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Ten years ago today

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Today is September 13, 2003. It was exactly ten years ago today that Acclaim released Mortal Kombat for the Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy, and Game Gear. Now, some of you may not understand why this is such a big deal, but if you were playing games ten years ago, you remember the impact that this game had on the industry. Sure, it was big in the arcades, but it absolutely exploded when it reached the home consoles. Arguably, this game is what led the game industry towards it's current obsession with "mature" games. Also, it marked it significant milestone in the marketing of games. Mortal Kombat was the first game (that I can remember) where the company actually marketed its launch as an event. I mean, creating hype around its release date in the same way they do for new movie and album releases. Few can forget the incessant hype for "Mortal Monday, September 13, 1993". Nowadays, this is a common practice, but in 1993, it was unheard of. Personally, I remember seeing the ad for Mortal Kombat for the first time in WWF magazine and not caring because I didn't have any of the systems that it was being released for, plus i had no idea what Mortal Kombat was (I was only eight at the time). About two months after the game was released, I actually played it for the first time (the Genesis version). I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. My brother and I got an SNES for Christmas that year, however, and I actually liked the SNES version better than the Genesis MK, unlike just about everyone else in the world. When I was in third grade, it seemed that all anybody ever talked about was Mortal Kombat. Of course, we can't forget about all the hype and controversy in the media over the game's violent content (which is nothing compared to some of today's games) but I was always unwavering in my support of Mortal Kombat. I'm not even a really hardcore MK fan, but the game brings back so many childhood memories that I couldn't help but make this post. Anyone else have memories of "Mortal Monday" and the subsequent national obsession with the game?



By the way, it was also ten years ago today that the Quebecers defeated the Steiners to win their first WWF tag team championship. Plus, in other video game news, it was eighteen years ago that Nintendo unleashed Super Mario Bros. in Japan (it came over to the U.S. the next month).

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Wow, that was a big deal at the time. I was never into fighting games much, but I was always either Jax or Cage when I played MK2. I worked at an arcade at that time and I will never forget the constant phone calls when MK3 was set to come out -- when asked "why hasn't MK3 come out yet at your arcade?" I always made some stupid reason up like "They are having motion-capture-image difficulties with some of the finishing moves..."

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Guest Boo_Bradley


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Guest Mindless_Aggression



For anyone still playing MK for Nintendo, I believe that is the blood code. Sad that I remember that and yet probably don't even remember how to divide at this point.

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Guest Sakura

I remember it well. I actually got it the weekend before though(for Genesis). I have been an uber fan since the arcade release. I am like obsessed.


No matter how much the press would love to rewrite history and downplay MK while saying GTA III created the violence-in-games issue everyone who was around in 93/94 knows that it was MK that did it first and did it better.



Just to show off, here is my kollection of games I own.



Mortal Kombat(SNES)

Mortal Kombat(Genesis)

Mortal Kombat(Sega CD)

Mortal Kombat(PC)

Mortal Kombat(GB)

Mortal Kombat(Arcade)

Mortal Kombat II(SNES)

Mortal Kombat II(Genesis)

Mortal Kombat II(32X)

Mortal Kombat II(Saturn)

Mortal Kombat II(PC)

Mortal Kombat II(GB)

Mortal Kombat II(arcade)

Mortal Kombat 3(SNES)

Mortal Kombat 3(Genesis)

Mortal Kombat 3(PC)

Mortal Kombat 3(PSX)

Mortal Kombat 3(GB)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(SNES)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(Genesis)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(Saturn)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(arcade)

Mortal Kombat Trilogy(PSX)

Mortal Kombat Trilogy(N64)

Mortal Kombat Trilogy(Saturn)

Mortal Kombat Advance(GBA)

Mortal Kombat 4(PSX)

Mortal Kombat 4(N64)

Mortal Kombat 4(GBC)

Mortal Kombat 4(arcade)

Mortal Kombat Gold(DC)

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(PS2)

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(Xbox)

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(GC)

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(GBA)

Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition(GBA)

Mortal Kombat Mythologies(PSX)

Mortal Kombat Mythologies(N64)

Mortal Kombat Special Forces(PSX)

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I got the Genesis one, as well. I remember going to TRU and picking it up at the game center desk and the guy putting over how much it looked like the arcade version. Heh.


GTA III has nothing on MK and Night Trap.

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Guest Askewniverse


For anyone still playing MK for Nintendo, I believe that is the blood code. Sad that I remember that and yet probably don't even remember how to divide at this point.

That code is for the Genesis version, not SNES.


Sakura, that is the biggest damn MK collection that I've ever seen. Your MK II collection alone is larger than the amount of PS2 games that I have.

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Damn, Sakura... You mean you actually have legit copies of all those, plus the arcade machines? If you do have the actual aracade cabinets, how much did they cost you and where did you get them? I've been looking into picking up an arcade game or 2 for my room.


As far as the topic goes, I remember reading about Mortal Monday in my comic books I had back then. I didn't have a Genesis, but I remember getting the original MK for Christmas of 1993 for the SNES (along with SFII Turbo; those were my first 2 fighting games ever). It doesn't seem like 10 years ago, though... time surely does fly by quickly.

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Sakura: The crappy Game Boy games too?




I wasn't into MK until II came out, but I did a report for school about Mortal Monday and Mortal Tuesday. I might re-do one for a marketing class, if they would still allow it--maybe not since it's been ten years since M.M.

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Guest EQ

I have a couple of great videogaming memories thanks to MK.


One time, I was over at my cousin's house and we were playing MK while our parents were in the other room talking. It was the original MK for Genesis. Unfortunately for us, one of my Aunt's friends happened to glance over into the room where we were playing JUST as I did Sub-Zero's fatality. He went back and said something like... "do you have any idea what those kids are playing? The blue guy just tore someone's head off."


My Aunt had a COW

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One of the first games I ever Pre-Ordered. I remember picking it up and everyone in the store was buying the Genesis version (and not the blood free SNES edition, Dumbass move by Nintendo probably cost them alot of sales)


Strange to think of all the controversy around that game, gore wise it's nothing when compared to some of today's games.


Over protective parents are the cause I think, I remember playing the 2 player battle mode of "Double Dragon" at a friends house in the late 80's and having a little flash of blood appear after throwing a knife at someone. My friends' mom saw this and went crazy and took away his NES (and actually brought it back to the store) I can only imagine how his mom would have reacted to Kano pulling out someone's heart or Chainsawing a hooker to death in GTA:VC

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Guest Sakura
Damn, Sakura... You mean you actually have legit copies of all those, plus the arcade machines? If you do have the actual aracade cabinets, how much did they cost you and where did you get them? I've been looking into picking up an arcade game or 2 for my room.

Yeah, legit copies. No pirated crap for me. The machines are the real deal, dedicated cabinets with all the side art....except MK3, which is just the board. I can't find it and I am not going to get some conversion of it. I will find a dedicated one someday. They cost 400-800.


I used to have MK and MK II for Gamegear but I sold them. Someday I'll buy them again at the used game store. I need to get MKT for Game.com too.

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I used to have MK and MK II for Gamegear but I sold them. Someday I'll buy them again at the used game store. I need to get MKT for Game.com too.


Heheh, wow. I actually had one of those battery-chomping Game Bricks at one time. I just saw one of the systems at a flea market (and maybe it is just comparing it to the GBA), but HOLY SHIT that thing is huge for a "portable."


The Gear was pretty fun, but kinda lacking in good games from what I remember.

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This didn't happen on Mortal Monday, but I think I might like to speak on the subject of Mortal Kombat:


Several years ago, I had a friend who I'd play Mortal Kombat I and Mortal Kombat II with over at his house. Well, he had the SNES version of Mortal Kombat I, but his little sister had the bloody and violent Genesis version (ironically enough), though the graphics didn't look right on the Genesis like they did in the Arcade version.

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Guest Sakura

MK1 for Genesis may look like ass, but it does have some things SNES doesn't, like the ending pictures, the bio pictures and the cast jumping out during the credits. Most importantly, the gameplay(even on a 3 button pad) is a LOT faster and more responsive than SNES, or arcade and PC for that matter.

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MK1 for Genesis may look like ass, but it does have some things SNES doesn't, like the ending pictures, the bio pictures and the cast jumping out during the credits. Most importantly, the gameplay(even on a 3 button pad) is a LOT faster and more responsive than SNES, or arcade and PC for that matter.

I was quite shocked how well it worked--the Sega CD version, that is, which is virtually the same. So yeah, I agree.


Dont forget Gunstar heroes.


Yeah, if you could FIND the damn game. However, I already have the Genesis version so I don't feel lacking. :D

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The MK II commercial was fucking tight, that's how the movie should have been done.

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Dont forget Gunstar heroes.


Yeah, if you could FIND the damn game. However, I already have the Genesis version so I don't feel lacking. :D

Genesis and gamegear version here :D


Bought it when it came out.

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Guest The Old Me

That game was great. Damn I feel old.


I'd use scorpion and pull people at me with my harpoon, over and over again. My friends hated me.

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...I miss Comix Zone more than I do MK or any other Genesis game...

I remember when I bought that game, I thought it was as cool as hell when it came with a free CD...I still have it somewhere.

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Gunstar Heroes might just be my favorite Genesis game of all time. I didn't know there was a Game Gear version, though...

It was quite plentifull when it was released but now its the rarest game gear game around.

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