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SmartMarks Fantasy Hockey?

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:ph34r: Wow... It didn't do half bad. And OH! Look, some free goodies on the market.


*Glomps'em up*


There. That should help. Eck... Felix Potvin? WTF? Man, I know he's probably starting in Boston, but geezus... I'm not sure about him... Then again, I'm not sure about where everyone else is going to be.


Oh well. At least this group I have is a lot better than my fantasy football team.

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My team seems rather crappy. From the looks of it, it's because I had an early pick since I picked up the number 1 rated player, so that screwed me in the later rounds. Of course, I have played fantasy long enough to realize that half of my team will be on the waiver wire by midseason, so I don't really mind.

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Guest gthureson

Ilya Kovalchuk should be good for 35-40 goals and 80-90 pts.


Brendan Morrow you can probably pencil in 20g and 45 pts.


Daniel Briere will depend on what wingers he gets in Buffalo, but he might be good for 30g and 60pts.


Mike Comrie could be good for 30-35 goals and 80 pts if he signs a contract, otherwise he might be sitting out for awhile, than take a while to get the rust off. I'd suggest keeping an eye on that situation and trying to pick up a replacement off the available players list if his holdout continues.


Steve Rucchin is probably good for 20g and 50pts without Kariya on his line. If someone of the younger wingers on the Ducks produce this year (like Christov), he could be good for more. if he plays PP with Federov, he'll probably be good for 60pts easy.


Savard, Sturm and Johnson are all crap shoots. They all have the potential to be quite good, but none have lived up to it yet. They could steal the league for you, they could just suck all year.

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Ilya Kovalchuk should be good for 35-40 goals and 80-90 pts.


Brendan Morrow you can probably pencil in 20g and 45 pts.


Daniel Briere will depend on what wingers he gets in Buffalo, but he might be good for 30g and 60pts.


Mike Comrie could be good for 30-35 goals and 80 pts if he signs a contract, otherwise he might be sitting out for awhile, than take a while to get the rust off. I'd suggest keeping an eye on that situation and trying to pick up a replacement off the available players list if his holdout continues.


Steve Rucchin is probably good for 20g and 50pts without Kariya on his line. If someone of the younger wingers on the Ducks produce this year (like Christov), he could be good for more. if he plays PP with Federov, he'll probably be good for 60pts easy.


Savard, Sturm and Johnson are all crap shoots. They all have the potential to be quite good, but none have lived up to it yet. They could steal the league for you, they could just suck all year.

Ok... I forgot Ilya was out last season late so ya. 90 pts there.


Morrow's alright, but I'm kinda hesistant on him... Oh well. I'll see what I can do with him.


Daniel... I wasn't sure on him, but ya. Your right on that.


Comrie is the one I'm wishing I had taken back. If he misses sometime, I'm screwed. Although, he's apparently skating with Michigan U, so he might not be as rusty. Hopefully he'll be signed heading into the season. If not, I make some slight roster changes.


Hm.. I forgot that Rucchin won't have Kariya (then again, I didn't have him on my predraft) so that would cause some effects.


Yah, I wasn't meaning to draft those three, but my pre-draft didn't draft some of the guys I wanted because they were taken, so I'm banking a lot on them...

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I need some one to evaluate my team.


I know hockey and I know most of the players etc, but I am not indepth like some of you. Football and basketball are my strenghts.

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I need some one to evaluate my team.


I know hockey and I know most of the players etc, but I am not indepth like some of you. Football and basketball are my strenghts.

Let me give a go. Just need to know the team (we should get a listing of who is who in the league).


Choko Says: Dory goody atty hockey smarty~! Canny helpy yous outty~!

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I am The NO MA'AM. 


Every one list who you are so I can post it on the league board.

Most of them are actually listed on the first page. I just happened to check.


Crimson Storm for myself.


Raza and MrRant's teams shall have their reports in a few moments. Half way done with MrRant's team.

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Raz, your team's OK, nothing horrible, but it's not great, either. Your 2 goalies COULD be good, but you never know. Giguere could have a letdown after last year's playoffs, and Cechmanek is, well, Cechmanek, you never really know what to expect from him. He can be great at times, but other times not so much.

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Ok nevermind. I found the team. And Raza, your next.


Evalutation of NO MAAM:


Mike Madano will be your frontlining star. I see him doing better than last year and snagging you at least 30 goals and probably close to 100 pts. Probably just shy of 100.


Patrick Elias will be a nice addition but he'll be off and on as he's playing on NJ. Not to bash NJ at all, but they are the most defensive minded team so I doubt you'll get higher than he had last season in points.


Alex Tanguay might be someone you want to think about letting go. With the recent addition of Selane and Kariya, Tanguay will probably be regulated to the third or fourth line. He's kinda touchy because he could also end up with Selane and Kariya. Wait until you find out where he's playing. If he's not on third or fourth line, then keep him. If he's with Kariya and Selane, never let him go.


Darcy Tucker is a checker that can score. I expect him to dish out the pain more than the output in points. You probably should pick up someone else in exchange for him as there is talent out there that can put up more points then him.


Teemu I'm not even touching. Unless something goes terribly wrong, you'll have a good 70-80 points off of him as he's with Kariya and Colorado.


Slava Kozlov had 70 points last season and I can see him at least above 50 pts again considering he'll most likely be paired up with Ilya and Heatly. As he's a quality center whom the two stars can play off of. At minimum, you'll get a good 50, but I could see close to 75 pts here. His -10 in +/- is a negative though, but should factor in too much.


Jason Blake is a decent player but I believe that there are free agents available (or soon to be) that are probably a little bit better than him. Try looking for a deal to get someone stronger here.


John LeClair is an iffy. When he's healthy, he's a fine addition. But he's had injury plagued seasons and it's really going to be a matter of if you think he's worth the risk of getting injuried along the way.


Derian Hatcher is your leading blueliner. Very solid points wise, and having a +/-, he's a great addition to have. Really strong choice here. He should improve on his 30 pts that he had from last season.


Sandis Ozolinch will get you points as he's very offensive minded, however he isn't too +/- friendly. However, when he's on the powerplay, he sucks up some good points, so keep him about. Also he's gotten defensive minded lately, so he shouldn't be too bad. 40 pts again from him is possible.


Adam Foote while being offensively minded and +/- great, he's deceptively PP unproductive. With only 7 points last season, and highly doubtful to get any points this season, you'll need someone to pick up the slack for him. You'll get 30 points here.


Karl Rachnuck is pretty solid. Good point getter, decent +/-, and gets quite a lot of PP. His 30 points are suprisingly in only 58 games, if he's got more on him, I look for him getting up there to maybe 40 and a couple more PP added in there.


Henrik Sedin isn't too bad, but here I would stress picking up someone else for utility. That doesn't mean you can't keep him, but I consider the Utility spot reserved for PP specialist, +/- God, or whatever else you aren't needing.


Eddy was a smart choice as he'll back stop the Leafs to another 30 game wins. His goals against average is great and his save % is/was Vezina material last season. Expect a repeat preformance from last season.


Roman Turek is a solid choice for a secondary goalie. I see him helping you with goals against average and save %. His problem is that he does play for a team that had problems finding itself last season (that includes him) and has his off nights and on nights. He'll probably be a .500 in wins/losses/ties, and so he will get some points there.


Brent Johnson should rebound from his injury season last year. From what he did play though, he played well enough to be a decent goalie, but wasn't like the Johnson that took a former Blues's goalie job. I expect him to recoup from last season and maybe get you about 25-30 wins, a save precentage near .900, and goals against average around 2.40.


Team Overview:


Positives - Lots of potential, great goaltending. Solid +/-. And also very assist happy. You have trade bait with both Johnson and Turek to get some good returns.


Lows - Not very much goal production, GWG, and PP production isn't as great as some teams in the league. It's a key issue with you and could become a factor in winning some games or losing some.


Overall - Very solid team that has a some key issues to address. Will be a qualified contender to having a good chance at winning this pool.


(Raza's up next)

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I will probably see where I am a few games into the season and make moves from there.


Thanks Flik.


EDIT: I read it as Elk. Sorry.

Edited by MrRant

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Instead of a whole player by player, I'm just picking the cream and worst of the crop for you Raza, as this takes less time.


Evalutation Of Dirty Southerns:


Robert Lang is pretty underrated IMHO as he consistantly has put up 50+ pts a season for a while, and I say that this season will be another one. I'm guessing 60 at least. PP wise, he's a back bencher and with solid +/-, he definitely was a good pick up. 20 goals isn't too shabby and should help him.


Marik Malin is one of the people you can replace. With a low output on offense in both PP and Pts, I think you can probably find someone better.


In goal your only worry is if Check bounces or not. If Check bounces, your screwed.





Positives - Very goal friendly and has strength on the PP. Goaltending will be the biggest thing going for ya.


Lows - Needs a one or two "key" guys that can obtain a little more points on the assist side and points in general. That doesn't mean that your team can't win you games, but I believe one or two "key" guys CAN win you some mroe.


Deceptives - Gets the "key" guy/s and could have a great run. That and if the Check bounces.


Overview: Solid, but has potential to be better and contender worthy. Definitely the sleeper team.

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I will probably see where I am a few games into the season and make moves from there.


Thanks Elk.

It's Flik ya goof. :P


Seriously though, just find a few PP guys and a goal scorer and you've got some good games ahead of you.

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Marik Malin is one of the people you can replace.


I am worried about Satan with his contract talks. So I wasted 2 picks on potential holdouts or busts?


Is it bad when the defender is the leader in points?

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Marik Malin is one of the people you can replace.


I am worried about Satan with his contract talks. So I wasted 2 picks on potential holdouts or busts?


Is it bad when the defender is the leader in points?

No. Some teams have people that will be free agents in mid season so they can also become screw up as well depending on if they stay or get traded.


As for Satan, don't worry. He'll get picked up if he can't get a deal set up. However, you probably want someone off of the bench to replace him for now. He'll be able to help you out a little later on in the season.


Just because he's your main point getter is nothing to be ashamed about. John LeClair probably would be your top scorer if he was healthy last season. So don't worry about it.


Also, as I said, you just need "the guy/s" and you are the sleeper team.


And let's put it into perspective. You get those "guy/s" and you'll be a better team than Rant. And he's definitely contending.

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Well I was going to pick Mike Modano but Mr Rant picked him before I could get to him after the wrap around. Mr Rant actually stole several picks and not just from me :firedevil:

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