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Hank Kingsley

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Spike, I see you're back to sucking. Congratulations! Go Dragon, win that World Title and get bumped!

I concur.


Congrads to everyone besides those involved in the Main Event. To those in the Main Event, well, I'm very disappointed.

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Guest ToddRoyal

No showing Main Events is the pinnacle of suck, but a really strong showing from those who did write. It was a fun show, overall, I felt.


Hope I did Trepanier well with his farewell match. I wish I had actually got to face him, but at least I could give him a sendoff by destroying my face.


Goodluck to Dragon in the title match, hope to see you bumped soon, even if it means Royal/Dragon III will have to wait until the main stage, whenever I get there. You definitely deserve the shot.

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Spike, I'm questionable as to what to say to you.


On the one hand, winning the SJL World Title is the pinnacle of one's JL career, and deserves to be congratulated.


On the other hand, you put in no effort and got lucky.


I think they cancel each other out. You have a chance to redeem yourself in your first defense. Do so and shut me up.

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Oh, God.



It wasn't even my idea to write a haiku. It was Mike and Zed's. I only did it because Z told me Thor and Tyrst showed.




I PMed Thoth friday, told him I had to no show because my family moved our weekend getaway up a day, and I didn't get back till late last night. I came on this morning, found the boards down, went into chat to find out, and was told to write something, and Mike gave me the haiku.




Oh God, I don't even want the title now. I don't deserve it.

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Like I said, redeem yourself with a strong defense. In my mind, at least, that makes up for it and you're on solid ground.


Not that my opinion counts.

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Guest damnimstupid

If anyone would be kind enough to analyze my match in the losers thread, it would be greatly appreciated.


Props to Maddix tho, his match was more exciting and had angles plotted in. i haven't gotten to the rest of the show yet, but it seems there is some controversy.

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Guest vitriol

Don't worry about it, Spike. Just keep it in your defense. That said, this is the end of me. I'd apologize to the JL for wasting their time, but I'm pretty sure they either already know, or don't care. So, yeah.

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So it's come to this, eh? Four sentences and your the World Champion. I don't know, but I don't think that's any better than no showing the way I see it. You could have at least made a 1000 word squash, but then the two others could have done the same as well.


Anyway, As for the English Dragon match... that was pretty swank!

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Guest vitriol

I actually had something along those lines, Johnny. I didn't send it in because I didn't really feel it was right. Go figure.

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I'm a little surprised the title change was allowed like that. I wouldn't have been so forgiving, but it wasn't my show. Anyway, what they all said is true -- Spike and the shot at redemption and yadda yadda yadda. I'm actually looking forward to a Spike/Dragon matchup.


The rest of the show was decent. Todd Royal shows up in three straight segments and makes one hell of an impact upon his return. English Dragon also shined in his well-hyped match against Apostle.


Congratulations to those that won, and good effort to those that wrote and didn't win.


As an aside, I've been real busy and haven't had a chance to do the new rankings and title histories since the month began. So, I'm telling you now that I'll be working on them and will have them up tomorrow at the latest.

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I want to see more of Royal and Landon. That was a well executed return that flowed within the context of the show. I enjoyed it very much.


English Dragon continues to impress, but I must admit that I was shocked you kept the European title. It would have made much more sense for Apostle to hold that belt, while you take your attempt at the World title.


Maybe CC should starting telling people when to job, like Crusen used to. ;)

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