it, you'll need to "unlicense" from the server on one computer, and then "relicense" on the other computer, lather, rinse and repeat. No extra cash and apparently it only takes 5 seconds to do this process, so no biggie I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2004 Yeah, uh, about that..... They're going to offer the game packaged on a CD that can be sent through snail mail, correct? That's probably how I'm going to go, because as I have a 56k modem, I have extremely low confidence that I would be able to a) download TEW in a reasonable amount of time or b) be sure that the download wouldn't be interrupted or fail entirely. Edit: Anyone know the specs on this thing? Computer requirements is what I mean. I've got a laptop that's only about a year old, will this work on it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites