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Guest wrestlingbs

RVD, out by WMXX?

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Guest wrestlingbs

The WWE is losing faith in RVD. He's been jobbed out numerous times, been denied a main event push more than once, and made an enemy or two by both his comments and his different in-ring style. With Rob being kicked out of the Kane feud to make way for Shane Mcmahon, something tells me he may be on the way out. Who else thinks this?

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Unless WWE wants to lose more ratings from RAW and wants to lose money from their marketing department, they'd be stupid to fire him. I wouldn't be surprised though if they didn't offer Roba new contract once his current one expires.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

nah I imagine he will be taking some time off for a while and will come backstuck where he is for a little while yet.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I doubt it. They have no plans for him but they don't want to throw a higher card guy into the open arms of the NWA.

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RVD is basically cashing the check at this point. You can see it when he's out there. After the way he's been treated he just doesn't give a shit anymore.


Hell I hope he does go to the NWA. The entire X division is made up of guys who probably worship him.

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Rob never really wanted to be in the WWE in the first place. He was planning to go to WCW before they were bought out, but then had no choice except for WWE. I doubt he will leave the WWE because he is making alot from merchandise and ppv bonuses and that is funding his comic book store.

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Guest Retro Rob

They obviously must have some faith in him if they expected an RVD-Kane Cage match to draw in viewers who would otherwise be watching football.

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Guest wwF1587

I hope they have more sense to not let them go... i mean on RAW last night JR (who says alot shit so this probably means nothing) said RVD was the greatest wwe superstar never world champ... that has to mean something right? And the guy is still one of most over guys on RAW (do they listen to the chants) and while he may do better in TNA i still have some hope that once HHH is out of picture he will be champ

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They obviously must have some faith in him if they expected an RVD-Kane Cage match to draw in viewers who would otherwise be watching football.

It didn't work, atleast for me. This is the first year that I have wathced MNF instead of wrestling, other then when the Niners play.

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Hell I hope he does go to the NWA. The entire X division is made up of guys who probably worship him.

I don't get this. From my view, many of the guys in the X Division is doing better stuff than what RVD is doing. I think even a few of the spotmonkeys there sell better than he does, too.

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RVD wasn't planning on going to WCW. He stayed in ECW until the end because he wanted too. He said he had already turned down offers from the WWE, because he made pretty good money in ECW and he assumed his role would be exactly what it currently is in wwe, NOTHING.

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Guest Eddie
RVD wasn't planning on going to WCW. He stayed in ECW until the end because he wanted too. He said he had already turned down offers from the WWE, because he made pretty good money in ECW and he assumed his role would be exactly what it currently is in wwe, NOTHING.

That is not right because i read in WCW.COM in 2001 that had been in contact with RVD

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Source: Torch Newsletter (PWTorch.com)


For quite some time, many internet fans have expressed interest in seeing Rob Van Dam get a title run, due to his connection with the fans. However, it appears such a run (or even a major push to the top of RAW) is unlikely.


Supposedly, RVD has a very egotistical attitude, giving the lockerroom the impression that he thinks he's the best there is. His attitude has also rubbed Vince the wrong way - the one person in WWE whose bad side you definitely do not want to get on. Thus, many feel Vince isn't interested in giving RVD a major push. Additionally, he is considered very weak and one-dimensional in terms of his mic skills, and only has that one true style in the ring, so most feel he's not top-tier material.

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That sounds so fake. I'm sorry, but I hardly ever believe the Torch. They just sound like high school gossip stories. Just like that whole shit 'Anyone who doesn't come to HHH's bachlor party is in BIG trouble!' story.

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Well, I think that RVD (if he resigns with WWE) will eventually get a title run. It'll be a transition run though, mostly just as a reward for signing his contract.


As far as my comment on the X division, the entire X roster is made up of guys doing things that RVD did back in ECW. There isn't an NWA PPV that goes by where I don't see some stuff that RVD did.


Hell in that interview with Jeff Hardy he said it was an honor just to job to RVD.

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Supposedly, RVD has a very egotistical attitude, giving the lockerroom the impression that he thinks he's the best there is. His attitude has also rubbed Vince the wrong way - the one person in WWE whose bad side you definitely do not want to get on. Thus, many feel Vince isn't interested in giving RVD a major push. Additionally, he is considered very weak and one-dimensional in terms of his mic skills, and only has that one true style in the ring, so most feel he's not top-tier material.


Yeah, I'd ask him to tell them to fuck off too

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RVD has never given off an "egotistical" impression before. Then again, maybe he just being an isolationist on purpose in WWE cause he just doesn't fucking care anymore.

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Hell I hope he does go to the NWA.  The entire X division is made up of guys who probably worship him.

I don't get this. From my view, many of the guys in the X Division is doing better stuff than what RVD is doing. I think even a few of the spotmonkeys there sell better than he does, too.

Hey guy, just go watch some old ECW tapes with RVD on it and you'll realize how wrong you are about him.

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Hey guy, just go watch some old ECW tapes with RVD on it and you'll realize how wrong you are about him.

Even still I think he's been passed up by the current group of guys doing this stuff on NWA every week.


Heck, I know I can't be the only person. Keith keeps blowing his load over the Ultimate-X match (which I thought was kind of flawed due to the showstopping problems) and in particular the program from a week ago, but holds off the prasie on the old RVD ECW matches.

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